SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the First.

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Post by Raj Ahten »

In al-Akharabat

Indhopal's operation was finally really getting established in al-Akharabat. Right now the operation was mostly spooks and SRG men, as Indhopal lacked a functional airfield as yet. That was about to change. The SRG patrols had found a road that would likely prove suitable for rough landing a C-17. Once they offloaded the jet, the equipment necessary to clear the mines off the runways of an airstrip that Indhopal was "leasing" from a local militia would be here. Once the airport was operational Indhopal would send in diplomatic teams to start talking about the future of the country. Until then Indhopal's mission was pretty much one of monitoring what everyone else in the country was doing.

A Contingent of Marines was also coming in along with a naval taskforce. They were still quite a ways out. Their mission would be to secure a port, which would be necessary for any long term operations.

The Reaver Point, Flagship of Indhopal's Armada

(Fleet includes 2 Sachsen Frigates, 1 Halifax Frigate, 1 Arleigh Burke Destroyer, 1 LHA, 1LST, 1AO, 1AKE and assorted minehunters/sweepers.
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Post by RogueIce »


Proceed to el-Kalim off the coast of Velestria to assist Cascadian Navy units in mineclearing operations. AKE SOMERSET and AO ESCAMBIA will provide UNREP upon arrival in OP AREA TWO.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Post by Lascaris »

Hello. Some here my remember me from Divine Salamis, certain others are unfortunate enough to know me from way earlier. So since certain of the certain others keep insisting to involve me in this... I'll ask for the inclusion of our little Hesperia :twisted:

The Hesperian republic.

Position: Some island out on the ocean.

Land Area: 151,215 km² (New Zealand's south island somewhere hotter)
Population: 14,000,000
GDP: $350 billion
PC GDP: $25.000

Languages: Greek
Religions: Greek Orthodox (90%), Armenian Orthodox (5%), Dodecatheist (1%), Jewish (4%)

Capital: Syracuse

Brief Background: Created by Cypriot colonists who decided to leave Byzantium altogether when the emperor just went up and sold Cyprus. In the ensuing two centuries received the... more troublesomly Greek republican elements of the motherland plus a fair leavening of Armenians and Jews. A determinedly republican trading nation with one of the world's largest merchant marines.

Political System: Presidential Republic (copying Cyprus)

Economy: Capitalistic.

GDP by sector: agriculture (1.6%), industry (30.8%), services (66.6%)

Taxation: Mix of Irish and Cypriot systems. (read tax haven)

Defence: 6% of GDP, 25 month universal military service with yearly call-ups till the age of 35.

Industry: High Technology, Aerospace, Shipbuilding, Weapons.
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Post by Lonestar »


wrong thread to put that, and you just randomly jumping in, on your first post on the board, does not make me want to have you included in this.

"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Lascaris »

Lonestar wrote:[OOC]

wrong thread to put that, and you just randomly jumping in, on your first post on the board, does not make me want to have you included in this.

1. I post where I get told I was supposed to.

2. As for randomly or not I'll refer to a certain damn Norse. :P
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Post by Master_Baerne »

Baernish News Service
File BNS-1-88

Great Leap Forward Begins!

The Great Leap Forward program, intended to aid in the Duchy of Baerne's ascent to modernity, will begin today with the groundbreaking ceremony for the new nuclear power plant outside Forgeville. When completed, the Forgeville Nuclear Power Center will provide electricity to the industrial center of Baerne, and reduce the nation's dependence on oil. Several hydroelectric plants will be constructed as funding allows, and the ongoing analysis of the education and health care systems is expected to reach a new pitch.

The Duke had this to say:
"My fellow Baerns, this is a turning point. A crossing place, if you will, between the old and the new. Crossing places are often unsure of themselves, but the Great Leap Forward is one that shall not be! With dedication and effort our nation shall take it's place among the modern, leaving behind forever the squalor of the old!"

Baernish Foreign Ministry
Public Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, in counsel with His Excellency Count Spinello, Tribune for Finance, Economy, and Industry.
TO: His Majesty King Brandon Michael of the Vineyards and His Excellency Walter Von Earls, Prime Minister, Kingdom of the Vineyards.

Your Majesty and Excellency,
As the minister charged with handling my duchy's foreign interests and affairs, I am charged by His Grace Duke James to investigate the possibilities of closer relations between out two lands. His Grace believes, as do myself and the Tribune for Finance, that such a relationship, which would take the form of student and cultural exchange programs, as well as a lessening of import duties between us, would be mutually beneficial and profitable.

Also, we would be extremely interested in membership in the Frequesuan Treaty Organization.
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Post by MKSheppard »

Outside the OD Port of Norfolk

The Shepistani AGI trawlers slowly steamed out of Norfolk, bound for Shepistan. The crews were now wearing uniforms bleached to solid white, and several sizes too small. When they'd complained to their brief jailers about this, the Old Dominion Naval personnel had just shrugged their shoulders and said something about "gotta decontaminate them of any lice or ticks or whatnot."

Belowdecks, the diesels of the trawelers were grinding away, sounding like they would die. They'd been given a brief "overhaul" by Old Dominion personnel to bring them up to "Old Dominion Safety Standards"; which mainly had consisted of pouring sand with some gravel mixed into the oil supply of the engines.

