SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

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Post by Lonestar »

MKSheppard wrote:$1 Trillion Dollar Lawsuit filed in Cascadian, Tonkinite, and Old Dominion courts by Shepistani Government

126th District Court
"Alright, let's speed this along, I got tee-off at one." District Judge Sir Geoff Richards said.

"Ah," The Shepistani Representative began. "I seriously doubt that we will come to a conclusion befor-"

"Times up." Richards took a deep drag from a metal flask that had the words FUCK THE ROCK CHUCKERS written on it. "The Ministry of Justice Rep?"

"As the Government of Shepistan has no real regard for international law, we fail to see why we should waste our time on this."

"Well spoken." Richards stopped, then opened his mouth again. "As Shepistan has demonstrated it will not follow reasonable international laws and treaties, no such lawsuit issued by Shepistan will be entertained in Old Dominion Courts, or at least until they start acting civilized." He swung down his gavel. "Dismissed!" He took off his wig, put on his flat cap, and left the bench.
"The rifle itself has no moral stature, since it has no will of its own. Naturally, it may be used by evil men for evil purposes, but there are more good men than evil, and while the latter cannot be persuaded to the path of righteousness by propaganda, they can certainly be corrected by good men with rifles."
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Re: Re:

Post by Zor »

Grand Moff Yenchin wrote:"These conditions are reasonable. Considering the approximity of our nations, good interaction can indeed have prosperitous results."
"I am glad to here it" He said as before swallowing a peice finely prepared of giant wombat steak "is there anything more that you would like to propose?"
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by MKSheppard »

14th Blossom Court, Japanistan

"As you can see here; when the MESS attacked and destroyed the Calvert Cliffs Nuclear Power station, they knew full well what they were doing - they first made it impossible to control the reactor by bombing the control center, which set the stage for a catastrophic nuclear incident with severe implications for the world."

"Many of the high-level personnel who knew the workings of the reactor were killed in the MESS bombing strike, and this hampered damage control efforts following the strike. In particular, Valve #41, which fed coolant into the reactor to maintain core temperature, was frozen shut by shock damage from the bombing.

Approximately one hour and twenty three minutes after the strike, despite the best efforts of our engineers to restore coolant flow into the core, a major steam explosion occured due to rising temperatures within the core, which threw the 2,000 ton reactor lid off it's mount and severely undermined the biological control shielding. Two seconds later, another explosion occured; of much greater severity than the first."

"Due to the heavy damage to the reactor building establishing an airflow from outside, along with core being exposed to the air following the explosions, a graphite fire was soon started through the high temperature of the reactor core. Here is a picture taken from a Shepistani Military helicopter shortly after the explosions."


"Initial estimates show that particularly significant radioactive contamination occured before the core's fire was quenched by brave volunteers from local militas manning fire hoses."

"Accordingly, this is why Shepistan is suing the Old Dominion, and by extension the MESS, for One Trillion Shroomanian dollars; for their grave disregard of all morality and sanity by deliberately attacking an operating nuclear power station, despite knowing the risks of such an operation."

At that moment, a man burst into the courtroom.

"Sir! The Rock Creek Dam has failed!" he shouted; causing the Shepistani lawyer to go pale before everyone.

"What is the significance of that?" asked the Japanistani judge.

His forehead now broken out in sweat, the Shepistani lawyer wiped his brow with his expensive suit.

"The Rock Creek Dam is about thirty miles upriver of Calvert Cliffs, it's used for power generation; during the war, MESS aircraft struck it; most of their bombs hit the power generation building, destroying the turbines there, but not an insignificant number struck the dam face by accident or design."

"Shepistani and Japanistani engineers have been engaged in an emergency stabilization project to prevent the dam from failing due to the bomb damage to it's face; but apparently they lost the battle."

"What happens now?"

"Well, sir. A 30 foot high wall of water is about to descend on to the Calvert Cliffs plant; and spread thousands upon thousands of tons of very radioactive material for a very long distance downstream."

Major ecological catastrophe in Shepistan as a result of MESS bombardment.


The protestors gathered around the gates of the Kingdom's nuclear power plants, dressed in all sorts of garb, with the grim reaper being the most popular.

Image of a protestor.

"No more Nukes!" shouted a protestor.

"If a nuclear power plant can do this, what will the BOMBS that our leaders are talking about building do?" shouted another.

"Stop poisioning Mother Terra!" screamed another.

Huge protests in virtually every nation around the world concerning nuclear power; especially concerning atomic weapons projects due to mass public hysteria and fear in the aftermath of Shepistan revealing what had been a secret during the war.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Beowulf »

Hong Kong Times

Protests in Alaska over Shepistan arms deal

Protestors marched in Anchorage yesterday, to protest the government's arms deal. Some of the protest's signs included images from the graphic tapes created by Shepistan to encourage a defector to Tian Xia to return. Chants included "No money to murderers!," and "Shepistan has bloody hands!"
"preemptive killing of cops might not be such a bad idea from a personal saftey[sic] standpoint..." --Keevan Colton
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by MKSheppard »

Army House, Shepistan

Contractors from Japanistan were busy repairing the damage that had been wrought on the above ground parts of the complex during the One Week War, while deep in the bunkers, General Sheppard met with his council.

