PSI part 2

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Alyrium Denryle
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PSI part 2

Post by Alyrium Denryle »

PSI part 2(warning contains homosexual acts. If you are offended by homosexual sex, do not read some of this story)

Chap 1.

As they traveled down the corridor, Brandon, Nathan, Russell, and Jen came across no more vampires as they ran.
“So do you have a girlfriend?” Jen asked innocently, nearly tripping over a dead rat in the process.
“I ‘m gay.” came Brandon’s flat response, a smile creeping across his face.
“Oh, I did not know that. Do you have a boyfriend then?”
“No, but there is someone…” he trails off as he sees an eerie glow ahead. They stop running collectively, and scan the area for any simple traps, or unusual brickwork. Finding nothing evident, Brandon needs to be sure
“ Iltos shak goral:” A blue aura appeared in the same place that the glow was emanating from.
“ Magic” he said. Looking over at Jen he noticed that she saw it too.
“Powerful magic” she whispered calmly. As she reached for a wand at her belt.
“I don’t want to waste magical energy using a simple clairvoyance spell”
She touched the wand to her forehead and muttered the command word. Her eyes glazed over, looking to the others as if she was looking into a distant place.

Jen found herself seeing a huge and opulent room. A king-sized bed hung in the center of the room; torches and candles bathed the cavernous expanse in a sea of incandescence. On the bed lay a woman, slim, with blonde hair, and pale skin. The woman got up with a start and screamed
“Guards! Come my minions, we are being watched!”
These words pulled Jen out of her trance
“We’ve got company!” she screamed, too late. Nathan was already in the foul wench’s clutches. He looked completely calm and composed, ready…to die, as the vampire gripped him in deaths embrace. Before anyone could work any spells in his defense, the hellspawn broke his neck with a resounding SNAP! more vampires began appearing in the area. It looked as if the group was dead, or soon to be vampires.
Just then, Jen in a rage began working a spell
“Getral terivar sheckta nectel “ she reached her hand forth and energy began collecting in her hand, it arched between her fingers like lighting. She twisted her hand, and the energy shot forth from her hand and struck the vampire queen. Who screamed in agony as her body was turned to dust, the energy arced to each vampire disintegrating them.
“ DON’T KILL MY FRIENDS!” Jen screamed before fainting into Russell’s arms “Ortano fondigyamar” and the group disappeared in the radiance of a teleportation spell.

Several days later…

“ It seems as if we are getting a new addition to our little group.” Brandon said
“Yeah someone that you know as well.” Russell answered. As they opened the door to see who was to be their new teammate Brandon’s heart skipped a beat. Who else should be standing in the doorway than his old friend Brian, the one person who he could honestly say he…loved.

Without thinking, he leaped forward and kissed Brian, and kissed him deeply. A split second after he realized his lack of judgment, he noticed that Brian was kissing back. As they pulled out of their embrace, Russell and Jen looking dumbfounded and confused.
“What?” Brian said. “ Oh that’s right, I never told you that I am bisexual?”
“How did you know…Oh wait stupid question, you could probably feel me tense up and relax again. A better one would be why are you here? I thought you where a mundane.”
“ So did I.” Brian replied “ I was attacked by a group of thugs in an alley a few days ago. I put my hands out to protect my face from a crowbar and the guys head was cut off.”
“ Oh, well that is interesting. So PSI found you and brought you here for training”
“You could say that. More like I was going to face murder charges if I didn’t join. Though, they didn’t need to threaten me”
“ Well I am glad you are here. Now, let go set up that room, I am sure your stuff is in total disarray” Brandon said, and followed Brian to his room. Russell and Jen exchange a knowing glance
“ You know” Russell said” His room is right next to ours, five bucks says we will hear them tonight” Jen just smiled and when to the file cabinet to sort through mission reports…

Chap 2

Brian was putting his wardrobe into the closet, as Brandon set up the stereo system
“ So, they never told me what happened to your last partner.” Brian asked
“ He was killed.” A look of realization crept over Brian’s face, the look that people get when they realize their own mortality.
“Don’t worry, I won’t let it happen to you.” Brandon said with a smile as he connected the speakers. He walked over and took, Brian’s hand
“ Ever.” He said softly, gently stroking Brian’s hand with his thumb.
“ I know you won’t” Brian replied with a smirk.

As the pair continued unpacking it could almost be said that the two old friends where flirting back and forth. Teasing each other and other such buffoonery. Until at one point when Brandon was unpacking silverware Brian came up behind him and started tickling his ribs. In a fit of laughter Brandon drops the forks
“ You jackass!” Brandon says smiling ear to ear.
“ Oops, I didn’t see the forks!” Brain said obviously lying, and leans over and starts picking p salad forks. As they get to the last fork, their hands meet. This was all the catalyst they need to do what they both wanted to do. First they started nuzzling and simply showing affection…

“ Three, two, one” Russell said from the room next door just before the bed in the next room clicked into position. “ Now what did I tell you?” He looked back at Jen who had that familiar glazed over and a smirk on her face.
“ I don’t want to know” Russell said and went back to his web-comics.
“The web comics keep me sane” he said again….

