Looking for information regarding Centerpoint Station

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Looking for information regarding Centerpoint Station

Post by Robo Jesus »

I'm looking for as much info as possible regarding it. It's internal volume, what its main power source is, how many peoples live and work within it, what the command stations within it are like, and other things like this.

I've been working on an SW AU plot on and off for about a year or so, and I've got a good two-thirds of the whole plot worked out. I need more detailed info regarding Centerpoint Station though for part of the second story arc, and all the wiki-sites I've visited really haven't told me much beyond "It's ancient, it's over 300km wide and 1000km across, and it can hurl planets around like pool balls while making suns go nova." Things I already knew.

So, can anyone help me here?
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Post by Murazor »

Well. There is the Wookieepedia entry, although you probably know this one already.

I'll try to provide some quotes from the Corellian trilogy.

Something was happening to Star Number TD10036EM-I 271, something that went against all experience, all patterns of stellar mechanics. Strange forces reached out for it, huge and unseen hands manipulated its interior, forcing the internal heat and pressure up to levels that such a star never experienced.
The surface of TD-10036-EM-1271 began to roil more and more violently.
Powerful seismic waves started to pulse through the supercompressed matter at the star's core. Its outer layers began to expand as a result of the increased heat and pressure. It changed in color from yellow to white to blue white to pulsating blue white glaring up into the ultraviolet. And then, quite impossibly, TD-10036-EM-1271 exploded.
The shock-wave shell of energy rushed out into space in all directions, an incredible blast of light and heat that would be plainly visible to the naked eye from a half-dozen inhabited systems when the light from the explosion reached those stars, years or decades later.
But the event did not go unobserved. By something more than chance, an automated probe droid was on hand to witness the explosion. It carefully recorded every detail of the supernova, noting the time, the place, and making a scan of the background stars to confirm the coordinates.
Then it powered down its detection systems and switched on its navicomputer. It headed out of the TD-1OO36-EM-1271 system, out toward where it could safely drop into hyperspace. It dropped out of normal space, and rushed into the dark between the stars. It had an appointment to keep.
"What's Centerpoint Station?" Jaina asked.
"Well, Talus and Tralus are called the Double Worlds because they are just the same size as each other. They orbit around each other. Centerpoint Station is in the balance point. the barycenter, between Talus and Tralus. You get quite a view from there."
Thrackan smiled, but there was nothing warm or happy about his expression. Instead, the smile made him look colder, harsher. He shook his head sadly. "Still the same old Han. Beaten up, dirty, unshaved, a captive fresh from a night in his cell, and still full of the same old tired bluster and bluff." He hesitated a moment, and leaned back in his chair. "There's a very good reason I'm not going to lose," he said. "I've won already. It's all over. The New Republic might be able to cause me some limited trouble, but nothing more. Not unless they want a few inhabited star systems vaporized. Otherwise, they will leave me strictly alone."
Han hesitated a moment before replying. Was there anything behind that claim? There was no doubt that a star had gone supernova, a star that had no business doing any such thing. The League had claimed responsibility, but how could a bunch of ignorant malcontents and thugs manage to blow up a star? "That was a nice parlor trick," Han said.
Luke shook his head. "No," he said. "We're up against something big and organized. We have to assume that an organization that can seal off the entire Corellian star system is capable of monitoring communications, even on secure links. I think we should play it safe and not say anything until we can talk to our people face-to-face.
"You might be right," Lando said. "At any rate, you're right that we're up against something big." Someone or something had placed an interdiction field around the entire Corellian system, produced by using a gravity-well generator to distort the mass lines of realspace.
No hyperdrive could operate inside an interdiction field. No ship inside the field could make the jump to lightspeed, and any craft that passed through the field while in hyperspace would be forced out into normal space. Luke and Lando had discovered the interdiction field when the Lady Luck was abruptly decanted out of hyperspace on the outskirts of the Corellian system, far out enough that the journey in toward the planet of Corellia through realspace would take months at best.
