SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the First.

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Shroom Man 777
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Farbanti, Shroomania

The Pride One touched down on the airstrip and the Prime Minister was there to greet President Hank of San Dorado. Prime Minister Shroom had actually read up on the man's miniature biography, provided by his aide Alison. She was there with him too, just to keep an eye on him.

President Hank was actually a President of a Board of Directors, like in a company or something, and the whole nation of San Dorado was ran like a company. So, to Prime Minister Shroom, they were a bunch of weirdos. Sorta like a mini-Tonkin. With an anarchistic mephistopheletic metropolis.

The SAF was putting up an airshow with the Pink Angels' F-18s flying in formation, welcoming President Hank and his small entourage. There were also a ceremonial Mushroom Marine music band, playing the San Dorado anthem as the President power walked towards the Prime Minister.

Behind the President, his airplane was dwarfed by the sheer enormity of a nearby BAM A380, the Shroom Force One, but no one really noticed.

"Good morning, Mister President," Prime Minister Shroom greeted. "How was your trip?"

"Rather fine, thanks for asking," President Hank answered as he gave the Prime Minister's hand a firm shaking. "Quite a nice city you've got here."

"It doesn't have a Power Tower, but it will do. We do have a spectacular sunset though," the Prime Minister got his hand back and felt blood rushing into it. "Now, Mister President, shall we?"

"Lead on, Prime Minister."

"I shall!"

Thus they boarded the Mercedes Schromz limousine and made their way to 10 Shrooming Street.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Shroom Man 777
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Van Halstroff, Republic of al-Akharabat


"Screw this! I'm going home!"

Mayor Milo McKenzie, MacMillan's manager of their new (and soon-to-be foreclosed) properties in al-Akharabat, was in a foul mood.

"This is all your fault!" he screamed at the Canissian General Viers. "If it wasn't for you, it wouldn't have gone so wrong!"

"My fault? What did I do?"

"Bah!" Milo cursed. "They're all a bunch of savages! Oompaloompas!"

With the declaration of the 'price adjustment' of pornography and booze, and the cutting of marijuana farm subsidies, the populace of Freetown practically rioted.

They destroyed the new well and threw all the malaria medicine into a river full of cowshit. They screamed and cursed and began beating their colonial masters with sticks. It was a totally ugly sight. The Diquid mercs would've been slaughtered, had it not been for the timely and sudden return of the Mushroom Marine Force Recon.

There was a brief firefight, and the generator that provided power for the entirety of Freetown went kaboom. The lights went out and in the darkness, the Diquids and the Mushroom Marines were able to GTFO thanks to their nightvision goggles. They grabbed ex-Mayor McKenzie too, and then they hauled ass.

By the time the Freetowners were able to light up some torches and grab their pitchforks, the whiteys were gone - on their Land Rovers and heading straight to MESS Canissian-Cascadian territory.

"Goddamn Libertopians!" Milo cursed.

Recent events, plus a stray mine that sank a MacMillan Maritime Mercantile boat, factored in the MacMillan Multicorporation's decision to deem its Velastrian assets cost-ineffective. So, the whole deal was off.

Milo lost his managerial position, and now he'd probably have to look for a new job or something.

He cursed all the way to the Canissian zeppelin. The Dark Liquid mercenaries and Mushroom Marine Force Recon operators would have to listen to him ranting and raving and carrying on all the way back to Shroomania.

MacMillan's neocolonialist adventures are foiled by the consequence of pornographic prohibition.
Christopher Walken and Co. are no longer in Valeria.

Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Post by Siege »

Shrooming Street

10 Shrooming Street, Farbanti, Shroomania

The chairs in 10 Shrooming Street were almost as comfortable as in his penthouse suite back home, so the president found himself rapidly at ease in the foreign environment. The prime ministerial mansion was furnished in the best style a former colonial power could offer: its walls were lined with paintings, busts, and pieces of exotic art pilfered from dozens of ancient cultures that had once toiled (or prospered, as they said in this neck of the woods) under the Pax Shroomanica. In the study of the premier there even hung a replica of the original Crimson Dubloon, the ship San Dorado’s infamous privateer Henry Morgan had used to make off with no less than a dozen Byzantine galleons, back when San Dorado was still part of the Shroomanian Empire.

Prime Minister Shroom saw the president’s gaze and smiled proudly. “You like the replica? I made it myself. It’s something of a hobby.”

“I like it a lot,” nodded the president. “Did you know our navy has a frigate by that name? It’s the fourth ship of the name, actually.”

“I did know that. My military intelligence people have told me. Our nations’ mutual ties are many and varied indeed,” grinned Shroom.

“Indeed. Speaking of which… There is of course the reason for my visit: I speak for the entire Board when I say that the Titan Trasher project is vital to the financial well-being of San Dorado’s key industries, as well as our plans to tame the wildernesses on our continent. But a project of this magnitude does require the engineering expertise of your MacMillan Heavy Industries. I therefore formally request you give the green light for the collaboration between MacMillan and our own Blues Brothers Steel & Shipping.” At a flick of his hand, an attaché produced a series of official-looking documents and the president spread them across the magnificent marble table. “In return for your approval, of course, we will cut MacMillan in the loop when the time comes to develop the northern wilderness of Frequesue. As you can see, I’ve taken the liberty of asking DIFEI to draw up some settlement and exploitation plans…”

As the two heads of state discussed their plans, the night slowly fell over Farbanti.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes
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Post by Raj Ahten »

Ultimatum to Minoy

The following was sent to their leadership:
You will cease your offensive in the CFR immediately and return your aircraft and men to their bases or your ability to wage war will be destroyed.

The foreign ministry was succeeding in whipping the press into a frenzy about Minoy's attacks on the CFR. They were saying it was an unprovoked land grab that promised to only make an unstable situation worse.