But they were free and headed home.

Old Dominion Pentagon Equivalent

The Old Dominion CNO was on the phone with his Kingdom of Serenity counterpart, and was giving him an earful.

"Look, I don't know what the fuck you guys were thinking, seizing those AGIs...Yes, I know they were spying on our exercises, but so what? Go ahead and fire dummy torpedoes at them, send over crews in inflatables to board them which break off at the last minute, to cause them to drop the secure stuff overboard, but above all, don't fucking board them, or have them towed into my fucking ports!"


"It wasn't your idea? Then find out whose idea it was and have them busted to Seaman! Those fucking ships are carried on the Shepistani Naval Rolls as auxilaries -- seizing them is an act of war, you nimrod!"


"Look asshole, you're the one sitting thousands of miles away from Shepistan; we're the ones who have to deal with the Shepistanis who are sitting right across the border!"


"Yeah, I'm sure the MESS is going to be much of a help after the Shepistanis drop nearly ten thousand tons of high explosive, inciendaries, gas, and biological weapons on the cities of the Old Dominion in case of a major war."


"Whatever. We have our own plans for dealing with the Shepistanis, and we don't need amateur incompetents like you bungling into our area of operations thinking they know exactly how to deal with the Shepistanis."

With that, the CNO slammed down the phone.

[OOC: Talked this one over briefly with lonestar, and basically, instead of going to war over this incident; we're going to just chalk this one up to basic fuckery by incompetents not versed in the tense dynamic of Shepistani/Old Dominion relationships -- and also so we can have the story idea that lonestar came up with.

PS - when I told Marina about the seizure of my AGIs; know what she said?

"That's an act of motherfucking war."

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Post by Karmic Knight »

Foreign Relations Press Releases wrote:
Vinish Message to the Duchy of Baerne wrote:
Baernish Foreign Ministry wrote: Public Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, in counsel with His Excellency Count Spinello, Tribune for Finance, Economy, and Industry.
TO: His Majesty King Brandon Michael of the Vineyards and His Excellency Walter Von Earls, Prime Minister, Kingdom of the Vineyards.

Your Majesty and Excellency,
As the minister charged with handling my duchy's foreign interests and affairs, I am charged by His Grace Duke James to investigate the possibilities of closer relations between out two lands. His Grace believes, as do myself and the Tribune for Finance, that such a relationship, which would take the form of student and cultural exchange programs, as well as a lessening of import duties between us, would be mutually beneficial and profitable.

Also, we would be extremely interested in membership in the Frequesuan Treaty Organization.
To: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and her counsels:

The Kingdom of Vineyards would like to agree that a cultural exchange program would be beneficial to both of our Nations. We would like more information about what this program would entail, before we commit. What sort of rights would our students have on either side of the border; there are elements of this government that would like to see any foreign student, or tourist, or expert, be treated like a second class citizen?

As for the issue of lowering import tariffs, again, we ask that you place a ballpark figure for us to agree to; it is simply not feasible to operate without full knowledge of the plans laid out by others. I assure you, we will most likely agree to any lowering or removal you propose, but we ask that you propose it.

- Stephen Omiril, Foreign Minister.
- Brandon Michael, Sovereign Monarch
- Walter Von Earls, Prime Minister
FASTA Funding

After Tweaking the Budget, the Kingdom of Vineyards Can appropriate Ten Billion Vinish Dollars to the efforts of FASTA, and has also sent out a surveying group to test the Untamed Wilderness for viability as a launch site for future FASTA trips.
Southern Possible Launch Site, Untamed Wilderness


John Bordeaux was the head ‘colonist’ in the group of Vinish ‘colonists’ whose job it was to try and live where no civilized man would live. He looked around the rocky landscape, just one of the many annoyances that they would be facing in their homes. They would see its validity for use as a launch pad to the stars, a gateway to the future. The ‘colonists’ would also be here to help spearhead an FTO or Vinish Operation into the Untamed Wilderness, to tame its evils. All in all, the price for the failure of these few hundred or so ‘colonists’ would be more than just prestige, they might hold back the progress of the human race. With all of this flowing through his head, Bordeaux shouted out, “What a piece of shit, huh?”

“You said it John, luckily this place is tropical, or else we would be seeing a cold winter,” said Bordeaux’s second in command and military expert, Joshua Earles.

“I don’t see much of a problem with a cold winter; I see a problem with a humid summer.”

“Yea, tell that to me when the snow is coming down and some beast from out there,” Earles pointed out into the wilderness, “comes looking to shut the fuck up whatever is causing all the racket that is disturbing its hibernation.” As Bordeaux mulled over Earles’ response, he shouted to another one of the people off loading supplies from the vessel, “Hey, get the big gun and set it up on that outcropping, hurry it up.” The big gun is this case, was a .50 caliber machine gun, that would be used in a last ditch effort to evacuate the 432 person colony, Earles hoped it wouldn’t come to that, but it was his job to be prepared, and he did his job well.

“The only way I see the beasts, as you call them, being a problem is if we don’t burn early and hot.”

“Burning back the forest, that would set a bad precedent, and it would waste wood we could use, wood that we can’t waste.”

