SDN Kingdoms

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SDN Kingdoms

Post by Setzer »

Those playing SDN Kingdoms can post their OOB here.
My OOB is being redone. I'll edit this again later.

This is the current map:

Last edited by Setzer on 2008-10-28 11:11am, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Darkevilme »

Flag: A silver star on a dark blue background.

The lands that became the Starfall dominion were hit hard by the fall, dissolving into barbarity and chaos. Tribes squabbling amongst themselves and fighting against the strange beings surrounding them.
Then out of the dark 'They' fell upon falling stars to the lands of Hrun, Kagnay and Orik. The children of the stars uniting the three tribes through might of magic and gifts of wisdom before crushing the surrounding tribes with their control of strange beasts and establishing their dominion in the name of The Purpose.
And so it was that the Land was civilized and freed of and the monsters that plagued them were driven out or destroyed.
The Starchildren are still very much a mystery even to the ones within the dominion, their purpose is unknown though their actions seem benevolent. The Starchildren do not rule directly but those who do rule cannot go against the wishes of their benefactors so the Starchildren are indeed the ultimate authority behind the Dominion's actions.
The Starfall Dominion has never ceased to expand since the day the children fell, constantly consuming nearby tribes and assimilating them into its increasing strength. Word has now come that there are others out there, others who managed to forge kingdoms and order from the chaos since the fall and without the help of the Children. Perhaps these civilized peoples will accept the guiding hand of the Children, or maybe they shall resist it like the savages that the dominion knows so well.

The Dominion:
The Dominion is split into three segments under the rulership of the three tribal lords of the Hrun, Orik and Kagnay tribes with the city of Starfall at the dead center. With the exception of selected mountains reserved for the Aether serpents the lands of the inner provinces are peaceful and safe with banditry and monster threats ruthlessly suppressed. Those in the inner provinces can enjoy basic healthcare and at least enough prosperity for there to always be food on the table. Prosperity decreases with distance from the capital though it is ensured at least anywhere but the periphery that no province faces starvation through careful organization. The Dominion despite having a coastline has no major ports and no boats bigger than fishing fleets as the coastline is but a recent addition only recently made safe against raiding bands of froglike aquatic fiends who so plagued the area.

Magic: The Dominion has amassed a great deal of magical lore and much of their greater mages are dedicated to research and extending this knowledge base. However most greater mages are deemed too valuable to risk in battle and are concerned instead with the creation of Golems, the aforementioned research and various other domestic enchantments. They have a good grounding in all arcane arts but their specialty most of all is Light and Air. Meteors, glowing barriers, wind walls and starfire are wielded on the battlefield while vast sorcerous gusts move clouds as needed across the landscape to bring rain or sunshine as needed to Dominion crops.

Fortified locations:

Starfall City: (Located centrally) Built on the ground where the Children first touched the earth and walled against transgressors it acts as a central hub for the dominion where people from the three lands of Orik, Kagnay and Hrun can trade and where even the common folk can seek advice from the Children. In the center of the city stands its greatest treasure, the great library. This Library holds all the knowledge the Children have gifted unto their beneficiaries and accumulated since its establishment. The City also holds the halls of learning for the sorcerous Adepts.

The three castles: Each the seat of government for a third of the Dominion and located, north, south west and east of Starfall City.

Military units:

(20) Warriors: Conscripted from newly assimilated tribes after a certain rapport of trust has been established and lacking in discipline and training as a result. Warriors have varying weapons and equipment but are commonly used as skirmishers and cannonfodder.

(40)Regular Footmen: Regulars are the new standard for the Starfall Dominion's infantry. Armed with spears and given shields, swords, metal helmets and armoured in lamellar. Most importantly they're trained and disciplined to a new level of effectiveness in comparison to the rabble from the border tribes.

(30)Archers: Only lightly armoured and with handaxes or knives for self defence Archers arent supposed to engage in Hth. But then like many Archers the world over they're tasked with raining arrows upon enemies so their close combat skills shouldn't be tested overmuch.