No one had ever managed to generate an interdiction field a hundredth, a thousandth, as large as the Corellian field. Even if Lando and Luke had no other information beyond that, the mere fact of an interdiction field that size was more than enough to justify raising the alarm.
"I was about to say so, but we got a little sidetracked," Lando said evenly. "That's why we never got a chance to learn what was going on in the Corellian system. The field is what kept us from getting there."
"How could that be?" Ackbar demanded.
"The field isn't just near Corellia. It completely surrounds the Corellian planetary system," Luke explained.
"What? That's impossible!" Ackbar said. "No one has ever managed to generate a field that large."
"That's exactly what I thought," Lando replied. "But it's there, nevertheless. We were knocked out of hyperspace about twenty light-hours out from Corell, Corellia's star. And it's not just a big field. It's a powerful one.It nearly blew out the safeties on the Lady Luck's hyperdrive."
Luke looked to Ackbar and Mon Mothma. "Wait a second. If you don't know about the interdiction field, why are we here?"
"It's very simple," Mon Mothma said. "We have lost all-and I repeat, all communication with the Corellian planetary system.
"Communicator silence?" Lando asked. "Maybe, if there's some sort of military situation going on, Governor-General Micamberlecto decided to order a blackout."
"Things would have to be pretty grim for that to be plausible," Ackbar said, "but I'm afraid even that is a highly optimistic interpretation. It's not a blackout. It's jamming. System-wide jamming of all communications in and out of the Corellian planetary system."
Lando let out a low whistle. "Whoever is behind all this is not shy about thinking big."
"On another subject, I can now report that moments before this meeting, we pinpointed the exact source of the jamming and the interdiction field. Not surprisingly, they are both coming from the same place. More surprisingly, that place is Centerpoint Station."
"Where?" Gaeriel asked.
"Centerpoint Station. I'm not surprised the name isn't familiar to you. It's not very well known outside the system. It is a very large space station that sits in the barycenter, or balance point, between the Double Worlds of Tralus and Talus. Put another way, it occupies the point in space about which both of those worlds revolve."
"I must say that news surprises me a great deal," said Ossilege.
"I assumed that the interdiction field was so powerful that it had to be coming from a ground-based source. How could a space station be large enough to generate that much subspace energy?"
"Centerpoint is a very large installation," Kalenda said. "That being said, I would agree that we can't see how it could be generating or controlling the field. But it is comparable in size to a Death Star, and, I believe, much more massive. And it seems to be putting out one hell of a lot of power. Far more than is indicated in any of the historical records we have, for what that is worth. It's like it's come alive after being dormant."
"If it controls the jamming and the interdiction field, then Centerpoint Station is the key to this whole system," Ossilege said. "May we see some imagery of it?"
Kalenda punched in the proper commands, and a holographic image of the station appeared over the table.
The main body of the station was a massive gray-white sphere.
Long fat cylinders, covered with all sorts of piping and hardware and antennae, extended from either side of the sphere, with the whole system spinning on its long axis. "The main sphere is a shade over a hundred kilometers in diameter. From end to end, the whole station is about three hundred fifty kilometers in length.
It's so old that it has to spin to provide artificial gravity.
It predates the invention of our form of artificial gravity, and no one knows who invented that, or how long ago."
"Interesting. Very interesting indeed. But why put the interdiction generators and the jamming equipment on a space station? No matter how large it is, wouldn't you agree that a space station would be intrinsically more difficult to defend than a planet-based installation?"
"In many ways, yes, sir."
"And yet. And yet. Our opponents can read a positional display as well as we can. They must know that we have instruments capable of charting the interdiction field and locating its origin point. And they must know as well as we do that the control of the interdiction field is vital to their plans. And yet there is no indication of any effort that I am aware of to protect this Centerpoint Station."