“Hmm, how far back do we really need to go? At least before a larger group arrives to build up the launch equipment and such.”

“A Mile or so, at least, we need to test this ground, see we need to make sure this place is usable as a launch pad, not just sit tight on the claim until the cavalry arrives.”

“Ok, but we first need to fortify our encampment,”


“Settlement, whatever, we need to keep this place safe before we start any surveying.”

“I agree, but I think we can kill two birds with one stone, We should begin using natural products from the forest around us, and build our fortifications with them, who knows, maybe we’ll find something either shiny or exceedingly durable.”

“Alright, implement this plan immediately.”

“Sure thing, boss.”
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
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Post by Raj Ahten »

Topics for FTO conference

When the FTO conference finally gets started, Indhopal would like the following points to be addressed.

1.) Should FTO nations be allowed to be full members of foreign alliance groups such as the MESS or FUN? Personally I would prefer members not associate to that degree with the big alliances. The whole point of the FTO is to keep such alliances from monkeying with Frequesue.

2.) Do we want to form a joint Naval or air command to better integrate our forces for defense?

3.) The CFR is breaking apart as we speak and falling into anarchy. The FTO needs to come up with a plan to deal with the situation, lest the whole region could become destabilized.

4.) Do we want to officially respond to other nation's activities on the untamed continent? I have already sent observers into al-Akharabat; the FTO does not need to take action as a group unless we want to.

5.) Do we want to invest jointly in 5th gen. fighters like the f-22? I would be willing to expand my production of such aircraft if we could drum up large enough orders.

6.) FASTA projects. Do we want to contribute to this organization? Indhopal will be putting forward significant funds for space exploration shortly.

7.) Do we want to have our own space program to launch military satellites?
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Post by Beowulf »

Data Masked
Data Masked
Tian Xia

Work continued on research for the implosion bomb. The Special Weapons Corps had rejected the idea of a uranium gun-type bomb, choosing instead to develop an plutonium powered implosion device. Using information recieved from classified sources, the team knew the basics of both how a successful implosion weapon worked, as well as tritium boosting and multistage devices. Of course, the devil is in the details.

[OOC]In my copious free time, I wrote up what I knew of nuclear physics and nuclear devices, and handed it to the head of the team developing the devices.[/OOC]
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Post by phongn »

IRT Offers Launch Sites

Da Nang - In wake of recent initiatives for space development and exploration, the IRT will offer to host a major international spaceport at the equator. The IRT will donate government-owned land on the Dac Lac Plataeu near the Eastern Sea and proposes a cost-sharing agreement to the development of the launch facilities.

All nations are invited to consider the IRT's offer for peaceful and profitable space development.

[EDIT: I checked the map and I'm pretty much optimally sited for space launch ]


Project Blue Ivy

The name of the project was strictly randomized in order to make life more difficult for anyone investigating - the proposed "Hue Engineering District" was deemed much too unsubtle. Chairman Nguyen suspected that every other world leader had done what he had: scraped up whatever information they could remember on weapons design and fed it to their nuclear engineers and weaponeers.

The devil was in the details. Many components required for assembly simply did not exist. Oh, HEU and plutonium were plentiful enough thanks to nuclear-powered ships everywhere, but anything else? All the little components that nobody had ever bothered to produce - now needed. Security. Test sites had to be selected. Thank goodness nobody was really monitoring these things carefully - with seismograph networks and satellites and a host of other systems needed.
Last edited by phongn on 2008-08-28 08:46pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Master_Baerne »

Vinish Message to the Duchy of Baerne wrote:
Baernish Foreign Ministry wrote: Public Communique
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, in counsel with His Excellency Count Spinello, Tribune for Finance, Economy, and Industry.
TO: His Majesty King Brandon Michael of the Vineyards and His Excellency Walter Von Earls, Prime Minister, Kingdom of the Vineyards.

Your Majesty and Excellency,
As the minister charged with handling my duchy's foreign interests and affairs, I am charged by His Grace Duke James to investigate the possibilities of closer relations between out two lands. His Grace believes, as do myself and the Tribune for Finance, that such a relationship, which would take the form of student and cultural exchange programs, as well as a lessening of import duties between us, would be mutually beneficial and profitable.

Also, we would be extremely interested in membership in the Frequesuan Treaty Organization.
To: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and her counsels:

The Kingdom of Vineyards would like to agree that a cultural exchange program would be beneficial to both of our Nations. We would like more information about what this program would entail, before we commit. What sort of rights would our students have on either side of the border; there are elements of this government that would like to see any foreign student, or tourist, or expert, be treated like a second class citizen?

As for the issue of lowering import tariffs, again, we ask that you place a ballpark figure for us to agree to; it is simply not feasible to operate without full knowledge of the plans laid out by others. I assure you, we will most likely agree to any lowering or removal you propose, but we ask that you propose it.

- Stephen Omiril, Foreign Minister.
- Brandon Michael, Sovereign Monarch
- Walter Von Earls, Prime Minister
Baernish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Public Communique
TO: Stephen Omiril, Foreign Minister
- Brandon Michael, Sovereign Monarch
- Walter Von Earls, Prime Minister.
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, in counsel with His Excellency Count Spinello, Tribune for Finance, Economy, and Industry.