Indhopal's air force was preparing for an all out air campaign against Minoy. Communiqués were also sent to Coilerburg asking if they required any assistance and to the rest of the FTO regarding Indhopal's intentions to bomb Minoy if they didn't back down.
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Post by phongn »

IRT Arms Sales Destabilizes World


HUE (AlterNet) - The IRT's wanton aims sales to any nation with quality credit or hard cash threatens to destabilize our world. Far from the claims of being a peaceful nation, the authoritarian-capitalist state deliberately seeks to create an unstable world in which market actors have the supreme advantage. Arms sales are widely believed to be one key strategy in this doctrine of supremacy. A paranoid world with extensive defense spending greatly profits the "neutral" Tonkinese while they suffer little of the costs. One key weapons system being sold is are long-range ballistic missiles.

Under the guise of "interim space development," Tonkin has produced advanced long-range ballistic missiles for sale to the highest bidders. The current state-of-the-art is DF-25 missile. The maximum range has under corporate non-disclosure agreements but widely believed to be at least 1500 kilometers. Furthermore, to increase difficulty of detection, the DF-25 is road-mobile on a transporter-erector launcher. Such a weapon has no use but for terror attacks on civilian populaces, most likely with chemical, biological or even radiological munitions. Reports of being able to attack strategic military targets are farcical: the payload and accuracy is insufficient to destroy any point or area target. Launch-range estimates from Tonkin and Shepistan are shown in red and blue, respectively.

With this weapons system - recently sold to the totalitarian military government of Shepistan - even the smallest nations may hold civilian populaces in terror, despite the vaunted, expensive and completely unproven missile defenses erected in many nations. An arms race will almost certainly result, with Tonkin perfectly placed to sell weapons to all buyers, as demonstrated in the recent Shepistani-Old Dominion conflict. The shameless arms dealers of Tonkin sold to both powers simultaneously.

By comparison, the more peaceful - but highly imperialist - MESS coalition has emplaced their own short-ranged missile batteries. With range outlined in orange, these weapons are much more accurate and suitable for attack. Yet, as the last war showed, they still cause mass civilian casualties.

The Coalition for World Disarmament has called upon the leading nations to ban all ballistic missile weapons as terror devices without military use. We here at AlterNet endorse this call in the name of world peace.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Japanistan National Command Bunker No.15
1500km outside of Super Mega New Tokyo

“The imperialist barbarians have taken the bait?” asked Special Field Marshal Ichiro.
“Yes,” replied Field Marshal Ario. “Their patrol planes and submarines are chasing both decoy groups as we expected, and they have as of yet failed to notice the independent sailing of all four Bamboo Convoy Number One freighters. However the route these ships have taken will require considerable transit time.”

“That is fine Ario, our landing of the 524th Mechanized Corps at Mesr-Al-Mein to support the Shepistanis is already going forward and giving them plenty to watch. Have both SCUD batteries come ashore?”
“Not yet, but the first launcher is ashore and I am told the are being given the highest priorities in unloading, still it slow taking heavy equipment like that off of decks with cranes onto barges and pontoons, they will not hurry and risk damage.”
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
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Post by Coiler »

Raj Ahten wrote:Ultimatum to Minoy

The following was sent to their leadership:
You will cease your offensive in the CFR immediately and return your aircraft and men to their bases or your ability to wage war will be destroyed.
Response from Minoy

While we would like to cease the offensive into the CFR, we are sorry to report that we are experiencing communication problems due in part to the Coilerburg airstrikes, and that many of our ground forces currently in the CFR are unable to be contacted.

We also are experiencing a lack of shipping due to the Coilerburg airstrikes that will prevent us from returning our men to the country as you asked without violating the borders of Sabika, which they may interpret as an invasion.

We will try to get the word to as many of our troops as we can to pull back, but we can't make any promises about all of them.

Partly to see if Minoy was truly having the logistical problems it mentioned, and partly to give its air force a rest while it gathered forces for larger strikes if Minoy continued to carry out its offensive, Coilerburg stopped its bombing of transports for the days when and after the response was issued. Only scouting flights occured over Minoy and Lake Shroombee on those days.

The Coilerburg high command studied the results of these monitoring fleets and other intellegence gathered during the days and issued a report to Indhopal. The gist of it was:

Minoy is lying. Not only have we intercepted communications between Minoy and their forces in the CFR (so much for communication problems), but their supply runs in Lake Shroombee are still continuing. They're doing it in a less conspicuous way, by sending individual disguised fishing boats across, but we can definetely see supplies being unloaded on the other side.

Bomb away. We certainly will.
Visitor of five museum ships.
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Post by Raj Ahten »

Indhopal's sources confirmed Coilerburg's report. Minoy was continuing its offensive and the ISIA had been monitoring their signals for some time. It was now the air force's show.

They started out with a coordinated night strike to crash the Minoy air defense system and destroy their air force. Minoy's antiquated air defense equipment was not up to the task it was about to face. Their radars and communications were made useless in the opening minutes by Indhopal's EW assets. Minoy then had no idea where Indhopal would strike. Twelve squadrons of fighters, over100 aircraft, then swooped in. They targeted airfields, aircraft, and AA assets. It was turkey shoot in the air as Indhopal’s AWACS controlled fighters were vectored in on the disorganized and confused Minoy planes.

Minoy’s air force was essentially destroyed in the first night. From there Indhopal started to target Command and control facilities, army bases and other military targets.
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Post by Master_Baerne »

Baernish News Service
File BNS-2-89

Turkey Shoot in Indhopal!

Word was received today of an Indhopaler air raid against the imperialist forces of Minoy. Minoy, which recently invaded the unstable CFR, has suffered catastrophic losses among it's air force, while significant damage has been done to it's military infrastructure. Indhopal's losses were insignificant.

