Connor MacLeod wrote:
Perhaps, but a.) they have to find/locate them and infiltrate them, which won't be easy not so much because they're resistant to infiltration (if the Vong can do it, the Imperium can.) but because we're talking about two different universes. They have to get to that universe, they have to investigate it enough to locate said groups, figure out what they're purposes are and how extensive they are, so on and so forth. Again, this is something they can do, but it takes time.
Not as much time as we may think, though. Sienar, SoroSuub and KDY are publicly traded companies. They want to be found. The Rogue Trader is the ideal agent for these contacts; with nigh inviolable rights to large amounts of valuable commodities available on his personal approval alone. They can play Good Cop/Bad Cop with the Inquisition, to peal SWverse polities away from the NR. The Inquisition's experience in dealing with "bussinesses" and "governments" in every possible meaning of those words is only a plus.
That time may well be available. Though the universes are overlapping "ven diagram" style, which portions are overlapping aren't specified. Distance from major fleet bases and the well-traveled warp roots to them will slow mobilization, which is going to be massive in the case of a galaxy threatening Crusade. Its highly likely that the first institutions to react will be the Navy, the Inquisition, and Rogue Traders
Moreover, even allowing quick/easy infiltration, this will deny one of the key factors that hampered the NR in the NJO - active sabotage. The Imperium won't have decades with which to screw around with the SW galaxy to make conditions more suitable to conquest.
I understand the second sentence clearly enough, but I'm not quite sure on your meaning in the first. Could you clarify? This may be a "duh" thing, but I'm in the process of packing for a move and it's midnight where I live.
The NR will still be somwhat inept, corrupt, and still refrain from taking offensive iniative, though. And for the Imperium early on, a direct attack/Crusade is still going to be more efficient than waiting to infiltrate and sabotage. (If for no other reason the Imperium will fear the potential of contamination by such heretical beings, especially since they're large enough to be a potential threat.)
Surely, but where will it be launched from? How long will it take to mobilize? It all depends on the point of contact between the 'verses, which isn't specified. You've brought this up already and the thread author hasn't modified the conditions.
Agents like Inquisitors and Rogue traders operating with their institutional experience and knowledge of local resources are going to chase the Navy as fastest responders. At least until we know a distance between the area of operations and a major logistical hub (like, Hydraphur/Cadia sized
at least for what we're talking about). The battlespace will be confused as all hell to say the least, and planning anything other than a general advance into it is going to take a while.
Many thanks! These darned computers always screw me up. I calculated my first death-toll using a hand-cranked adding machine (we actually calculated the average mortality in each city block individually). Ah, those were the days.
"Mix'em up. I'm tired of States' Rights."
-Gen. George Thomas, Union Army of the Cumberland