Your Majesty and Excellencies,
With regards to the status of students in each other's countries, we do not ask for any special considerations, merely that our citizens be treated as foreign nationals, with all the rights and privileges that implies. They would not be treated as second-or-any-class citizens of the host country, but as citizens of the other, to be granted whatever additional rights your government saw fit, or needed in order to study at the universities to which they applied.

We propose a cultural exchange program to consist of a series of state visits, displays of national art, visits of dance troupes and performing arts companies, etc. As we came up with the idea, it would be our pleasure to host the first such event - perhaps Your Majesty would care visit next March, in time for National Day?

With regards to tariffs, perhaps a 50% lowering if import duties between our nations? Myself and Count Spinello believe that the volume of trade that would arise would more than make up for the lost revenue, but Your Majesty's economists are more than welcome to review the proposal.

Respectfully Yours,
Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs

OOC: Um, that was poorly written. In short, don't hurt my citizens, we'll have some parties on each other's national holidays, and let's slash tariffs by half. :OOC
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Post by Karmic Knight »

To: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and assorted counsels.
Master_Baerne wrote:Baernish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Public Communique
TO: Stephen Omiril, Foreign Minister
- Brandon Michael, Sovereign Monarch
- Walter Von Earls, Prime Minister.
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, in counsel with His Excellency Count Spinello, Tribune for Finance, Economy, and Industry.

Your Majesty and Excellencies,
With regards to the status of students in each other's countries, we do not ask for any special considerations, merely that our citizens be treated as foreign nationals, with all the rights and privileges that implies. They would not be treated as second-or-any-class citizens of the host country, but as citizens of the other, to be granted whatever additional rights your government saw fit, or needed in order to study at the universities to which they applied.
Agreed, I only wished to make it clear to elements in my own government that this agreement would not allow for the students to be treated like shit, because I know people who would pass laws just to force them into terrible situations. None of us would want this, now, would we?
Master_Baerne wrote:We propose a cultural exchange program to consist of a series of state visits, displays of national art, visits of dance troupes and performing arts companies, etc. As we came up with the idea, it would be our pleasure to host the first such event - perhaps Your Majesty would care visit next March, in time for National Day?
I will try to make the arrangements, but I apologize in advance if an issue demanding my attention. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a tourist during a very lowkey visit early this year, and I would like to see how well your government puts on a show.
Master_Baerne wrote:With regards to tariffs, perhaps a 50% lowering if import duties between our nations? Myself and Count Spinello believe that the volume of trade that would arise would more than make up for the lost revenue, but Your Majesty's economists are more than welcome to review the proposal.
50% seems like a number that would work, the reasoning is sound, no objections to the plan.
Master_Baerne wrote:Respectfully Yours,
Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Brandon Michael, King of Vineyards

PostScript: I hope to see you or your Duke at the FTO conference, I believe we will actually decide how to add new members to the organization there.
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
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Post by Raj Ahten »

Construction on Particle Smasher begins

Having received support from several nations to build particle accelerators, Indhopal started construction at a site in the West Frontier province. The part of the project being built in Indhopal is expected to take many years to complete, even with international assistance.

Some construction was taking place a high energy physics project of an entirely different nature as well. Indhopal already had most of the big pieces of nuclear infrastructure it needed to build a device. Some pieces were still needed, especially if Indhopal wanted to build any number of the devices. Many might be necessary as it was considered doubtful that Shepistan and its allies wouldn't produce large numbers as soon as they could.
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Post by Coiler »

The CFR war was going fairly well for Coilerburg-at the moment. The mines were being held, the supply lines were running smooth, and the operation was in no immediate danger.

The biggest problem was Minoy's invasion. The airstrikes on its invasion fleet had not stopped them from landing thousands of troops in the CFR. President Jeffrey wasn't too worried about the Minoy forces taking the mines away-the Coilerburg forces were better trained, had superior firepower, and were fighting from a defensive position.

No, what worried him was the mere existence of Minoy's invasion. They had smelled weakness in the CFR and were moving in. This was a sure sign of destabilization, if other parties felt bold enough to move in. Sooner or later, Mortimer's government would fall, and what little peace remained in the CFR would be destroyed.

President Jeffrey's orders to the air force were simple: "Keep attacking the lakebound ships that will be bearing supplies. It will be a lot easier to hit boats floating on an open lake than men hiding in forests."


"-but it is thankful that the landings had already started when they struck. However, our supply lanes across Lake Shroombee remain vulnerable."

The Minoy top brass were holding a meeting to discuss the invasion. The commanders of the army and navy were annoyed at the fact that what few planes Minoy had were sitting parked while Coilerburg's air force pounded their invasion fleet.

"We need every plane we have to provide air cover for the next large reinforcement run. Don't offer me the 'it'll be pointless' excuse, General Kailaoa. If we lose our air force and the convoy gets through unscathed, it's an acceptable tradeoff."

So when the fleet of more Minoy fighting men and material set sail the next day, the entire antiquated Minoy Air Force soared overhead, ready to defend.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles
Deep somewhere Secret

"While the political bickering continues, here at least, we can work in peace," mumbled the Byzantine Physicist.

