Plekhanov wrote:Verhoeven & Neumeier hit their target with SST1, the thing which pisses Heinlein fanboys off is that they were aiming to satirise Heinlein's fascistic vision instead of aiming to worshipfully adapt SST in the way the fanboys wanted.
I love it how SST-haters call it "fascist" at every turn. I assume that you will now provide full quotes and circumstances showing racism, extreme nationalism, totalitarianism, the Mass Party, adherence to the
Führerprinzip et cetera. Or are you the kind of moron who simply likes to use "fascist" as a slur for everything right-of-centre you do not like, from neo-Nazis to George W. Bush to patrolling officers who hand you traffic tickets?
Plekhanov wrote:You know if I'd actually said 'democracy' instead of 'liberal democracy' (with equal emphasis on both words) you might almost have a point.
Then you admit that the Federation is not fascist, or even dictatorial? That is an improvement.
Yes and? What's so great about Heinlein not endorsing race slavery or a male only franchise?
Um, the fact that he wrote a multicultural, non-racist, non-sexist novel at a time when PC was not yet around, military academies did not yet accept women and blacks did not in practice hold the vote in large parts of his country? Does the word "context" mean anything to you?
Well that was relevant

I don't recall anyone, least of all myself arguing that all forms of democracy work in all circumstances simply that Heinlein spent a lot of time bitching about how much he disliked the liberal democracy he was living in.
This makes his book fascist how? Or relevant its portrayal as Nazi Germany In Space? Above all, what gave Verhoeven the right to butcher it like he did, and then claim that he
did show the Federation as Heinlein intended it? He merely had an axe he wished to grind cheaply. Normally, I frown on that kind of book or film.