WSJ wrote:Obama Backs Using Oil Reserve
McCain Disagrees
And Mocks Plan
To Inflate Tires
By AMY CHOZICK in Lansing, Mich., and ELIZABETH HOLMES in Rapid City, S.D.
August 5, 2008; Page A6
Barack Obama, unveiling a broad energy plan, said he supports tapping the nation's Strategic Petroleum Reserve to drive down gasoline prices in the short term. Republicans responded by criticizing the Democratic presidential contender's apparent shift in position -- and poking fun at another of his proposals to save gas: having drivers fully inflate their car tires.
During the Democratic primary, Sen. Obama argued against releasing oil from the strategic reserves, in contrast with then-rival Sen. Hillary Clinton's support for such a move. He has reiterated that position during the general election campaign against Republican Sen. John McCain.
Sen. Obama, speaking in Lansing on Monday, urged the government to sell 70 million barrels of oil from its stockpiles, suggesting that gas prices could fall within two weeks. He pledged funding to support long-term work on hybrid cars and pushed for the development of renewable energy sources.
"In 10 years, we will eliminate the need for oil from the entire Middle East and Venezuela," he said to applause.
Sen. McCain opposes drawing from the strategic reserves, and his campaign criticized Sen. Obama's proposal to do so. "The strategic oil reserve exists for America's national security strategy, not Barack Obama's election strategy," McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds said in a statement.
Obama aides said the Illinois senator had met with economic advisers and business leaders in Washington last week, and they had advised him to call for tapping the government reserve. Senior Obama adviser Robert Gibbs said the new proposal does not represent a reversal, but a recognition that "we are in an energy crisis" and that this is one of many things that need to be done. Sen. Obama had previously said that the reserves should be tapped only in an emergency.
Energy has become a pivotal issue in this increasingly competitive election, as voters fret over high gas prices, which have hovered around $4 a gallon, and their impact on food and transportation costs. Sen. McCain has successfully seized on the issue to gain ground against Sen. Obama, who continues to lead in most polls.
On Saturday, Sen. Obama backed off his opposition to offshore drilling, saying he would support expanded drilling as part of a broader bipartisan energy package to reduce dependence on foreign oil.
The McCain campaign on Monday made light of another aspect of Sen. Obama's energy plan: urging drivers to keep their car tires fully inflated. The Democrat had suggested at a July 30 town hall meeting in Springfield, Mo., that "we could save all the oil that they're talking about getting off drilling if everybody was just inflating their tires."
Senior McCain aide Mark Salter handed out tire gauges labeled "Obama's Energy Plan" to the news media on Monday. The campaign asked donors to shell out $25 or more to receive a commemorative gauge.
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In response, the Obama campaign sent out a Nascar press release from 2006 that likens tires to the late comedian Rodney Dangerfield, since they "get no respect." The release headline read, "Tire maintenance key to safety, fuel economy."
The Obama campaign on Monday released a television ad called "Pocket" criticizing Sen. McCain for accepting campaign contributions from oil companies. "After one president in the pocket of big oil ... we can't afford another one," the ad says. The McCain campaign said the ad is inaccurate and reflects the Obama campaign's "hypocrisy" since the Illinois senator has also received donations from oil executives.
Sen. McCain has come down hard on Sen. Obama for his previous opposition to offshore drilling as well as his opposition to nuclear power. The Republican senator, who is known for crossing party lines, had previously opposed lifting the moratorium on offshore drilling, but now supports expanded drilling. He also favors developing more nuclear power.
Under Sen. Obama's plan, the president would use light crude from the reserve and replenish it later with heavy crude "more suitable to our long-term needs," said Obama policy adviser Heather Zichal.
Sen. Obama also proposed giving $4 billion in loans and tax credits to U.S. auto makers so they can retool their factories to make hybrid vehicles and a $7,000 tax credit to consumers who purchase the vehicles.
"Sen. McCain would not take the steps or achieve the goals that I outlined today," Sen. Obama said. "He sees more drilling as the answer to all our energy problems."
--Stephen Power in Washington contributed to this article.
Write to Amy Chozick at and Elizabeth Holmes at
Opening the reserve now is folly, especially with the threat of there being so little oil in the next decade to make it too expensive to use.
Giving 4 billion to automakers (as a loan, sure) to rebuild factories for hybrids is a bit silly, as well, since it'll take a while and hybrids are kind of useless in the long term.