David wrote:I am against abortion, and I get sick especially of proponents of partial birth abortion. There is no diffenece between a child ten minutes before they are born and ten minutes after, except that the child ten minutes before is dependent on an umbilical cord for his/her supply of oxygen and nutrients. The child is not "part" of the mother just because he/she is dependent upon her body to provide for his/her growth.
No one here is advocating partial birth abortions.
However the child is not apart of her body, and she does not have to raise the child after birth. I know two girls that had kids before they were 17 and both chose to give their children up for adoption.
This is a very common strawman from the anti-abortion side. When pro-abortionists say that the woman has the right to decide what happens to her body, most anti-abortionists leap to the conclusion that pro-abortionists are arguing that the child is a part of the mother's body. This is not true.
The mother has the right to decide if she wants to subject her body to the physical and psychological trauma brought about by nine months of carrying and supporting the fetus. It is no light trial on a woman's body to carry a child. She'll gain lots of weight and have to eat enough to support herself and the developing fetus. The financial expenses of pregnancy are also significant. You can't force a woman to go through nine months of pain, one day of intense delivery pain and a pile of medical bills if she doesn't want to. While anti-abortionists may crow that adoption is a viable solution, they completely miss the point of abortion, which is to help the woman avoid the burden that comes with having a child,
both before and after delivery. Unless adoption agencies begin paying for delivery room fees, increased diet and compensate the woman for psychological and physical trauma, adoption isn't a very good solution.
Mike, how does "I believe that life begins at conception" constitute an unjustifiable personal belief? It seems to me that most people do go to either end of the spectrum, one end being life at conception and the other life at birth. If we went with what might be a more scientific explination such as life begins at the first brain activity, how do we them measure that? We would have to leave the point of them being a classified as a human being somewhere in the area of the final trimester. That seems alot more blurry than say either at the start or end, and since the end seems so blantently incorrect to me I'd rather err to the beginning.
There's no way to really identify the exact instant when brain wave activity becomes sufficient, but remember that to make laws, you need to define clear-cut boundaries. That's why you're considered an adult at the age of 18 in the United States. Sure, some 16 year-olds may be mature enough and some 20 year-olds may be irretrievably immature, but the law always likes having a discrete boundary. We know that sometimes near the beginning of the third trimester, the fetus' brain activity starts looking a lot like the activity that a human has when dreaming. So, a reasonable boundary for the abortion cut-off would be the third trimester. This would get rid of partial-birth abortions (which I don't even know why women are fighting for), as well as respect the woman. If women are going to have abortions, they should have them as early as possible, anyway. Why they'd put it off until the moment of delivery in beyond me ...