Nemesis the Warlock and 40k

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Nemesis the Warlock and 40k

Post by Jade Falcon »

What came first?

Nemesis the Warlock in 2000AD, or Warhammer 40K?

I've just got the first two Nemesis reprint books (still to get book 3), and it seems not so much that there are elements copied by one from the other, but more that the universes seem almost to fit each other if you know what I mean. Both cases Earth is a bloody depressing place to live for one.

Does anyone else here familiar with both subjects think there are similiarities.

The world of Termight is pretty interesting and damned depressing, though The Gothic Empire story with it's Victoriana Steampunk look is pretty wonderful.

Anyone else here read Nemesis and if so what did you think of it.
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Post by Steel »

Well 2000AD started in the 70s, and nemesis is one of the earlier strips, so parts of it certainly pre-date WH40K which in its rogue trader form came out in 1987 (?). In a later nemesis story (actually an ABC warriors one set in the nemesis future) the abc warriors visit Zaalin's (?) tomb and fight some (termight) terminators who look strikingly similar to space marines.

Theres another short story which has some power armoured troops charging forward and being cut down by different guns at each range, and they look just like orange space marines. Cant remember when that one was printed though.
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Post by Manus Celer Dei »

"Be pure! Be vigilant! BEHAVE!" is a slogan that certainly wouldn't be out of place in the Imperium.

And, y'know, Nemesis and Deadlock worship Kaos, so...;)
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Post by The Grim Squeaker »

Manus Celer Dei wrote:"Be pure! Be vigilant! BEHAVE!" is a slogan that certainly wouldn't be out of place in the Imperium.
Especially with Torquemada being the reincarnation of all previous great leaders rolled into one. (All the previous evil men in history that is :P).
And, y'know, Nemesis and Deadlock worship Kaos, so...;)

The Termite empirium is almost exactly what the IoM would look like if there had been no Horus rebellion, downto Chaos being squashed but pulling nasty tricks with its champion, and alien species being oppressed by the humans.

And yes, I've read all of the series and loved it :D
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Post by andrewgpaul »

It's a pretty open secret that 40K is heavily influenced by various 2000AD strips - the Adeptus Arbites are the most obvious one, but there's a good case that Space Marines owe a little to Rogue Trooper and co.

As for dates, Rogue Trader came out in 1988, IIRC.
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Post by Teleros »

40K began in 1987, and WFB in 1975. Don't know much about the 2000AD comics, but knowing Games Workshop it wouldn't surprise me.
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Post by Rye »

2000AD was the cynical, humourous, anti-hero and "grit"-led progress in British comics that had substancial impact on teenagers and young adults in that era. It broke from the establishment and fostered anti-authority sentiment amongst the punk generation while departing from the "realistic" stuff that was a bit close to the knuckle for the censorship brigade to stand for. Lots of anarchy, lots of ambiguity, and typical of sci-fi, it wasn't about the future, it was about contemporary issues explored via sci-fi. I would frankly be annoyed if they hadn't inspired the 40k creators to a significant extent.
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