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Post by Lonestar »


"We interrupt your regularly scheduled program with a special announcement. It appears that the Old Dominion, and various MESS member states, are going to high alert. The Old Dominion Navy begin to surge out of the ports of Norfolk and Morehead City, and it appears to be setting up a blockade cordon off the major ports of Shepistan. The Shinra Republic, Canissan, Wilkonian, and Tiran Xia navies all appear to be leaving their ports and forming up classic convoy formations.

"At airfields and army bases through out the Old Dominion, MESS airlifters have been seen flying in airmobile combat units from the rest of the alliance. In addition, it appears that several MESS expeditionary wings have also begun arriving. ODAAF forces have begun a war dispersal.

"Brickhall has announced that all Class 'A' reservists are hereby ordered to report to their Territorial Army units. This will increase the standing army from 600,000 citizen-soldiers to 800,000. No word yet as to whether or not 'B' and 'C' reservists will also be called up.

"Brickhall, and other MESS defense agencies, have issued statements indicating that this is a previously scheduled exercise.

RESULTS: WHIRLWIND '08, the annual MESS-wide mega exercise, has begun.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

LIVE on ShroomSatTV
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel

The MacMillan Multicorporation has announced the production of three new variants of three well-established fighter aircraft and that these aircraft are available to specified nations for purchase.

The new aircraft are the:

F-18E/F Super Hornet.

A carrier-based Shroomanian F-18F

The F-18E/F Super Hornet is a multirole fighter that, along with the F-14 Tomcat, fills the Sovereign Navy's niche for naval fighter aircraft. The Super Hornet is capable of a wide variety of roles, from air-to-air engagement, to air-to-ground attack, to electronic warfare missions, to even providing aerial refueling to other aircraft and fighters.

With new MacMillan manufacturing techniques, the current F-18E/F are constructed out of less unnecessary components, thus decreasing per unit cost while not affecting the Super Hornet's effectiveness in the slightest.

Per unit cost is $55.2 million.


A supermaneuverable F-15 ACTIVE, test flying over North Point.

The F-15 ACTIVE is a massive upgrade over the older models of F-15 Eagle, and sports supercruise, supermaneuverability and a variety of enhanced features. With canard wings, thrust vectoring-capable engines, and advanced flight control software - the ACTIVE is a preeminent dogfighter and has an air superiority capability surpassed only by the stealthy F-22 Raptor.

Per unit cost is $100 million per unit for an order of 50 planes.

For FUN allies, a discount is available so that for every additional purchase of 50, each aircraft costs $10 million less. ($100 million per unit for 50 planes. $90 million per unit for 100 planes. $80 million per unit for 150 planes).

The first F-15 ACTIVEs will flying in the Shroomanian Air Force by late 2009, replacing (and converting) a number of the SAF's F-15s.


An F-16XL over the skies of Shroomania.

A massive upgrade, for the F-16 this time. The F-16XL has a radically redesigned wing that is 120% larger than the original's, as well as conformal fuel tanks and a new supercruise-capable engine. The fuselage itself has some modifications as well. This upgrade gives it a massive boost in range, fuel-efficiency, and the enlarged wing allows it to carry more amounts of ordnance for anti-air, anti-ground, or dual roles.

The F-16XL is a vast improvement over its already formidable incarnations.

Like the ACTIVE, the F-16XL's per unit cost is $100 million per unit for an order of 50 planes.

For FUN allies, a discount is available so that for every additional purchase of 50, each aircraft costs $10 million less. ($100 million per unit for 50 planes. $90 million per unit for 100 planes. $80 million per unit for 150 planes).

The F-16XL is under the later stages of development and will be seeing service in the SAF at late 2009.

Both F-15 ACTIVE and the F-16XL have features such as helmet-mounted sights, heads up displays (HUD), autonomous aerial combat maneuvering instrumentation systems, as well as the SchromCorp AN/APG-80 Active Electronically Scanned Array (AESA) radar, which gives the airplanes the ability to simultaneously track and destroy ground and air threats.

The F-18E/F has already replaced the Sovereign Navy's older F-18s, whereas the SAF is replacing 150 of its current aircraft with a combination of F-15 ACTIVEs and F-16XLs.

Aside from the Shroomanian Air Force, the MacMillan Multicorporation has been cleared to offer the aircraft to FUN nations.

The following nations deemed FUN-friendly may also purchase the new MacMillan fighters:

Kingdom of Serenity
Shinra Republic
San Dorado
Sovereign Duchy of Baerne
Kingdom of Vineyards

Any other nations interested in purchasing the fighters may inquire with the Ministry of Shroomanian Affairs in Foreign Territories (SHAFT) and the Mushroom Military.
Last edited by Shroom Man 777 on 2008-08-29 10:29am, edited 3 times in total.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by K. A. Pital »

New Deal: President Stanislav indicates that atomic weapons are being developed within the Slavic National Confederacy

COVER: Mock-ups or next-generation CSR military hardware?
Rising Star: Commitee for Help announces shipments
The Commitee for Help has been created to help brotherly nations across the world in their struggle against opression, colonialism, imperialism and capitalist expansion.

For the last few weeks, the Commitee has signed several new deals in addition to the ones which are currently being executed.

1) Ten Tu-95MS(16) bombers which are retiring from service according to the CSR New Military Age plan of re-equipment of an XXI century army, are instead directed to the USSR.
2) BM-21 MLRS with supplies are being procured by the Old Dominion. The whole deal could be sealed at 400 million, according to the release.
Old Dominion's trade representative failed to understand the offer made and declined the buy.

Shepistan is being offered BM-21 MRLS and older out of CSR stocks.

3) 26 out-phased Tu-22M3 with instructors are being procured by Indhopal. The cost of the deal is not disclosed. Preliminary estimates yield a deal of 700 million.

MiG-31B modifications formerly intended for export will not be exported. The first 30 machines were deemed too valuable to move to a conflict zone overseas. The crash expansion program calls for additional MiG-31Bs to be manufactured for the PVO Aviation. Another 10 machines are demanded for this year from the MiG bureau.

Trials on the MiG-31D design with an "Ishim" ASAT rocket are planned for this Autmn, according to the PVO Chief Commander, General Zhukovsky.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
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Post by DarthShady »

PeZook wrote:Orena, Royal Congressional Hall, Conference Room C

"Obviously, atomics are not first-strike weapons. I'd like to think there will not be a necessity for a first strike at all.", general Stawicki pondered.

