Astaria has many top fighters.
Not to say old weapons totally suck, but the reaality is that KC-22s wll light up on OTH radars like Chrisstmas tree. So would the launches.
Even if he scrambles a pair of MiG-31s to an area of 100x100 km wheer the OTH believes the target could be, that pair of fighters couuld kill huge amounts of drones on their own - they have PESA arrays tthat would allow tracking and firing to kill at 100 km.
Threre would be failures and the lke, but very little number of drones will mmake it to targets.. Insside Astaria - maybe yes. .But the longer they fly, the more likely their destruction.
S-200, S-125 would operate unimpended against Firebees as well.
MKSheppard wrote:The drones are airlaunched from An-22s, which have a huge range, meaning I can just fly around the long route and launch them towards parts of Astaria where his defenses are weak.
If those are unidentified planes, actually Norse can kill your invasion force. Some of hs fighters have the neccessary range with refuellinng.
Also, 2000 km? It has a 1 hr endurance, which at the 1100 kph speed means around 1100 km.