"It is very clear that this war is nearly over." Said Countess Domizia, the Minister for Foreign Affairs when pressed for comment. "As to what will follow, who can say? It will Exploration Party Departs!depend in large part on how willing Minoy is to surrender and how able they are to inform their armies in the field. Regarless, it's on the other side of the continent. What we should be concerned over is the Untamed Wilderness to the North. Who knows what's in there?"

Baernish News Service
File BNS-3-89

Exploration Party to Depart!

Captain Jason Ott, formerly of His Grace's Army, announced yesterday his intention to form an expedition to the Untamed Wilderness, the better to increase knowledge of the continent of Frequesque. The Wilderness, which remains unmapped to this day, extends over much of Northern Frequesque, and is rumored to hold untold riches and resources. Captain Ott's expedition will be the first in recent years, and consequently the first to benefit from modern technologies. His Grace's Government is currently debating whether or not to detach a pair of Army helicopters to aid in the mapping, which, said a Fortress spokesperson, "Will enable us to better understand our continent."
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Post by Coiler »


Two of the men sitting in the hardened bunker during the meeting were new faces. The former head of Minoy's navy was killed by a Coilerburg missile, while the head of the air force had committed suicide after Indhopal's first massive night raid had wiped out his command.

The situation had gone from "bad" to "really fucking bad". Come to think of it, this whole damned invasion had been nothing but one huge disaster. Their only success had been due to massive overconfidence by the Coilerburg air force that would never happen again now that they had some sense knocked into them.

Their argument had resulted in them deciding to give a final message to their forces in the CFR. That message amounted to:

We in Minoy proper are getting bombed. Do not expect any more help from us. You must live off the land. Do not expend any material needlessly. We may be unable to contact you in the future, so we shall transmit no more signals. General Fakeh is to command our forces on his own initiative without any restrictions from us-from now on, he is the supreme authority to you.

Try to receive aid from the ethnic Minoyans living in the CFR. Do not treat them poorly. Stick to the dense forests whenever possible and use every trick to avoid being bombed. Good luck.

Copies of the message were printed, smuggled across Lake Shroombee at night in a small, fast boat, and distributed across the ranks. It was important that they not be intercepted, as Minoy's plan was one of deception.

They would try to make the world at large believe the lies they had said in their response to Indhopal-that they had wanted to remove their men from the CFR, but that the Indhopal/Coilerburg attacks had prevented that, that all troop movements there were committed by units they no control over, and that they were being pounded by cruel imperialists.
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Post by Vohu Manah »

Official Communique from The Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag to the Crimson Star Republic and the Byzantium Empire

The Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag hereby withdraws from any discussion concerning the Black Sea.

OOC: It appears in my absence that my island has been moved yet again to more open water and therefore it makes no sense for my nation to be part of any such talks. If this changes I will start this anew.
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
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Post by Vohu Manah »

Hospital Complex, Kun-lun Arcology, The Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag

President Manah, reading yet another round of reports from a tablet PC, fought a losing battle to keep awake. His newborn son lay sleeping in his lap, his crossed legs support the infant's weight. Public Security had delivered new intelligence concerning the recent activities of surrounding nations. Though he knew the reports were far from complete but they gave the President an accurate enough image of what is going on around his tiny nation.

He needn't take any action at this time seemed to be the universal response to global activity. Other than being a communications hub for most of the surrounding nations no other power was appearing to take an interest in the tiny, environmentally stunning island state. Nations looked within to solve numerous problems even though his state may have already possessed the necessary technology.

The Prime Minister seemed pleased when she forwarded the report. This wasn't surprising as her party ran on a platform of non-engagement and homeland defense. She immediately proposed expansion of the nation's heavy air defense batteries and other systems intended to destroy any attempts to take their fair state. The President doubted she'd receive approval, despite being head of the government.

The infant at the President's lap cooed as the new father removed his glasses to rub his eyes. He was unsure what to do. The current government, like most before it, was highly isolationist. Even the Byzantium Empire, the power his nation owed their independence to, was kept at arms length even at the best of times.

President Vohu Manah rose and carefully placed the child in his lap into a crib. He then lay on the couch and fell asleep. He would need to do something soon.
There are two kinds of people in the world: the kind who think it’s perfectly reasonable to strip-search a 13-year-old girl suspected of bringing ibuprofen to school, and the kind who think those people should be kept as far away from children as possible … Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference between drug warriors and child molesters.” - Jacob Sullum[/size][/align]
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Post by K. A. Pital »

Communique to: Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag

Considering the oft-raised issue of the Black Sea borders, the CSR proposes to follow the so-far standard coastal water claims - 12 miles for territorial waters and 24 miles for contigiuous zone.

The status of Black Sea fisheries would be common-pool due to the size of the aquatoria.

The Black Sea is un-militarized for the most part, and used for new naval technology trials by greater powers of the Slavic National Confederacy according to the Joint Defense Treaty.

The Most Serene Republic of Ninhursag, posing no military threat, is covered by the Joint Defense Area and thus protected from foreign attack by both Byzantium and CSR, as long as it doesn't host foreign military elements.

Crimson Navy Battlegroups have successfully executed the plans of joint naval action with Byzantium and USSR.
Both groups, however, are not heading home - instead, they will travel around the world as part of the Naval Training Programme of the Crimson Star Republic.

The Hospital Ship "Ob" will also pay visits to poor regions stricken with wars and disasters and bring some humanitarian supplies.