"Our studies on the feasibility of those weapons and their destructive potential confirm your estimates ; However, acquiring the capability to produce them and actually making them in large quantities - fast - will require us to expand production of nuclear materials, especially plutonium. And, of course, current output of uranium enrichment plants is probably not going to suffice."

"All in all, PeZookia can contribute somewhere in the vicinity of 3 billion dollars, and our other resources."
General Anton Slavik of the USSR decided that this would be a good time for him to speak."Comrades I am her to inform you that this project has the full support of my president and that the USSR will donate substantial resources to it. But the president feels he should discuss this with his SNC counterparts before the final decision is made. You can see how we might have a conflict of interests here."-he said, "The SNC and the FUN have been friends and we even share some members but this is still an issue that must be resolved. Will this program be a joint operation by the SNC and FUN or will their be two different programs?"
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Post by DarthShady »

News from the USSR

New recruits begin training

Thousands of new army recruits have begun their initial training in army bases and camps within the USSSR, this new generation of recruits is said to number close to half a million soldiers.


"Our world is becoming more and more dangerous every day and we must be able to defend ourselves from outside threats."-said General Marzaq at a press conference earlier today,"We are surrounded by barbarian countries which wage war on each other every day, you all know the threat that the border regions are, to us and to our allies. It is our duty to defend our citizens and we shall do it by any means necessary."


The increase in army size is believed to be the first step in increasing the fighting capabilities of the United Socialist Shadow Republic. Other projects are also in the works but information on them is scarce due to their classified nature.
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Post by Coyote »

Seaside Palace, Canissia
King Arik's Morning Briefing

King Arik Coyotus-I looked over the various intel folders, all neatly laid out by his staff just a few minutes before, while the King was still on his morning run. The files were color-coded according to urgency, and laid out on the table according to region-- western command, central, eastern, and northern. He sipped at his coffee and reached for the one that always seemed to be the most urgent-- Shepistan.

Oddly enough, though, the Shepistan folder was marked yellow-- worth a look but no immediate cause for alarm. There were protests worldwide against Shepistan's 'Ambassador War', but they were dying down after the initial groundswell of outrage ran its course.

There was, of course, no way to follow up on the 'drift mine incident', and so far there was no reason whatsoever to assume that Shepistan had anything to do with the Shroomanian cable outage-- that issues was buried deep in the Shroomania folder as an incidental item.

Of interest, however, was a terse diplomatic message from Japanistan that Arik read over.
Diplomatic Message to Canissia

Imperial Japanistan considers the situation on Velaria to be intolerable, the renegade barbarian hoards of al-Akharabat will be dealt with severely and an orderly government. Japanistan is aware of existing Canissia presence and proposes a joint Japaanistani commanded peacekeeping operation, which will facilitate the withdrawal of Canissias overextended forces and creation of stable and secure conditions on the ground. Japanistan aspires to help al-Akharabat reach its natural potential and will commit 75,000 men from its Eastern Group of Forces to effort.
King Arik almost choked on his coffee from the bitter, ironic laugh that escaped his lips.

"What the fuck?" he said aloud. Almost like magic, Colonel Rassnar appeared from a side entrance.

"Majesty?" he asked. Arik indicated the message.

"That's their solution? For us to withdraw and let Japanistan take over operations of the entire western side of the continent?"
"That would appear to be the case they are making, sir," Rassnar said. Arik shook his head.

"So... nothing about expanding the embassy; asking to serve as an intermediary with Shepistan; about regional co-operation meetings... just 'pull your guys out and hand everything over'." Colonel Rassnar knew that the King was having one of his rhetorical rants.

Fuck, the whole reason Skimmer got squirrelly in the last game was because we didn't 'engage' him. Now here I am trying to be accomodating, and he wants to throw his weight around...

"Let's issue this in return..."

Diplomatic Communique
To: Imperial Japanistan

In response to your gesture of goodwill about a joint operation in al-Akharabat, it is the position of the Royal Office of Canissia that a Canissian prescence in the region will actually enhance the stated mission goal of peacekeeping and stability. The Royal Office is sure that Japanistan is aware of the two primary factions in al-Akharabat, the northern faction controlled primarily by Colonel Johan S'vimbi, and the southern faction of Mohamet Farih Addeed.

While these two factions are technically in a state of civil war, one of the few agreements they were able to come to was the establishment of a Canissian base nearby to try to help facilitate some sort of peace and/or power-sharing arrangement. The northen landing zone was chosen precisely because it was unclaimed and largely unexplored territory, and it is well outside the stated mining claim righteously enforced by Japanistan --and recognised by international law, as His Majesty the King publicly defended in a recent press conference.

However, the acts of piracy --in flagrant violation of all known international laws-- does make the al-Akharabat situation of interest to the Empire of Japanistan. We would, indeed, welcome Japanistani influence in stabilising the region so that the rule of law can be enforced.

We implore the people of Japanistan to work with us in this matter. We recommend joint maritime patrols to sweep for piracy as a good place to begin.

Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
King Arik Coyotus-I
Royal People's Republic of Canissia


"Excellent," Arik said, looking it over before inscribing his signature to it. "Send that to Japanistan's embassy here, to their capitol, and then see to it it gets leaked to the evening news."

"Yes, sir..."


LZ Dog
North of Al-Akharabat
1500 hours


The massive Ultra Heavy Lift Utility Aeroscraft had finally reached its destination at LZ Dog. The zeppelins were slow, to be sure, but they were still a lot faster than RO/RO ships. They were able to lift much heavier equipment with an ease that was denied fixed-wing and rotary-wing transport, and do so economically as well.

This time, the Superlifters brought in Combat Engineer equipment by the ton-- massive bulldozers, pavers, bucket loaders, graders, and the like-- all the things needed to make a first-class runway for more supplies.

Once the runway was built, a rudimentary road system would be in place, eventually leading to a dock that would be built. But that was for the future-- for now, much of the dirt being cleared away was piled into high berms that surrounded the area claimed by the Canissian forces-- a base that would be about 5 square kilometers large when all was said and done.

Unlike the Japanistani intent-- which no one really doubted would grow to include as much land as possible so long as no one stopped them-- the Canissian base was, indeed, intended to be merely a base of operations for the real work, which would take place in al-Akharabat itself.

