- The economy.
- He wishes to promote more investor confidence.
- Wishes to stop the 'double' taxing on divedends.
- Wishes to increase the federal budget on a par with average American pay-check increases.
- Health care and social wealfare.
- Shake up the medicare system to take control away from beurocracy and back to doctors, nurses and patients.
- Allow a greater access to basic prescription medication to all Americans.
- Wants to put the brakes on the suing of medical practitioners.
- Energy and the environment.
- Make America less dependant on external sources of energy, and thus less vunrable to international instability.
- Promote greater efficiency in energy resources, and also investigating 'greener' technologies to help the environment.
- Pledges a budget (a couple of billion) to develope new generation automobiles that will run on Hydrogen rather than fossil fuels.
- Social welfare.
- I can't say that I listened too closely on this issue, so others might want to jump in, but I do know he said he wishes a ban on human cloning (I thought it was already in place).
- Tougher abortion laws.
- Wishes to promote better world image of America, especially by supporting a secure Israel and a democratic Palestine.
- Larger focus on helping countries in a crisis, for example food support.
- Wishes to help prevent the spread of AIDS in Africa, and wants to propose the imergency plane of AIDS relief. It's aim is to prevent seven million new AIDS cases, treat a further two million with medication, help childern who have suffered from the disease. The president asks for 15 billion dollars over five years.
- War on terror (sigh).
- Remids Americans that the war is continuing and that the US has had successess against Al-Quade with key arrests.
- Mentions the SDI (Star Wars) program as being fielded (deployed?).
- Project Bio-Shield, requires 6 billion dollars of funding, it's purpose is to prepare an inoculation of the American public.
- Rogue states.
- Wants to limit the flow of missile and nuclear tech.
- North Korea, and Iran are not very good regimes at the moment.
- But Iraq is worse and Suddam is really pissing him off.
- Lists the unacountability of Iraq's potential arsenals.
- Talks about Iraq's dogged persistance of pursuing nuclear capability, mainly the 'high strength' aluminium tubes (which has been shown by the UN as not being used for any suspicious nature, but since then has that gotten in the way of a good lie?)
- Tells Iraqi people that Suddam is the enemy not America, and the day he is removed from power will be the day of your liberation.
- On Feb 5th the US will conviene the UN security council to 'consult' but if Suddam does not fully disarm America will lead a coalition to disarm him through force.
- Pledges to the Iraqi people; food, medical supplies and freedom.

Hmm it looks like I spoke too soon, as he spends 20mins on the internal issues, and another 20mins on Iraq. I changed my mind.
Well? Questions, comments?