nBSG: Caprica Trailer

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nBSG: Caprica Trailer

Post by Admiral Valdemar »

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Post by DocHorror »

Well that looks shit.
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Post by Dahak »

DocHorror wrote:Well that looks shit.
I concur...
Doesn't look too promising.
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Post by Admiral Valdemar »

Fixed the link. And I have to say, it's not what I expected. It kind of looks like a cross between Blade Runner and The Sixth Day.
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Post by Crossroads Inc. »

IS this supposed to be part of the BSG world? Where are my spaceships? SPACESHIPS!
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Post by Zac Naloen »

Looks inspired by the outer limits in a big way.

I suppose we'll see, I don't think it's going to appeal to traditional BSG fans too much...
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Post by Ohma »

So the skinjobs existed before the first war? Well that's unnecessarily convoluted.
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Post by FaxModem1 »

That trailer looks.....disappointing. If were going to have a show about the first Cylon War and its leading up to it. I don't want skinjobs, I want the 'by your command' ones. Do we really need even more soap opera style show about mourning someone's loved ones?

Frankly, Its pretty much BSG in name only, oh wait, it doesn't even have that.
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Post by Darth Tanner »

What a shit trailer. Not a single piece of action, not a single cylon and not a single reason why I'd want to watch the program.

I was expecting an in-depth look at the creation of the cylons and the ethical and political reasoning behind their revolt before a full scale war series about the first cylon war. Not a bunch of shit about some crappy imitation of AI with a guy called Adama in it to justify putting Battlestar Galactica on the cover.
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Post by Starglider »

Crap. This is entirely focused on magnifying the single thing I hated most about neoBSG; the ridiculously humanlike cylons who were really just human clones with some minor gene tweaks.
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Post by Darth Tanner »

cylons who were really just human clones with some minor gene tweaks.

I never understood why the skinjobs were undetectable when they had superior strength, didn't need to breath, had the capacity to make their spinal column glow and were transmitting high-powered signals over multiple light years.

Seriously though, when they went to all that trouble to make the CGI models for Razor of the old style cylons why the hell wouldn't they use them in favour of just normal actors. Are DVD sales that low.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

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Post by Soontir C'boath »


Only thing that caught my eye was the hispanic and that was because he was in Burn Notice.
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Post by Darth Onasi »

It be gone. What kind of asshole makes a copyright claim on a fucking trailer anyway?
Though if what I'm hearing is true.. skinjobs? What? That's a joke right? I want toasters. Toasters! I was hoping we'd see the I-L Series too. Oh well.
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Post by Starglider »

Darth Tanner wrote:I never understood why the skinjobs were undetectable when they had superior strength
Marginally. They didn't have an overwhelming advantage over humans. My guess is that they just maintained peak muscle tone all the time without requiring the constant exercise regime Olympic athletes need.
didn't need to breath,
Where do you get that from? Tyrol handled decompression a bit better than Cally but he was clearly still incapacitated by it. Of course they have to breathe - nothing even remotely like human physiology would work if they didn't.
had the capacity to make their spinal column glow
Yeah, they had some phototranscievers spliced into their nervous systems, big deal.
were transmitting high-powered signals over multiple light years.
We don't know how FTL comms work in BSG. It may not require high power at all; some sci-fi FTL comms schemes rely on (misunderstandings of) quantum entanglement or microwormholes, which require negligable power and space. My guess would be that the residual 'silica pathways' are there solely to measure and log neuron structure and activity, since cyclons seem to think exactly like humans save for some controlled mental illnesses (halucinations, mental blocks - both more like human psychosis than computer software). In fact I would not be surprised if in the prequel the 'silica pathways' are first used to initialise a cloned vat-grown brain with a recorded neural pattern, then stay in place as a diagnostic mechanism. The 'upload on biological death' functionality would be a logical progression from that.
Seriously though, when they went to all that trouble to make the CGI models for Razor of the old style cylons why the hell wouldn't they use them in favour of just normal actors. Are DVD sales that low.
I imagine the writers are under the delusion that soapy emo shit is more in demand than robot uprisings. Or maybe they just think that if they did that, it would compare poorly to Will Smith in 'I, Robot' :P
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Post by Imperial Overlord »