Johan S'vimbi's men warned the Canissians not to go onto the jungles, however-- they gazed towards the treeline of the jungle wih fear, and many made superstitious gestures whenever they looked at it. The Canissian soldiers, however, were not yet in any mood to go exploring-- they had work to do.
Last edited by Coyote on 2008-08-27 03:07pm, edited 1 time in total.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

"Bronze Wall" Base, One of the few Serenity Army Basic Training Centers

The classroom, built with the barracks, was full of recruits, all in full gear, sitting behind their desks. Their gigantic backpacks were lined up in the aisle outside. It was hot. Thirty something room temperature. The electric fans were on, but they actually made the situation worse: the air was hot, and it was blown in their faces.

The Political Warfare Sergeant was writing this week's Central Concept, "Alertness" on the blackboard. It was Thursday, known as "Political Warfare Day", aka POWA-Day. Usually it meant a nice morning, indoors, half drowsing, half awake sucking up what the military channel fed them, followed by some short discussion. For the recruits at boot camp, this meant at least half a day without the extreme pressure from the drill sergeants.

It was the second week of boot camp for Army Recruit Andy Wong, and he found himself raining inside his uniform. His helmet was on the desk but it didn't seem to make any difference: his face was full of sweat from the heat.

"Oh fuck, I thought POWA-Day was a small break. What the fuck is going on? Why do we have to do this?"

"Like the Cap said, Kingdom-wide exercise." Mike Jayson, the recruit sitting next to him said as he wiped off the sweat from his brows.

"Oh c'mon, I thought only part of the military was in WHIRLWIND '08"

"Too bad for us, the Big Guy went apeshit and turned it in to a whole troop torture. Enjoy."


"At least there's eye candy to watch." Andy whispered.

"It'll get you hawt 'n bothered, dude. You'll faint from the heat before she even talks. Besides, she has 3 bars, you're not even a fucking private."


Politics and Warfare
Brought to you by the Political Warfare Headquarters


"Dear Brothers of the Serenite troops, welcome back to 'Politics and Warfare'. This week's central concept is 'alertness'. But before we discuss the lecture, let's see what happened this week....

Weekly News

"The MESS wide military exercise WHIRLWIND '08 has begun on [game date], the Serenity Army Airborne and Specwar Division has participated the exercise, drilling hard with our MESS brothers.

"At the same time, His Majesty King Yenchin has ordered a troop-wide exercise as well. 12 hours after [game date] Condition 3 was in effect. This also means that reserves have currently reported to the local Reserve Commands and civilian vehicles as well as resources are subject to mobilization.

"General Yelena Penn, spokesperson of the Ministry of Defense has confirmed that the troop-wide exercise will be a positive experience...."

Serenity is doing a separate military exercise along with WHIRLWIND 08.
Introduction of some characters...hopefully they'll survive and develop in the game.
Last edited by Grand Moff Yenchin on 2008-08-27 12:18pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times
Brought to you by Veritas News

Airbourne Comitatenses and Air Force aircraft involved in massive MESS exercise

Elements from the Legio IX Airbourne Comitatenses were deployed in a massive MESS exercise, which involved as many as 40 transport aircraft from the Air Force. "The deployment was smooth and quick and our men performed brilliantly," says a unit spokesman. The men deployed in their armoured vehicles. It is believed that a naval detachment involving one of the amphibious assault carriers and a few frigates and destroyers from the Justinian CVBG were also involved in the MESS exercise.

Byzantine Airlines orders 30 787 aircraft from Douglas

Byzantine Airlines placed an order for 30 787 aircraft, split evenly between the 2 available variants. The company is expected to make new orders involving freighter aircraft soon.

Kontos Munitions showcases to the military its new infantry weapons

Kontos Munitions showcased its MetalStorm line of products, with grenade launchers featured prominently. These grenade launchers offer high rates of fire, and can be mounted on vehicles, or even carried as an infantry weapon.


The Redback system for example is a remote controlled system can offer offensive and defensive power against RPG rounds. The military is understandably impressed by the innovations and will consider buying some of these new weapons for testing and evaluation.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-08-27 11:59am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Lonestar »

Dominion Defense Daily

First MILSTAR satellite likely to launch within next quarter

Work is rapidly progressing at Fayetteville Launch facility…a site previously used for atmospheric sounding rockets launches by the Dominion Scientific Society, in order to prepare it for becoming a major MESS Space Agency launch site.

"Combat Optics is working on the finishing touches for MILSTAR One, and the consortium of companies contracted by the MESS have several rockets ready." A Brickhall spokeswoman said.

The 'War of Cities' showed the limitations that the lack of communications satellites has imposed on the Old Dominion and other MESS nations. The current WHIRLWIND '08 exercise is also limiting functionality and inter-service communications…especially with UAVs and vessels at sea. In addition, the problems in precision targeting has revealed the need for a GPS constellation.

The launch and satellite is expected to come in at $1.2billion. The funds will come from several MESS nations.

Dominion Telecom has expressed interest in using a scaled down version of the Combat Optics MILSTAR series for commercial use. The scaled down version would be less capable and cost only $400mil(plus launch costs).
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Coyote »


The Canissian Royal Navy loved the annual WHIRLWIND excersises. They bitched about it, to a crewer, but deep inside they enjoyed it-- it was what they joined the Navy for, after all--not the endless hours of cleaning, painting, and standing watch. WHIRLWIND was a month of realistic combat ops just shy of actual combat, and while the cleaning and painting that happened afterwords was a real bitch, at least the sailors felt like they were cleaning up after accomplishing something, rather than just doing busy-work.

Each year, a different pair of Expeditionary Forces were involved. This year, it was the 1st and 2nd Ex-Forces, with extra escorts, and the opportunity to excel at the yearly competitions that would determine who brought home the Force Leader's Cup, a battered old trophy from the 1800's navy that got passed from ship to ship based on which vessel was deemed to have the highest readiness scores. Typically, it went to Amphibs, Carriers, or Cruisers-- only one time, ever, had a Frigate won the Cup, although a few times Destroyers had managed. It was a point of pride and gave the commander of that ship bragging rights-- as well as a customary commendation for achievement that never hurt anyone's chances at the next promotion board.

