Actually, the majority of our presidents were in fact born rich. The reason people have a skewed view of it is because of Lincoln. Everybody looks at him and says "anyone with enough gumption can be president." And in point of fact he would never have won, if not for Democratic party politics and the oddities of our electoral college.
hmm I would like to see your breakdown of this. George Washington gained nearly all of his personal wealth from marriage, and mostly from his own activities, so call him born with a silver spoon in his mouth would be a gross mischarectierization. Besdies everyone achnoldges Washington was elected purely on merits.
We could go over a list of the founders, most of them were self made men, like alexander hamilton, who was born as porr as Lincoln was. Reagon wqs just as poor as lincoln. Andrew Jackson was anotehr self made man, whoise victory at New Orleans propelled him to the presidency. Richard Nixon was poor as well. Clinton was born into a poor single parent family and abused by his stepfather.
Grant was poor all of his life till he was president. He was an alcholic throguhout the war, and the presidency. Didn't matter how much money he had, he was elected again on merit of his war record.
I might be wrong on this, but I think FDR was not born a rich man.
Jimmy Carter I beelive was poor, maybe middle class.
Lyndon Johnson was born poor as well, as were many people of that era.
To tell you the truth, lookijng over the past 2 and a quarter centuries, it would appear that all the American Preisdents that are considered great, were all born into poverty.
Though many of these individuals aquired great wealth during thier lifetimes, that alone is not enouhg to get into the whitehouse. Gennerally speaking how wealthy you are doesn't matter in the US when it comes to national elections, but it can help. Elections are generally fought by the parties with money from supporters, not from the persoanl estate of the canidate -- though it has been done that way.
Take NJ senator Corizine, he nearly lost the election to his republican challenger, and won only by bribing poeple ($75 a head in some areas) to vote for him. It loks like this guy is going to be a one termer, considering questions about how he ran his company, and possible misreporting to boost stock prices.
Such things cannot occur in an indirect democracy, as party decides who is elected and who isn't, so no surprise that people who have political connections the moment they are born are the ones holding most of the power.
As for what happened in Florida 2000, it has been cleared up, bush won PERIOD. the Supreme Court ruling didn't affect the outcome either way. And thats not including all the military ballots that somehow mysterously arrived too late to be counted.
The Biblical God is more evil than any Nazi who ever lived, and Satan is arguably the hero of the Bible. -- Darth Wong, Self Proffessed Biblical Scholar