"Latest reports from Calvert Cliff?" asked the General.

"Absolute disaster, sir. Millions of tons conservatively of radio-active waste of all types, from high level from the reactor itself to low level water contaminated by the dam failure."

"What are our plans for disposal of the waste?"

"Sir, we can bury it at se...."

"NO. JUST NO." shouted the General. This last goddamn war was partially sparked off by those dickless fucks in the Old Dominion getting sick off perfectly fine seafood. NO DUMPING."

"Sir, that was our most realistic option."

Sheppard sighed. "What else, then?"

"We can ship it to Velaria and store it there." replied another aide.

"Yes, yes. That's perfect. Put it where nobody gives a damn about it. Begin initial studies, and consult with the Japanistanis; I'm sure the idea of using the untamed continent for radio-active waste storage has struck them in the past..."
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Royal Palace
Ashford City

Unreal Time

Anya had been recalled from Cascadia long ago and was now back to her usual habits of lounging around the Royal Palace and leeching off Lelouch; such were the advantages of defection. "So, I take it the Shepistanis and those Old Dominion buggers rejected your very generous arms deal?" she asked Lelouch.

"Old news, Anya," Lelouch replied. "Anyway, fuck them both. We try to be charitable, and they turn down our offers. It seems that they're too busy fellating their respective 'allies' to even consider giving the little guy a chance..."

Anya continued leafing through her copy of today's issue of The Ashford Times. "The Rock Creek Dam in Shepistan just failed today," she said in her usual nonchalant tone. "What was left of the Calvert Cliff nuclear power station was submerged by the resulting torrent."

"As if those damn Shepistanis don't have enough to deal with already," Lelouch sighed. "Almost makes me want to pity them. Almost."

"Still, it would be the decent thing to do if we helped them out," Anya said. "Just because they're Shepistani doesn't mean they don't deserve basic human decency. If we assist in cleanup and peacebuilding efforts, it'll improve our public relations, and maybe, just maybe, we can convince the Shepistanis to buy our arms. Also, Shroomania and Sirnoth already have their hands full with general peacekeeping efforts in the area, and I'm pretty damn sure they'd appreciate the extra help."

"You're right, Anya," Lelouch sighed again. "Looks like we'll be shipping off to Shepistan, then."
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

Phantasee: Don't be a dick.
Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

"d-did... did this thread just turn into Thanas/PeZook slash fiction?" - Ilya Muromets[/size]
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Steve »

Online News Release from Smith-Hall Defense Quarterly

The Cascadian Navy has formally commissioned the Nautilus, the seventh Seawolf-class nuclear-powered attack submarine to be built by Puget Sound Naval Yard. The attack submarine is considered one of the most advanced in the world with a submerged quiet speed that is officially stated at "twenty-five plus knots".

Nautilus will undergo final fitting out and crew assignment over the next several months and is expected to fully join Home Fleet by the end of the year.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Karmic Knight »

Unmarked Vinish Jet, En Route to Shroomainia

Brandon looked out the window at the open sea, his mind filled with thoughts of failure; rarely did Brandon travel, either in this reality or in the one ‘before’ it, which didn’t alleviate the nervousness building up in the monarch. On his trip he really only needed to show up to the various nations that would have him, say some niceties with the representative who was willing to talk with him, and be on his way, but he felt honour bound to at least try to get something done. In Shroomainia, he hoped to complete a multinational agreement regarding the Shroomainian broadcast blimps, starting to see use in San Dorado, he did this, not out of greed, but out of fear, fear that the insane hypercapitalist leadership of San Dorado would destroy society, one division of labour at a time. He would happily place the

His paranoia, fear, and nervousness was not at all helped by a series of delays that kept him in Cascadia for at least two weeks, first the plane carrying the permanent delegation to Cascadia had been delayed, and if he had left immediately, the Vineyards would have no representation in this still on-going conference. Along with this delay, the plane Brandon would have used to continue on to the Sovereignty stalled on the runway, casing another series of annoyances, and an armed guard to join him on his trip. The reasoning of the Senate was that the act had been deliberate, and its failure would result in an assassination attempt, which showed that massive paranoia was not just a trait of the Vinish King.