But this year, the WHIRLWIND exercise had an additional dimension to it-- the Royal Navy's small fleet of Seahorse-class mine-warfare vessels was deployed alongside, albeit with a real-world mission: to search for the rumored 'drift mines' that had already claimed th elives of 5 Shinran sailors. The Seahorse ships would sweep Canissian waters first, then fan out to expand their coverage of other MESS members, working in close coordination with the Shinra Republic Navy's mine-warfare surface squadron. They would be escorted by Frigates, which would also be assisitng the mine searching duties with their helos and ROVs.

Below the surface, there was a corresponding surge of Seawolf SSNs, taking part in their portion of the exercise, and a few of the Victoria-class SSKs as well.

The eyes of the world-- in awe, envy, or with scheming minds-- fell upon the yearly display of MESS might.


Royal Canissian Air Transport
Diplomatic Charter

While the ships surged at sea, a small corporate-style jet took off from the capitol of Never Tikveh, headed for Shroomania. Aboard was Canissian Trade Minister Rayzha Rumaclin, barely back in time from the FUN conference, and Defense Minister Ral Tenn. Prime Minister Shroom had offered to discuss some trade deals, and the ideas sounded fair and reasonable.

Of primary interest was the Anuket-class Corvette for Shroomanian naval forces; while in exchange there was talk of standardizing the Royal Air Force Reserves with F-16XLs. There were other projects of interest they wanted to discuss as well-- King Arik wanted to consider a regional free trade zone, and also liked th eidea of an integrated air-defense network among the various friendly, if not exactly allied, nations.

The flight was short, a benefit of the geographical closeness of th etwo nations. The two Canissian Ministers stepped from the plane, greeted by lovely women in hula skirts and coconut-half bras doing a welcoming hula dance. They got flower necklaces and nametags that said "Hi, my name is ____" on one side, and "I got lei'd in Shroomania" on the other.

Fortunately, both Ministers had been to Shroomania before, and had already known to relax and enjoy the welcome.
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Republic of al-Akharabat

It did not take long for even more 'international' attention to fall on the Japanistani, and Canissian, activity in Velaria. It did not take long for some to decide that they too wanted a piece of the pie.

A ship, chartered by MacMillan Maritime Mercantile, approached the al-Akharabat coastline. It made port safely, despite the recent news of piracy affecting the area. Despite the presence of remote-controlled 30mm cannons protecting the vessel, there was still some anxiety amongst the crew.

They weren't really worried about any pirates ruining their ride. They were more worried about their passengers.

The Shroomanian seamen were accustomed to sailing to and from the Shroomish Channel, transporting goods and people to and from Canissia, or Gaymean PeZookia.

This was their first time transporting goods and people to Velaria, in the so-called Untamed Continent. This was their first time transporting Dark Liquid PMCs, mercenaries.

Though the seamen didn't know it, the Dark Liquid contractors were accompanied by a detachment of Mushroom Marine Force Recon operators. Together, they would mark Shroomania's collaboration with Canissia, in regards to the 'colonization' of al-Akharabat.

No, it was not real colonization. In paper, Canissia would control only a small patch of ground, while Shroomania itself would have no claim on anything whatsoever. Unlike the Japanistanis, neither nations had any nigh-forgotten documents cementing pseudo-colonial claims on Untamed land.

Canissia came under the pretenses of promising aid - food, clean water, medicine, and etcetera to a corrupt land.

Shroomania - or rather, the mercenaries and the Marines - came with a different purpose.

They were escorting a man from MacMillan.


And he was going to make an offer the al-Akharabatis couldn't refuse.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Post by RogueIce »

The Department of Defense has announced the following units will be participating in WHIRLWIND '08, the annual MESS military exercise:

Battlegroup 4 (SRN)
Mine Warfare Squadron 1 (SRN)
4th Fighter Wing (SRAF)
11th Tactical Wing (SRAF)
5th Armor Division (SRA)
8th Airborne Division (SRA)
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." - Ambrose Redmoon
"You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain." - Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight
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Post by Steve »

Van Halstoff Base

The 2nd Marines were already getting annoyed with the oppressive tropical heat of the region, even worse than that of al-Abadani which they were already quite used to. They did at least have company in their misery from 1st Battalion of the Airborne Brigade, which had been landed to aid them.
Preperations on restoring the old Shinra airfield and fixing it up to be capable of landing a T-12B transport had taken a bit longer than expected, forcing the first company of the Airborne to make a parajump. They'd aimed for the airfield and the cleared jungle with great precision, though a gust of ocean breeze ended up sending a squad off course anyway into the jungle, where one man was still missing and another was brought out by two buddies having been mauled by one of the local beasts, now hanging to his life by a thread in Defiant's infirmary.
The airfield was finally, thankfully, expanded to permit T-12 landings. The aircraft would land, disgorge troops and materials, and take off in time for the next aircraft to come. Van Halstoff Base had become the end tendril of a long intercontinental air traffic lane that stretched from Patterson AFB in the province of Rosario to el-Yusaj Air Base in Adabani (with the tankers temporarily operating out of Serenity's Ketagaran AFB to provide timely mid-air refueling) to Van Halstoff.

Rumors were circulating already that the Cascadian Air Force would soon be deploying a squadron to the region and there was a further story coming down that Canissia was operating in al-Akharabat and Japanistan was talking about seizing that country over a pirate attack. The Marines and Airborne were beginning to feel like they were on an actual firing line.

Ketagaran Air Force Base, Kingdom of Serenity

Capt. Susan Ying was of mixed Jieshi and Caucasian heritage which seemed, or so she thought, to give her a bit more attention from the local Serenite personnel than her comrades. She was a pilot in the Cascadian Air Force Air Transport Command and flew one of the four RT-15s of the 1st Refueling Group, a pretty and small-figured woman of about thirty two years of age who still looked twenty-one in many ways. This was, in fact, her first ever posting outside of Cascadia, and it was so far an interesting experience to be staying in the Kingdom of Serenity.

For their part the local personnel treated the Cascadian crews kindly, even if there was apparently some grumbling given the pitch of the Cascadian operations. The train of T-12Bs coming to and from Velestria was high enough that they at times had to have two refuelers in the air to keep it going, giving the relatively new aircraft a rigorous breaking-in.

