I've used bold for some quotes because there was some "can't use more than 3 quotes embedded" fuckup I couldn't fix in the 30 seconds of pissing around I was willing to do.
We are talking about real life militaries here, right? Or Wh40k still? I'm just pointing out that in similar tactics here on Earth, we don't automatically devolve to pistols and swords. We're still using rifles, SMGs and of course, the same good dose of grenades and rocket launchers. We don't devolve into meelee just simply because its CQB.
We aren't superhuman, we don't have equivalent technologies, we don't have the logistics issues of a galactic empire. I would also say that you aren't describing anything that doesn't happen in 40k. Even the Eldar, the masters of over-specialisation, don't have Aspects devoted solely to hand to hand, everyone has got a ranged weapon.
Which is still an argument against chainswords and power lines. Given the Space Marines fitness, strength and reflexes, he could just as easily dual weild bolt pistols and deal out more damage.
Having a nice sword to hit someone with is pretty useful when you are hard enough to use it effectively, They don't HAVE to use a single bolt pistol, indeed, I can think of some examples where they use two, but the fact remains. Bolters run out of ammo, a chainsword is unlikely to, and takes advantage of the marines physical abilities. If he doesn't need to use his expensive bolter on someone, but can simply bash them, why shouldn't he ?
I'd also point out that powerweapons at least offer a tremendous increase in damage potential, there is no equivalent weapon easily available in gun form.
Except that more heavier firepower= enemy breaking faster
Unless they don't break, because thats not something that is likely to happen in 40k. Or any other situation in which you aren't going to prevail due to simply having another gun
. I also find this assessment that Space Marines must ALWAYS be part of the Thin Red line another brainbug from Wh40k fans. .
There are approximately a million of them, in a galaxy where the effective opposition is numbered in the bloody squillions, its not a brainbug, its an unavoidable fact that whenever the marines deploy, they are usually going to be outnumbered.
I'd also reply with a hearty Fuck You to the assertion that I'm claiming that the must always be in some cliche last stand/thin red line situation, I'm not talking drama, I'm talking basic logistics, you may very well have a T-Hawk or rhino with extra ammo nearby, but that doesn't mean it isn't really handy to have a functional weapon to hand that doesn't need it, particularly when it doesn't slow you down or encumber you!
These guys are supposed to be masters of tactics. Getting stuck in one bad situation after another is not part of tactics
Getting stuck in a bad situation is exactly what these guys are supposed to do. How on earth did you miss that ?
Your little skit reminds me of when you were wibbling about Orks being "humanoid monsters" Its like you are talking about a different setting from me.
Its certainly more stealthy than a gun.
I think that really depends on the gun, I might buy it being stealthier than a boltgun, but not by much, Chainsaws are as noisy as a rock concert according to the Health and Safety Executive, and even the quietest marine powerweapons, the swords, produce a flash of light and crackling energy discharges!
Stealth kills are knives, silenced shells etc by properly equipped blokes. Otherwise its not something you deploy a fully armoured marine for.
And that's the whole point Why not dual weild bolt pistols, or the deployment of more stormbolters?
As I pointed out, you've missed the fact that they can and do use two pistols, or equip their assault troops with rifles. As for the stormbolters, thats like asking why we don't equip more guys with SAWs in the modern military, or in the context of 40k, more guard with hellguns.
"Alternatively, why not have an increased deployment of melta and plasma weapons for the Assault Space Marines? Are such exotic weaponery now too expensive for the 1 million elite of the Imperium?"
Why not give them all lascannons while you are at it?
To drag this back on topic, I'm willing to bet that the Fifth Edition Space Marines doesn't even endorse this viewpoint that Space Marines are 1. Supposed to value meelee combat over ranged/tactics.
Who the fuck says they DO value melee combat over ranged work ?
I fucking haven't, thats for certain.
2. Are not supposed to be constantly be stuck in situations where they're part of the Thin Red Line and yet cut off from resupply.
I do believe you are misrepresenting the opposing viewpoint Painrack, like a silly bastard.