I don't know what to say other than that I hope you're wrong, because otherwise a lot of people will die and we can say good by to niceties like Democracy and the Rule of Law. Hate begets hate.The only way to get non-violent change in this country is, frankly, when you are A) A visible Minority. B) A Minority where sufficient numbers of those in your group are not ashamed or afraid to "exist" socially.
We are hardly black people who form a huge portion of the population in the Jim Crow south, or Indians, who ARE the population of india. We are less than three percent of the population, 4-5 if you are being generous and assuming a LOT of closet cases. What are we going to do? Hold a sit in at people's weddings? Oh yeah, that'll gain sympathy![]()
Again, I don't know what to say, other than that I believe that democracy and the rule of law are things worth preserving, and that giving in to frusteration and anger and resorting to violence will only make things worse all round.
Its a deplorable state of affairs. But their has been progress. We've gone from an age where homosexuality was a crime across the western world to the current state of affairs. The US has lagged behind the rest of the world, but change has come, and will continue to come. Their are times where violence is nessissary, but as long as progress is being made through legal and non-violent methods, we cannot lightly condone violent actions.Take a look at the fucking numbers. Every time an anti-gay marriage ballot initiative comes to a vote, it passes (with the exception of AZ, but that will soon be remedied). We have been introducing the same legislation in congress, the Employment Non-Discrimination Act, for thirty fucking years. Originally it covered housing discrimination too, but that was found to be over-reaching, so we decided to settle for protection from discrimination in employment. It has never passed both houses of congress, and usually it is a legislative miracle to get it out of fucking committee.
Same with hate crime legislation.
Hell, the hate is so bad, that 10% of gay teenagers come out of HS, if they make it at all (teen suicide rates are IIRC 7 times higher than the rest of the population, to to the point that it pulls down life expectancy) with PTSD. The school systems, often intentionally, leave these kids crying in the dark with no one to turn to but drugs or the barrel of a gun.
Understandable? Yes. But that doesn't make it right. Why sink to their level? If change can still be made through non-violent means, then that is the path I would prefer. I would rather achieve change by rising above the violent and bigoted. I know, its easy for me to talk. I'm not a member of an oppressed minority. Maybe if I was I would feel differently. But I hope not. I hope I would remember the times that justice and equality have been achieved through non-violent means, remember that I can and should be better than oppressors and bigots. I hope I would see violence as a last resort, not as a way of relieving my anger and frusteration.Now you tell me? Isnt AT LEAST punching someone in the face more than understandable? Dont you think that it is just a little bit actually justified. There is a person sitting there, basically calling you sub-human, and actively working to keep you cowed underneath their boot. Dont you think the least they deserve is a right hook?