Bandai currently focuses its 'Machine Robo' line on the Mugenbine series (a collection of parts you assemble, disassemble, mix and match, and reassemble to alternate forms, like Legos), but the rights for 'Gobots' (the Americanized version of 'Machine Robo') is now in Hasbro's hands. If Hasbro decides to resurrect the "children may submit ideas for the designs of transforming toys" program Bandai had, what would you submit?Counter-X article on Machine Robo/Gobots wrote:Here the line took a change of direction, and with rare exceptions the toys would now almost entirely be based on real-life (and usually contemporary) vehicles. Many of the designs were taken from ideas submitted by children. The Machine Robo Series would eventually run to 54 figures, with additional recolours sold as 'Best of Machine Robo' 5-packs.
Please submit ideas that have NOT already been turned into a toy; that means no F-15 Eagles (Leader-1, Starscream and his brothers), no Tyrannosauri (Grimlock and 'Beast Wars' Megatron), and sadly, no Iowa class battleships (there's already Man-O-War/Battleship Robo) or Saturn V rockets (Apollo Robo).