The reason a new, permanent delegation was sent to the conference was due to the scattering of the original team, Deputy Minister Luzar had returned to the Vineyards to ‘actively contribute to the national defence,’ by training his own little death commandos. The King had his trip to the Old World, and he was taking Ambassador Tenenbaum with him, because Brandon knew two languages, Shroomainian/English, and French, of which only one Brandon expected to use. The Ambassador filled the obvious need of a translator and an advisor in a quick, already their, package. The only person from the original group sticking around until the bitter end of the conference was Alexander Mason, Senator. Mason chose to stay there, as it was the area he could influence the most people, and due to sheer stubbornness. Brandon had asked him about the Senate, and whether the Republican Agenda would be compromised by the Senator’s absence, he responded thusly, “Not at all, in fact, with the Socialist-Republican Alliance in the works, we are working from a massive majority; even so, you could just whitewash things seem that bad.” The Senator referred to the Kingly power of Sovereign Removal, the Sovereign reserves the power to remove any law he/she sees as ignorant of the larger scope of the world or in the spirit of destruction and chaos, a major power the Brandon had refused to send to the Senate to be removed. Commonly, the power was removed in ‘whitewashes’ where the Monarch would take a large number of laws and declare them impotent.

“Sire, we are approaching the island, it is on the other side of the plane,” said one of the guards, “I believe you should see this.”

“Yes, yes,” Brandon responded wearily, he was really getting annoyed at having guards posted because of other people’s paranoia. And with this, both Brandons got their first sight of Shroomainia, and what a sight it was, the island was shaped in a seemingly awkward cone, with many crashing waves over the tiny inlets, islands, and atolls that made up the Sovereignty of Shroomainia, even from the planes height, the place looked and just felt like a place of sweetness and light, like nothing bad could come from it. Of course, this island chain conquered more than a third of the globe, but that could be overlooked by the just feeling of goodness radiating from the lands of Shroomainia.

Results: Brandon is in Shroomainia.
This is an empty country and I am it's king, and I should not be allowed to touch anything.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Constantinople Times

Byzantine Emperor heads to Shinra Republic after visiting Kingdom of Serenity

After visiting the labs involved in the joint Serenity-Byzantium biomedical collaboration, the Emperor heads to Shinra Republic to engage in consultations with his fellow MESS Ally.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by MKSheppard »

Shroomspace Weekly

United Shepistan to acquire fleet of cargo modified 737s

Today, United Shepistan (US), a worldwide cargo airline headquartered in shepistan, announced it's intentions to acquire a fleet of 35 modified 737 aircraft for use as general cargo airlifters, and also for loan out as water bombers to the Shepistani government, with options to acquire more...

Artist's conception of the modified 737s, shown in the aircraft's previous livery of Shroom-Am. Nose and tail doors facilitate the loading of large and bulky cargo, crucial in transport-poor Shepistan. Longer main landing gear legs improve loading and short-field characteristics. "Fighter"-style canopy makes room for large nose cargo door.

Shepistani Navy beginning studies of FAC-R-X

The Fast Attack Craft, Robotic, Experimental has been assigned a program office and personnel are being assigned to it by the Shepistani Navy. Speculation is rife over what will be picked for the FAC-R-X program; but credible rumors say they shall be armed with a pair of 44,000 pound missiles for armament and will be guided by autonomous Shroomglider developmed AI running on Shroomtel 986 workstations ruggedized for military naval use.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by K. A. Pital »

Jerusalem Training and Re-deployment Airfield XX-07

Svetlana Savitskaya flew the MiG many times, but she never forgot the feel of every experimental machine out there.
This machine felt light. Even with ammunition stuffed onto pilons, it was probably only near the MiG-31M's empty mass.

A new, high-grade titanium hull with several composite elements allowed the D30F-6M engines to propel the MiG-31T - also known as "Izdelie 52.2" - to Mach 3,2. It seemed the interceptor broke 4000 k.p.h. - but Svetlana saw the machinery reporting a dangerous vibration in the left engine.

- The left one, - she thought.

Just as before. When she, a young pilot, tested the MiG-31s at the Karaganda airfield, a dangerous vibration was reported by the plane in the left engine. She paid little attention until in a few second the speakers spoke with a mechanical voice: "Dangerous vibration in the left engine. Please lower RPM. Lower RPM." But the instruction required to rise to a safe altitude - 500 m at least, while she was cruising at 350m, testing low-flight regimes. She switched the engine off that day... god knows what saved her. The error was too grave, but the plane made it. Losing altitude, she managed to land it. Of course, not undamaged.

But this time, she was flying high. She switched off the left engine and slowly turned the decelerating MiG back to the base.

It was clear that the lighter machine was performing far, far better than the original version. And that's what Svetlana was going to write in her end evaluation report.
Lì ci sono chiese, macerie, moschee e questure, lì frontiere, prezzi inaccessibile e freddure
Lì paludi, minacce, cecchini coi fucili, documenti, file notturne e clandestini
Qui incontri, lotte, passi sincronizzati, colori, capannelli non autorizzati,
Uccelli migratori, reti, informazioni, piazze di Tutti i like pazze di passioni...

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Steve »

Star of Sweethaven Forsyth Shipping Line Vessel (Astaria-flagged)
Sailing North

The mechanically-inclined amongst the mutineers were struggling to make sure the old engines of the ship kept functioning while the others either helped man the bridge, watch the prisoners, or help Amber Sanchez and John Colico rig their radio.