All ports that are friendly to the CSR are informed about the long voyage of the battlegroups, and are invited to participate. If your nation is willing to accept CSR ships in harbor, inform the PCFA!
Last edited by K. A. Pital on 2008-08-29 11:58pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

...La tranquillità è importante ma la libertà è tutto!
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Post by Lonestar »

National Defense Order 52-08
(1)We recognize the importance of the Kanawha tribal region to the security of both the Old Dominion and Shepistan.
(2)Furthermore, it is the policy of the Old Dominion that the status of the Kanawha region shall be decided only between the Old Dominion and Shepistan, and nto private military combatants.
(3)Therefore, the Lord Fairfax empowers Old Dominion citizen soldiers to immediately execute any armed personnel encountered in Kanawha that is not a Citizen or Resident of the Old Dominion, a member of the Old Dominion Tribal Affiliates, a Member of the Shepistani Tribal Affiliates, or a Shepistani citizen.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Post by Coyote »

Camp Talisman
al-Akharabat, Katangwa Region

The two men were Canissian soldiers, and suffering. Doctor Bashar was tending to their ills, which he initially thought were one and the same. Both were flushed, with fever, and stomach aches, but one had a fever and the other did not, although he did have cold sweats.

More and more cases of jungle diseases, Bashar noted. Every day at least two or three soldiers came stumbling into the air-conditioned tents of the medical section. True, some were just there to get a few minutes' of cool, dry air, but some were suffering from a variety of real jungle maladies-- insect bites and various fevers seemed to be the norm. He'd put in requests from insect fogging aerosols, and also a recommendation for some sort of defoliant for the jungle treeline, which he felt was too close to the camp.

Recently, a case of Malaria had cropped up-- the first, and the only thing that had surprised Dr. Bashar was that it had taken so long. He had a couple other cases that he thought might also be Dengue Fever, as well...

...but the most recent visitor had none of the symptoms. He checked Yellow Fever and --God forbid, hemorrhagic-- but they also came back negative. Finally, after a particular nasty expulsion from both ends of the beleaguered man, he finally narrowed it down.

"Food poisoning," he said, and set the man to rest with some bismuth tablets. "Stay here, we're going to keep an eye on you. The food will pass but I want to make sure you don't catch something parasitic-- and make sure you don't dehydrate from all the vomiting and diarrhea. Now, did you eat at the chow hall?"

"No, sir," the man said, his face pale and sweaty, "I was out with my guys... on patrol, and we came to this Katangwa village. They were having... some kind of a festival, a big barbecue in the middle... dancing, music, that sort of thing," he said, and he paused, looking like he was about to vomit, but relaxed after a moment.

"So, anyhow.. the village elder invited us... and the ladies were all out dancing," he said with a smile that looked ghastly on his stricken face, "Y'know, how they sometimes walk around with their titties hangin' out... and we had this barbecue with them. Ever since then, some of us been sick..."

"Yes, undercooked or poorly-prepared meat," Bashar said, "The locals will have a resistance, but we won't. Stay here tonight. What was the festival about? Did they tell you what was cooking?"

"Yeah," the soldier said, "Some kid in the village beat a warrior in another village," the man said through gasps, "Some kind of ritual combat. The kid in the village we visited won, so it was a big deal."

"I... see," Dr. Bashar said, getting a bad feeling in his gut now. "And what were they fixing on the fire?"
"Uhhh... some kinda local boar, or pork. Long Pig, they called it." The man gasped again as pain wracked his belly. "Am I going to be alright, doc?"
"Yeah," Dr. Bashar said, "You'll be fine. Just... stay away from... Long Pig from now on, okay?"

Dr. Bashar went out to the perimeter of the medical facility, threw up, and then went back to write his reports and recommendations.

Cultural differences bring unfortunate side effects to the unwary.
Jungle diseases affecting Canissians just like everyone else.

[OOC: I hadn't been keeping up with some of the 'Jungle crap' like my peers; I didn't want to give the impression that I was passing off the Canissians as some kind of immune supermen, so I threw this in. Enjoy!]
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Coyote »

Stas Bush wrote:The Hospital Ship "Ob" will also pay visits to poor regions stricken with wars and disasters and bring some humanitarian supplies.

All ports that are friendly to the CSR are informed about the long voyage of the battlegroups, and are invited to participate. If your nation is willing to accept CSR ships in harbor, inform the PCFA!

To the CSR:

The Royal Canissian Army post at al-Akharabat would be glad to accept the Hospital Ship Ob to the northern port of al-Akharabat. Please be warned that use of aerial mines in any other harbor represents an extreme danger to ships operating in the area. Japanistan military authorities can provide a proper schematic to avoid any maritime dangers in the northern port, as they have primary responsibility for maritime safety and patrol in the region.

If the crew of the Ob wishes to assist in our humanitarian aid mission in this grief-stricken part of the world, we welcome Crimson Star involvement. If concerns over safety are cause for concern, then we understand declining the opportunity and wish the group farewell and godspeed.

His Majesty the King,
Arik Coyotus-I
Something about Libertarianism always bothered me. Then one day, I realized what it was:
Libertarian philosophy can be boiled down to the phrase, "Work Will Make You Free."

In Libertarianism, there is no Government, so the Bosses are free to exploit the Workers.
In Communism, there is no Government, so the Workers are free to exploit the Bosses.
So in Libertarianism, man exploits man, but in Communism, its the other way around!

If all you want to do is have some harmless, mindless fun, go H3RE INST3ADZ0RZ!!
Grrr! Fight my Brute, you pansy!
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Post by Steve »

Not up to writing a full post, so the following:

Intrepid COG has arrived on the scene at el-Kalim and has relieved Defiant, which is returning to stations off Van Halstoff. Defiant is now on the verge of being overdue for rotation back to home for a R&R cycle, but for now the Cascadian DoD has not answered questions on whether Defiant's stay in western Velestria would be extended.

News reports of Japanistani convoys breaking off and going in various directions have led to the existing COGs and the air squadron at Van Halstoff to keep an eye on the ports. Four RC-8s from the Cascadian Air Force Coastal Command have deployed to Van Halstoff to begin patrols into the ocean.

