The War Diary of a Crewer: 2370-2373

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Evil Sadistic Bastard
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Post by Evil Sadistic Bastard »

July 7th 2370

I saw Lord Vader! God damn he was scary. The guy next to me nearly peed his pants. He was stalking past with that newly promoted Captain behind him. Apparently, the Captain went and bumped Vader's fighter against a cargo pod. Poor guy.

We were standing there while the Chief was called away for something and Vader LOOKED at us, I mean really looked at us. I felt like shrivelling up right there and then. Then he went on.

That is prbably the closest kriffing shave of my entire life. Thank God it's over.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

My very first attempt at a fanfic ever (in really bad english):

July 14th 2370

The ship is currently conducting the final tests in the outer reaches of the Kuat system and is, or better, was scheduled to leave Kuat tomorrow.
Today, an accident happened, at my station!

Towards the end of our shift, when we were loading a Starwing with proton torpedoes, the engine of one torpedo suddenly started, burning a gaping black hole into the belly of one crewman.
The torp then crashed into the ceiling of the craft maintenance hangar.
Fortunately, the safety prevented the torpedo from detonating its payload, I guess in that case no one in that section of the ship would have survied.

However, already bad enough, the fuel ignited, and the resulting explosion killed 4 crewmen, destroyed 3 droids and the gunboat.
I was knocked down by the concussion and broke my arm, but thanks to the wonders of bone-knitting and bacta, the medical droid thinks I'll be able to resume my duties tomorrow.

My roomates and I are quite uncomfortable about this event.
I've never heard a single report of an accident like this with a torpedo or missile. Safety on board Imperial ships just too tight for something like that to happen, torpedoes are undergoing constant checks from the moment they arrive on the ship to the moment they are loaded onto the bomber and fired at the enemy, a torpedo with an engine flaw would never have left the factory, much less arrive at this ship!
People speak about sabotage.

Our ISD will not return to the yard for repairs, spare crew and a new Starwing will be sent over via transport tomorrow.
Lord Vader obviously doesn't want any further delay to our mission.
Ah yes our 'secret mission'. It's so secret only the Captain knows about it.
At least that's what I've been told. Obviously we ordinary underlings are not trustworty enough.

The damage done to the hangar isn't so bad and should be repaired within one or two days. But the damage done to the morale is devastating.
Not only have we lost five of our comrades, there is little doubt anymore: We have a Rebel traitor on board.

Have to go now. It's 1630 now and the funeral is scheduled for 1700.

Suggestions, comments?
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Post by MKSheppard »

Cpt_Frank wrote:My very first attempt at a fanfic ever (in really bad english):

Suggestions, comments?
Woah. Hella good. Other than some minor formatting errors, it's GREAT.

We must now track down and kill that rebel traitor!
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

MKSheppard wrote:
Cpt_Frank wrote:My very first attempt at a fanfic ever (in really bad english):

Suggestions, comments?
Woah. Hella good. Other than some minor formatting errors, it's GREAT.

We must now track down and kill that rebel traitor!
My, I mean Chief Schmidt's instruction was not withut merit..
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Post by Raptor 597 »

Heres my go at it hopes it's good enough. If not discard it.

July 17th, 2370

Things have been picking up on he Bridge and Command Sections. More than usual the younger, arrogant, pompous officers have been moving around. I wasn't paying attention when I tripped on a pipe running right below some durasteel and flew onto the Captain. He was verynice too me helping me up; patting me on the back and such. He's look quite old for a Naval Captain, way past the average age. Reminds me kind of those washed out recruitmemnt officers, or senior officers who decline promotions. I feel a little safer on the ship now. Especially woith an devoted captain.

The final trials went well, though after the sabotuer struck again. Snipping some wires running from the reactor's power transference influx too some foward turbolaser batteries. This would of had an effect in a prolonged capital ship battle. He's a very crafty saboteur. One of bunk buddies fixed it. We're about too enter hyerspace too our secret rendevous. Gonna be awhile, so I might aswell get some downtime.
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Post by Darth Wong »

Verilon's thread-hijacking spam deleted. Please try to be more considerate, Verilon.
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Post by ArmorPierce »

tsk tsk tsk *shakes head* Verilon, what are we going to do with you?
Brotherhood of the Monkey @( !.! )@
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Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at an Elingsh uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae we do not raed ervey lteter by it slef but the wrod as a wlohe.
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Post by MKSheppard »

July 20th, 2370

We've arrived at the rendevous point (or so the people
in our section who have duty in the sensor crews say),
but other than this scuttlebutt, we have no other way of
telling if we've arrived or not. All of the external
views have been deactivicated, or put under security locks.

Also, the observation lounges have been shut down and have
had Stormie guards placed on them 24 x 7.

Since none of us has a rank high enough to override the
the lockdown, we just have to sit in our mess halls and
watch the HoloNet News while we eat.