There had been a brief, fierce debate among the volunteers and the more educated slaves about whether to use the radio in a general broadcast. It would give away their position, but it might also get them help from a passing ship that they could evacuate to without having to wait for the directional radio to be put up. In the end Amber won most of the argument - they remain silent on the radio for now, begin transmitting if they figure they've been spotted anyway (If, for instance, an aircraft was heard flying overhead.)

Briefly consideration was made to simply answer the next checkup, but when they could not find the identifier code the idea was nixed and they simply let the checkup go by without an answer when the time came six hours after the mutiny.

They did not know it, but the Astarian coastal offices were not exactly on a hair-trigger. Had there been disturbances before the ship left they might have responded immediately and fully, but with nothing of that sort and no prior signs of trouble the authorities figured it might be a radio problem. To make sure an aircraft would be dispatched to the area to see if the ship was in distress, but nothing further was done.

At the twelfth hour of the mutiny, after hard work and being nearly exhausted, Amber and John finished their radio set. They had it placed north, attached it to the ship's electrical grid, and began transmitting. "Hello, my name is Amber Sanchez. I... I am from Cascadia and a member of the International Peace Corps. We were abducted from Bissaru and taken to Astaria to be sold into slavery. We've... we've managed to take over a ship and are trying to get home, please help us...."
"The beam's not too strong and the range is kind of thin," John reminded her, a sympathetic hand on her shoulder. "We... we might need to keep this up a while."

As they did so, the Astarians were taking notice of the situation. The aircraft they'd sent out confirmed [i}Star of Sweethaven[/i] was nowhere on her intended course. It'd been about fourteen hours after the mutiny when the order was sent to the military, requesting them to send an AWACS up to help find the ship, as well as more aircraft to ID possibilities found by their A-50. The Navy would be notified as well, though response was snarled when the admiral in charge, eager over his operating budget, insisted on a better grasp of the situation and a definite identification before he spent money on it.

After about sixteen hours of calling, John and Amber were prepared to give up for a while. Night time would come soon and the two had been awake over twenty four hours, subsisting on coffee and chocolate procured from the ship's galley. They were being joined now by a big PeZookian, Wladyslaw, and Katarina, the girl who's father was from Byzantium and mother from the CSR.

Amber made one more fatigued broadcast before preparing to hand the assembly over to Wladyslaw and Katarina to get some rest. Suddenly there was a burst of static on the channel coming from their makeshift system. A voice in a language she didn't know began speaking. She looked to Katarina, who's eyes widened. "It is from the Republic!" she said in her accented English. "A merchant vessel of the Crimson Republic. Quick, give me the radio!"
Frantically Amber handed her the pick up and Katarina began speaking into it.

Kapitan Vrungel, Crimson Star Republic-flagged freighter
En route to Rovno, CSR

Captain Dmitri Sokolov was standing over the radio in the room behind his bulk freighter's bridge when he heard a second young woman begin speaking in Russian. She identified herself as Katarina Papadoulos, a citizen of the Crimson Republic and the Byzantine Empire. Within moments she explained it all: she was with the International Peace Corps and had been working in Bissaru when their entire group was abducted, as was another, and taken into South Veleria to be sold into Astarian slavery. The Astarians, far from believing the students, had seemingly been apathetic to them and shoved them on a ship bound for the slave markets on the Astarian home island. There had been a mutiny and they were now in control of the ship.

The signal was very weak, however, and it was being lost. Sokolov shouted into the mic that help would be found as the girl's voice broke up and faded into static.

Sokolov made his decision immediately. Realizing the Astarians would probably be looking for them, he had to relay the message to get them help while also informing Stasograd. Scowling, he went to his First Mate and they began going over the contacts they'd had while sailing along northern Veleria. And when Sokolov was reminded that they'd spotted and logged the proximity of a carrier group, presumably Cascadian due to the proximity to Van Halstoff, the prior day, the order went out to find an English speaker, or if necessary a Spanish speaker, to begin transmitting a report on the Star of Sweethaven to the Cascadians.

Star of Sweethaven

"Did they hear you?" a teary-eyed, hopeful Amber asked Katarina.
She nodded slowly. "... I think so."
"Oh, thank God." The exhausted Cascadian student crossed herself.

CRS Intrepid
Northwest of Van Halstoff Base

The wiry form of Admiral Michael Waverley was overseeing flight ops from the bridge as the daylight ended and aircraft were recovered. He was enjoying a cup of coffee when an ensign handed him a printout. "Sir, we received this message from a CSR-flagged vessel, Kapitan Vrungel."
Waverley took the readout, translated into English, and read it. As he did so, his hand clenched and his eyes widened a little.

"Send to engine room, prepare for increased sustained speed. Make bearing two-four-zero degrees, general southwest-direction, thirty knots! Send that command to the entire operations group."
"Aye Sir!"

Soon enough Waverley was joined by Captain Meade. The larger man looked at his superior and out to the flight deck as the final ASF-10C/Ns of the active CAP landed, to be replaced shortly.
"What's the fire?", the Captain asked. Waverley handed him the note from the CSR ship and left the bridge, heading to communications.