"Indeed. I'm not entirely sure why the Comrade Secretary General doesn't like Shroomania too much, but at least here, we get the job done," said the Crimson Star Republic scientist.

"I hear some PeZookians and USSR scientists will join us. Shroomania is an open question though."

"That is what I heard. Between the two facilities, one in Anatolia and here deep in CSR, we have more than enough manpower, but I guess, more wouldn't hurt. We need people to work on fabrication and some of the precision work."

"Definitely. Not to mention, more raw material is required to produce more devices."

"Indeed. If we are lucky, we can make an implosion device of uranium or plutonium by year's end or next year."

"Here's to success." And the two drank up their vodka and wine, and got back to work.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
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Post by Master_Baerne »

Baernish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Public Communique
TO: Stephen Omiril, Foreign Minister
- Brandon Michael, Sovereign Monarch
- Walter Von Earls, Prime Minister.
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, in counsel with His Excellency Count Spinello, Tribune for Finance, Economy, and Industry.
Karmic Knight wrote:To: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, and assorted counsels.
Master_Baerne wrote:Baernish Ministry for Foreign Affairs
Public Communique
TO: Stephen Omiril, Foreign Minister
- Brandon Michael, Sovereign Monarch
- Walter Von Earls, Prime Minister.
FROM: Her Excellency Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs, in counsel with His Excellency Count Spinello, Tribune for Finance, Economy, and Industry.

Your Majesty and Excellencies,
With regards to the status of students in each other's countries, we do not ask for any special considerations, merely that our citizens be treated as foreign nationals, with all the rights and privileges that implies. They would not be treated as second-or-any-class citizens of the host country, but as citizens of the other, to be granted whatever additional rights your government saw fit, or needed in order to study at the universities to which they applied.
Agreed, I only wished to make it clear to elements in my own government that this agreement would not allow for the students to be treated like shit, because I know people who would pass laws just to force them into terrible situations. None of us would want this, now, would we?
Indeed, Your Majesty. Your compassion and willingness to assist people not your own is much appreciated and admired.
Master_Baerne wrote:We propose a cultural exchange program to consist of a series of state visits, displays of national art, visits of dance troupes and performing arts companies, etc. As we came up with the idea, it would be our pleasure to host the first such event - perhaps Your Majesty would care visit next March, in time for National Day?
I will try to make the arrangements, but I apologize in advance if an issue demanding my attention. I thoroughly enjoyed my time as a tourist during a very lowkey visit early this year, and I would like to see how well your government puts on a show.
It will be our pleasure as well, assuming nothing comes up. We quite understand the exigencies of statecraft, however.
Master_Baerne wrote:With regards to tariffs, perhaps a 50% lowering if import duties between our nations? Myself and Count Spinello believe that the volume of trade that would arise would more than make up for the lost revenue, but Your Majesty's economists are more than welcome to review the proposal.
50% seems like a number that would work, the reasoning is sound, no objections to the plan.
Delightful. Shall we put these plans into action immediately, then, or after the FTO conference?
Master_Baerne wrote:Respectfully Yours,
Countess Domizia, Minister for Foreign Affairs
- Brandon Michael, King of Vineyards

PostScript: I hope to see you or your Duke at the FTO conference, I believe we will actually decide how to add new members to the organization there.[/quote]

We'll be there.

Respectfully Yours,
Duke James of Baerne and Countess Domizia
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
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Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Post by Zor »

Union Press

Zoria aids the race for space

Parliament Hill, Zortropolis-Today, Parliament has pledged 15 Billion Zorian Dollars (ZORD) to the Joint Fungal Union of Nation space program known as FASTA. Despite some complaints from the Conservative Party about this being "Pointlessly launching Zorian Money into Orbit", the bill clearly passed and has been signed by the King.

Meanwhile Royal Areospace Reserch has voiced its desire to work upon spacecraft. "Contracts that provide our workers with jobs while building a legacy for the future," said President Adam Yeung "whats not to like?"
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Post by Steve »

um-Kasrah, Republic of al-Itani

Capt. Sonya Longwell of the Cascadian Army Corps of Engineers was not particularly taken with the sweltering jungle of western al-Itani, nor the Karud - the ethnic group that lived there. Some of the primitive tribal groups had a reputation for at least some hospitality. The Karud, however, hewed to a particularly patriarchal form of local heterodox Islam that meant she was given a strange mix of disapproving glares and disturbingly lustful glances by the local menfolk that the engineers had allowed to join in the clearing effort. In fact, clearing the jungle seemed to be the only thing the Karud really liked about the Cascadian presence; the labor on expanding the rudimentary railroad that linked the Karud ethnic region with the port town of Salimyyad was going almost excruciatingly slow with the laborers demanding constant cash. The al-Itani government troops had broken that up quickly enough but in a vicious fashion that made Captain Longwell convinced the Karud would only get more intractable over time.

The skeleton of secondary airfield for Van Halstoff was already forming. A single strip permitted T-12Bs and aircraft of similar or lesser weight and takeoff requirement to land and to have a hanger. When the time came it was hoped that um-Kasrah could begin a functional airfield for transports, allowing them to stop and refuel, with their fuel supplies either flown in or sent by ship and rail along the Western al-Itani Rail Line.

