I found a small little fanfic that you might all enjoy.

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I found a small little fanfic that you might all enjoy.

Post by phongn »

On another board that I occasionally lurk on (I usually hit it every month or so), one of the authors wrote a short little piece that I enjoyed. It's original science fiction, so it's a bit off-topic here, but I think you'll enjoy it.

As I do not have permission to post it here, here's the link: http://pub165.ezboard.com/fwarships1dis ... 1696.topic
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Post by LT.Hit-Man »

Diffrent....I like it thanks
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Re: I found a small little fanfic that you might all enjoy.

Post by Eleas »

phongn wrote:On another board that I occasionally lurk on (I usually hit it every month or so), one of the authors wrote a short little piece that I enjoyed. It's original science fiction, so it's a bit off-topic here, but I think you'll enjoy it.

As I do not have permission to post it here, here's the link: http://pub165.ezboard.com/fwarships1dis ... 1696.topic
Most effective, chilling, and brutal. I liked this piece.
Björn Paulsen

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Post by Andras »

Hahaha, I posted a link to the same story @ http://bbs.stardestroyer.net/viewtopic.php?t=11126

6 hours before you
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