From there, Intrepid would send a coded transmission to Van Halstoff Base.



Star of Sweethaven

Another day was dawning. It had been over a day since they had risen up. Amber Sanchez was resting peacefully in a cot she'd secured not far from the radio room when the gibbering, excited voice of Katarina woke her up. The girl, in her excitement switching between English and Russian, prompted Amber to return to the radio room, where she was wildly gesturing toward the radio set.

It was the main one, the one they'd dared not use yet, but the voice over it was not just English, but with an accent that Amber easily recognized as someone hailing from the province of Oregon. "This is Skylark 1 attempting to contact Star of Sweethaven. Please respond."
"He's one of ours," Amber said excitedly. She took the pick up and spoke into it. "Skylark 1, this is... Star of Sweethaven. I am Amber Sanchez, a native of Ciudad Marcos. Oh thank the Holy Mother you've found us."
"Please report your condition, Miss Sanchez."
"We are sailing north. We... just want to get home. Can you help us?"
"A Cascadian naval task force is sailing toward you, we need your current position, speed, and bearing."
Amber rushed off to get it. As she got to the bridge there was shouting. From outside there was the sound of gunfire that terrified her, and from the window they could see an aircraft fly over them, heading back to the south.

And back in the radio room, another voice came over the radio. This one had a distinctive accent as well.
An Astarian one.
The Star of Sweethaven had been found, roughly thirty hours after the mutiny.
Last edited by Steve on 2008-10-02 02:57am, edited 2 times in total.
”A Radical is a man with both feet planted firmly in the air.” – Franklin Delano Roosevelt

"No folly is more costly than the folly of intolerant idealism." - Sir Winston L. S. Churchill, Princips Britannia

American Conservatism is about the exercise of personal responsibility without state interference in the lives of the citizenry..... unless, of course, it involves using the bludgeon of state power to suppress things Conservatives do not like.

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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

Imperial Chronicles

"So should we scrap the Euro Typhoon Tranche IV program altogether?" asked one general. "We already are tight enough with our pilots, training hundreds a year just to get them to the latest aircraft that arrives from the factory. The Euro Typhoon Tranche IV aircraft are indeed nice aircraft, and there can be no doubt, but what matters is whether it is good enough for our uses. Japanistan has a large fleet of aircraft and they are procuring an aircraft similar to CSR's MIG 1.42 aircraft."

"Surely are our F-15Fs are good enough for the job? We just revamped the fleet. Budget is running tight with our bomber fleet expanding nearly adiabatically. We are running tight on manpower, and money," pointed out another general.

"The F-15F ACTIVE is indeed competitive in some sense of the word, with the right munitions. Sensors, they are on par. But speed and agility is another thing. The MIG 1.42 is more maneuverable, and is no doubt faster and it has super cruise."

"This is an expensive decision we are talking about here. Something has to give. Already the F-22 program is grinding to a halt end of the year, and the most the Emperor is willing to allow us is 120 of these aircraft and that is all. The F-22 maybe a great aircraft, but it is too darn expensive and not worth grabbing in the face of an enemy that employs lots of Generation 4/4.5 aircraft."

"Which is why I think we ought to procure the MIG 1.42 aircraft license, and then bring it to Byzantium to be upgraded with all the bangs and whistles that we want. Slash the Euro Typhoon Tranche IV aircraft numbers, and transfer them to the army. They wouldn't mind another helping at the CAS aircraft anyhow."

"That might work. In turn we will get say 144 MIG 1.42 aircraft, and upgraded as appropriate."

"Yes. Though the Emperor will tell us to wait till next year for such a purchase."

"Best get Kontos Munitions and Byzantine Aeronautics to at least start looking over the aircraft to come up with an appropriate upgrade package."
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Shroom Man 777 »

Unmarked Vinish Jet, En Route to Shroomainia


And with this, both Brandons got their first sight of Shroomania, and what a sight it was, the island was shaped in a seemingly awkward cone, with many crashing waves over the tiny inlets, islands, and atolls that made up the Sovereignty of Shroomania, even from the planes height, the place looked and just felt like a place of sweetness and light, like nothing bad could come from it. Of course, this island chain conquered more than a third of the globe, but that could be overlooked by the just feeling of goodness radiating from the lands of Shroomania.

Brandon is in Shroomania.
Farbanti, Shroomania


They say you can't tell a book by its cover, but the same wasn't always so with world leaders. Often, you could tell what kind of men (or women) they were by their... 'presentation' and, by extension, that would give you a glimpse of their nation - or how they ruled their nation. Or something like that, Prime Minister Shroom the 777th reflected.

The Imperial pomp of Heraclius. King Arik, and his harem that matched those of Solomon's many wives. Premier Shady's Soviet symbolism, similarly same with Secretary Stanislav. The modest but nonetheless ceremonial entrances of King Paul that showed tempered dignity. President Hank's prompt and business-minded approach, fitting the chief executive of what amounted to an oversized company. And, of course, the Prime Minister of Shroomania's oversized BAM A380 that only showed the extravagant extents of Shroomania (there was a reason he chose not to take that thing to his CSR summit), and the Prime Minister's antics that only spoke of Shroomania's careless regard for the serious world around it.

