Here we are giving you the best possible launch site and you say "GTFO" and go for your silly inland launch sitesPeZook wrote:Uh, what? Huh?

How about a lot of contracts for the construction of capsules and satellites instead?phongn wrote: Here we are giving you the best possible launch site and you say "GTFO" and go for your silly inland launch sitesWe will remember this!
Alright, how about I potentially give you a contract to refurbish my air defence systems, on condition that you give me the damn codes and we are going to scrutinise the codes so thoroughly not even a single loop hole will be left.phongn wrote:Here we are giving you the best possible launch site and you say "GTFO" and go for your silly inland launch sitesPeZook wrote:Uh, what? Huh?We will remember this!
No; the bombers launched AS-4 Kitchens which were sold with the bombers themselves (frankly I don't see any other reason to keep a Tu-22 fleet for such a small nation other than to defend against enemy naval assets).The PRSF missiles those bombers launched were CSR-made?
I'm not? That's a first for meStas Bush wrote: As for Pezookia, as far as I understand you are not in the SNC, so you have no ally obligations in international quarries.
Well, I can agree to this option, unless Byzantium or the USSR really want me inStas Bush wrote:Is Pezookia in the SNC?I thought we have 3 members (you, me and ShadY) and Pezook is an observer nation, kinda like the SCO?
Oh no, you aren't going to run away.PeZook wrote:Well, I can agree to this option, unless Byzantium or the USSR really want me inStas Bush wrote:Is Pezookia in the SNC?I thought we have 3 members (you, me and ShadY) and Pezook is an observer nation, kinda like the SCO?
Oh, I supposePeZook wrote:How about a lot of contracts for the construction of capsules and satellites instead?
Sure. Enjoy going through millions of lines of code, thoughFingolfin_Noldor wrote:Alright, how about I potentially give you a contract to refurbish my air defence systems, on condition that you give me the damn codes and we are going to scrutinise the codes so thoroughly not even a single loop hole will be left.
/we show your systems engineers signing off on the code and security reviewsAnd if we so much as find a bug put there, we will sue you in court.
I must've kinda assumed I joined. Let's say PeZookia is a part of the SNC, mmmkay?Stas Bush wrote: Actually I also proposed for Pezook to join the SNC somewhere in the early threads but I guess I missed his agreement or something...
I suppose if they find a line like:phongn wrote: And how would you know if the flaw was intentional or not, hrm? All software has bugs
Code: Select all
If IFF transponder = IRT ; THEN ignore contact AND write "Haha pwn3d!"
Well, anyhow, we want some insurance you aren't selling the enemy our systems. Which is why we are going ensure our engineers work with yours and learn what you are doing while you are at it.phongn wrote:Sure. Enjoy going through millions of lines of code, thoughFingolfin_Noldor wrote:Alright, how about I potentially give you a contract to refurbish my air defence systems, on condition that you give me the damn codes and we are going to scrutinise the codes so thoroughly not even a single loop hole will be left.
/we show your systems engineers signing off on the code and security reviewsAnd if we so much as find a bug put there, we will sue you in court.
And how would you know if the flaw was intentional or not, hrm? All software has bugs
Oh so... just to be clear, the weapons fired are in the hands of the client state, not the state itself?Stas Bush wrote:Since when supplying weapons to a belligerent party, even a client state, was grounds for war?That way Russia, USA and Israel would've fought countless direct wars.
Actually I also proposed for Pezook to join the SNC somewhere in the early threads but I guess I missed his agreement or something...
Okay.Let's say PeZookia is a part of the SNC, mmmkay?
No Crimson Star vessels participated in the attack. It was executed by a People's Republic of S.Frequesque CVBG and a People's Air Force wing of Tu-22 Blinders.Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Oh so... just to be clear, the weapons fired are in the hands of the client state, not the state itself?
The trouble is integration. That is a helluva of work. They can sell me incompatible parts for all i know and I'm left with a wreck of a system.PeZook wrote:You can always pay IRT subcontractors to design individual subsystems and have them work in Byzantium, and then do integration work yourself. Frankly, unless you pay one megacorp to build the entire system, it's unlikely the IRT will be able to point our any exploitable flaws to the enemy.
I'm more worried about friendly fire from Shady's rocketry and artillery.PeZook wrote:That reminds me ; Is Byzantium co-ordinating the snatch-and-grab with anybody? Because, really, snatching a head of state like that would probably require a lot of support like jamming, real-time reconeissance, air support,transport, etc.
Plus, Shady is kinda pissed and his tanks are charging forward smashing anything that tries to shoot back, and his shadowy intel guys will try to whack Marek.
It would be kind funny if your Varangians got into a firefight with Shadow assassins because of a difference in mission objectives
This kind of work tends to be fairly customized for each customer, for obvious reasons. Furthermore, what if we sell our expertise to someone else? It's not like we're going to give all your signaling crypto and whatnot away (which we probably won't even see)Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Well, anyhow, we want some insurance you aren't selling the enemy our systems. Which is why we are going ensure our engineers work with yours and learn what you are doing while you are at it.
Pretty damn big, especially if it's going to link multiple countries.What is the size of this contract anyhow.
Heh, the IRT was planning on bidding for the backbone of the system. Oh, we'll sell missiles and guns too, but we're more interested in the system than the components of it.PeZook wrote:You can always pay IRT subcontractors to design individual subsystems and have them work in Byzantium, and then do integration work yourself. Frankly, unless you pay one megacorp to build the entire system, it's unlikely the IRT will be able to point our any exploitable flaws to the enemy.
Penalty fees?Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:The trouble is integration. That is a helluva of work. They can sell me incompatible parts for all i know and I'm left with a wreck of a system.