Best part is, since the PERMIT is the first SSN built by me, she's got 21" tubes; so everyone will think it's another CSR sub rampaging

Dolphin phone? *click click click*?MKSheppard wrote:Since Stas blew deniability by launching an attack right after the tanker explosion...tsk.tsk...oh well.
Best part is, since the PERMIT is the first SSN built by me, she's got 21" tubes; so everyone will think it's another CSR sub rampaging
BTW you can't possibly sink 20 ships in Kings Port, for the simple reason that it receives 883 ship visits a year. That means 2.41 a day. It takes 18-24 hours to unload a container ship, that means there is at most 5 ships in harbour at any time, and maybe another 5 in the immediate area.Stas Bush wrote:I thought there are only 134 vessels flying Astarian flag... but if there's 134 vessels doing all cargo traffic to and out... Well, his naval trade was just crippled.
If you damage around ~20 ships out of 134 and sink around a dozen - though to be fair some of them might be military vessels - out of a fleet of 134... ouch.
I think my submariners just reconsidered. The more carnage, the better.
Except there are more vehicle types than just container ships, just as bulk cargo ships, etc etc. Also, there will be other ships lying at anchor, while they undergo overhauls, etc or repairs of engines etc.Norseman wrote:BTW you can't possibly sink 20 ships in Kings Port, for the simple reason that it receives 883 ship visits a year. That means 2.41 a day. It takes 18-24 hours to unload a container ship, that means there is at most 5 ships in harbour at any time, and maybe another 5 in the immediate area.
Five every year.And what is the hand over rate for the Akula II Mods?
That still doesn't add up to 20 ships, even if we assume that 10% of the fleet is at all times undergoing repairs, and that 20% of those do it at Kings Port that is only 2.7 ships, and to be honest that ought to be rounded down. So say 12 ships within easy reach if you attack, certainly no more.MKSheppard wrote:Except there are more vehicle types than just container ships, just as bulk cargo ships, etc etc. Also, there will be other ships lying at anchor, while they undergo overhauls, etc or repairs of engines etc.Norseman wrote:BTW you can't possibly sink 20 ships in Kings Port, for the simple reason that it receives 883 ship visits a year. That means 2.41 a day. It takes 18-24 hours to unload a container ship, that means there is at most 5 ships in harbour at any time, and maybe another 5 in the immediate area.
It's not a foreign ship.That fact is as follows: 135 ships handle all cargo with Astaria, those ships are all owned by Astarians. In short this could not possibly be a foreign ship.
That makes no sense. Bulk cargoes are subject to the laws of economics; why would you be using WWII sized ships with a mere 15,000 DWT, with a crew of about 25 men; when you can move 2.5 times as much cargo for the same amount of crew and fuel costs only marginally higher than the 15,000 DWT vessel?So having cleared up the fact that there are no foreign ships in Astarian harbours the question is how big would an Astarian bulk freighter be? Well earlier on during the Shroom Viking incident I went on record as to the size of the largest Astarian oil tankers, so that's approximately the size of an Astarian bulk freighter. Larger ships are modern container vessels.
If that's the case, kiss goodbye to your economy. Autarky never works. EVER. That road leads to ruin.Second any import is out, not only for the reasons mentioned above, but also because the Astarian regime refuses to allow import of anything Astaria can make itself.
That the ships have to be bigger?Third, and this is the good one. If you did the numbers you would notice that 135 ships of 23K deadweight each isn't enough to handle what the Astarian domestic trade ought to be. In fact the total Astarian shipping could handle roughly 53% of what their domestic shipping alone ought to be. Think about the implications of this...
Because you know, it's not that hard to identify what kind of cargo a ship carries; there are a ton of ways to do that; photographs of it; someone on the foreign dock checking the cargo being loaded, etc etc. With only 134 ships, the job of our intelligence agencies is a lot easier...Why would the CSR and Shepistan think that a large container ship held fertilizer?
In that case we would pick a ship that would be carrying something else explosive. There's a lot of common explosive goods.Norseman wrote:The reason for this, and Skimmer and others can vouch for this, is that Astarian foreign trade is government trade. Private enterprises are not involved, aside from the odd smuggler and rogue trader, and he is not about to come home with a cargo of fertilizer. Basically Astarian trade is barter, cotton, tobacco, gold, silver, and diamonds to San Dorado and the IRT, in return for machine goods, electronics, high level advisers, and so forth. With Japanistan I agreed to supply concrete in return for Japanistani goods, specifically Bulwark Against Imperialism anti-cruise missile defences.
