Saxtonite wrote:Illuminatus Primus wrote:(like, "well since galactic-scale invasion fleets can cross to SW, how there's been now systematic exploration, contact, trade, or invasion by SW powers to other galaxies?"
it was because the people in the Star Wars Galaxy were superstitious about the area of space around the galaxy that was hard to pass through in hyperspace-likely the same mental thought that made people think the world is flat in this galaxy.
And that makes sense how? The explorers of Earth's past were limited by technology and economic considerations, not superstition (indeed, science had mostly discredited the "Flat Earth" idea already in Columbus's time); once the other factors had been dealt with, conservatism did not hold them back.
- if that never happens, the question never gets poised, similar to the problem with the armies of autonomous battle droids in the PT, begging the question why anyone ends up bothering with organics at all).
Because they were horrible in wars against living troops, right?
Ehm, no. While an individual B1 'droid was
slightly worse than a clone (a fact that seldom applied to other models, at that), the costs (in time and money) for manufacture and programming, as opposed to raising living armies, were also much lower, enabling their leaders to swamp their enemies. There are also obvious factors such as co-ordination, psychology, home-front morale,
et cetera, that speak in the favour of 'droid armies.
(Others can probably explain this better than I, but those are the basics.)