SirNitram wrote:Let's examine this hilarious statement: It wouldn't generate disgust if it wasn't true. Humans have no built-in lie detectors, kid. It can be a cover and it would still work. Provide a reason why it wouldn't work if it was a cover, or shut the fuck up.
It generates disgust because it appeals to their values.
If your point is 'It's impossible to lie about your intentions', you're so laughable pathetic you probably deserve a mercy banning.
The burden of proof obviously lies on you to show that the 150 million Americans who support some amount of restriction on abortion really just want to ban contraception, even though they don't live by those standards in their daily lives.
Bush, the man who sets policy as he just did, is the relevent one in this discussion. Appeal to popularity does not dispose of the factual evidence before us: Various forms of birth control are under attack here.
You are, in short, being a fallacious dick.
If your point is that Bush opposes birth control and abortion, then we're in complete agreement. But that point has nothing to do with what I originally replied to, which is the claim that it has "never been about saving babies".
How could I know that "it" referred just to Bush and not all who support restriction on abortion?
You're of course going to explain how I declared there was a 100% overlap, with a quote.
You said: "Yes folks, it's never been about saving babies. It's been about those sluts, and restricting them. "
When you said "It", I (rightfully) assumed that you meant the entire movement to put restrictions on abortion, and not just GWB.
Hindsight, uh-huh. Maybe if you read the article where it specifically discusses that the government is now setting policy to allow contraception to be refused, before you spew off about 'life at conception'.
I oppose that. My position that all measures to prevent or end pregnancy should be legal before some point in the 2nd trimester is well articulated.
Bullshit. You were never right, and you will never prove that. Only in your head, where lies like 'Well, if they were lying, they wouldn't be supported!' survive, will you think you are right.
That's not my claim at all. My claim is that "Yes folks, it's never been about saving babies. It's been about those sluts, and restricting them", is false.
You're a lying, fallacious cunt who dodges the subject, ignores what was posted, and even lies directly about what's being discussed. You are a troll, or so monumentally stupid you shouldn't come back from your time away from this board.
Our positions on abortion are virtually identical, so I don't see what's worth getting so riled up about.