Longwell was overseeing the process of putting together the full prefab barracks structure - a delightful thing that would permit them all to sleep in air-conditioning with anti-insect nets to keep the bugs away - when the call came over the radio. She answered it and was requested to give a report on if the field was prepared for an emergency landing.

Not long afterward a T-12B came roaring over the nearby jungle canopy, its fuselage already tearing through a couple trees. The plane was coming it low, almost too low, and it was clearly suffering from a severe engine problem. It nevertheless taxied to a stop on the fresh tarmac.

Examination would show that shortly after takeoff from Van Halstoff, Aircraft T-109 had suffered engine trouble. Without the power to make a fully effective turn and return to Van Halstoff, it had been forced to continue on and get to um-Kasrah. It had barely made it.

The only surprising thing about the incident, of course, was that it'd actually taken a bit of time to happen, a testament to the capability of the Cascadian aerospace designers and to the Air Force mechanics who maintained the planes. Their transport fleet had been operating at a very high tempo these past weeks and something like this was bound to happen. At the very least, of course, the aircraft and the crew had survived. They or those like them might not be so lucky next time.

Official Announcement of the Cascadian State Department

Although the port of el-Kalim in southwester al-Akharabat remains closed due to the Shepistani mining barrage, the nearby port of Kashrash has been cleared enough by local minesweeping assets to permit a safe navigation channel for ships bearing aid supplies. The Cascadian military and other associated powers in the stablization and peacekeeping forces for al-Akharabat will continue to work together to restore full services to the country.

To ensure no further pirate activity from Karshash, a Cascadian military ship will remain in the port to prevent suspicious vessels from entering or leaving and to support Marines in ground-based operations.

Furthermore, the Cascadian Navy will commence air patrols of the area to ensure the local airspace remains safe and that no further errors are made in the laying of anti-piracy mines by other states.

Even as the announcement was made, followed up by a less public order to the commander on the scene regarding acceptable measures to disrupt further Shepistani attempts to expand or restore a mine barrage, a question still vexed those in charge. Would Shepistan try again... and if they did, what would be the Cascadian response to a more flagrant attempts to deny them access to ports?
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Post by Karmic Knight »

The Vineyards offer Forces to help stabilize the CFR

The Kingdom of Vineyards are offering forces to Coilerburg and Indhopal in stabilizing the Central Frequesan republic (A List of Forces offered is at the bottom of this article). This coming after announcements that the Vineyards will be hosting a second FTO conference, and after an attempt to form a settlement in the Untamed Wilderness. This seems to be another action to offer Vinish assistance to Frequesue.

Offered Forces:
Royal Air Force:
8 - Multi-Role Fighter - 2000 "Falcons"
12 Air Superiority Fighters - 1 "Hawks"
3 Interdict/Strike Fighter/Bomber "Vultures"
2 Stratotankers
3 Small Cargo Planes
1 Large Cargo Plane

Royal Army
2 Heliborne Assault Brigades
1 Light Infantry Brigade
1 Motorized Infantry Brigade
3/4 Heavy Armoured Brigade
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Post by RogueIce »

Official Communication from the Shinra Republic to Imperial Japanistan

In the interests of furthering the volume of humanitarian aid that may be sent to the troubled region of Velestria, we request that you provide all assistance in de-mining the secured ports of el-Kalim and Kashrash. Given that the operation was conducted by Shepistani aircraft, and given your government's cooperation with same, it should be possible to coordinate with them on the placement of employed mines to expidite the clearance of these two harbors secured by the Republic of Cascadia.

We also wish to inquire as to why Shepistani aircraft would fly two missions to mine the harbor of el-Kalim, which at the time had already been secured by Cascadian government forces, especially given that elements of the Cascadian Navy were in the area at the time of the operation.

We eagerly await your response and continued assistance in these humanitarian efforts.
"How can I wait unknowing?
This is the price of war,
We rise with noble intentions,
And we risk all that is pure..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, Forever (Rome: Total War)

"On and on, through the years,
The war continues on..." - Angela & Jeff van Dyck, We Are All One (Medieval 2: Total War)
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

Emperor Heraclius IV left the MESS conference and headed to PeZookia. There was indeed a lot to talk about, ranging from the rising threat of Shepistan, and other... rather ambitious nations. It was clear that things were heading in directions that left him feeling uncomfortable. "No peace for the wicked," grumbled the Emperor. Basilleus, his advisor, said, "The situation looks tense at best. We can stall the inevitable, but I sure hope we don't end up trading nuclear weapons."

"That might not be up to us. We will do our best. We will strive for the weapons we need, and we are already probably tipping the spending at 10% of our GDP. Bloody hell."

"The Senate isn't going to like this."

"The Senate better remember that we have a sleeping giant southeast of ourselves. A sleeping giant that has only been sleep walking of late. I don't want to imagine it actually walking."

The aircraft landed in PeZookia shortly later.
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Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times
Brought to you by Veritas News

36 F-22As ordered from Cannissia, while work begins to commence production on 60 other F-22As at Byzantine Aeronautics

Byzantine Aeronautics and its Cannissian counterpart have been issued contracts to produce a total of 96 F-22As. These advanced aircraft are expected to be deployed in 1-2 years. The Government is considering buying more of these aircraft and expanding the fleet. A decision will be made in a few months.