(80)Wolfguards: Monster hunter elite infantry, already veterans of the footmen cohorts Wolfguards are trained in the arts of how to kill anything regardless of the number of heads or legs its got. Dressed in distinctive Wolf skin capes and chainmail they're armed with Javelins, axes and bear metal shields. Their conditioning gives them good morale and a resistance to enchantments.

(40)Hrun horsemen: Light Cavalry, scouts and skirmishers armed with spears and javelins. Armoured in leather, capped in iron and not intended for shock charges. Generally they just harass enemy formations with Javelins and run down broken forces or skirmishers.

(70)Knights: Landowners always considered it fashionable for their sons, or at least the expendable ones, to go out and win glory on the battlefield and in the dominion it's no different. Though truthfully the knights are the minority in these units with the rest made up by men at arms. Knights and Men at arms are both heavily armoured with swords and lances they excel at the heavy cavalry role of shock charges.


(300)Serpentriders: The aether serpents that came to earth in the wake of the Starchildren are notoriously vicious and hard to tame. Those who managed to tame and bond with one without being maimed or eaten in the process become part of the most potent military force in the Dominion, their airborne cavalry. Aether serpents are massive greyskinned forty foot long monsters, slender for flight with a large wingspan and only a single pair of claw tipped limbs beneath upon which to walk when they choose not to slither. They make excellent scouts and aerial combatants in addition to their role in strafing enemy troops. The riders bear assorted javelins, bows and bombs of fire and poison with which to harass boats and soldiers.

(800)Golems: Metal men forged by sorcery and infused with vitae in the form of animal blood. Each golem is the height of four men, heart and eyes glowing and mighty limbs clanking with each movement. They're shock infantry and 'living' siege weapons able to hurl boulders or strike with their fists to pummel formations of soldiers and stone walls alike.

(6)Adept: Practitioners of the magical art capable of a myriad arcane acts to aid warriors on the battlefield. Though their arcane talents are formidable the amount of ritual and gestures required to wield them plus their lack of armour and weapons training leave them vulnerable to attack. Hence each Adept has a personal shield bearer, a swordsman in Lamellar who is assigned to protect him(or her) from harm.

(100)Airship: a dirigible able to carry a hundred men over great distances, however it is a ponderous single screwed and some would say fat vessel ill suited to combat.

(200)Airfrigate: An enhanced version of the original airship with much more elongated lines and a second airscrew resulting in a port and starboard arrangement instead of just an undertail pusher. With more speed and manouverability, grapnel ballista and open sides for the launching of magical or arrow attack it's a decent aerial warship.

(10)Starchildren: The enigmatic benefactors of the Dominion, never seen to raise a hand in anger but most adept at the art of disappearing and appearing without trace among other curious talents.

Corwin: Prince of the Hrun, serpentrider and one of the touched. Corwin is known as the sword of the Stars, his hair bleached white by the energies infused into him by the Starchildren an effect that has spread to his mount. He was chosen at birth for this role unlike Roland and is well versed in tactics and all the martial disciplines.

Roland: A few hundred years old and some would say a relic of the last age, the hand of the stars is a great teacher and wizard who has learned all he can from the Starchildren. He is still formidable in battle and magic but his increasing age has wearied him leaving him increasingly to deal with affairs of state and the assimilation of new tribes into the Dominion.


Fortifications: (2,500 point expenditure+three free forts)
level 1.
Castle Hrun.
Castle Kagnay
Castle Orik
Walled City of Starfall.

Casting pool: 2000 points
1200 twelve airships
2200 eleven airfrigates
1400 7000 Warriors
2880 7200 Regular footmen (fourteen cohorts)
2160 7200 Archers (fifteen cohorts)
880 1100 Wolf guards

2040 5100 Horsemen (ten cohorts+)
910 1,300 Knights


1600 200 golems
660 110 Adepts, 110 Shield bearers.
1800 600 Serpentriders
1000 100 Starchildren.