Where are my shiny chrome killbots? For the love of the gods, why won't someone give my my shiny chrome killbots? :(
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Post by Darth Onasi »

Imperial Overlord wrote:Where are my shiny chrome killbots? For the love of the gods, why won't someone give my my shiny chrome killbots? :(
Shiny chrome killbots have no place in "sophisticated sci-fi drama" (i.e. pretentious overstuffed emo drivel), it seems.
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Post by Themightytom »

maybe it will at least have a cylon car that can jump over things and turn into a boat.

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Post by Stormin »

Why do I have such a strong urge to say it's a fake made with windows movie maker, footage from some obscure European show and a voice-over?
Self delusion? Probably. I think I'll give it a pass until I start hearing good things about it.
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Post by Darth Onasi »

Well I've watched it now and... what the hell was that? I thought I was watching a trailer for A.I. 2 ot something.
How can they even call that anything related to BSG? Looks more like a redux of Galactica 1980, only with DRAMA!

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I want toasters!!!
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Post by Anguirus »

I was cautiously intrigued by the first stuff I started hearing about Caprica, but it doesn't seem to mesh well with the nBSG backstory. The preview makes it pretty explicit that there are previously-unknown skinjobs in it, which makes no sense. That said, it does fit fairly well with what I already knew so I'm guessing it's genuine.
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
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Post by Darth Tanner »

Marginally. They didn't have an overwhelming advantage over humans.
Tory could throw Cali across the deck like a doll and No. 6 can snap a babies neck without even the faintest effort. I'd say that was rather impressive. Also No. 6 and most of the other cylons are hardly visibly muscular.
Where do you get that from?
When Leoben is being water tortured by starbuck he's smiling while under the water. Although admittedly they could simply have much greater lung capacity than us.
Yeah, they had some phototranscievers spliced into their nervous systems, big deal.
Some? Her spine lit up like a Christmas tree and a simple X-ray can't detect that?

We don't know how FTL comms work in BSG
True, although we don't expressly know they even have FTL comms. Regardless of that however a signal must still be transmitted at all times from some form of transmission equipment, both of which should still be easily detectable.

Also I'd forgotten about the fact they have a computer port in their wrist!
I imagine the writers are under the delusion that soapy emo shit is more in demand than robot uprisings.
Their market research team should be shot. With piranha.
Why do I have such a strong urge to say it's a fake made with windows movie maker
That would make an awful lot of sense to me, the production values on this seem ridiculously low.

I'm might think they have created an awful trailer on purpose to rile the fanbase up and then give us the toasters they had all along and pretend to be listening to the public. Like New Coke.
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Post by Anguirus »

^ I have a feeling that's foolish optimism. The trailer shows scenes very similar to those described in a leaked outline awhile back. I just thought that the "revived people" were some kind of online avatars and not physical.

Also note that the trailer will only be showing stuff from the pilot, which only coins the term "Cylon" at the very end. Series stuff is likely to show more traditional Cylons, unless they throw the baby out with the backwater and redo the WHOLE backstory. Which in light of "Razor" seems unlikely.
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This is the guy they want to use to win over "young people?" Are they completely daft? I'd rather vote for a pile of shit than a Jesus freak social regressive.
Here's hoping that his political career goes down in flames and, hopefully, a hilarious gay sex scandal.
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Post by Sarevok »

Tanner :

Skinjobs are definitely different from humans. The reason they are hard to detect is the Galactica was a battlestar not a science facility. They barely had enough doctors aboard. It took Gaius Baltar's genius to improvise with the ragtag materials they had at hand. A proper facility in the colonies could have easily detected the skinjobs if they actually tested some of them.
I have to tell you something everything I wrote above is a lie.
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