Yes and I'll link some farther along. However I also have my own personal experiences of many girls I grew up with in school who got pregnant during their teen years with people they didn't have strong relationships with and ended up on welfare. I asked a couple why they didn't use contraception and got various answers. None of them were good ones. They were irresponsible when it came right down to it. Same group of girls had more kids later. Usually different father. They were taught birth control along with the rest of us. Did they apply it? No.Do you have any evidence of this happening in statistically significant numbers? Also, did it ever occur to you that it takes a lot of fucking money to take care of children, and that after you've covered those expenses, there's basically nothing left from the extra welfare bonus?
These women exist and I saw it with my own two eyes. I never suggested there were a statistically LARGE number of women who do this. However after searching the literature, it looks like there may actually be a big number.
Well shove it up your ass then you snot-faced cumrag. I have a right to comment on my experience and I stand by my assertion that these women acted irresponsibly. On top of that, the statistics for repeat abortion below also provide evidence for my point. I already conceded I used a very poor choice of words and then told you exactly what behavior I was trying to specificaly condemn.I'll jump down your throat if I fucking feel like it, you stupid douchenozzle.
Obviously the men shared some blame, but the most common birth control used during the 80's where I lived was the pill so the man had to take it on faith she was on it.
You can believe what you want but I have never shown any indication in the past showing a judgmental attitude towards sex and/or (responsible) promiscuity. I have no sex hang-ups and see nothing whatsoever wrong in engaging in the act itself with one or multiple people, married or not.You're damn right it sounded like you were condemning their promiscuity. That's what "loose" and "slut" mean. And I don't believe for a second that you're not inclined to judge women's sexual morality, because you just did so with that previous remark. But there's no real point in arguing that.
As I said, it was a poor choice of words because it wasn't properly representing the part of their behaviour that I was calling down. Irresponsibility.
Durandel Wrote: anyone tell me where this mythical "loose slut" is who keeps banging men without protection and then running off to get the morning-after pill or a first-trimester abortion on a regular basis is? Does anyone here know any woman who acts this way?
Unfortunately, it doesn't have to be a constant repitition. Sometimes it's enough to throw caution to the winds a couple of times and bang, their pregnant. The point is that many of these girls, DID have the knowledge to prevent conception with birth control methods and chose not to act on it.
Some quotes from the above:
"One million teens in the USA will become pregnant over the next twelve months. Ninety-five percent of those pregnancies are unintended. About one third will end in abortion; one third will end in spontaneous miscarriage; and one third will continue their pregnancy to term and keep their baby."
"Almost half of all teen mothers end up on welfare."
Yes this is undoubtedly true in most cases, and a good thing it is but no one can deny that the statistics above show a great deal of women getting pregnant through unprotected sex. They can't possibly ALL be from condom breakage.Let me clue the perma-virgins into something. It's scary when a girl gets pregnant when she doesn't want to be. Having a condom break on you is scary. Having condom-less sex with a girl who's on birth control but has told you she would not get an abortion if she got pregnant is scary. The whole fucking concept of having a child without intending too is mind-boggling. Take this from someone who's had a couple of close calls. It freaks you the fuck out. I can't imagine how it must feel for the woman, but I'm sure that having one of those close calls is more than enough to scare a woman into insisting on protection from that point on.
Look, I feel sorry for the ones that get into this mess because it IS a very hard decision to have to make and it has serious consequences whatever way they choose to go.
But I am still justified in feelnig the ones that deliberately have children, especially multiple broods when they have no serious relationship and/or rely on the state to look after them are being irresponsible and sucking on the government teat for decades.
Even in my own extended family I have an example. My partner's brother has 3 kids from an earlier relationship. He moved down to New Brunswick and shacked up with a girl he met on the internet. She already had a couple of kids and is on welfare. He's on disabiity. So what did they do? Had another child almost immediately. Guess who's paying for it? Taxpayers. Sadly he's basically abandoned his previous kids which also happened in an unmarried relationship that obviously wasn't strong to begin with.
Ultimately I think it's really shameful to treat conception so lightly. Women should be very concerned about their body as well as the possible future of any child brought into the world.
Metatwaddle Wrote:
I did not make an argument like that. You misinterpreted that from what I was saying. I was pointing out that medical costs that are covered here in Canada are something that every taxpayer foots the bill for. I have a right to judge the usage of said costs. I think it's shameful to be burdening our health care system when we have completely preventable options in birth control, and In any event, here is some more evidence showing you that there ARE a great deal of women out there who are getting pregnant irresponsibly becuse they are doing it more then once.That's why justforfun's "medical coverage removes disincentives to pregnancy!" argument is so transcendentally clueless that you have to wonder if his parents have ever given him The Talk, or if he's ever seen an actual female in real life.
About half of all U.S. women having an abortion have had one previously. This fact—not new, but dramatically underscored in a recent report from the Guttmacher Institute on the characteristics of women having repeat abortions—may surprise and concern some policymakers, even prochoice ones. However, policymakers should be more disturbed by the underlying fact that the unintended pregnancy rate in the United States is so high, and that so many women experience repeat unintended pregnancies. Some of these pregnancies end in abortion and some end in unintended births. Indeed, it is not uncommon for a woman to experience both of these outcomes, as well as one or more planned births, during her lifetime.
Reducing repeat abortion must start with reducing repeat unintended pregnancy, which goes back to the basic challenge of helping women prevent unintended pregnancies in the first place. In that regard, the almost 7,500 family planning clinics across the country certainly are doing their share, given that unintended pregnancy prevention is their primary mission. Beyond that, both abortion providers and providers of services to women giving birth also contribute, since contraceptive counseling and the provision of a birth control method upon request are standard components of high-quality postabortion and postpartum care.