Now, Shroom wondered, what did King Brandon's unmarked jet tell of its passenger?

Maybe he was flying in economy.

The King exited his plane and he was greeted with the proper Shroomanian customs.


The Shroom's Guard, the descendants of the Shroomcoats of old, drummed their various archaic musical instruments while their Shroomlander counterparts, men in skirts wielding bagpipes, began blowing into their mouthpieces to make music.


Arms were presented. And leading the regimental honor guard was the Ministry of Shroomanian Homeland Affairs in Foreign Territories' very own head honcho himself, Melchett McMeistervater.


The man was a former officer of the Mushroom Military and had a pretty snappy parade ground salute, and so it was fitting for him to lead the ceremonial unit in greeting the King of the Vineyards.


"Welcome to the Sovereignty, Your Highness-Your Highness," greeted an eager Lieutenant to the far right of the picture.

"King Brandon," Prime Minister Shroom then came in, after all the ceremonial stuff died down. He shook the King's hand. "How are you?"


In the Prime Minister's arms was a gift of some sort for the King, or so Vinish tradition decreed or something. The Prime Minister had also grown a moustache for the occasion.
Image "DO YOU WORSHIP HOMOSEXUALS?" - Curtis Saxton (source)
shroom is a lovely boy and i wont hear a bad word against him - LUSY-CHAN!
Shit! Man, I didn't think of that! It took Shroom to properly interpret the screams of dying people :D - PeZook
Shroom, I read out the stuff you write about us. You are an endless supply of morale down here. :p - an OWS street medic
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by TimothyC »

Headlines from Anchorage Daily News:

Tian Xian's Agitators Arrested as Lower House Falls to Snap elections.

Conservatives Expected to lose plurality to Labor Party.

Liberal-Labor Coalition in Lower House? Editorial on Page 9
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Raj Ahten »

Visiting Dignitaries

Vice President Verdes's tour of Fenraven was quite businesslike in nature. Indhopal's government had gotten quite used to working with Cascadia over the months long peace negotiations. Meetings with the Presidents office and Parliament were planned to go over the details of the peace plan and share what Indhopal planned to offer Omango and Sabika. Indhopal was putting up a good deal of money to help with its former enemy’s reconstruction. A comprehensive plan was being developed to improve the other countries infrastructure and health care systems over the coming years, though reconstruction would be slowed by a tight budget.

As well as all the business meetings, the Vice President had been invited to a round table discussion at the University of Fenraven. The public's reaction to the Vice Presidents visit in Indhopal was muted. It was seen as government business going on as normal by most, though some far right groups held rallies decrying foreign involvement in Frequesue.

Defense News
After going over the performance of the MESS and Shepistan in their recent war, Indhopal had some new defense priorities. For the navy, the surface fleet was being considered little more than a target at this point. The new Vigilant and Swarm class vessels being produced by the FTO were to be acquired in large numbers over the coming years. Electronic warfare was also getting a lot of new funding. With the MESS's heavy use of drones, electronic Warfare was a good way to counter that threat. Air defense networks like that of Shepistan's or some MESS nations was out of the question for Indhopal, but incremental upgrades to the systems command and control systems and radars continued. Large stockpiles of munitions and spares were also being acquired. In its own conflicts, Indhopal had run dangerously low on munitions. Realistic stocks for wartime use were now being acquired. Work secretly continued on the nuclear program as well.

FTO Business

President Raj Ahten had received another offer from the CSR detailing a security agreement with the CSR. It had a lot of good stuff in it, such as limits on strategic weapons and allowing FTO observers inside the CSR's territory. The President couldn't figure out what the CSR was up to. He dialed President Hank in San Dorado.

"Hank have you seen the latest offer the CSR has sent over? It's got some things I like, like the arms limits. But I’m having a hell of time figuring out just what the hell the CSR wants in Frequesue. Their current move seems to be to try and mollify us that they don’t want to undertake further action against us. His goal on the continent can't be as simple as "protecting" fellow Communists from the MESS can it?"
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Siege »

The Presidential Palace, downtown San Dorado
Raj Ahten wrote:President Raj Ahten had received another offer from the CSR detailing a security agreement with the CSR. It had a lot of good stuff in it, such as limits on strategic weapons and allowing FTO observers inside the CSR's territory. The President couldn't figure out what the CSR was up to. He dialed President Hank in San Dorado.

"Hank have you seen the latest offer the CSR has sent over? It's got some things I like, like the arms limits. But I’m having a hell of time figuring out just what the hell the CSR wants in Frequesue. Their current move seems to be to try and mollify us that they don’t want to undertake further action against us. His goal on the continent can't be as simple as "protecting" fellow Communists from the MESS can it?"
"Who knows what a commie thinks?" President Hank shrugged. His legs rested on his desk, and he enjoyed the spectacular view of the city-scape from the comfort of his study, high up in the Presidential Palace. "If I may be so bold as to venture a guess what the commies are after, I think they want to stabilize their holdings here so they can focus their attention elsewhere. After all, the less troops they have sitting around on our continent, the more there are available for intimidating, oh, the Japanistanis or something.