None of that would have done anyone much good, but for one other fact-Lando had given her a radionics communications set. The radionics set did not use any of the standard comlink frequencies, but instead sent and received messages on a modulated carrier wave in the radio band of the electromagnetic spectrum. The radionics signals were completely immune to the system-wide jamming, and were likewise completely undetectable to anyone using comlink equipment. The downside was that like all other forms of electomagnetic radiation-infrared, visual light, ultraviolet, gamma ray, X ray, and so on-radio band radiation traveled at the speed of light. Tendra's messages to Lando, and his replies, therefore likewise crawled along at the speed of light, and were highly susceptible to interferenee.
Kalenda had wanted better numbers from Source T. If she had gotten good, hard data from Source T about the types of ships she had seen at Sacorria, she would have some idea of what might be lying in wait inside Centerpoint. For that matter, Centerpoint might not even need ships to defend itself. She had spotted fifty or sixty points on the exterior of the station that might be weapons ports. The station was an incredible amalgam of familiar and alien, modern and ancient. There was no way to know how long a given object had been there, or who had built it, or if it still operated.
She ran the images across her scan screen, one after the other. Armored portals and hemispherical blisters, long cylindrical objects on what looked like aiming platforms, attached to complicated plumbing and wiring. Some of them might be massive covered-over turbolascr sites. And those Phalanxes of dark circular openings. Some could be missile batteries. And some might be refueling stations or docking facilities for refreshment bars. There was no way to tell.
Centerpoint Station consisted of a huge sphere, a hundred kilometers across, with a massive cylinder stuck to each pole of the sphere. The station was roughly three hundred kilometers from end to end, and rotated slowly around the axis defined by the two polar cylinders. To judge by looking at the entire exterior surface, it had been built almost at random over the millennia.
Boxy things the size of large buildings, pipes and cables and tubes of all sizes running in all directions, parabolic antennae and strange patterns of conical shapes sprouted everywhere. Luke spotted what seemed to be the remains of a spacecraft that had crashed into the exterior hull and then been welded in place and made into living quarters of some sort. At least it looked that way. It seemed like a rather ad hoc way to add living space-and adding living space seemed more than a bit redundant for something the size of Ccnterpoint.
And yet none of that spoke of the real size of the thing. It was, after all, the size of a small moon-by some standards, maybe even the size of a largish one. Luke had been on worlds smaller than this station. This station was large enough to be a world, large enough to contain all the myriad complexities, all the variety, all the mystery of a world. Large enough that it would take a long time indeed to get from one end of it to the other. Large enough that you could live your whole life there without seeing all of it. That was Luke's definition of a world: a place too large for one person to experience in a lifetime.
Luke watched her as she came closer. She was an attractive-looking woman with a long, thin face, thick black curly hair that reached to her shoulders, and prominent, expressive eyebrows. She looked worried as she came toward them, her eyes moving from one member of the party to the next. But then the worried look faded away to be replaced by one of pure bafflement as she looked upward.
"How are you doing that?" she asked. "And why?"
"Huh?" Luke asked, and looked up himself. "Oh!" He had nearly forgotten that Artoo was still hanging in midair. If he had lost any more concentration, Artoo would have crashed to the deck. Distracted by the sight of their hostess's arrival, it would seem that Artoo had forgotten it himself. Luke willed Artoo to move down and landed him gently on the deck. "It's sort of a long story," he said.
"I'll be!," the young woman said, giving Luke a long, hard, quizzical look. "Well, anyway. I'm Jenica Sonsen, C-point COO Ad-Op."
"What?" Luke asked.
Sonsen sighed. "Sorry. Force of habit. Centerpoint Chief Operations Officer, Administration and Operations. Basically, I run the place, these days. The C-point CE declared a bug-out right after the first major flare incident, and the whole Exec Sec evaced along with practically all the C-point civpop. I wish I could get out of here, but I was OOD when the bug was called, so regs said I was stay-behind."
More as I find it, although I guess that this is enough for a start.
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Post by Solauren »