The RT-15s were just years old - the newest had just entered service in late 2007 - and built specifically to permit transport aircraft to make the flight to and from Patterson to el-Yusaj without having to land in Serenity or Zoria or having to ask the SRAF for refueling assistance. Technically they didn't even need to base out of Ketagaran as the RT-15s had more than enough range to do the job. Basing at Ketagaran permitted them to have a higher tempo of operations, which was the point. Stationing at the near-mid point of the direct line from Cascadia to Adabani permitted them far greater loiter times than having to flight out of Cascadian airbases, allowing more margin for error in flight schedules.

Today something different was happening. The base was suddenly alive with activity and when curiosity led her to follow a group of marching personnel to the enlisted mess, she found that it was being converted to a makeshift auditorium. It seemed most of the base personnel were there watching a TV series of some kind with a pretty Serenite woman in an officer uniform giving a lecture. Near the corner of the room was the boom operator for one of the other craft, Sergeant Julian Haggert. The larger man saluted her respectfully and waited for her to salute back and permit him to be at ease. "I was wondering why everyone was heading here?"

"It's part of 'Political Warfare Day', though bigger this time. Apparently every nation in the MESS alliance is doing their annual full-scale mobilization and military exercise."

"Ah," she answered, watching the event progress from there.
Last edited by Steve on 2008-08-27 05:24pm, edited 1 time in total.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Post by Lonestar »

Roanoke Buisnessweek

Chesapeake Arms wins contract for COIN MLRS

In a stunning turnaround from just a few days ago, the Old Dominion has awarded a contract for a cheap, simple, MLRS for counter-insurgency duties to a domestic corporation rather than purchase from a foreign government.

"The HAILSTONE system is intended to be used against opponents who are not technologically on par with the Old Dominion. Rather than using expensive systems on a bunch of assholes in the mountains, we will use simpler, less expensive, but nearly as effective systems." A Chesapeake Arms spokesman said.

"Uh, by 'assholes in the mountains' I mean 'bandits and terrorists'." He added.

The HAILSTONE, when paired with a 2 1/2 ton truck and given 6 reloads, comes in at $1.3mil a pop. The ODA plans to acquire 150 such systems.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Steve »

Adams Capitol District

"One dead already, one almost dead."
Stephen was sitting silently at his desk in the Presidential Office in a private meeting with his SecDef. "Well, the butcher's bill has been remarkably light so far," he added.
"So far. This pirate business with al-Akharabat, though." Dale smirked. "Awfully damned convenient for Japanistan, that brutal pirate attack."
"Yes, well, no proving otherwise, and it might be just what it seems. Pirates do still loiter off of the al-Akharabat coast, even if they prefer preying upon local shipping. I guess they mistook a rusted old Japanistani tugboat as being from some minor Frequesue nation. Anyway, at the moment there's little we can do about it short of sending troops to join them, which would require the long way south or sailing through the Japanistani lines of communication to their new Velestrian enclave." Stephen leaned back in his chair. "Though I am open to assigning a fighter squadron to Van Halstoff, especially with those reports of Japanistani aircraft going where they please."

"The Air Force would probably like a chance to get involved as more than couriers," Dale chuckled, "though even a squadron is quite a bit of our capability right now. I mean, Congress has voiced willingness lately to raise the defense budget, but the Navy and Army are gunning for the extra cash."
"Oh Christ." Stephen rolled his eyes. "The Army's large enough as it is, probably too large, and the Navy... well, big enough, and I know those Admirals have their eyes on building our own full-sized nuclear carriers."
"It almost passed Congress when it came up.."
"Key word there, 'almost'. Frankly, if we do end up in a furball with Japanistan, we need fighters and probably airbases in al-Itani too. Our carrier wings can only do so much, after all. Still..." Stephen put a hand on his desk. "When I meet with the Joint Chiefs tomorrow I'm going to ask them about sending a fighter squadron and sending Intrepid COG out early."

"Intrepid? She's still out with her group performing coastal patrol to run pre-deployment drills and checks."
"I know. We'll do a brief surge period until we absolutely have to bring Defiant COG home. Hopefully by then this whole thing will have calmed down."
So he said, but he knew it probably wouldn't end like that. I am still very much the new player to this game, and Skimmer's hand is stronger. He's going to play it for all he's got. And he's far more subtle than Shep.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Post by Coyote »



Dubbed the "Star Warrior" weapons system by some critics, King Coyotus-I has staked a great deal of personal interest in expediting the THEL, or Tactical High Energy Laser system, into production.

"This is the way of the future," the King is reputed to have said at a recent Defense Department meeting with top commanders, "Modern science can give us the means to knock incoming missiles from the sky-- so far, we have Patriot, Stinger, and CIWs emplacements around our nation's shores, but the THEL will add undeniable defense to the people of Canissia."

The King's interest and patronage of the advanced new weapons system seemed to come out of nowhere to some top Defense officials.
"This wasn't even on the table a week ago," said one Air Force general, who declined to be identified, "Where did this sudden interest in laser artillery come from?"

The project is not unheard of; tests on the feasability of laser defenses have been conducted in the past, but the conclusions were almost universally the same-- that lasers, while powerful, accurate, and indeed excellent air-defense weapons, they are extremely expensive and, many feel, environmentally unsound.

"The chemicals used in these lasers are hideous," declared Myra Foxglove (Greens Party, Picon), in a later interview when the Parliament was addressed about the THEL issue, "We need a better means of dealing with the chemical byproducts or I will vow to fight the THEL any way I can."

King Coyotus-I said in a phone interview this evening that he hoped that international --primarily MESS nations-- investment might help to offset the costs. The environmental issues are another hurdle entirely, however.

"I understand the concern Representative Foxglove has for the environment," the King said, "And I myself respect the environment. But at the same time, we do need to make sure that the lands of Canissia, and our neighbors, is safe for all living things."
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Raj Ahten »

Indhopal Defense News

Most of Indhopal's new defense initiatives started out well. The new 4th. Division, made up of one armoured and two infantry brigades, has been going through training. The call up of old reservists has made the formation of the new division much smoother than anticipated. It will still be a long time before the unit takes the field however.

The air force is slated to gain massive capabilty. The acquisition of 26 supersonic bombers will gave Indhopal the ability to strike back at nearly any agressor, should the need arise. The aircraft are currently having their electronics upgraded and their crews trained. It is expected that Indhopal wishes to acquire at least 2 more squadrons of the aircraft over the next 2-3 years. Rumours presist that the electronics refit program is costing massively more than the $5 million per plane promised to the parliament. An investigation by the Defense commitee is considered likely.