The Cascadian Air Force is preparing to deploy 8th Fighter Squadron to um-Kasrah in western al-Itani when the completion of the primary rail extension to Salimyyad is complete, which is expected soon.

OPERATION FOXHOUND has begun preperations. Should the President authorize it, sealift provided by the Cascadian Merchant Marine and rented vessels will bring the 2nd Guards Division into al-Akharabat to shore up the existing Marine and Airborne presence.

With an eye to the potential for long-term commitment to Western Velestria, the Air Force has used recent budget increases to fund the ordering of an additional 8 RT-15 refueling tankers and 10 T-12B transports. Consideration is being made for the ordering of an additional 8 T-14s that are similar in capablity to the C-17 aircraft.

Due to the recent spate of orders, including final Air Force approval for the purchase of 20 GSF-14 "Wolverine" air-to-ground attack fighters, stock in Boeing Corporation and subsidaries has gone up.

The Cascadian Congress has authorized a sum to be paid by the Treasury to the Kingdom of Serenity as "rent" due to the Serenites' continued provision of Ketagaran AFB for Cascadian refueling craft to maintain the air bridge to Van Halstoff via el-Yasuj.

The Cascadian Congress has also passed a resolution requesting the President to present a detailed report on the ultimate goal of the Cascadian operations in al-Akharabat and Van Halstoff, including if Cascadia intends to make Van Halstoff a permanent base.

Boeing subsidary Fleischer Aerospace Design has offered to the government concepts for space-launch rockets, being paid serious attention to by the Department of Defense due to the recent spate of rocketry programs announced by various nations. Locations inWilkonia or the Republic of Tonkin are being considered for launches for these lighter, first generation of aircraft.

The Cascadian State Department has issued a statement of Cascadian support for joining Canissia and Japanistan in a unified command for the al-Akharabat stablization.
Last edited by Steve on 2008-08-31 12:59pm, edited 1 time in total.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Post by MKSheppard »

Andrews AFB; Western Shepistan

With a screech of tires, the first A-45 Fire Dragon from Japanistan landed at Shepistan's premier aerospace and test facility. Eleven more were scheduled to arrive over the coming weeks, forming the first test detachment for Shepistani Pilots to transition over from the F-84L Thunderjet and F-100G Super Sabre to the A-45 Fire Dragon.

Shroomspace Weekly

A-50 and A-51 Designations Assigned by Shepistan!

Word has reached us that Shepistan will, as more A-45s arrive, begin the process of converting their surplus F-100Gs and F-84Ls into A-50 and A-51 attack missiles respectively. Further details are pending...
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

World International TV New Network Breaking News Report!
Japanistan Mitsubombishi Heavy Industry Consolidated Announces Civilian Colony Established by Surprise In Eastern Velaria!

The network logo and voiceover swept away to reveal the network anchor behind his desk.

“… we take you now live to an interview with Mitsubombishi Heavy Industry Consolidated Corporation President retried General Hachirobei Bunjiro on this surprise civilian move into Velaria.” He said

The TV image changed, showing the 67 year old Bunjiro sitting in a civilian suit in a chair on the front porch of his traditional style Japanese house, the interviewing reporter was foreigner, from the Byzantium Empire.

“So,” asked the reporter “Mitsubombishi Corporation has established its own independent presence on Velaria? What is the location of this new colony?”

“Well,” replied Bunjiro. “we have found an excellent spot for unloading on the coast between Hadhramara and Rangatara. We have existing negotiations underway with Rangatara, one of the most developed nations on the continent to provide industrial investment and we think this landing will show our commitment to commerce in eastern Velaria. We believe that despite the massacre of Japanistani seamen just a few months ago it is our duty to aid the continent in peaceful development”

“But why the secrecy?” asked the reporter “You only announced this after you say your ships were already unloading.”

“Mitsubombishi has only the highest standards of safety and security for all its operations, we felt that to announce this movement in advance might invite a disastrous pirate attack or worse. Ashore, our three thousand construction workers are accompanied by a special security detachment of trained guards but we are fully committed to only peaceful development. This is why our corporation is distancing its self from government operations in al-Akharabat, we fell our efforts would be spoiled by the continuing war. Rangatara meanwhile has been at peace for almost four years.”


Map of Japanistani Landings as red dots, red striping shows normal sea lane, black shows route of decoy ships, dark read shows route of Mitsubombishi Bamboo Convoy Number One to land in east Velaria.
Last edited by Sea Skimmer on 2008-08-30 02:47am, edited 1 time in total.
"This cult of special forces is as sensible as to form a Royal Corps of Tree Climbers and say that no soldier who does not wear its green hat with a bunch of oak leaves stuck in it should be expected to climb a tree"
— Field Marshal William Slim 1956
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Post by phongn »

Tonkin International Mining begins operations in Rangatara!

In breaking news today, TIM has officially announced major operations have begin in Rangatara for advanced development of resources and to provide economic benefits. This comes almost precisely at the same time the state-owned Mitsubombishi Heavy Industry Consolidated of Japanistan announced their own colonial ambitions in Rangatara.

With aims of both Tonkin and Japanistan colliding, will this result in the collapse of the recent research and development deals? Stay tuned for expert analysis ...
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Post by Karmic Knight »

Headlines of the Vinish Press

Conference Set For Second to last Week in December
The Foreign Ministry has announced that the conference will start in the Second to last week in December, and will last as long as necessary.

VEIL Integration Falls behind schedule

”The Settlement” Project’s Goal Changed
“The Settlement” project, a Vinish effort to find a suitable place for an international launch pad, has changed its goals to one of establishing a Settlement in the Untamed Wilderness from which the FTO can operate from. This news is coming alongside other news…

Scandal Rocks the Financial Ministry
The Financial Ministry announced today the a budgeting error has caused them to attempt to misappropriate funds, which in turn caused the generous donation to FASTA, the Vinish Government, while sorting out the mess, has decided to withhold all payments from FASTA, and request imminent removal, as the government does not believe that they can provide anything to the project other than a dead weight.