Actually, in terms of technical details, there's not much, confirmed, beyond what you already know.

One of the theroes behind it, from Lando, is that it might be able to connect to the Planetary Repulsors on the other planets in the corellia system for increased power.

It's original function seems to have been the construction of the Corellia System itself. Lando mentioned that he thinks the power needed to pull a planet through hyperspace using a hyperspace repulsor was around the same as it would take to make a star go bomb using a repulsor shot. (He just didn't have the numbers on him to back that up).

So, it's a giant space station that can shot repuslor beams through space for the purpose of moving planets and blowing up stars, and is capable of generating solar system sized interdiction fields. Possibly over a much larger area.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Now, why exactly is it that they didn't use Centerpoint to end the Vong invasion in about 15 minutes?
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Post by Isolder74 »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Now, why exactly is it that they didn't use Centerpoint to end the Vong invasion in about 15 minutes?
They tried and ended up wiping out the Hapan Fleet.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Isolder74 wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:Now, why exactly is it that they didn't use Centerpoint to end the Vong invasion in about 15 minutes?
They tried and ended up wiping out the Hapan Fleet.
Right, the absurd nerfing of 'Only Anakin Solo can fire the gun'. That whole scene pissed me off. Anakin needed to cowboy up and save the goddamn galaxy, like his father would've done.
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Post by DesertFly »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:
Isolder74 wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:Now, why exactly is it that they didn't use Centerpoint to end the Vong invasion in about 15 minutes?
They tried and ended up wiping out the Hapan Fleet.
Right, the absurd nerfing of 'Only Anakin Solo can fire the gun'. That whole scene pissed me off. Anakin needed to cowboy up and save the goddamn galaxy, like his father would've done.
Or his grandfather. Or grandmother. Or great-grandmother, for that matter. That pussification pissed me off.
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Post by CaptainChewbacca »

Anakin Solo's great-grandmother is... who? Shmi Skywalker?
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Post by DesertFly »

CaptainChewbacca wrote:Anakin Solo's great-grandmother is... who? Shmi Skywalker?
Yes. And I have no trouble picturing her pulling the trigger on Centerpoint if she was in that position. Underneath that warm, matronly exterior beats the cold, calculating heart of a killer. :P
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Post by Robo Jesus »


Thanks guys. This sort of info is exactly what I needed.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Isolder74 wrote:
CaptainChewbacca wrote:Now, why exactly is it that they didn't use Centerpoint to end the Vong invasion in about 15 minutes?
They tried and ended up wiping out the Hapan Fleet.
There wouldn't have been any problems if Jacen (curse his name) didn't go all wussy and convinced Anakin not to act.
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Post by Uraniun235 »

Wait, are you guys saying that a dude refused to shoot the weapon because he didn't want to kill the invasion force?
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Uraniun235 wrote:Wait, are you guys saying that a dude refused to shoot the weapon because he didn't want to kill the invasion force?
Anakin was convinced by Jacen not to take the shot, then Thracken Sal_Soo, pushed him away and took the shot himself. The end result was that half the attacking fleet was destroyed but also a couple of Fondor's moons were blown up and three quarters (three 'fourths' according to the book :x ) of the defending Hapan fleet also went down,

Also remember Anakin at this point was about fifteen. He shouldn't be taking any shots at all. This is what is called 'child soldiery' and is generally frowned up.
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Post by Ender »

Crazedwraith wrote:
Uraniun235 wrote:Wait, are you guys saying that a dude refused to shoot the weapon because he didn't want to kill the invasion force?
Anakin was convinced by Jacen not to take the shot, then Thracken Sal_Soo, pushed him away and took the shot himself. The end result was that half the attacking fleet was destroyed but also a couple of Fondor's moons were blown up and three quarters (three 'fourths' according to the book :x ) of the defending Hapan fleet also went down,

Also remember Anakin at this point was about fifteen. He shouldn't be taking any shots at all. This is what is called 'child soldiery' and is generally frowned up.
So him shooting a weapon that ends the war then and there is frowned upon and thus should not be done, but him running around shooting and lightsabering hundreds of enemy infantry, or shooting down enemy starfighters, that's a-Ok?
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Ender wrote:
Crazedwraith wrote:
Uraniun235 wrote:Wait, are you guys saying that a dude refused to shoot the weapon because he didn't want to kill the invasion force?
Anakin was convinced by Jacen not to take the shot, then Thracken Sal_Soo, pushed him away and took the shot himself. The end result was that half the attacking fleet was destroyed but also a couple of Fondor's moons were blown up and three quarters (three 'fourths' according to the book :x ) of the defending Hapan fleet also went down,

Also remember Anakin at this point was about fifteen. He shouldn't be taking any shots at all. This is what is called 'child soldiery' and is generally frowned up.
So him shooting a weapon that ends the war then and there is frowned upon and thus should not be done, but him running around shooting and lightsabering hundreds of enemy infantry, or shooting down enemy starfighters, that's a-Ok?
Did I say I approved of that? The Solo kids shouldn't have been piloting or ground fighting wars either. In fact Jedi treatment of their Padawans is quite reprehensible, taking them on dangerous missions at pretty much any stage of their training.

