Bubble Boy wrote:Thanas wrote:Well, this episode was a bit better than the last one, but not by much. Mainly, my pet peeve was John acting like an idiot again. Ditching your only efficient protection for playing dress up?

Yeah, not very impressive thinking.
You do realize this John here is still basically a kid who's had this identity forced upon him that he wants nothing to do with? He's desperately wanting a real life of his own, even if he knows it's not in the cards, right?
So what? He is still acting like an idiot. Understandable, maybe, but definitely not smart.
Yes, I'm sure you'd wouldn't want contact with the opposite sex or have any yearning for your own 'normal' life, so much so that your young self will occasionally break some common sense rules just to at least have a taste of that freedom...
Yeah, let's see. He managed to do that just fine without acting like an idiot last season, which you must have missed. Neither with Morris nor with his chem partner did he ever act as stupid as this. Your point was?
Frankly, his character is coming along great as far as I'm concerned. I expect him to lash out and resist his 'destiny', pining for the life he knows he can't have.
He managed to do that last season without being an idiot.
Let's review his situation, shall we?
Cameron is acting crazy, and she can kill him within seconds. She is the only fighter that can actually defeat a Terminator under normal circumstances. So, the very least he should do is to make sure her chip isn't...damaged or beyond repair before running off. See, I don't mind him rebelling that much, I mind him being an idiot while doing it.
He's a human being, and a young one at that. I'm not going to buy anyone's bullshit that a normal boy would throw himself into this macho military role and not have any realistic normal human desires beyond that. Especially since he knows armageddon is just around the corner where virtually all of life's luxuries and pleasures are going down the drain, and his chances for at least having a tiny bit of that before it's gone forever are disappearing fast.
Nice strawman you've got there.
One should be amazed at his strength of character; a lot of young people simply couldn't handle that kind of presssure or sacrifice without being majorly depressed, possibly even suicidal.
He was showing a lot of signs of PTSD in the last two episodes. And I am not attacking his character. He broved himself to be very brave numerous times. Yet in this season he has acted very, very stupid. Two different things. So get off your high horse.
Whoever says "education does not matter" can try ignorance
A decision must be made in the life of every nation at the very moment when the grasp of the enemy is at its throat. Then, it seems that the only way to survive is to use the means of the enemy, to rest survival upon what is expedient, to look the other way. Well, the answer to that is 'survival as what'? A country isn't a rock. It's not an extension of one's self. It's what it stands for. It's what it stands for when standing for something is the most difficult! -
Chief Judge Haywood
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