Today was a busy day. We took on scores and scores of supplies,
including over 10,000 missiles of all types. I think I personally
supervised the loading of at least 3,000 of them onto carts for
storage on the deep storage decks.

When I got off duty at 1800 hours today, they were still taking
on supplies. This is certainly going to be a long duration mission,
because there's no need to load up our cargo bays to this
extent if all we're going to do is patrol the Empire.

As we were getting off duty at 1800 hours, Chief Schmidt told us
to be ready for duty at 0530 hours on Deck 44. Seems that tomorrow,
we'll be loading craft into the deep storage hangar decks.

(Writers Note: ISDs have huge hangar storage decks, in the Thrawn
Duology, Thrawn had the Millenium Falcon stored on one of the
Chimaera's deep storage decks.)

The pace they're keeping us working at is unreal. We all hope
that they'll tell us the reason for all the secrecy and the
brutal rate of work soon.

One final note before Lights Out in our barracks - they've been
looking for that kriffing saboteur, but have found no sign of
him yet. He seems to be laying low, and with good cause -
for the entire crew is mad as hell and wants that 500
credit bounty on the kriffbucket's head.
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Post by Cpt_Frank »

Woah. Hella good. Other than some minor formatting errors, it's GREAT.
Why thanks! :mrgreen:

Hmm new chapters this is starting to get really intersting...
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July 23rd, 2370

Post by Kazuaki Shimazaki »

(Great, at least if this doesn't work out, I can delete this post :D )

The past couple of days had been really hectic, but by pushing everyone past the limit, we'd been able to complete sortie preparations. According to gospel from the navigation quartermasters, we are currently on a four day hyperspace trip towards yet another rendevous point, where we will meet up with the rest of our fleet for the mission.

I came on duty today with the hope that I'll be able to get a day of relative peace and quiet. After all, the saboteur was still lying low from our boys eagerly seeking his scalp.

I was wrong. The Captain instituted a series of drills to improve our combat readiness.

I did nothing all day but ready and de-ready fighters. When the alarm sounded, the techs would surround a TIE, be it a fighter or bomber. We will ram fuel tubes to feed fuel slush for the engines, then lug torpedoes to load onto the Bombers. When the entire Fighter Wing was ready, the exercise ended. Then we practiced armament switches from bombs to torpedoes and back.

With the accident more than a week ago fresh on our minds, we took extra vigilance with the weapons. That caused our efficiency to drop somewhat, much to the Starfighter Officer's (and the Chief Maintenance Officer's) displeasure.

Not that any of the other sections were spared. My gunnery buddies spent all day on simulated anti-starfighter drills. With Rebel starfighters becoming an ever increasing threat, this was only prudent. The automated targetting was good for capital ships, but starfighters still require some human guidance.

I understand the reasons for the drills, but it would be nice if we could hear we were going soon.

Oh, sithspit! I forgot! Today is Inspection for Contraband day! The officer in charge will be coming in any second to inspect our items. I better stop writing and start thinking about where to hide this diary...
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Re: July 23rd, 2370

Post by MKSheppard »

Kazuaki Shimazaki wrote:(Great, at least if this doesn't work out, I can delete this post :D )
Works good. Kaz, don't be so damn anal...I opened it up specificially
to allow others to have fun here, and to be able to write a story
without having to write 20+ pages per chapter...
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War Diary of Crewer's Bunkmate

Post by weemadando »

July 23rd 2370

Damn, that was a shitty day. I spent the whole morning fixing up a pair of security droids that had shorted out and started hitting crew with stun blasts. Not much left of them once the stormtroopers had finished, but the boss says to fix them and thats what I have to do. I very nearly depleted my entire stocks of droid parts before I even had ONE of them reassembled.

Then I'm just reinstalling a double redunancy restraining bolt on the second one when I get an emergency callout to the shopping mall. Apparently one of the vending machines had broken down and it was coming up to a shift change, which meant that all of a sudden there'd be a lot more people wanting something from it. So off I go up to the mall area when a pair of stormies stop me and perform a full security check on me. Consequently I get there 10 minutes late and there's a kriffing queue at the vending machine including a couple of goddamn officers. And of course the kriffing officers wanted my kriffing serial number to reprimand me... Anyhow, I eventually got that sorted out, there was a fault with the primary CPU in it. And by the looks of things it will keep on happening. So I put in a maintenance request to have all the other vending machines checked. I guess this is what happens when you contract to the lowest bidder.

So finally I get back to my goddamn cabin at the end of the shift and my bunkmate palms me this diary, telling me to look after it. So here I am writing in a contraband diary that I've been asked to hide. Well, I know a good place in my workshop. And noone would think to look there. Hell that might just work.
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Re: War Diary of Crewer's Bunkmate

Post by MKSheppard »

Some ideas from the USS Nimitz Webpage:

- Four distilling units enable Nimitz engineers to make over 400,000 gallons of fresh water a day, for use by the propulsion plants, catapults and crew.