Furthor more, the destruction of that one fleet wouldn't have ended the war right their and then anyway. The Vong had plenty more. And their was a defensive fleet there already which was quite extensive. How about letting those professionals do their jobs rather than taking potshots with superweapons?
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Crazedwraith wrote:Did I say I approved of that? The Solo kids shouldn't have been piloting or ground fighting wars either. In fact Jedi treatment of their Padawans is quite reprehensible, taking them on dangerous missions at pretty much any stage of their training.

Furthor more, the destruction of that one fleet wouldn't have ended the war right their and then anyway. The Vong had plenty more. And their was a defensive fleet there already which was quite extensive. How about letting those professionals do their jobs rather than taking potshots with superweapons?
As much as you would like to stick to your principles rather stringently, Anakin happened to be the only person that could operate the station as it was genetically keyed to him. Sal-Solo's manhandling of the weapon led it to be inoperable.

Regardless, the destruction of the Vong fleet then would have bought valuable time for the New Republic.
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Post by Havok »

Crazedwraith wrote:Did I say I approved of that? The Solo kids shouldn't have been piloting or ground fighting wars either. In fact Jedi treatment of their Padawans is quite reprehensible, taking them on dangerous missions at pretty much any stage of their training.
What exactly is so reprehensible about it? An average Padawan is far better equipped to handle the dangers of the galaxy than an average adult male or even an average soldier.

It also seems pretty clear that most of an entire galaxy doesn't have a problem with the age of Jedi.

This isn't modern day Earth, where we coddle our children into their 20s and think they are complete fucking idiots.
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Post by Ender »

havokeff wrote:What exactly is so reprehensible about it? An average Padawan is far better equipped to handle the dangers of the galaxy than an average adult male or even an average soldier.

It also seems pretty clear that most of an entire galaxy doesn't have a problem with the age of Jedi.

This isn't modern day Earth, where we coddle our children into their 20s and think they are complete fucking idiots.
You are right, the revulsion of child soldiers is because we coddle our children, not because war fucks up grown adults so the scarring on children is much more horrific. It is because we think kids are "complete fucking idiots", not because a child cut down is a waste of their potential. Clearly we are the fucked up ones for thinking there is a difference between letting a grown man go off to fight and taking a child who has no idea what they are getting into, who has never had a chance to live, who could do so much more, and sending them off to die.

Clearly child soldiers are a perfectly fine idea, and not, you know, a war crime or anything.
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Post by Havok »

Ender wrote:
havokeff wrote:What exactly is so reprehensible about it? An average Padawan is far better equipped to handle the dangers of the galaxy than an average adult male or even an average soldier.

It also seems pretty clear that most of an entire galaxy doesn't have a problem with the age of Jedi.

This isn't modern day Earth, where we coddle our children into their 20s and think they are complete fucking idiots.
You are right, the revulsion of child soldiers is because we coddle our children, not because war fucks up grown adults so the scarring on children is much more horrific. It is because we think kids are "complete fucking idiots", not because a child cut down is a waste of their potential. Clearly we are the fucked up ones for thinking there is a difference between letting a grown man go off to fight and taking a child who has no idea what they are getting into, who has never had a chance to live, who could do so much more, and sending them off to die.

Clearly child soldiers are a perfectly fine idea, and not, you know, a war crime or anything.
Yeah, because I wasn't talking about Jedi Padawans. :roll:
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Post by Crazedwraith »

havokeff wrote:
Ender wrote: Clearly child soldiers are a perfectly fine idea, and not, you know, a war crime or anything.
Yeah, because I wasn't talking about Jedi Padawans. :roll:
Jedi Padawans are assigned a Master at age 12 and from there on go on mission with them. Aren't there supposed to be 14 year old causalities at the Battle of Geneosis?
Last edited by Crazedwraith on 2008-07-19 07:37pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Darth Raptor »

Moral philosophy in the GFFA seems pretty fucked up across the board. Child combatants among the Jedi are just one of the more salient examples.
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Post by Ender »

havokeff wrote:
Ender wrote:
havokeff wrote:What exactly is so reprehensible about it? An average Padawan is far better equipped to handle the dangers of the galaxy than an average adult male or even an average soldier.

It also seems pretty clear that most of an entire galaxy doesn't have a problem with the age of Jedi.

