How about no, what you want a thread to be about it not what it has to be about. The thread is in Sci Fi, not Fantasy, and it asked if a certain mecha concept was viable, a question which has been answered. It did not ask to justify mecha by whatever means possible. I can think of things sure, they all involve some degree of deliberate stupidity, like mecha bodyguards as status symbols, or maybe a non combat role of assembling an bailey bridge with overscaled parts. Hey they could even be used to throw camo nets over precious tanks, saving the tank crews as much as ten minutes of labour.Darth Raptor wrote: *COLOSSAL SIGH* I was addressing the point that mooks on foot could bring them down with heavy infantry weapons (namely missiles and rocket-propelled grenades). Obviously, it's not god mode, and obviously (to everyone but you tank crusaders, apparently) no one is disputing that tanks are overwhelmingly superior to mecha which I and everyone else ITT readily concede are utterly infeasible. You guys are preaching to the converted and frankly, it's just an itty bit irritating. How about instead of flogging that dead horse some more you try and participate in the spirit of the thread? You know, suspension of disbelief?
But if you’re going to justify them by any means necessary, then why the fuck even bother? Name any reason you want and it’s just as meaningful as any other when you’re forcing the scenario to fit a conclusion. Whatever specific excuse you could up with going to be scenario dependent, generalizations are more irrelevant then ever.
What genre? What established existence? ‘tossing this idea around a while back’ is now a genre which MUST have mecha?
In this genre, we've got mecha, so try and figure out why. Justify their already established existence. Starfighter threads rarely devolve into such tedious bash fests and they're a fundamentally broken idea too. It's pointless to keep harping on how much starfighters and mecha suck because people like them and thus will use them in their fiction.