Corwin 750 points
Roland 500 points
Last edited by Darkevilme on 2008-10-28 11:49am, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Dark Hellion »

Sepulcher of David, Godslayer, Lord of Judea, Uniter of the Clans

How many people would have believed that the Crusades would have resulted in the son of a peasant and his two friends becoming dread lords of a kingdom centered from the sepulchral city of Jerusalem and containing dark horrors that would drive away the beasts and madness of Christ's tomb with their own insane drives? In little more than half a century David, Lucas, and Samuel did just that, the lands of Divinidavidia becoming home to the dark armies that would drive their armies of conquest and the cowering populace reliant on these terrifying overlords for protection from the monsters Ulrich had unleashed.

To understand the kingdom, one must understand the men who would become the monsters who lead it. Three simple peasant boys, born just after the city of Jerusalem imploded. First among them was always David. The ambitious one, the leader, speaker, thinker. The heretic, betrayer, godslayer. The kingdom began in his mind, and is powered by his soul. His dark thoughts are the nightmares of the populace, and the dreams of his legion of faithful.


David was a bright, imaginative boy, son of surviving Crusader and a pilgrims daughter. They lived on their farm; his father head of the local defense, his mother helping her family tend the farm, and raising David to be a precocious and curious boy. He received tutelage under Father DeRoos, who found him an excellent and extremely intelligent student. By the time he was ten David was learning Latin, Greek, and other ancient languages, and had a voracious appetite for any book, especially tales of fantasy. David imagined himself as a valiant knight who would slay the monsters of the world, or a powerful magician who would wave his wand and right the wrongs of the world. Soon afterwords, his father would begin to train him in the martial disciplines, teaching him the way of the sword, and allowing him to help in the ever expanding duties of the growing community. The training under both his father and Father DeRoos would continue until he was eighteen. During this time a stream of refugees and other surviving Crusaders would flood the local community, and soon David's father had an army. With this army, and David at his side he would attempt to retake Jerusalem.

The siege of Jerusalem lasted a year before they could even breach the walls. Once inside, they fought to make a defensive position, occupying many of the temples and libraries of the city. In these places David would find books of forbidden knowledge, and encounter the first inklings of apostasy, and as their victory slowly mounted his ambitions would grow. The fighting would go on for nearly four years. David was now a proud and strong man of 22, and his ambition was boundless. His plans to retake the whole of the holy lands and reestablish the heart of Christiandom where in full swing, and the enemies within Jerusalem had been driven to their final strongholds. The last few insane defenders would not be stopped, and sacrificed themselves to summon up a swarm of beasts to fight off the renewed Crusade. These unearthly creatures would fall to no sword, and for three months David's father would find his army pushed back inexorably to their initial bastions. Regrouping, David's father would attempt to bring the fight to the enemy, with grave consequence.

Some say the death of his father was the turning point in David's life. Others say it came during his journeys within the Holy Land, and some, perhaps most perceptively say that there never was a turning point, David simply made his choices from what he saw around him. Whoever is right, the death of his father would see his ambitions darken, vengeance clouding his judgment. Invoking power he didn't know he had, David would summon a revenant of revenge to kill the beasts and save the city. But the revenant would not stop at the beasts, and everything within Jerusalem fell to its power. The remaining Crusaders retreated from the city, cursing David, calling him a heretic and a monster. For his crime of passion, he would be banished from the Crusaders, never to return. With him went the ever faithful Lucas, and Samuel, who likely would have faced banishment shortly afterwords. For a decade the three disappeared into the ruins of the Holy Land, to wander while David brooded and sought a way to right what he had caused.

Ten years later they reappeared. Clad in armour of unknown black metals and the hides of fell beasts, they entered the city and slew the revenant with nary a word. They then returned to the Crusaders who had banished them, still living just outside the walls of the city. There David issued his one proclamation.

There was no god. The Madness had spread from the Tomb of Christ. The revenant they fought, the revenant that had cost him everything of his life was the souls of Jerusalem, those massacred by the Crusaders. Those who fought for God slaughtered the innocent, those who fought for god were the true sinners. Since their was no god to judge them, man would do it. And David was that man, come to judge the world, because he was the finder of truth. He sought truth in the desert and had found it. And an army. Now the blood of Christiandom would repay their sins.