Preparations Begin for Revolution Day
December 27, 2007, the day the Monarcho-Isolationists were removed from power, many joining the Monarchist Party following the fallout of a bloodless coup by the Royal Intelligence Service and Brandon Michael, the nephew of the King Thomas Michael. The Celebration of the day which proved Governmental change can come without a knife, gun or bomb will commence December 27, with a series of speeches by various members of every political party.

Von Earles Doesn’t Support Stets
Prime Minister, in a speech to the Monarchist Party Campaign Planning Committee, stated that Ted Stets, the CEO of Stets’ Family Wineries, and Prime Ministerial Candidate is not the right candidate for the Monarchists.


Southern Possible Launch Site, Untamed Wilderness
Things weren’t as bad as they could be, of course considering how bad things could be; this wasn’t a ringing endorsement for the Settlement. Bordeaux had managed to get some materials for masonry from San Dorado, and they had set about making the defensive fortifications, using a combination of naturally occurring foliage, and stone, and San Doradan imported heavier and needed to be manufactured materials. The Fortifications looked very haphazard, though they protected The Settlement well enough. The Settlement had fallen into a routine of building work, survey work, eat, and sleep.

During the eat phase of the routine, Joshua Earles, John Bordeaux, and Jill D’Estate, the economic administrator, met around a table near the highest technological achievement in The Settlement, the Radio Repeater, the device that connected them with Civilization, to discuss the issues of the Settlement. “Alright, based off the last survey teams report, the biggest things around are the birds, which I don’t like, there have to be some bigger things out in the wilderness, I must ask that we try to get some soldiers here,” Earles said.

“If we are making requests that will never be filled, we need some fishing boats, because the ones we have will no suffice if we have to only eat seafood,” added D’Estate.

“Look, the financial ministry fucked up big-time, and this might mean funds be allocated to us, we might be able to get some soldiers, and some new shit,” responded Bordeaux to the both of them, “Plus if the homeport opens this place up to international collaboration, we might just end up with some support from non-vinish sources.”

“That would be good, if we could survive until the Ministers decided to help us out,” Earles said.

“We definitely can, we haven’t succumbed to any odd illnesses yet. The Ministries will find a way to help us, they have to,” Bordeaux responded.

“That is all well and good, but we’ll have to find some way to fund this, we can’t just use up our funds on basic supplies, we need to keep this place expanding, so we can open it to the public, as a new place to live,” D’Estate pointed out.

“Which is where the survey teams come into play, if they can find something useful near us, there is no way we can’t get support for the Settlement,” Earles added.

The Conversation continued, hitting on the main points that need to be discussed while still holding off from making any problems too large for them to handle. They then discussed the news of the day, after which the eating portion of their midday was over, leading to more strategizing, preparation, and planning, on a more local scale.

Conference Room, the Vineyards

Brandon looked around at the various Ministers, and openly sighed, “We will have to appoint a new Financial Minister, who is the most qualified?”

“The Most Qualified Member of the Ministry left is Jon Oliver Jr., a newly declared Socialist, the son of the Trade Minster,” said the Financial Interim-Minster Joel Shuebal, a member of the Republican Party, taking a sidelong look at the elder Oliver.

“My son is indeed a good choice, though I worry about his new party affiliations, they will cause unneeded tension amongst the old guard,” Said Trade Minister Oliver Sr., looking directly at the three members of the ‘old guard,’ Minister of the Army William Burr, Minster of the Navy Robert Barr, and Minster of the Air Force Jonathan Wane.

“I object, this choice, while I do have a problem with it, has nothing to do with his status as a Socialist,” shouted Robert Barr.

“I know, Minister Barr, but I would like to know what your objection to appointing Mr. Oliver Jr. is?” King Brandon asked.

“It is simple, Interim-Minster Shuebal is fully capable of handling the position permanently, he was Deputy Minister for ten years,” Barr replied.

”Yes, but I was Deputy Minister because I cannot handle the big time,” the Interim-Minister retorted sharply.

“You know, we will probably not get any more discourse out of this frame of thinking, if we come out as having a close vote on the issue, we can discuss it some more, but if not, we can just have him appointed,” interjected the Prime Minister. The vote was 7 – 2, with only Ministers Barr and Burr voting against Oliver Jr.

“Now, on to our next, and final item, the “Settlement” Project,” Brandon began.

“We have to cancel it now, there is no way we can support the FASTA without the ten billion,” stated the Interim-Minister of Finance.

“The project will have longer reaching goals than just being part of our resume for FASTA, it will also allow us to put people in Northern Frequesuan,” responded Minister Burr.

“The project has not been supported by the Royal Army any more than by the Air Force, though I was willing to rotate some ships, along with the Trade Ministry, in providing a protective screen for the project,” pointed out Minister Barr.

“It is a simple problem, do we want to keep working with these people, even after their usefulness has ended, or do we want to cut out that which makes us weaker,” replied the Minister of Domestic Affairs.

“Like Shroomainia did to us in 1904?” asked Brandon.

“I didn’t mean it like that, sire, it is just,” spit out the Minister before he was cut off by Brandon.

“Alright, we will allocate whatever funds we can, from the actual ‘FASTA’ war chest to support the Project. This meeting is dismissed,” Brandon paused before adding, “Now, go!”

After the various Ministers had left the room, Brandon waved at a small RISC camera in the room, the only record of the meeting ever taking place, a few seconds later, his aide walked in, “What do you need, sire?”

“I need you to write up an appointment for Jon Oliver Jr. as the new Minister of Finance. I also need a directive saying that we will support the Settlement in any feasible way. I also need the latest news from RISC as to the situation in the CFR, as to if we can remove our offer of support,” Brandon provided.

