Frankly, this is still just absurd. I flat-out reject the idea that this is exceptional self control, and will under no circumstances admit that someone can't think before they speak. I'm asking him to give up the off-the-cuff remarks that make him look like an insane old coot, not folksy things or even the occasionally bluntness. Biden's remarks were insensitive, and yes, people held it against him. Calling Barack a, what, real clean guy? We know what he meant, but it was a touchy time in race relations and it was a stupid thing to say, and we all hold it against him. Fair is fair.Axis Kast wrote:I don’t think most people – including most politicians – have that kind of exceptional self-control. You’re demanding that the man give up the off-the-cuff remarks that make him seem like a normal human being. Politicians say idiot things all the time. Look at Biden. Do we hold it against him? We might, but it’s asking a little much, frankly, compared to what the average person says, or is capable of.
Well, then you're just irresponsible. Bush isn't going to be deploying the national guard to round up liberals anytime soon, but there are a lot of very, very boring and unglamorous liberties that have been shit on over these past eight years. With Sarah even today talking about further expansions of the Vice President's powers, it'd only be worse under McCain.Axis Kast wrote:Also, I don’t share your worry about dictatorship. This makes it impossible for me to sympathize with the argument that McCain’s statement is troublesome because his predecessor took positive steps in that direction.
No he did not. I don't even need the rest of the text you wrote, since it all hinges on this.Axis Kast wrote:Because that doesn’t quite get at it. McCain needed an analogy in which he was free to do anything, without restraint. The President can’t enact that law, just as he sees fit, all alone. The head of the finance committee can’t. I’m afraid that you’re illustrating my point about the validity of the comparison when you try, and fail, to find alternatives.
It's not required to make a joke like that, so what he made was a choice to act funny or congenial instead of presidental. Fine, but he's no F.D.R. He could say, then, "If I had it my way," and go on from there. How's that for fitting the bill? Dictator though? Lack of discretion, lack of sensitivity, and lack of an understanding of context. This isn't funny, and it's inappropriate. There's nothing positive to say about this, and it's fundamentally foolish for anyone seeking the Presidency to even joke about this. How can you be so spineless? The President's one real job is to defend and uphold the Constitution. If he does nothing else, that's his job. That's it. In fact, I'll quote the Presidental Oath of Office:
That's the whole damn thing. Sure, I'm touchy about this because McCain is an embarassment as a man as an a politician. But this old sack of shit needs someone to pull him aside by the ear and tell him to take his fucking job seriously, or to go back to the Senate seat he won with his one-time Mistress's beer money inheritance. In the grand scheme of things, these are fractions of a percentage point, and it wouldn't matter if he wasn't already flunking so damn hard, but this is someone who still stands a decent chance of being my President for four years. It's not enough for me just to not vote for him--since I honestly, dearly want this man to be capable and serious. Even if I don't want him to be the President, I want to be able to vote knowing that even if the country goes against me, I can wake up the next day and still believe in the leadership. McCain needs to start picking up these fractions of a point, not continually losing them.I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.
Honestly, I hold politicians to a higher standard than your average moron, and it baffles me that you treat McCain more delicately than I would treat my own Father. Maybe this is just a difference in culture, but this guy wants to be the President. It's chilling that you found this funny and beyond reproach, and that you're so far outside the norm that you can't see why people would consider it improper for the Presidental nominee to even joke about wanting to be Dictator. But I guess that just says all it needs to say. Best of luck to you!