Well, one thing, if Wong was in first year engineering then he was the valedictorian of his high school. But I mean, why doesn't it? What about someone who never got anything but an A+ in high school (and by that I mean a GOOD high school, or a prep school not one where someone graduates without being able to solve for X in 4x + 2= 10? There's a prep school here in my town which is the one of the top in the country and kids there do pretty good in college, one even in my public high school I went to got accepted to Harvard, and she the valedictorian of the class before me.And while this high school student may not be brilliant because he isnt university educated yet, i soon will be. Also I am at the top of my class in physics, chemistry, and calc. So if I am a dumbass, id hate to think what the rest of highschoolers are.
You're quite an arrogant little high school kid, aren't you? You really think that your feeble little high school class valedictorian crap means anything? Every single person in first-year UW engineering was at the top of his high school class. Three quarters of these guys failed out before the end of the program. Being at the top of your high school class means nothing.
By the way- I still remember Richie's Rich's real name, if anyone can get tell me I'll be their slave for a week- not!