I bring to your attention the episode that has been eagerly anticipated in the fandom, Allison from Palmdale.
Expect an episode filled with Summer Glau proving that she is indeed a very capable actress. Finally, we see some more background of the Cameron character.Cameron temporarily loses her memory, and ends up discovering her distant memories. Ellison uncovers information about Catherine Weaver.
The title is possibly a nod to House, where the main female character of the first three seasons is named Allison Cameron. I have been unable to get confirmation on it due to my internet being cut off. An idiot construction worker who should be terminated immediately for the sake of cleansing the genpool cut through the glass fibre cable connecting my house. I am posting this from a friends house. [/rant]
My predicition - if the writers come up wih an intriguing tale, it could be the best episode of this season. If not, it will be a terrible episode saved only by Summer Glau's performance.