Still, whatever the reason, their proposition is a net improvement over their previous antics. For the record though, I think we ought to demand- or if you'd rather, ask for stricter terms. Less cruise missiles, for one, and I think nuclear weapons ought to be part of the strategic weapons ban too. Just 'cause no-one has them today doesn't mean we ought to offer the damn Reds a loophole to bully some more two years down the line."

The President briefly wondered if he ought to inquire after how Indhopal's nuclear program was progressing, but he didn't know how secure this line was, so decided against it.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
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Re: Re:

Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Zor wrote: "I am glad to here it" He said as before swallowing a peice finely prepared of giant wombat steak "is there anything more that you would like to propose?"
"I guess nothing. Just a question, do you plan to have more members in our Pax?"
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Re: Re:

Post by Zor »

Grand Moff Yenchin wrote:
Zor wrote: "I am glad to here it" He said as before swallowing a peice finely prepared of giant wombat steak "is there anything more that you would like to propose?"
"I guess nothing. Just a question, do you plan to have more members in our Pax?"
"Alaska and Cascadia seem to be good prospective member states"
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Unreal Time
Emperor Heraclius' visits included a quiet facility deep in the Shenong Ga Mountains in Serenity. The small town of Arkham and the Miskatonic University seemed like small dots from the mountain.

It was the Arkham Asylum. Home of the most secret project within the Byzantium-Serenity Joint Biotech Research. Top scientists from both nations were doing research on a virus of unknown origins.

Both Emperor and King were lead to the briefing room, and were handed a small booklet.
FY09 Arkham Asylum Mid-Year Progress Report
by Dr. Herbert West, Director

This report depicts the progress of the Arkham Asylum faculty during the past six months. The Research Group 1 has set up simple working models of the HERV virus in E. coli, S. cerevisiae and rats. Library screening as well as mating selection has begun. Due to the characteristics of the virus and our interest, all of the group has agreed to focus on 3 aspects of the HERV: nutrition, regeneration, and individual enhancement.

The Research Group 2 has successfully located key sequences matching those in basic Terran DNA, but due to lack of data from the main research group they have yet to begin working on assembling a Terran based equivalent of the HERV.


The HERV Virus.....

Dr. West's briefing finished in about half an hour. Both leaders asked some questions. Then they went to visit the labs themselves. More questions were asked and answered. Finally, the tour ended. Everyone was satisfied as money was spent well and more was promised. The leaders then left for their next stop.

End unreal time.
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Re: Re:

Post by Grand Moff Yenchin »

Zor wrote:
Grand Moff Yenchin wrote:
"I guess nothing. Just a question, do you plan to have more members in our Pax?"
"Alaska and Cascadia seem to be good prospective member states"
"Those would be fine. you plan to talk to both of them, or...?"
1st Plt. Comm. of the Warwolves
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Re: Re:

Post by Zor »

Grand Moff Yenchin wrote:
Zor wrote:
Grand Moff Yenchin wrote:
"I guess nothing. Just a question, do you plan to have more members in our Pax?"
"Alaska and Cascadia seem to be good prospective member states"
"Those would be fine. you plan to talk to both of them, or...?"
"I recommend we give them proposals for a conference with us and them, i would propose Zoria host it if it is all the same to you."
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Siege »

We Are Sailing

Tower of Commerce, downtown San Dorado

A visit by the ambassador of the Tanstaafl Raj, Raja Ramayyan Dalawa of Travancore, always meant there was business to be done. The Raja was not one for small talk, and spent most of his time holed up in his embassy doing Fortune-knew-what, so when he announced that he would visit the Tower, Director Skye knew something was up.

After the usual pleasantries and small-talk, lasting well over forty-five minutes –directness was considered a tasteless insult by the diplomats of the Peacock Throne- the Raja came to the point.

“As you know”, the Raja began tactfully, “it has behoved his majesty the Maharaja to lead his most prosperous country to join the ranks of the FTO”.

“Yes”, nodded Skye. “This I know. We are glad of his decision.”

“Indeed. But unfortunately, the Raj has so far not been able to contribute a great deal to our common causes. Although great and prosperous, we are plagued by... Certain problems.”

That’s a great way of saying your nation is stuck in the 1950s, thought the director, although she knew better than to voice that thought. Instead, she nodded solemnly.

“The Maharaja would like to see this changed”, the Raja continued neutrally.

“That is great news. But how can we assist you in this endeavour?”

Dalawa paused. Clearly whatever he was about to propose didn’t sit right with him for some reason. “The Maharaja”, he finally continued, “in his infinite wisdom, has asked me to propose to your nation we – your nation and the Raj – form a combined navy.”