This isn't modern day Earth, where we coddle our children into their 20s and think they are complete fucking idiots.
You are right, the revulsion of child soldiers is because we coddle our children, not because war fucks up grown adults so the scarring on children is much more horrific. It is because we think kids are "complete fucking idiots", not because a child cut down is a waste of their potential. Clearly we are the fucked up ones for thinking there is a difference between letting a grown man go off to fight and taking a child who has no idea what they are getting into, who has never had a chance to live, who could do so much more, and sending them off to die.

Clearly child soldiers are a perfectly fine idea, and not, you know, a war crime or anything.
Yeah, because I wasn't talking about Jedi Padawans. :roll:
So how does the fact that a 13 year old can hurl around tons of metal at the flick of a wrist change the fact that they are 13 fucking years old?

Oh, and fuckhead? Here is one of those Jedi Padawans the Republic sent to war like you advocate and defend.
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Post by Swindle1984 »

We're talking about a galaxy that can't be bothered putting guardrails on walkways suspended over seemingly bottomless pits, has multi-ton doors that slam shut in less than a second with no warning and no apparent system to stop it from splattering anyone dumb enough to be standing in the way, and handheld weaponry with firepower equivelent to a Mk.19 full-auto grenade launcher is common.

Social Darwinism seems to rule the Star Wars galaxy, and nobody really seems to see anything wrong with it.

Besides, during the Roman Empire twelve year olds were recruited into the army, given the opportunity to discharge at age twenty, and then married to twelve year old girls who ceremonially burned all their childhood possessions when they went to live with their much older husbands.

During the medieval period and the 18th and 19th centuries in America, young boys in their early teens were expected to begin taking over work for their fathers or learning a trade and were fully independent by their late teens or early twenties. Most of what they did, especially in the medieval period and on the frontier in the later centuries, would be considered extremely dangerous by today's standards. Shit, children worked as prostitutes in Victorian England and smoked pipes in 19th century America.

My friend's father bought his first gun, a .22-caliber derringer, when he was twelve. Walked into a hardware store with twenty dollars, bought it and a box of ammunition, walked to the park and shot cans with it until he got tired and went home. A policeman spotted him with it on his way home and stopped him, took him back to the hardware store, and bought him a holster for it so he wouldn't lose it.

It's only fairly recently that we've been treating minors as complete and total dumbasses incapable of behaving responsibly or thinking things through. If you coddle someone for the first twenty years of their life and treat them like small children in terms of responsibility and what they can do, then they're going to be stuck in that mode of behavior. That's why you see so many kids in high school and college who are total dumbasses. That's all anyone ever expected from them, so that's what they give you. If they had had to work for a living, were expected to be personally responsible for their behavior and themselves, and were raised with a definite sense of purpose, then they wouldn't be braindead slackers who always expect mommy and daddy to bail them out when they do something stupid.

And don't even start with "child labor laws" or "endangerment" or "child abuse" bullshit; that's not what I'm talking about.

A padawan is trained his entire life for one purpose, to be a Jedi. When he is apprenticed to a master, he is receiving hands-on training on a daily basis. Is this training sometimes dangerous, or even deadly? Yes. Just like their daily job will be when they become a Jedi. If they never face any sort of danger in their training, then they won't be prepared for it when they're on their own and have nobody to step in and kiss their booboos for them.
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Post by Crazedwraith »

Swindle1984 wrote: A padawan is trained his entire life for one purpose, to be a Jedi. When he is apprenticed to a master, he is receiving hands-on training on a daily basis. Is this training sometimes dangerous, or even deadly? Yes. Just like their daily job will be when they become a Jedi. If they never face any sort of danger in their training, then they won't be prepared for it when they're on their own and have nobody to step in and kiss their booboos for them.
Bullshit. Rather than taking them out into the Galaxy when they're twelve. You can train them in house until their at least approaching adulthood. Say 18, and then let them join up with a master for advanced on the job training.

You don't take 14 year olds into an area where they're out numbered hundreds to one by deadly killer robots.
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Post by Ender »

Look at all those useless words.

I am very curious as to why you feel we should emulate the Roman Empire in behavioral practices, and how child soldiers do not constitute "endangerment" or "child abuse". Also, why these concepts are apparently bullshit.

By all means, explain why it is wrong to treat the creation and use of child soldiers as a war crime and heap disgust upon it accordingly.
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