”Would you like me to end world hunger while I am at the Bureau of Magic and Impossibilities?”

“No, but I do need you to get Roger to move into a new, closer headquaters before the end of the year, or at least to have a plan for one before the end of the year.”

“::sigh:: Yes, sire.”

Table Arrangements:

Prime Minister – Minister of the Navy – Minister of the Army – Minister of the Air Force – Minister of Domestic Affairs – King – Minister of Foreign Affairs – Intelligence Representative/Analyst – Minister of Finance – Minister of Trade –
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
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Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Shrooming Street

10 Shrooming Street, Farbanti, Shroomania


Dusk was always spectacular. The sight of the sun as it made its descent halfway down the horizon towards Canissia, casting yellow-red-orange light on the sea and the cityscape, was simply breathtaking.

The penthouse of the Prime Ministerial 'Mansion' afforded a pristine view of this natural super spectacle sight. City planning ensured that no unslightly skyscrapers or chimneys or taller buildings would ever get in the way of the spectacular view. The Prime Minister and his predecessors barely got any time to appreciate the sight, but now he had all the time to kill.

He had a glass of pricey Vinish liquor in hand and he took a contemplative sip from it. He wasn't much of a drinker, not like San Dorado's President Hank, which was why he wasn't gulping down booze by the glassful, unlike San Dorado's President Hank.

Shroom had to give it to him. The man had a strong constituency, and the capacity to take in enough booze to tranquilize livestock.

No doubt that was one of the Presidential criteria for judgment in San Dorado, but least the President wasn't smoking like a chimney. When planning for the whole affair, Alison had paid the San Dorado Embassy a visit and she saw (and smelled) first hand how the every member of the diplomatic staff had a cigarillo, cigarette, cigar, or pipe in their mouths - and how all the fire alarms in the building had been replaced or removed due to the sheer quantities of tobacco circulating in the air.

Somehow, President Hank had convinced Shroom to use the penthouse just this once, and now...

"I think someone's had too much to drink," Shroom uttered as he approached his San Doradoan counterpart.

"Why, Prime Minister," the President answered in mock indignation. "To be honest, I am really not that drunk."

"Nah, not you," Shroom jerked his head sideways. "That guy."

The attaché who had presented the documents Shroom had signed was now on the verge of keeling over due to sheer inebriation, and the President's Secret Service men - who each had a massive cigar in their mouths - moved to support him. They then hauled him off somewhere, probably to the bathroom, but more likely to one of the bars - for more booze.

"Well, you know how we are. When we party, we like to do it hard." President Hank grinned.

"Yes, it's always been a pleasure doing business with San Dorado," Shroom said, with a polite smile of his own. He was feeling quite tipsy from merely sipping his booze, but his San Doradoan counterpart who had now downed who knows how many gallons was still standing upright and was still, relatively, sober. "Speaking of business, look who's here - late as usual."

"Michelangelo MacMillan!" a drunk blond-haired blue-eyed man with a monocle that was hanging off shouted at the newcomer. "You bastard son of a bitch!"

Michelangelo MacMillan

"Victor Schrom," Michelangelo answered with only the vaguest hint of amused contempt in his voice. "It's too bad SchromCorp wasn't able to get the contract, but at least you still got invited to the after party. I myself am here to personally thank our Prime Minister, and his guest of honor - the President of San Dorado - for all the good they've just done for my company. Trade agreements are just great, aren't they?"

"Don't get too cocky, MacMillan," his Shreutsch-accented rival snapped back. "I swear, you will rue this day."

"Now, now, don't make a scene, Vic. If you'll excuse me..." the CEO of MacMillan Heavy Industries (or MacMillan Multicorp) excused himself from the wildly gesticulating Germanian and promptly went over to the Prime Minister and the President.

"What was all that about?" the Prime Minister asked.

"Just some civilized corporate rivalry, Mister Prime Minister," MacMillan answered nonchalantly. "Don't worry, I'm sure your guest, President Hank, has loads of experience with these things."

"Indeed I do," President Hank replied as he returned with a new drink. "Ah, the enterprising Mister Michelangelo MacMillan - what brings you here?"

"I'm here to thank you for purchasing one of our fine products. I hope the enterprising shareholders of San Dorado will be satisfied with their newest, and largest, acquisition."

"Oh, they will," the President grinned coyly. "You'll see, in time."

Prime Minister Shroom was now growing increasingly out of place since President Hank and MacMillan's discussion had shifted stock markets, corporate stakes, financial times, forceful takeovers, aggressive expansions, antagonistic acquisitions, and the overall wellbeing and satisfaction of the consumer. So he excused himself and went over to the balcony, where he promptly poured the contents of his glass over the ledge.

"Didn't enjoy your drink, sir?"

"Not really, Alison," Shroom sighed.

"Mmm... yeah, these San Doradoans are really a wild bunch," his aide agreed. "Takes some time getting used to. Just don't get stuck in their embassies, or else you'll stuffocate and smell like tobacco all day long."

"Hah," Shroom chuckled. "Hey, Ali. Do you want to do something?"

"What?" his aide raised her eyebrows.

"Want to go to Stasograd with me?"



LIVE on ShroomSatTV
The Sovereign Shroomanian Sentinel


MacMillan Heavy Industries will be dismantling its second Super Shroom Shovel in order to ship it piece by piece to San Dorado.

The Super Shroom Shovel is a bucket-wheel excavator and a mobile strip mining machine, and is one of the largest terrestrial vehicles on the planet. It is now leased to San Dorado.

Transporting the Super Shroom Shovel from Shroomania to Frequesue will require intensive manpower and resources. Because of that, San Dorado's Blues Brothers Steel & Shipping will be collaborating with MacMillan's Maritime Mercantile to ship the Super Shroom Shovel's enormous components.