Work begins on a 8 TeV range Linear Particle Accelerator

Work has begun on the 31km long Linear Particle Accelerator deep in Anatolia. The accelerator will use Superconducting RF to accelerate electrons to collide with positrons and produce collisions of up to 500GeV range. The particle accelerator will command the expertise of many research institutes in the Empire, but it will be completed in 4-8 years.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-08-29 03:55am, edited 4 times in total.
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Post by PeZook »


FASTA Bulletin

Preliminary studies: Requirements for a Moon landing

FASTA officials have released results of preliminary studies on the technology necessary for the Moon landings. The general conclusion remains that tremendous advances - especially in rocketry and life support - will be required to make FASTA's new mandate a reality.


Studies conducted by the University Of Stasograd have concluded that in order to get three humans to Selene and back safely, a spacecraft with a mass of between 120 and 150 tonnes would be required in low earth orbit.

This translates to boosters with a launch mass of more than 3500 metric tonnes. Currently, no country in the world has deployed, planned or even studies the possibility of building a rocket that large.

Construction of such a gigantic rocket will require new engines, propellant and control technologies which also do not exist.


A round trip to Selene, deemed most suitable for the initial landing due to good geological conditions, will take between ten and twelve days. Studies determined the optimal crew for such a mission would be composed of three qualified astronauts, so that instruments can be watched 24/7.

Thus, a life support system will need to be developed which will work, uninterrupted, through 240 to 290 hours non-stop. No such system is currently available, not even in submarines: weight requirements and the difference in environment preclude utilizing submarines systems or experience in space.

Human physiology is another obstacle: at this time, no data has been collected on the effect long term exposure to zero-gravity will have on humans in space.


A safe landing will require mapping out of a significant portion of Selene's surface ; Especially if the mission is to become more than a simple flag-planting excercise. Thus, a series of remote reconeissance and lander missions is essential to human presence of the Moons.

At this time, no satellite with mission endurance, sensors or communications gear required exists anywhere in the world.


Space is a dangerous environment: so much, in fact, that estimates have been put forward by several agencies that the exposure would be lethal within minutes of leaving Earth's protective magnetic field.

Protecting astronauts from radiation presents a double challenge for FASTA: one, data needs to be collected about the nature and strenght of radiation fields in cislunar space. Two, lightweight and capable radiation shielding needs to be developed for use on spacecraft.


Obstacles standing before the Moon missions are numerous and severe, however FASTA officials remain confident they can be overcome. Before a launch pad is selected to house the Moon rockets, much work can be done developing boosters, life support systems, drones and radiation protection.

Preliminary development concepts for rocket boosters

A) The INITIAL family

INITIAL series boosters are envisioned as a step forward from current technology demonstrators: modified MRBMs, capable of putting larger payloads into low earth orbit. They would test launch and control procedures, and most importantly: propulsion systems and propellants.

Estimates put the required amount of INITIAL rocket flights at 30-40 before the technology is understood well enough to move up to a larger rocket family.

Current proposal are to base the INITIAL series of boosters on Crimson Republic designed medium-ranged R-series ballistic missiles, the so-called "Sputnik Rockets". Modifications would be relatively simple, and allow FASTA to use a proven and reliable design.


The LINEBACKER is a temporary work name given to a hypothetical medium-lift rocket booster, designed to support first manned spaceflight capsules and heavier satellite prototypes. In concept, the rocket would be modular and capable of being fitted with booster engines, allowing it to lob payloads weighing between 1 and 3 tonnes to Lunar orbit, making it possible to recointer Selene.

The LINEBACKER would be a completely new design, perhaps an evolution of the INITIAL rocket family.

C) MOON family

The two previous rocket program would, in concept, culminate in the MOON program: the 3500 thousand tonne mega-booster, capable of throwing a fully crewed and fuelled spacecraft to Selene.
Last edited by PeZook on 2008-08-29 03:25am, edited 1 time in total.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by Norseman »

OOC: I've got to post this now since you're all screwing about in Velaria. As for the troops numbers mentioned later in this post I was trying hard to be restrained. Basically I am modelling the colonial administration on India, bearing in mind all the screwed up states around the following need for retaliatory measures. I'll let Marina judge if I'm on the money or not.

As for Lascaris I gave him the URL to the discussion thread, and told him to just post there. Apparently there was a small misunderstanding since he posted in the game thread instead.


Ministry of Colonial Affairs

Sir Albert Throckmorton's face had turned a very odd shade of red, and it wasn't entirely due to all the gin he'd been putting away. Beads of sweat ran down his brow, and he wiped them away with a large handkerchief. "Sweet mercy! How could this happen without us being warned?"

"A communications glitch I believe Sir," said Harold Smithers, Sir Albert's tall and rather grey looking permanent undersecretary.

"A communications glitch? How can we miss an invasion of our interest zone?"

"Apparently several of our agents did see warning signs, but unfortunately our agents didn't co-operate with the Bureau of State Security. So unfortunately the information was rather patchy and not relayed properly."

