Pretty much. I'm in love. There is a ton to unlock, 27 saber crystals, 13 costumes, 27 combos, 9 talents that all can be upgraded up to 3 times, 6 powers that can also be upgraded, artwork, the databank to unlock. And combat is fun when you do more than swing your saber. This game has plenty to offer.Connor MacLeod wrote:So let me see if I got this straight, because the discussion seems to boil down to two basic points:
Person A: The game is fun!
Person B: Yeah, but the game engine sucks, so the game must suck!
If all you want is the latest and greatest, then have fun constantly upgrading your PC waiting for that gem that is so elusive. If you want to hack, slash, pull, push, and lightning your way through giant levels, with AT-Sts, rancors, and jedi, then pick up the phone, it's for you. There are times where the odds are overwhelming, but nothing that isn't hard to get passed if your creative with the force. Dynasty Warriors ain't got shit on the sith.
I guess I too am easily pleased.
The only thing that bugged me was that bringing down that Star Destroyer wasn't as cool looking as it was in trailer. But still a ton o' fun.