The blog was not the original source of the information. It was merely a convenient presentation bringing it all together.Kast, blog posts are not considered usable here. They haven't been before, and you are not special.
And don't get on me about being "special," Nitram. You're the one with the high and mighty pony prance. I have to say I have no sympathy, however, as you try (and fail) to wipe egg off your face for having apparently failed to read what was posted.
"Innocent until proven guilty" is inherently logical. How can you string someone up for a crime when you haven't the proof that they are the responsible party?Further, your accusals really mean precisely shit. You keep on whining about this 'habit' you see and can only substantiate with illogical rebuttals. Really, 'innocent until proven guilty' was your retort, and that's enough for you to prove you're a looney tune.
You suggested that Sarah Palin is an AIP "plant" trying to destroy the integrity of the Union by infiltrating the Republican Party and, at final step, the White House. It is now your responsibility, if you wish to be taken at all seriously, to provide evidence. Or just admit that you were jerking off and spilled a little bit on the Internet.
Her husband is a member of a Party that doesn't have a totalistic commitment to independence. As mentioned, the AIP is structured such that one can actually regard it as a gadfly party. Not all of its membership advocates independence.So, her husband is a member of a group that wants to remove one of the fifty states and she does promo videos for them. Yep, you're right: no chance in hell she actually supports secession -something her party's first president fought a vicious war to stop.
And, entirely aside from that, did you watch the video? Looks to me like a clear attempt to encourage AIP members to look favorably on her party as the vehicle to carry forward certain non-objectionable elements of the general AIP platform. And, of course, a courtesy nod to a group of people who represent a significant (hence important) constituency in her state. They aren't hurting anyone, and as much as I find Alaskan independence reprehensible, Palin promised them nothing but the chance to gather and discuss, which she is bound to do, Constitutionally. Being polite isn't a mortal sin. In fact, it isn't a sin at all. If she was doing anything, it was encouraging AIP members to vote Republican.