The airforce program to upgrade its fleet of JAS 39 Gripens with new technology is running much smoother. New versions of the aircraft are being fitted with engines capable of supercruise and other enhancements including better sensors and more extenal pylons to fit weapons. It is expected that Indhopal's fleet of F1 Mirage's will be phased out completely of their interceptor role as the newer Gripens come online.

The air force also plans to acquire 2-3 new large AWACS planes and 16 tankers over the next year.

The Navy's modest building program is meanwhile beset by problems. Only one AEGIS equipped desttroyer is expeced to be built this year, instead of the expected two. The story is similiar with the planned building of Sachsen class frigates; only one will be built this year. The construction of new landing ships for the marines is an even bigger disgrace. The contractor pulled out at the last moment, and unless a foreign firm can be found quickly, no new amphibious warfare vessels will be built. These issues have turned naval procurement into front page news in Indhopal, with many members of parliament using the issue to champian any number of agendas.

Meanwhile the Inter Services Intelligence Agency's budget and activities were not in the news at all. The agancy's budget was completely black and very few members of parliament ever saw it. The ISIA had begun a multitude of new projects aimed at infiltrating foreign governemnts. It was a large project, and nearly every large power was targetted for infiltration, along with all the local Frequesquan powers.
Last edited by Raj Ahten on 2008-08-27 06:17pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Diplomatic Communique
To: Royal Office of Canissia

Imperial Japanistan agrees to continued Canissian peacekeeper presence in northern al-Akharabat, and proposes that a Joint al-Akharabat Peackeeping Force Headquarters or JAPF be established to ensure safe coordination of Japanistani and Canissian units. It is proposed that this headquarters be established on the grounds of the existing Canissian airhead, Japanistani will contribute a special headquarters company with a signals platoon and basic MP and engineering force protection assets to establish the facility and integrated communications networks, which will then be staffed by a special joint unit.

Forces previously enroot to establish the Japanistan’s planned No.2 Velaria Coast Guard Operating Base have now been directed to combat the pirate menace in the north. Japanistan announces its imminent intent to occupy three significant ports in the area spread over approximately 300 kilometers of al-Akharabat coastline. Air bases in the area of these ports will also be occuiped and placed into JAPF service.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
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Post by MKSheppard »

Several hundred miles off the coastline of Shepistan

The trio of F-106H Delta Daggers broke through the thick undercast and into the bright sunshine above the ocean. They were rapidly coming up on the MESS aircraft that had launched from one of the Carriers now proliferating near Shepistan and the Old Dominion, where they would take up a "we're watching you" formation.

At the same time, a pair of F-105K Thunderchiefs were approaching one of the MESS battlegroups on the deck at full afterburner, carrying several tons of bombs each, at Mach 1.2 and climbing. As they whipped past the bridge of one of the carriers, the windows on the bridges rattled and several of them cracked under the stress of a multi-ton aircraft blowing past at supersonic speed...

Bridge of one of the MESS Ships

"Where the fuck did those guys come from?"

General Cold War-Era Fuckery with exercises. I'm sure that right now, Shepistani AGIs are now taking up formation next to your ships to "fish".

Bonus from Shroom's Fighting Aircraft

F-106H Delta Dart

504 in service with ADC. Single engined interceptor. Brand new construction. Deliveries began in 1984. Once again, as with the F-105K, the Japanistani TF15 is key to the F-106H's astounding performance, offering 22% to 29% greater thrust for lower installed weight and SFC. It is rumored that the preproduction aircraft exceeded Mach 3 in a dive; though this claim cannot be verified by independent aerospace experts. Other major changes include a redesign of the nose to mount the AN/ASG-30, an all-digital version of the AN/ASG-18. Due to the requirement of redesigning the nose of the aircraft to hold the huge 40" diameter antenna of the ASG-30; the weapons bay on earlier F-106s was redesigned into three weapons bays; a centerline one and two side bays.

An additional pair of outer wing hard points were added during the design process to allow a small amount of external ordnance to be carried on long range intercept missions.

During the design process; Japanistani engineers and software technicians aided North Shepistani Aviation in the process of integrating the datalinks used on the Japanistani JI-75 Demon Queller; allowing three F-106Hs to share radar information between them, and allowing them to act as mini-AWACs to other, non ASG-30 equipped aircraft.

Typical Weapons load:
2 x Japanistani FMRAAM Clones in Central Weapons Bay (or AIM-54 sized)
2 x Japanistani FMRAAM Clones in Side Weapons Bays.
2 x Drop Tanks on Mid-Wing Hardpoints.
2 x Japanistani FMRAAM Clones on Outer-Wing Hardpoints.

External Hardpoints:
Mid-Wing Hardpoints
2 x Drop Tanks
2 x AIM-54 Sized Weapons
4 x Sidewinder Class Weapons
4 x Japanistani FMRAAM Clones (60 nm plus range; 70+ miles, or 112+ km)

Outer-Wing Hard Points
2 x Sidewinder Class Weapons
2 x Japanistani FMRAAM Clones (60 nm plus range; 70+ miles, or 112+ km)

Combat Radiuses
Area Intercept with Full Internal+External Weapons Load: 570 nm
Area Intercept with Internal Weapons + Drop Tanks + 2 Weapons: 800 nm
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Karmic Knight »

Office of RISC, <Censored>, <Censored>

There were times when even the most prepared player had a bad game, and this was definitely a bad game. The Canissians should have backed down, could have backed down, and probably would have backed down, yet, the Gray Fox reported Shroomainian ships approaching the Canissian Occupied Section. Roger had planned it all out in his head, the Japanistanis moved into the airstrip, they fortified it, Cascadia freaks, moves people in. The development with the Canissian simply changed the plan that would be used, the Japanistanis would tell the Canissians to leave, and they would leave. But, the Canissians didn’t leave, which completely ruins Roger’s plan.

“The game may be lost, but there is always another round, isn’t that right?” Roger asked the air around him.

“Sir, the situation is deteriorating, I suggest we move,” an aide called out.

As if I didn’t have enough reasons to hate my life, Roger thought, “No need, this office could withstand full bombings by any of the various groups, we’ll hold.”


“I said, ‘We’ll Hold’ referring to the fact that we will be staying in this wonderful base, no need to move out when you know who the new landlord is going to be, right?”

“Whatever you say, Sir.”