- Nimitz' Food Services Department provides 18,000-20,000 meals a day.

- Nimitz can stock at least 70 days of refrigerated and dry storage goods.

- Literally tons of wash are done every day by Nimitz' laundry, dry cleaning and tailoring services personnel.

- Nimitz' one barber shop trims over 1,500 heads each week.

- The Post Office processes more than one million pounds of mail each year.

- The ship has a fully-equipped dental facility, staffed by five dentists.

- The Medical Department is manned by six doctors, including a general surgeon, who provide everything from surgery to hydro- therapy. The ship also features a 53-bed hospital ward, a three bed ICU, and acts as the hospital ship for the entire Nimitz battle group.

- Nimitz' three chaplains conduct daily religious services in an interdenominational chapel.
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

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Post by pellaeons_scion »


Does the story line have to stay with the same crewman? Or is it adaptable. I.e. can there be diarys from other crewmen in different departments?

Thinking of adding to the story, but needed to get some things clear first

BTW good job :)
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Post by MKSheppard »

pellaeons_scion wrote:Shep,

Does the story line have to stay with the same crewman? Or is it adaptable. I.e. can there be diarys from other crewmen in different departments?

Thinking of adding to the story, but needed to get some things clear first

BTW good job :)
It can be adaptable, but you have to provide a good reason for the detour,
like the diary gets swapped around to another crewer to avoid it's discovery
in a search for contraband, etc...

Just go ahead and write some, man!
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Glare »

(Good, bad or plain ugly?)

July 25, 2370

Whew, that was close. Glad I got Terry to hide my diary for me.

Kriffing officers singled out our barracks for a "fine tooth comb" inspection. Ripped everything out an searched it. Johnstone, the silly krif, forgot to hide his 'shine. He'll be spending the next week in the brig for that.

Seems our sabatour struck again. Terry just told me that he had to spend all day replacing parts of the number 1 recycling plant. Our little friend had somehow fixed it up so the flow pipes controllers were re-arranged, sending waste into the fresh system. Maybe not a terrible military disaster, but it sure is wrecking morale. I mean imagine going to have a drink of water and your bunkmates number 2 comes out. Yeeech!

Dammit, gotta go, there goes the alarm. More drills.
Of all the things I've lost, I think I miss my mind the most!!
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Post by pellaeons_scion »

my first try at a fanfic…please be gentle ;)

July 27 2370

Well the last couple of days have been interesting. Shipboard security has got a real hardon for the saboteur, so much so that troops have been sequestered from various departments to help in the search….lucky me, I don’t think.

Some people might think it would be cool to be a Stormie, obviously they haven’t had to wear the gear. From the time I put the gear on I was drenched in sweat from the insulative undersuit. Either that or I cant find the environmental controls yet.

So we were then put through a fast tracked course on shipboard security procedures and then sent to scour the ship from top to bottom. Seems our friend is quite handy at slicing into our sensors, forcing us to search for him/her/it with the Mk1 Eyeball. On the upside it gets me out of the hangar and see other parts of the ship. Least Im not knee deep in fuel cells, or disturbingly temperamental missile racks. Whether I want to do this or not is apparently irrelevant. For the empire and so on and so forth…

Lord Vader even gave us a brief motivational speech before we began our search. Well, maybe motivation isn’t the right word, but we certainly took heed. The only man I could conceive of who could make a veteran stormtrooper officer go pale. We had better find this bastard, else heads are going to roll, and I kind of like mine where it is.

July 28 2370

Here I am in sickbay. Been floating in a bacta tank for a while. Note to self: don’t get shot ever again because there are very few things worse than the taste of Bacta. Our search had taken us towards the forward gunnery decks. Our Lieutenant, Ordel Kasta, sent us forward to check out the R3 droids doing maintenance on the power feeds of number 2 MTL battery. One droid appeared to be working on a control console however and we took a look. Next thing I know Im in sickbay feeling like I had been near a reactor.

According to the Lieutenant, the droid was accessing one of the forward octal defense guns and overriding it to fire directly on the ship. When we tried to intervene, the kriffin tincan activated the control rooms defences, which promptly blasted the group. I took the brunt apparently, and from what the Lt showed me of what was left of my armor, I think I used all my luck credits on that day. To make things worse the droid self-destructed. Intel is sorting through the remains to find any clues…..6 troops died in the firefight, and four gunners working externally on Number two battery were killed when the octal went to rapid fire at the MTL.

Lord Vader is not going to be impressed. Im glad Im in sickbay for a few days. It certainly isn’t going to be pleasant around here. The saboteur is getting serious now, but so are we…..Im not one to be vicious, but I would love to be there when Vader shows what it means to cross the Imperial Navy.
If apathy could be converted to energy, Australia would have an Unlimited power source.
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