What happens between friends stays between friends.Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:I'm curious. Won't this Shepistan + CSR vs Astaria bring in the issue of that Treaty of Friendship where Japanistan is liable to intervene?
Well, once things go into ... biological weapons, questions will be raised. There are only so many countries that stockpile those.MKSheppard wrote:What happens between friends stays between friends.As far as the world knows, this is a dastardly CSR plot. Even my sinkings of merchantmen is not going to raise any "huh?" because I'm using 21" TTs not my monster 40" TT to do it.
If that's the case, kiss goodbye to your economy. Autarky never works. EVER. That road leads to ruin.[/quote]MKSheppard wrote:Second any import is out, not only for the reasons mentioned above, but also because the Astarian regime refuses to allow import of anything Astaria can make itself.
Who said about even needing "tens of thousands"? 2600, 2300 or 1400 tons would be pretty fucking bad on their own. I also heard the word cotton.Sure you could blow up one of those ships too, but they don't have tens of thousands of tons of explosives.
If you could keep Shep calm too that'd be niceStas Bush wrote:Sure, no problem.
How would you know you've got the right commander Gotti when you don't have the dentals/dna/fingerprints etc. of the real commander Gotti on file? I imagine Klavostani merc companies would be rather hesitant to provide you that information. Besides, it doesn't actually matter much to the situation if the man is who his nametag says he is. The gas is all that matters, and SinTEK is just going to hush up that there are two cylinders missing. Case closed, I'd say.Master_Baerne wrote:Siege, you do realize that we've got ways of telling if a body is the right body or not? How exactly was the mercenary planning to get away with this?
I was working under the assumption that the man's family dentist back in Klavostan would have the records on file. The unwillingness of the dentist to provide the records is irrelevant, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would ask the Klavostani government for help obtaining them. The BIS's standard procedure is to identify all high-value bodies - and the commander of a mercenary unit recently involved in the death of a BDN ship's crew certainly counts.SiegeTank wrote:How would you know you've got the right commander Gotti when you don't have the dentals/dna/fingerprints etc. of the real commander Gotti on file? I imagine Klavostani merc companies would be rather hesitant to provide you that information. Besides, it doesn't actually matter much to the situation if the man is who his nametag says he is. The gas is all that matters, and SinTEK is just going to hush up that there are two cylinders missing. Case closed, I'd say.Master_Baerne wrote:Siege, you do realize that we've got ways of telling if a body is the right body or not? How exactly was the mercenary planning to get away with this?
Hmm. I myself assumed that Klavostan, where mercenary groups are so rich and powerful they can afford to operate LHDs, would be under immense pressure not to release such information, particularly not to foreign governments hostile to the military contractors.Master_Baerne wrote:I was working under the assumption that the man's family dentist back in Klavostan would have the records on file. The unwillingness of the dentist to provide the records is irrelevant, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would ask the Klavostani government for help obtaining them. The BIS's standard procedure is to identify all high-value bodies - and the commander of a mercenary unit recently involved in the death of a BDN ship's crew certainly counts.
Well, it was that way when OMSK still existed.Shroom Man 777 wrote:Guys, lay off Norseman - how would you fellows feel if you had other players ganging up and blowing your shit every week with impunity, and you wouldn't be able to do anything about it?
Besides, his storyline with PeZook is way more interesting than one-sided LAEM curbstomps.
And why the hell is Stas working together with Shep? Sweet Jesus Christ! What the hell is going on?!
Ah, but that's the beauty of it. It's not Klavostan that has the information, it's Gotti's dentist. Someone we can likely pressure into giving us the records, and who was likely overlooked if the mercenaries made an effort to conceal such information.SiegeTank wrote:Hmm. I myself assumed that Klavostan, where mercenary groups are so rich and powerful they can afford to operate LHDs, would be under immense pressure not to release such information, particularly not to foreign governments hostile to the military contractors.Master_Baerne wrote:I was working under the assumption that the man's family dentist back in Klavostan would have the records on file. The unwillingness of the dentist to provide the records is irrelevant, as the Ministry of Foreign Affairs would ask the Klavostani government for help obtaining them. The BIS's standard procedure is to identify all high-value bodies - and the commander of a mercenary unit recently involved in the death of a BDN ship's crew certainly counts.
Very true.In any case the point is moot, even if it later becomes apparent that Gotti didn't die, he still managed to escape, so his ploy worked for a while.