“Yes, at the worst of times, even a veteran player can make a mistake that will cost him the game, you just have to know where to look, Open Contact with the FTO people, tell them that the conference in San Dorado was just a false start, and requests anyone’s presence on the Isle of Sheoth, for a second attempt at the FTO Conference of ’08.”

“While I’m at it, should I tell Brandon to expect visitors?”

“That might be a good idea.”

“I’ll Contact the King’s Office,” sighed the aide.

[b]Invitation To the Second Attempt at the FTO Conference[/b] wrote: To Member Nations of the Frequesan Treaty Organization:

The Vineyards would like to welcome all FTO nations to a conference in Sheoth Isle, this conference is meant to make up for the failure to commit to the last conference, and is prepared to start in the next month. Scheduling Changes are wiling to be made for the reasons of Elections, national tragedies, Natural Disasters, and health issues.

-Foreign Minister: Stephen Omiril
-Monarch: Brandon Bolin
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
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Post by MKSheppard »

Lonestar wrote:The Old Dominion Navy begin to surge out of the ports of Norfolk and Morehead City, and it appears to be setting up a blockade cordon off the major ports of Shepistan.
Battery Bee, Port of Baltimore

The old sixteen inch, fifty calibre naval rifle was one of the last of it's kind left in the world. It was scheduled to be decommissioned in four years as part of the modernization of Shepistan's Coastal Defenses with modern anti-ship missiles. It was said that Japanistan still had even larger weapons, some eighteen inches in caliber, for it's coastal defenses.

As it was, the men of Battery Bee were holding their annual firing exercise for the year. The heavy naval shell weighing 2,700 lbs was loaded into the breech of the weapon and rammed forward, and then so were the powder bags.

Old Dominion Destroyer, 12 nm offshore, near the Port of Baltimore

As part of WHIRLWIND '08, the Old Dominion Navy was practicing a partial blockade of Shepistani Ports. They weren't stopping anyone...yet, but were keeping a close eye on what was coming in and out of the port. Fifteen minutes ago, a brightly painted launch had steamed out near them, and the port 25mm Bushmaster crew was keeping a close eye on the launch -- it could very well be a Shepistani Suicide Attack Craft.

Battery Bee

"Sir, the remote controlled target launch has reached the firing area. But, I must report that a Old Dominion Warship is in the possible impact zone," reported a Lieutenant, who was holding a portable radio.

"Fuck," cursed Major Al-Opachim, commander of the battery. "Tell the launch controllers to move the impact zone to the west."

Seven Minutes Later

The heavy naval shell slammed into the water several dozen feet short of the target launch; sending a green-colored plume of water nearly a hundred feet into the air, some six thousand yards from the OD Destroyer.

Gazing through his imported Japanistani "Big Eye" rangefinders, Al-Opachim smiled. "We're almost on target, boys! Up a hundred and fire for effect!"

As heavy naval shells began to rain onto the launch at a rate of one every thirty seconds, the OD destroyer hastily turned around and began to beat a retreat to safer off-shore waters.

Shepistani Coastal Defenses are holding their annual live-fire exercises.

OOC: Hey guys, you know, if you really want to simulate blockading a series of ports for your annual MESS thing; you really should pick a chain of ports along the eastern shore of the Shinra Republic, and designate them RED PORT ONE, TWO, etc; rather than using actual Shepistani ports for blockade practice. What you're doing is the equivalent of parking ships off Murmansk during REFORGER.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Steve »

CRS Intrepid, 100km west of Jackson Island

The flight deck was bustling with activity as a flight of ASF-7Ns were retrieved as part of the "forward deployment preperation ops" that all Cascadian COGs implemented before proceeding to forward station in Velestria. The operations served not just to make sure that the ship was at full capability for the rest of a six month deployment away from home but to help new crewmen get accustomed to their duties. Day and night the drills were held; combat drills, maneuvering drills, intense flight ops, everything.

Today the pace of operations would change. A message was soon received and decrypted from Naval Headquarters at Bremerton. Intrepid COG was to sail home under "best possible speed" and undergo immediate replenishment of stores while two mine warfare vessels were activated to be attached to her, after which she would sail for Van Halstoff to either replace or join Defiant.

The CRS Intrepid on maneuvers in the northeast Pacific, preparing to steam back to Bremerton for early deployment to Van Halstoff.

Gerhardt Air Force Base, Pentleyville
Columbia Province, Republic of Cascadia

The 4th Fighter Squadron, known as "The Green Aces" after the squadron's operations over East Shepistan during the Second War, was alerted immediately that they were being temporarily forward-deployed to western Velestria and Van Halstoff. The pilots particularly had an ornery reaction, as they had a long flight ahead, including a complicated mid-air refueling operation to look forward to.

Adams Capitol District

Within the Cascadian political sphere, the Federalists and Democrats - or rather the Whigs and Liberals - were dominant, the two parties usually controlling 80 to 90% of the seats in the House and rarely not having a joint control of the Senate (not that these two parties agreed very much, granted).

There were, however, other parties, "minor" ones that were usually specific by province and sometimes sent a Congressman or two to the House, on occasion even getting a Senator elected by provincial legislature. The Stalwart Party, for instance, tended to come from the Yukon and Jieshi and were pro-military spending (specifically pro-army) and slightly anti-Tian Xia in their arguments.

The Labor Party was one that was not province-exclusive. It had chapters and adherents in every province, though it had fallen far from its heyday in the end of the 19th and first quarter of the 20th Centuries, which saw the Party at its pinnacle provoke the 1916 General Strike that forced the Cascadian Congress to pass the Militia Restriction Act of 1916 which placed limits on National Service and forbade those in it from being deployed overseas, restricting them to homeland defense exclusively.

Today they hewed to their anti-military, "anti-imperialist" line: Cascadia's military must be drastically cut, the Navy scrapped, and Cascadian "imperialism" in Adabani must come to a halt. The Labor Party had only a meager three seat position in the House, no Senators, and at its highest influence had only twenty percent of the Olympian Legislature. But it was still loud, and allied with the Green Party, was protesting the growing Cascadian military involvement in Velestria. An involvement that was growing with the deployment of the 4th Fighter Squadron and a second carrier group soon to head out. A second protest was already underway by the Labor Party of Bremerton, holding their protest outside the Naval Base where Intrepid was soon to put in.