"Japanistan would be bad enough, but Cannasia and Cascadia?" Sir Albert buried his face in his hands, "Lord, they'll ask me for my resignation next."

"There may be a way to salvage the situation Sir."

"Salvage it?"

"Yes, enough to save your position at any rate Sir."

Sir Albert looked up; Harold Smithers wouldn't give anything away for free. Then again what choice did he have? "What kind of salvage?"

Harold Smithers placed a document folder on the desk, "A simple study by the Colonial Surveillance Service."

Cabinet Meeting

Like most upper rooms in the Regents Palace the cabinet meeting room was a mixture of oaken walls, hung with paintings of ancient politicians that no one remembered. Other ancient politicians, that many wished they could forget, sat around the polished oak table listening to the Minister of Colonial Affairs.

"Thus I believe the situation, though awkward, is very much salvageable," Sir Albert Throckmorton finished.

The Regent gave him a cold look, "So in other words your idea is to use the excesses of the occupiers to tie the local elites more closely to us?"

"Yes your excellence."

"I may have spotted a small flaw with that Sir Albert; it will only work if the locals stay independent."

"Well yes excellence, but that is what my plan is all about."

"How large are our present forces in the region?"

The Minister of War General Jason Thornwall leaned forward, "Approximately 35 000 askaris of reasonably good quality. Twice as many Colonial Police but they won't be useful in this situation. There is also a marine brigade; an armoured battalion[1]; an airborne battalion[2]; five squadrons of attack helicopters[3], and three battalions of regular infantry. The biggest weakness is the air force; we have two fighter-bomber squadrons[4], and three attack squadrons[5]. I doubt this will be enough if we meet heavy resistance."[6]

The Regent nodded, "I see, well then we had better hope for no heavy resistance. We will strike now; move as far north as we can before we meet foreign troops. I also want reinforcements sent as soon as possible."

"But we will strike now before the reinforcements are available?" Thornwall asked.

"Of course, no time like the present. Try to co-operate with that idiot who runs the south."

"Farrih Addeed?"

"Yes, that's the one. See if you can bribe him somehow, and bring him gifts. Negotiate a protectorate treaty, something like that. Try whatever seems most likely to work."

"Yes Excellency."

Border of South Velaria and al-Akharabat

"O people of the Sacred Triad!" the shout thundered across the small clearing.

Colonel Abd-al-khidr al-Icanti felt a shiver go down his spine. Around him was a whole brigade of askaris, supported by armoured cars, and light tanks. All of them seemed quite excited about a proper fight. Once more he yelled, "O people of the Sacred Triad!"

It was a politic cry, no one knew if it meant the Holy Trinity, or the three pagan deities of Beelshamen, Aglibol, and Malakbel. In his heart Abd-al-khidr held to the pagan gods, but it was bad too be too open about this these days.

"Prepare to advance!"

Engines came to life, petrol fumes rose, men scrambled aboard the heavy army trucks. Moments later the whole formation lurched forward, driving across the border into al-Akharabat. There was no resistance to speak of, which only encouraged Abd-al-khidr to push on even harder.


The small Cascadian outpost south of El-Kalim was on full alert as they waited for the Astarian forces to arrive. The troops were tense, and quite sweaty from piling up additional sandbags for most of the day.

Captain Craddock held his binoculars firm, in the distance he saw a small plume of dust rising up. "Alright, here they come!"

The level of tension went up as the troops got into position. Up in the sky Astarian and Cascadian airplanes danced around dangerously close, there too there was tension. One false move right now could trigger an incident, or maybe even a war. Still there was no incident, no exchange of fire, as the Astarians came closer and closer. They didn't stop before they were roughly a mile away. A small command car, with a white flag tied to the antenna, detached from the Astarian lines, and drove towards the Cascadians.

Captain Craddock felt both nervous and relieved; at the very least there would be a parlay. Unconsciously he straightened his uniform, and made sure his boots had the proper polish. Then he stepped outside to wait for the Astarians to arrive. Much to his surprise the officer stepping out of the car looked like a full blood Arab, and from the rank insignia he seemed to be a fairly important one.

The Arab Astarian saluted and introduced himself, "I am Colonel Abd-al-khidr al-Icanti. Commanding officer of the Western Expeditionary Force."

Captain Craddock returned the salute, "Captain Adam Craddock, may I ask what your intentions are?"

"Straight to the point, very well; Astaria is grievously worried about the unrest in al-Akharabat, and we have therefore dispatched a peacekeeping force to ensure the continued tranquillity of the region. I would like to speak with your commanding officer so we can establish preliminary lines between our respective peacekeeping missions."


[1] 45 reasonable modern AMX-30s.
[2] Mostly airmobile actually, and trained to deal with insurgents and local forces.
[3] 36 Mi-24s equivalents, very useful for supporting the airmobile forces.
[4] 24 Su-27 equivalents, used for suppressing whatever can be called an airforce, but mostly for ground attack.
[5] 36 Su-25 equivalents.
[6] I would estimate that no more than a quarter to a third of this force could be dispatched in the initial wave. This is partly due to logistics, but partly due to the difficulty in moving so many troops around.
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