The Super Shroom Shovel will be a big part of San Dorado's planned Titan Trasher project.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
Pink Sugar Heart Attack!
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Post by Steve »

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Japanistani Landings in Eastern Velestria Stun World

In an unprecedented move, the Mitsubombishi Heavy Industry corporation from Japanistan has claimed territory in Eastern Velestria as a civilian colony, situated on the Eastern Coast between Hadhramara and Rangatara, sparking interest and some concern from various circles.

In an interview with a Byzantine reporter the President of Mitsubombishi has stated that the company's intent was "peaceful development" and that the corporation was seeking to distance itself from the official government operations in al-Akharabat. He also confirmed the commencement of meetings with the government of Rangatara on official investment in their country.

The unexpected action, done in secret by the company to prevent "a disasterous pirate attack or worse", has sent shockwaves through the Cascadian community in Rangatara, numbering roughly 5,000 currently and overseeing the economic interests of Cascadian-registered corporations in Rangataran natural resources and low-tech industry. Although most related companies are preferring to think of Mitsubombishi as a potential corporate partner for further ventures, concern over the recent high-profile expansion of Japanistani control in Velestria caused the Cascadia-Rangatara Trade Corporation's stock to fall by 10% in the early morning's trading.

The government has so far been unconcerned about the sudden colony-forming. Such a reaction is not considered very telling of planning, however, given that much the same was said after the Lungga landings before Cascadia's military suddenly implemented the landing at Van Halstoff.

The Cascadian Veterans' League has been the most vigorous in local response to the landing and has issued condemnatory statements about the government's apparent acquiesnance to "A wave of Japanistani conquest in Velestria", remarking that the Japanistani are threatening to turn back to clock to before they were forced to cede their overseas Empire in the Second War of the World. "The Administration of this Republic must respond more strongly to this clear Japanistani provocation," a press statement from the veteran group stated. "They have completed their subjugation of New Sumatra over the broken and enslaved backs of the Sumatrese people. Velestria is next, and after that who knows where the Japanistani Empire will jump to?"

(Note: I'm assuming, from what i recall of the pre-game discussions, that Japanistan's negotiated peace in WWII stripped them of overseas territories and limited them to their main-land. The undoing of that began in the 1970s when they reconquered New Sumatra under the guise of stablizing it during ethnic strife or civil war or whatever it was. It stands to reason that other former Japanistani territories - I'm contemplating claiming al-Itani was one - may now start getting antsy that they're next on the list.)
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Post by PeZook »

Fingolfin_Noldor wrote: "Heh.. that may or may not work. Some .. of the more staunchly capitalist "pigs" might find socialism too much of an affront, and the communists would think the same of the capitalists. There's quite a huge culture gulf there. Might take as long as a generation for that to ease over.

As for MacMillian, seriously, I can't tolerate another IRT wannabe on my own doorstep. Whack them with some sanctions to make sure they don't go create trouble."
"Oh, there is no doubt the elite will never particularly like their ideological opponents, but the idea here is to make the general populace amicable to simple deals. After all, the CSR doesn't need to love Shroomania, just be willing to deal with them and participate in the Continental Defence Plan, don't they? Certainly, positive propaganda can't hurt relations. Let the ideologically blinded elite stew in their own impotent rage."


Comrade Stanislav Rocket Factory, CSR


The FASTA delegation toured the massive industrial complex, which normally concerned itself mostly with missile production ; However, it had some of the most innovative and skilled design bureaus in the entire Old Continent, which is why it has been chosen as the premiere research site for the INITIAL booster project.

They were now gazing at the improved lower stage of the 8K71PS rocket (FASTA codename: INITIAL-I). The chief designer was going over the modifications made to make the rocket able to carry a larger, actually useful payload to low earth orbit.

"As you can see, comrades, work is proceeding smoothly. We have added four strap-on boosters based on the common rocket engine we use in al MRBMs and our satellite technology's proven and reliable. The staging mechanism was developed from scratch, of course, which means it will require live testing.

We should be ready for first live tests of the 8K71PS in February 2009. We'll start by hammering out any possible problems with booster separation, then move up to ballistic flights tesitng out the guidance system, and finally orbital flights."

FASTA engineers began asking questions, while technicians scurried around the massive engine assemblies. KGB soldiers walked around lazily, AK-74s slung on their backs - the rocket would, after all, be the first practical ICBM able to carry a meaningful payload on Earth in addition to its role of lofting satellites into orbit. The rocket seemed to have been designed in a very Crimsonian way: the basic "Sputnik" rocket had its engines replaced with more powerful ones, stuffed into the same corpus. Thus, it could be very quickly produced at the very same facilities as the original, saving huge amounts of time and money. As more advanced, heavy orbital rocket were being designed, the cheap and proven basic 8K71 design would allow FASTA to start a series of test flights during which they'd be able to hammer out all basic problems with control, guidance, tracking - and even life support, if plans to further modify it into a "capsule rocket" turned out alright.

It was obvious to everyone gathered the Crimson Republic had much to offer to the Moon program in the future.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
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Post by PeZook »

Continental Defence Plan submitted for approval to all concerned parties

The Foreign Ministry today submitted the basic Continental Defence Plan to all parties who expressed interest in participating in the program.

The plan includes sections on:

1. Standarization of procedures and equipment for local, regional, national and continental command centers

2. Joint training, unified chain of command and modularity

3. Engagement plans including all systems in all signatory countries

4. International agreements on airspace allowing interceptors to operate over the entirety of Old Continent airspace

5. Cost estimated of systems integration, and design of new software and procedures for use with the vastly enlarged size of the system.

Potential signatories who received the plan include: Canissia, Crimson Star Republic, the USSR, Shroomania, Byzantium, Vulpesia and Cialan
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.

MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.