President Garrett could see them as his helicopter flew overhead. He was heading to Bremerton to be there when Intrepid arrived and to give a policy speech on the matter. From there he'd be heading straight back for more meetings with the Joint Chiefs and with Congressional leaders interested in the crisis, as well as to see the representatives of al-Itani, Tanvarika, and Adabani. And, perhaps, some private time with his family. Well, part-family... half of me's family... however that works.

By the time he arrived at Bremerton, he had a call from the Secretary of the Air Force informing him that the House had passed a resolution approving his desire to hasten Air Force expansion. Something else the protestors would be howling over, he was sure....

Additional Forces being sent to Van Halstoff

4th Fighter Squadron "The Green Aces"
ASF-10 Condor x 20

Defiant-class Carrier

CRS Intrepid
Air Wing:
ASF-10N Condor x 12
ASF-7N Hawk x 12
F-4 Phantom x 12
ECF-2 Skyeye x 4
SH-6 Seahawk x 4

Cascadia-class Amphibious Assault Ship

CRS Concordia
RLH-14 x 20 (CH-46 equivalent)
RLH-16 x 10 (CH-53 equivalent)
AH-8 x 8 (Cobra-equivalent)
SH-6 x 4

Tacoma-class Amphibious Transport
CRS Tacoma

Columbia-class missile cruiser
CRS Columbia

Jiang Kai-sheng-class destroyers
CRS Lawton Chiles
CRS John Rayner

John Q. Adams-class destroyer
CRS James Nakamura

Patrick Jefferson-class frigates
CRS Patrick Jefferson
CRS Alex Carter
CRS Michael Sheppard

Seawolf-class Nuclear Attack Submarine
CRS Seawolf
CRS Growler

Settler's Creek-class Mine Warfare Ship (detached from Home Fleet)
CRS Guyon Creek
CRS Keller Creek

Columbia River-class Replenishment Ship, Heavy
CRS Cascade River

Gibbons River-class Replenishment Ship, Light
CRS Jieshi River

Fort Sheridan-class Fleet Oiler
CRS Fort Sheridan

1st Marine Brigade
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Japanistan National Command Bunker No.7
500km outside of Super Mega New Tokyo

Special Field Marshal Suchiidetsu Ichiro sat at the head of National Sunshine Councils vault like meeting room on one of the deepest levels of the sprawling tunnel complex. Half the chairs were empty, and instead the remaining five members of the council, including second in command Field Marshal Mitsuhashi Ario joined by videophone link, securely streamed across the Japanistani hardwired military intranet.

“The second convoy to Velaria is approaching the north shore of al-Akharabat’s, with the port of Al-Suakin as its objective,” reported Ario. “But I still believe the establishment of the No.2 Coast Guard Operating Base should remain a high priority. We risk becoming bogged down in al-Akharabat and delaying the Emperors proclamation.”

“Bogging down is acceptable,” replied Ichiro. “the barbarian foreigners have acted more quickly and boldly then expected, in particular the Canissian presence in al-Akharabat must be neutralized to avoid air threat to the Imperial Flank. Our peacekeeping forces will outnumber then five to one at least and as soon as the third convoy arrives, we will be able to launch the follow up operation.”

“And what if the barbarians act more quickly then these convoys of ponderous merchant ships and tank lighters this…. peacekeeping…. Force depend on?” demanded the lesser field marshal.

“I have already given the order to deal with that situation, Operation Gate Smasher is already in the air.”

Over al-Akharabat

The Japanistani JB-89 White Chrysanthemum bomber was a thinly disguised copy of the Tu-22M upgraded to employ modern guided weapons. It was but one of two dozen fanning out over al-Akharabat after refueling. Each plane sought out one of the nations many airfields’ most of them along ago abandon but still a none the less threat. Aside from the single airfield occupied by Canissian, every runway in the nation would be struck within the space of 30 minutes by the internal payload of a Tu-22, six 1000kg laser guided bombs on the internal rotary weapons launcher.

As ripples of explosions tore through the day the Japanistani planes circled and confirmed the results of the strikes. Every runway had been cratered at several points along its length, damaged which could be quickly repaired by engineers with major equipment, but enough to prevent the quick air landing of military forces. Civilian casualties were light, but in the towns, broken cities and villages around the airstrips were thrown into confusion and demands for retribution against the unknown, but strongly suspected to be Japanistani high flying attackers.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
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Post by phongn »

United Offense Industries Corporation Forms

HUE - A new star in weapons manufacture was officially incorporated today as a joint development initiative on behalf of Japanistan, Shepistan and the Incorporated Republic of Tonkin. The United Offense Industries Corporation (HSE: UOC) will produce sophisticated weapons systems for today's warfighters across the world. Several projects are already underway, including:

Project 7.01: A long-range, supercruising interceptor
Project 6.04: A high-power, long-range, highly-discriminative AESA radar for the interceptors of today and tomorrow
Project 9.02: A new airborne early warning system with advanced sensors for detection, tracking and identification of all threats from high-altitude bombers, to supersonic fifth-generation fighters to low-observable, low-altitude cruise missiles.

[ UOINC is pronounced "yoink." ]
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Sea Skimmer
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Japanistan Announcement To All World Sea and Air Traffic

All ports and air landing strips in the failed Republic of al-Akharabat are now closed to all but JAPF approved military and humanitarian relief flights. In the effort to clamp down on criminality and piracy this policy as been implemented to halt dangerous weapons imports. Furthermore it is advised that airfields in al-Akharabat may be in unusable condition and planes are warned to avoid them even in emergency situations.

J-4 Air Base, Imperial Japanistani 3rd Bomber Army

“You idiots,” berated Bomber General Yubri to his targeteering staff after examining the neat circles blown in runways on the post attack photography. “A one thousand kilogram bomb crater can be filled within a few days by a mule with a bucket of shit. You will re strike every target with four FAB-3000 bombs carried by our JB-35 Orange Blossom medium bombers. A second JB-35 bomber will then release ten one thousand kilogram anti personal mines with one month self destruct fuses to ensure aerial denial. I want these sorties generated and in the air within twelve hours. We will have no further mistakes, the second convoy will land in al-Akharabat before the day is through.”

EDIT: decided to leave orginal text, but yeah in the above 1000kg anti personal mines means 1000kg mine dispensing cluster bombs, not single giant land mines.
Last edited by Sea Skimmer on 2008-08-27 08:27pm, edited 2 times in total.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956