“ So how did you not know about my bisexuality? I thought you where telepathic?” Brian asked between kisses
“ I don’t probe the minds of friends, and you never told me,” Brandon said while taking off Brian’s shirt and tossing it to the floor.
“ You have my permission, what am I thinking?” Brian asked with a smug facial expression. Brandon closed his eyes, his mind gently scanning Brian’s surface thoughts. He looked up, face blushing, with a grin on his face
“ I love you too.” He said softly caressing Brian’s face lovingly. Brian kissed his hand, as he embraced Brandon, both their hard bodies locked in an affectionate embrace. They moved over to a wall, and pressed a small red button. A bed came out of the wall on a sliding hinge. As they lay down, Brian took off Brandon’s shirt with one swift, practiced movement. Brandon began gently biting Brian's ear, as Brian kisses his neck.

Brandon then moved down, kissing Brian’s neck, then moving to kiss and lick his rock hard pects and abs. Then he unbuttoned Brian’s pants and took them off. This revealed all 8 inches of Brian's cock. Brandon licked it at first, Brian moaning in pleasure. Then he engulfed it in his warm wet mouth. Brian groaned in contentment.
“Bran…Brandon” he moaned. Opening up his thoughts, Brandon could tell that Brian had never been so happy. He moved his tongue back and forth along the head of Brian’s penis, then moved down taking in its entire length. This proved too much for Brian as he came deep in Brandon’s throat letting out a sigh of pure ecstasy as his entire body twitched with pleasure.
“ Oh my god.” Brian said. His body still twitching. Just then, in the midst of their passion, the phone rings. Getting up with a groan, Brian answered the phone.
“Hello, who is it.” He asked with an angry tone
“Hey sparky, head up, Jen’s not here?” Russell said.” I heard her mumbling and looked back and she was gone. I have no Idea what she did, but considering her obsession with yaoi I thought you guys may want to know.”
“ Thank you” Brian replied. “Quick see if there is anyone in the room,” He said with a wink. Fully understanding his meaning Brandon began casting “ Velshnaton”
Looking around the room he noticed Jen, sitting on a chair, with pencil and paper, drawing the entire interlude.
“Jen we know you are in here, you may as well show yourself.” He said as he put his shirt on, and handed Brian his pants.
“ Oh shit!” Jen screamed in rage, and dismissed her spell. “THAT BASTARD!” She yelled with a look of pure malevolent evil on her face. She gets an evil smirk, and runs back to her apartment.

Seconds later Brandon and Brian hear blood curdling screaming from the next room.
“No, not my laptop, anything but my laptop!” Russell screams as he leaps out of the 20th story window, precious computer clutched in his teeth. Calling on pure terror he runs, on all fours up the 40-story building. When he bounds over the ledge and onto the roof, Jen is already there, floating, wreathed in flames. She reaches out, plucks his beloved laptop from his teeth as he whimpers pitifully.
“No more web comics for a week” she says wagging her finger reproachfully, her body still wreathed in magical flames. And she disappeared. Russell, overcome with grief over the loss of his web comic access, sinks to his knees
“NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!” As the street lights and car headlights explode in a 2 block radius…

Chap 3

The Next morning, Brandon walks into Russell and Jen’s apartment. While Jen sleeps peacefully as if nothing had happened, Russell is floating in a ball a corner of the ceiling
"Ruego para el beso dulce de la muerte. Ruego para el beso dulce de la muerte.
Ruego para el beso dulce de la muerte. Ruego para el beso dulce de la muerte.” He chants, foaming at the mouth. When he hears them come in his hear rotates 180 degrees
“ Do you bring sluggy? Nya naha ahahahahahahaha!” “ Yeah Russell I printed out today’s comic for you.
“GIVE IT TO ME!” He says as he straightens out his head and telekinetically snatches it out of Brandon’s hand. The moment he reads it, the look of deranged psychosis flees from his face and he returns to a normal state of mind.
“ The web comics keep me sane.” He said when he fully regained his composure.
At that moment, the phone rang. Russell used his telekinesis to put it on speakerphone.
“ Good morning agents, I have an assignment for you. There has been a rash of sightings of a huge cube mage of a gelatinous material in the swamps of Mississippi, already a few rednecks have been reported missing. I want you to go and investigate the situation.” “Yes sir” the two said in unison and went to go wake up their respective lovers.
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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Alyrium Denryle
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Post by Alyrium Denryle »

There is more to come. I eventually want to create a manga with this :D
GALE Force Biological Agent/
BOTM/Great Dolphin Conspiracy/
Entomology and Evolutionary Biology Dept. of Biological Sciences

There is Grandeur in the View of Life; it fills me with a Deep Wonder, and Intense Cynicism.

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haas mark
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:) [is eager to read more] :) | lunar sun |

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