“That is certainly possible”, Skye replied. “Within the FTO we have already formed joint taskforces-”

“No, you misunderstand”, the Raja interrupted. “Not task force. Navy.”

Helena Skye frowned. “I’m sorry – I don’t think I understand...”

The Raja sighed. “As of right now our navy consists of two ancient gun cruisers from the Great War. That is all we have. We want to rectify this situation - we have decided to buy two of your new destroyers, for example. But the truth is, we do not know where to start. Where to begin. We have none of the infrastructure required for a navy, we have no great naval tradition... And so, the Maharaja thinks, rather than to go at it alone, we think it would be wiser to do so with a partner. A trustworthy partner. Your recent defence of our continental neighbours in the face of Imperial aggression has convinced the Maharaja that your nation must be that partner, Director.”

That’s the first time I’ve ever heard anyone describe San Dorado as trustworthy... thought Skye. Apparently the President is doing something right after all. “So essentially, and forgive me my directness, but you want your nation to join our navy.”

“Yes. Ultimately, that is what the Maharaja thinks would be best. One navy. San Doradan and Tanstaafl sailors and officers working together as one, for the common good.”

“But what about matters of command? Who would make the decisions? The Raj must want a say in matters of deployment and so on.”

“Yes, we would, but the Maharaja instructed me to tell him he was sure that there would be some way to resolve that problem to our mutual satisfaction.”

Helena shook her head. “Well, Raja, you certainly surprised me with that one. I’m going to have to run this by the Board for consideration.”

Result: Tanstaafl expresses interest in forming a joint navy with San Dorado, by virtue of not having a navy of its own in the first place (with the exception of two really old rustbucket cruisers).
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Coiler »

The Coilerburg general staff has approved the final plans for General Helmut's New Army, and the country is beginning to reshape its army towards the desired change.

The Coilerburg "Old Army" had:

Six land brigades, including two made up of light infantry
One airborne brigade
Mostly obsolete equipment.

The "New Army" is to have:

Four divisions consisting of three entirely mechanized brigades each, styled after Indhopal's divisions
One entire airborne division of three airborne brigades, with BMD-type vehicles and the airlift capacity to be dropped anywhere in Frequesue rapidly.
The latest and best equipment.
Last edited by Coiler on 2008-10-02 06:39pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDNWorld Redux: Story Thread the Second

Post by Raj Ahten »

SiegeTank wrote:The Presidential Palace, downtown San Dorado
Raj Ahten wrote:President Raj Ahten had received another offer from the CSR detailing a security agreement with the CSR. It had a lot of good stuff in it, such as limits on strategic weapons and allowing FTO observers inside the CSR's territory. The President couldn't figure out what the CSR was up to. He dialed President Hank in San Dorado.

"Hank have you seen the latest offer the CSR has sent over? It's got some things I like, like the arms limits. But I’m having a hell of time figuring out just what the hell the CSR wants in Frequesue. Their current move seems to be to try and mollify us that they don’t want to undertake further action against us. His goal on the continent can't be as simple as "protecting" fellow Communists from the MESS can it?"
"Who knows what a commie thinks?" President Hank shrugged. His legs rested on his desk, and he enjoyed the spectacular view of the city-scape from the comfort of his study, high up in the Presidential Palace. "If I may be so bold as to venture a guess what the commies are after, I think they want to stabilize their holdings here so they can focus their attention elsewhere. After all, the less troops they have sitting around on our continent, the more there are available for intimidating, oh, the Japanistanis or something.

Still, whatever the reason, their proposition is a net improvement over their previous antics. For the record though, I think we ought to demand- or if you'd rather, ask for stricter terms. Less cruise missiles, for one, and I think nuclear weapons ought to be part of the strategic weapons ban too. Just 'cause no-one has them today doesn't mean we ought to offer the damn Reds a loophole to bully some more two years down the line."

The President briefly wondered if he ought to inquire after how Indhopal's nuclear program was progressing, but he didn't know how secure this line was, so decided against it.
"I think you're on the money on the CSR's current intentions, but I want to know why the hell the came into the neighborhood in the first place so we can prevent a repeat performance elsewhere on the continent. Now that we are gaining strength in the FTO we will have to nip any problem at the bud before the Great Powers can stick their paws in it. They all are a bunch of opportunistic bastards, grabbing land wherever they can. That’s what the CSR seems to have done; gobbled up a country when the opportunity fell into its lap.

On the weapons limits, you are right, we should push for the lowest we can get away with as well as a commitment not to station NBC weapons in Frequesue.

While I got you on the line, I hear that San Dorado is making upgraded F-111's. As you no doubt are aware Indhopal recently acquired a few squadrons of such aircraft. Part of my defense plan will likely include upgrading these bombers over the next few years. Pretty much the last big hurrah for the bomber force's funding for awhile. What sort of deal can Indhopal expect from San Dorado?"


When Coilerburg's junta announced its army reformation plan, Indhopal offered to help with the restructuring of the force via more intensive personnel swaps and more joint training exercises.