Stuart wrote:Edi wrote:If these actions had been taken under a Democratic administration, I don't think the party as a whole would be as eager to prosecute
And in that one line, you have just admitted that this is a party political prosecution intended purely for political ends. In short, you're aiming at a Stalin purges-style show trial. Why does that not surprise me?
Where the fuck did that come from?
Once more, this time in small enough words that you will perhaps even understand: If it had been Democrats doing the same shit, they would obviously not be as willing to prosecute as they are now. But there would undoubtedly be those among their ranks who would be willing (such as Waxman) because they have displayed a willingness to go after anyone who is dodgy. And in that situation the Republicans would hardly stay silent and they would be right.
All of this is working with the assumption that there is a genuine will and honesty to address serious issues instead of using it as a partisan club to attack the opposition in a Stalin-style system. But perhaps I'm giving you and the rest of the US establishment far more credit than it deserves in making that suggestion. It's looking more and more that way. No fucking surprise given how your entire government has been designed from the ground up to fail. I guess that in that context it is only to be expected that you would ascribe venal, partisan motives to me. But that's just not how it works with me.
Just keep that in mind the next time it crosses your mind to accuse me of wanting to emulate Stalin. I'll let it slide now, this once. But not again.
Stuart wrote:Then why didn't they prosecute Clinton? All the alleged crimes committed by the Bush administration have their roots in actions carried out by previous administrations, going at least as far back as the First World War. So lets see Biden propsong that Bill Clinton be put on trial as well.
Can you give me any good examples of actions that would be prosecutable? Did Clinton's attorney general refuse to enforce Congressional subpoenas, for example? How is this one relevant?
Stuart wrote:Edi wrote:And I know the Republicans would be screaming blue murder. They'd be right in that case too and I'd support their efforts to prosecute.
Really? I know of no case where an incoming Republican administration has attempted to take legal action against an outgoing Democrat administration - even though the widespread vandalism of the White House in 2000 gave them a perfect opportunity for bringing serious criminal charges against ex-Administration personnel.
I fail to see any problems in prosecuting people who demonstrably committed vandalism. I remember reading about that and thought that it was fucking stupid, so I have no sympathy at all toward the Clinton administration on that particular score.
Stuart wrote:Edi wrote:You have also completely ignored the possibility that there might be people in the Republcian party who would have no problem with stringing the Bush administration or some of its lesser members like Mukasey up for what they have done. Though it's granted that from all indications that would be a small number of people.
The Republican party is a pretty broad church and includes people with its own agenda, that's true. However, this whole prosecution idea is so blatantly a political game that I doubt if more than a tiny number of Republicans would go along with it.
That is how it would be perceived, I suppose. Perhaps I'm being overly idealistic, having grown up in and lived all my life in a country where just 10% of the shit that routinely goes on in the US would topple the government and send people to jail on corruption charges, never mind all the other stuff.
Stuart wrote:Edi wrote:I expect this attitude to last only as long as the Republicans aren't fed any of the same shit they've been dishing out for the past 15 years.
You know I am sick and tired of hearing this "We're all saints and the Republicans are pounding on us" nonsense. In point of fact, the boots on the other foot, we've been playing the Hill game more or less by the rules while putting up with a lot of crap from the Democrats. Want an example? Look up the voting record on Supreme Court Justices. You'll note that picks by Democrat presidents are approved by bipartisan majorities regardless of their political stance (Ruth Baader Ginsburg being a classic example of a pick that should have been booted out) because Senate precedent is that after all the discussion, if the candidate is put to a vote the Senate votes on a bipartisan basis to approve. Now look at picks proposed by Republican candidates; the final approvals are all split down party lines. So don't give me this crap about how the Democrats are angels and never hit back when the eviiiiillllll Republicans put the boot in. Hill politics is nasty, it always has been and both sides do it. I know its nice and comforting to believe otherwise but anybody who says their side are the saints, is simply betraying utter ignorance of what American politics is like.
You're a fool if you think I'm naive enough to believe there is no shit in the Democratic pigsty. I must admit that I am not familiar with the voting procedures back on the previous SCOTUS nominees, but that little bit is not the entire story. The Bush appointees to the SCOTUS where there was such acrimony in the voting process happened to be nominated by fiat without even an attempt at finding compromises. Were the Democratic appointees in the past nominated with such disregard for bipartisan cooperation? This is something I am curious about.
