Worst movie decisions of all time?

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Post by Mr. B »

Horror movies.

The mass murderer is somewhere on the campground, what do you do?
Run away and find the police/national guard.
of course not, you find a butter knife and face him down. And don't forget to go into a dark room alone and without a flashlight or even turning on the lights.
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Post by paladin »

The marines did have flame throwers to back up their pulse rifles.
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Post by Stravo »

The marines did have flame throwers to back up their pulse rifles
Only a few of them had the incinerator units. Everyone else was sporting either a pistol or Reece's shotgun "In case of close encounters."
It was a stupid move but one that unfortunately the writers felt neccessarey to get the marines in trouble....still AWESOME movie.
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Post by Straha »

Come on here, were forgeting the most bonehead move of all time.

Kirk forgeting to put his communicator on vibrate instead of ring in ST IV
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Post by Crown »

Totally not related, but whoever made the decision to turn over the Batman franchise from Tim Burton to that other guy, (Joel Shumarcer?), just ruined a medeocre thing to a stupid waste of film!
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Post by OOM94539 »

According to the film, the lieutenant did not want to risk a stray shot to damage the cooling units of the fusion reactor.
And in the end, Drake and Vasquez smuggled away some explosive rounds, slapped them into their smartguns, yelled 'lets rock', and ended up causing the reactor to blow anywways.

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Post by Akm72 »

Just to be pedantic, it's not clear whether the catastophic damage to the reactor was caused by the shooting, or by the dropship crashing into the side of the atmosphere processor :)

Oh, also Vasquez smuggled a couple of electronic gizmo's of some sort, rather than ammo.

Nitpick, nitpick, nitpick...
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Post by Tebrak'aun »

worst movie decision of all time the phantom menace qui gon jinn liberating annakin instead of his mother... she may have been a pathological liar (immaculate conception god i wish that line still worked)
but at least we all know she puts out!!!!!
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Post by The Yosemite Bear »

Blade Runner

Decker trusting Gaffi with ANYTHING!

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Post by oberon »

Godfather 3, nuff said.
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(some spoilers for Signs)

Post by Tanith »

Yep. The aliens from Signs are definitely up there.

I mean, they come lightyears to Earth in their flying saucers and they get thwarted by a ordinary boarded up door?!? Hello. :roll:

Not to mention their interesting choice of coming to Earth to raid for people when they're fatally allergic to *tap water*. Heck, me with a garden hose could've fended them off...

Of course, the ex-reverend guy was pretty dumb too. He was able to cut off an alien's fingers with an ordinary kitchen knife, and yet he didn't think to stock up on sharp pointy objects (or better, guns) immediately after that?? Yeah. Real Einstein there. :roll:
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Post by Darth Yoshi »

Indiana Jones' decision to dig for the Ark of the Covenent, and not cover their tracks as dawn approached.
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Picard's decision to save the planets population from displacement in ST insurrection. He could have saved billions, but relocating 600 people was to great a price..

Modern nations go further to build roads..
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Post by Sea Skimmer »

Akm72 wrote:Just to be pedantic, it's not clear whether the catastophic damage to the reactor was caused by the shooting, or by the dropship crashing into the side of the atmosphere processor :)

Oh, also Vasquez smuggled a couple of electronic gizmo's of some sort, rather than ammo.

Nitpick, nitpick, nitpick...
Bishops word where "The crash caused to much damage, an overload is inevitable now."
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Post by Akm72 »

Bishops word where "The crash caused to much damage, an overload is inevitable now."
True, though that doesn't prove that the crash alone caused the eventual explosion of the reactor. It 'could' be a combination of the crash and any damage caused by the shooting.
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Re: (some spoilers for Signs)

Post by VilliageIdiot »

Tanith wrote:...I mean, they come lightyears to Earth in their flying saucers and they get thwarted by a ordinary boarded up door?!? Hello. :roll:

Not to mention their interesting choice of coming to Earth to raid for people when they're fatally allergic to *tap water*. Heck, me with a garden hose could've fended them off...

Of course, the ex-reverend guy was pretty dumb too. He was able to cut off an alien's fingers with an ordinary kitchen knife, and yet he didn't think to stock up on sharp pointy objects (or better, guns) immediately after that?? Yeah. Real Einstein there. :roll:
You forgot to mention the lack of a space suit...

Question: If the aliens are so intelligent to be able to travel lightyears to harvest humans, why do they have claws? I mean, doesn't it interfere with their ability to type? It seems that having the claw on their hands would serve as a much greater hinderance than an advantage, almost like wisdom teeth. Shouldn't it get filed down or removed, the same way some people get their wisdom tooth pulled?

Oh, yes, and the Reverend's brother could beat the crud out of the alien with a wooden bat, but the military was stumped for the longest time as to how to get rid of them. :roll: It also never occured to the brother to throw the handy-dandy glasses of water at the alien, instead he just kept beating it. Huh. Do you think he was just venting? But shouldn't those doggies have been able to rip the aliens to shreds, considering they (the aliens) can't even fight back against a human with a bat?
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