An example of my Rock Band wall hitting limit thing...
Constant Motion - Medium 95% Hard 2%
Member of the Unremarkables Just because you're god, it doesn't mean you can treat people that way : - My girlfriend Evil Brit Conspiracy - Insignificant guy
I can Bass it up however the game isn't out in the UK yet
Anyone seen any news on that?
Member of the Unremarkables Just because you're god, it doesn't mean you can treat people that way : - My girlfriend Evil Brit Conspiracy - Insignificant guy
I tried a cold read with some people online and I failed out immediately.
Mayabird is my girlfriend
Justice League:BotM:MM:SDnet City Watch:Cybertron's Finest "Well then, science is bullshit. "
-revprez, with yet another brilliant rebuttal.
Vendetta wrote:That always happens until you retrain your fingers (or other relevant appendages) to the new difficulty level.
I can five star all but about two songs on medium on GH3, but put me on hard and I can barely scrape through the first set.
It actually continues up to expert difficulty. There are some songs where the solo is tapped, so you have to learn tapping in order to do it effectively simply because it's so difficult without it. Jordan is the best example, where the solo intro and Solo B are completely tapped on a real guitar. So even after you can hit expert, there's still more to learn.
Member of the Unremarkables Just because you're god, it doesn't mean you can treat people that way : - My girlfriend Evil Brit Conspiracy - Insignificant guy
I would recommend a singer (he's my singer for my RB1 band), but unfortunately he has some ups and downs. Most of the time he's good on hard, but other times even a song as simple as Reptilia gets the better of him. If we can't find a singer, however, we can just grab him.
Just a question: Can two members of an online band play on the same system in the band? I don't know why not, but it would keep him from having to buy his own copy.
I think so, but it'd be worth trying out. We still need a name. We could always mash together the names of the ones we have ourselves; mine is Five Alarm Razor.
Losonti Tokash wrote:I think so, but it'd be worth trying out. We still need a name. We could always mash together the names of the ones we have ourselves; mine is Five Alarm Razor.
Mine is Orlando Mantis. I don't know how a mashup name would work seeing as how most bands have short names, so it may come out sounding kind of stupid.
I'll let you all know when I have RB2. Quasar is going to be sad, but I need my side projects.
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