Stuart wrote:Edi wrote:Are you seriously suggesting that you would argue these same things if as comparably corrupt Democratic administration had trampled all over the civil liberties so precious to the right (right to bear arms, etc), locked up people without due process and then told the courts and everyone else to go fuck themselves that you would be singing this same tune?
Obviously you haven't been reading this thread. That's exactly what I've been saying. Right from the start; I've made it clear that criminalizing party politics the way you and your clique are demanding will destroy democracy. By the way, the Clinton regime did try and illegal gun ban and it was shot down by the Supreme Court which is the way things should be done.
You're accusing me of trying to criminalize party politics and I'm starting to get really fucking sick of it. Apparently by your definition anything and everything the government does is party politics and nothing should ever be actionable. Unless they happen to pass laws, which can then be tested in court up to and including SCOTUS. Using the court system, that's fine. But what about when the decisions of the court system are ignored? Nothing wrong with "It's his decision, let him enforce it", eh?
Stuart wrote:Edi wrote:I don't believe you. It's as simple as that.
That's your privilege. I simply believe your political prejudices make your opinion on this matter worthless.
Then you probably don't mind if I return the favor in full measure.
Stuart wrote:Edi wrote:You're assuming that I think this would only benefit one party. I think that an overview of the Bush administration actions and criminal prosecution of those in it who engaged in criminal behavior would benefit both parties and the nation as a whole. In this, we have a difference of opinion and I don't expect that there's anything I can say to convince you otherwise.
Of course it will benefit only one party; that's why the extreme left wing Democrats are trying to pull it off. The Republicans and a big block of teh political center will see this for what it is; a blatantly political attempt by the Democrats to get even for losing two Presidnetial elections on the trot. But, as usual, you're completely missing the point. If the Democrats try this and get away with it, come a future election (2012 or 2016) when teh Republicans get back in (and they will) we can hit back and start throwing our own criminal charges around. And that would be the end of democracy because which party is going to peacefully hand over power when they know that by doing so they are going to be prosecuted on a load of trumped-up charges?
As you wish. See the earlier part of my post for an explanation of my motives on this. But as I said, apparently I am expecting far too much from the political establishment of the US.
Stuart wrote:Once again with the "Democrats are saints and Republicans" are monsters nonsense. Just take a look at who has been staging large-scale "peace protests" and "ant-globalism" riots. I know it feels nice and warm and fuzzy to believe your people are all forbearing angels but even a quick glance at the news will tell you otherwise. Say again, American politics are nasty and always have been.
Yes, they always have been. As far as anti-globalism riots go, the people who start that shit belong in jail and you'll never hear me say otherwise. The peace protest thing is a different matter. If someone uses that as an excuse to riot and destroy property, fuck them and throw them in jail. If they don't, what's wrong with the protests?
Stuart wrote:And left wing rhetoric isn't? Take a read of what gets put on Daily Kos and Democratic Underground. If you want inflammatory rhetoric, the garbage that comes out there is far worse than anything the Republican party comes out with.
Go right on pretending that the DU and DK are as mainstream and popular as the various right wing pundits in the mass media, or Rush Limbaugh or any of the massively popular outlets for rightwing propaganda in the US. I'm quite certain that it's possible to find all sorts of leftwing shit up to and including suggestions of total collectivization of all private property etc, but you actually have to dig for that. Relatively hard too, in comparison to what gets plastered all over by far more mainstream outlets. Usually opening one's mouth to express attitudes supportive of any left-of-center issue around Americans gets a response that amounts to accusations of leftwing radicalism. That has been my experience for years now in many varied places online.
Stuart wrote:I've made my point very clear and I notice that nobody has actually answered the main argument.
I tried to answer your main argument, but it looks like at least part of the way we were talking past each other. I feel a large part of that was your assumption about my motives and the conclusions that led you to draw from what I said, but I'm not saying that's the sole reason. Not worth quoting the rest of your post just to post an "I agree" at the end of it, as that was a fairly accurate summation of things.