"If you never had to pay for service again, would you keep AOL?"
Oh lord. I'm like, who fucking taught her how to sell?
I tutor adults in basic math, algebra and trig at a CC. Today, I'm helping a recent HS grad. All I can say is, what the hell are they teaching kids in Washington state? They can't do fractions, they don't know the multiplication table, and letters for variable confuse them. Notice that this is a sweeping generalization, with a sample size of 3. I have older students but I forgive them cuz they're ancient

OK, how many 60ths are in 1?
Hmm. Here's one (drawing an interval [0,1]), and I cut it in halves. How many halves are in one?
OK (draw a second picture) now I have one and I chop it into 3rds. How many thirds are there?
So now I take 5ths, and there are...?
No... [pause] OK, remember what we just talked abt, the inverse? [Goes over a/a = 1 again] So if I have a 5th, how many 5ths make up one?
[Eyes fixed on the half example] 2 [whithers under my evil eye] 5
So I break something into 4ths, how many 4ths are there?
(we repeat faster, halves-2, thirds 3, 4ths-4, 5ths 5, SIXTIETHS? ... 1.
You might think that was the end, but I just got sick of typing this stupid story. He got it eventually, but it took another review of "using letters as placeholders, inverses, and identity with distributive law thrown in to answer the original question". Man. I'll give credit where it's due, now--I'm the worst math student in the world, and I know EXACTLY where he's coming from. I HATED math when I was in HS--but I at least knew my mult table!
It sounds unfair bec I'm slamming him, but that's just the Nature of the Post. It doesn't really reflect rl, in which I really like this guy and don't disrespect him--like I said, I know where he's at, and I knew eactly what was gg on in his head.
These are my funny little things. Any mundane crap like that is fun to share. Or maybe I'm just a loon.