Or they don't care about reproduction or any children (or hate the children they create). They just don't give a fuck about anything as "they don't have anything to live for" and nothing tying them down, so they go crazy. Remember that joke on the show The Boondocks about Nigga Moments. here's the link for those ignorant
And this kids, is a textbook case of confusion between proximate vs. ultimate causation. No one save for biologists like me go around actually thinking about maximizing their fitness. However, people DO act in a given environment in a way conducive to doing just that. Proximate mechanisms like who hates who, are window dressing
but offspring in their mind would tend to be an impediment to their life, however. And they would not need to really fight over mates, there's plenty of them.
There are. And yet you still find insane levels of domestic abuse. What you are saying is akin to saying that Elephant Seals shouldnt fight over mates because there are plenty of them. It is silly.
In different environments there are different male phenotypes that females find attractive. In stable environments, they tend to go for males that are more able to provide for offspring in the long term. They seek reduction o variance and dependability. The wealthier the male the better. Genes in these cases matter less, provided there are no obvious defects like poor facial symmetry, or susceptability to disease (and yes, females can tell)
In unstable environments with relatively low life expectancy, females select mates (I use this term loosely BTW. Male-male competition rises in importance compared to overt female choice...but not cryptic female choice) based upon social status, and physical characteristics. Actual wealth matters less because the male will probably be dead soon. The female in this case is looking for good genes, and protection from other males.
Males in both environments are trying to maximize their fitness by having children with as many females as possible, and avoiding infidelity on the part of their mates (Females are unfaithful for a variety of reasons, including increasing genetic diversity in her offspring, trying to get out of an unstable environment by mating with a wealthy male, or mating with a more dominant male to gain his protection)
In order to avoid protecting or provisioning offspring that are not theirs, males have several strategies. Topping up sperm hanging out in cervical mucous (insert diatribe about sperm competition) spousal abuse (most commonly triggered by perceived infidelity, or resource/social status strain which itself triggers infidelity in females) and mate guarding (mmm possessive males)
But if I dont stop this tangent I will write a book in a BBS post. Bear in mind, I am an evolutionary biologist that specializes in animal behavior... main interest in predator prey interactions but a not-so-passing interest in the evolutionary psych underpinning human mating.
I don't remember large quantites of rape in the black community? do you have a link?
Rape is more common in unstable resource poor environments, or in environments where the risk of being caught is low (this is the reason rape-rates sky-rocket in occupied countries)
Lets see what I can dig up. Bear in mind also. Inequality is a better measure of whether an environment is resource poor. For example: some US metropolitain areas are like third world countries in terms of life expectancy and crime rates, even though the individuals in that area make more than the wealthiest people in said third world countries on an absolute scale.
If you need me to explain why....
The difference is a matter of perception. An individual living in an environment that is in absolute poverty (say... in terms of median income in USD or euros) but is high in social status and has a lot of resources (cows or something) at his disposal will not follow the pattern I laid out for poor males in first world countries. He will follow the pattern for the wealthy. Depending on a few externalities he will either have one wife and a few fantastically well provisioned offspring, or multiple wives and lots of moderately provisioned offspring. False paternity will be low because the female cannot do any better.
In any case though, rape is extremely common, and I can get into issues of cryptic female choice with rape (sperm competition and how it is biased... the disturbing likelyhood of a female engaging in a long term relationship with her rapist in a relatively unstable resource poor environment, etc) but I dont want people to try to net-murder me.
Even the parents who are better-off sometimes don't stay around with their children and have many by different females.
Depends on cultural and environmental externalities. Also: Life exists on this thing, called the bell curve. There are always those that fall more than a standard deviation away from the mean. Not actually provisioning offspring is MUCH more common in unstable, resource poor environments than it is in better circumstances. But it still happens. Just like you sometimes find some stand up folk in the ghetto.