Christmas Yoda is fun, too.
Stormie's avatar is cool, too. Just so evil lookking *g*
And Einy's is just, well, so very, very pink

Moderator: Edi
I like Eleas avatar too thats why I stole the ideaShinova wrote:I also nominate Eleas' Deus Ex avatar. Looks cool.
Which? For a long time, I only used ones with red hair. The one with a close up on her face, with big green eyes?XaLEv wrote:Yeah, that's the one. Cute, wasn't it?Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Hey, XaLEv, when you said Zaia's red-headed girl avatar, did you mean the fairly simple, Rei-ish one she used a long time ago?
Maybe that's why it is our avater and we're not using another avater, just a thought.Spanky The Dolphin wrote:Hmm, it seems like most of us are voting for our own avatars, so this isn't really working that well...