With this, the three began to leave. The Crusaders rose to attack, only to find their city surrounded by the Armies of David. Disenchanted Crusaders, faith shattered; Muslim tribes scattered to the wind; peasant left to fend for their own while the Crusaders fought over relics, all those who had been disenfranchised during the Crusade, left for dead in the madness, their hate and anger made them the army David had wanted. They swooped upon the Crusaders and slaughtered them. Taking Jerusalem as his capitol, David became king.

He fought the old world to a standstill. His might was unmatchable by any warrior, and his armies grew as more people began to distrust the church as bringers of woe. And then, when he was beginning what would be penultimate campaign, everything collapsed. The Church, along with all the empires of the day brought together nearly all their power. In a clever ruse, they led Lucas and Samuel and their massive armies away, fighting David and his smaller elite with all their might. Though they lost 90% of their forces, the armies crushed David's army, and David was mortally wounded. The nightmare nearly ended there, but Lucas sensed the deception, and he and his inner circle of Praetor's, Absolvers and Dusk Knights swooped in crushing the forces harassing the dying David and sprinting David back to Jerusalem.

There, they placed him within the heart of his power, enacting the darkest of rites, and keeping their lord alive by the barest sliver. Forbidden magic began to heal his wounds, and the forces of David fell back to defend his kingdom and serve and guardians and mourners for their fallen demigod. Exhausted, most of the old empires would collapse.

Now, 600 years later, David is still locked within his private chambers, feeding on their dark energies and slowly regaining his power and stature. Every week a fresh virgin is given to him, for him to defile and thus regain a modicum of power. Lucas and Samuel have run things in his stead, regents and friends who listen to his dark whisperings and enact his bidding. His recovery in now swiftening, and only a few centuries remain until he will be ready to venture out again and finally rid the world of gods and petty men who worship them.


Defender of the Faith. Lucas wasn't always a defender. A massive boy, Lucas was not gifted when it came to the mental faculties, and the other boys would mercilessly pick on the kind, gentle and simple boy. Until he met David, and his life would gain its purpose. David was more brilliant than Lucas could conceive and Lucas sought the boy's friendship for this reason. Astoundingly, David gave Lucas this friendship, appreciating the simple-minded loyalty of Lucas, as well as the boy's seeming inability for self-deception. Lucas knew he was slow, and knew if he wanted to he could gain the fear of the other boys. But Lucas never desired to be feared, simply to be treated according to his abilities. David would give him this. Lucas would enter the city guard to protect David, and would join him on his journey to Jerusalem. He would be by his side throughout all his banishment. During this time, David would teach him to the fullest of Lucas' capability. After the founding of Divinidavidia, Lucas would be the loyal bodyguard of David.

David's interest in enhancing humanity would meet it's greatest success in Lucas. First and foremost, David sought to enhance the mind. Lucas' mental abilities grew and grew, until soon he was smarter than David had been at the time of the summoning. David would enhance himself as well, always staying above Lucas, although Lucas' enhanced intellect did nothing to deter his fierce loyalty. In many ways, it simply made his introspection more potent, forming Lucas into the man he is today. Along with this mind, Lucas was given a nearly invincible body, bones of the unbreakable Stygian metal, capable of regenerating almost any wound. His might in combat was unmatchable by anyone but David, and then only because of David's prodigious magical abilities.

Lucas is a frightening individual, evil in the same way as David. Both have complex systems of morality, telling them the value of human life, and giving them moral imperatives. Both choose to break it. They do not make excuses, they do not pretend that in the end the ends do justify the means. They simply seek the ends they wish, and do whatever is most efficient to reach them, good or evil. They are not cruel men. They simply do not see any point in being moral in a world filled with such insanity. Lucas is given to being gentle, kind, and generous when it does not interfere with his plans. He is capable of pity and remorse. This only makes his decisions that much more evil. He knows what he does is wrong. He doesn't care. David's kingdom and David's vision are his dream. He is the herald of these nightmares. He seeks nothing but to bring it about. By whatever means necessary.

After David's fall, Lucas has served as the Grand Commander of David's army and is officially the Defender of Faith. He could be the most powerful man in the kingdom should he choose, but he has no ambition to rule, and leaves the politics and management to the Regent Samuel and the Praetor's.


Samuel's life as a boy was exceedingly plain. Perhaps this would influence the excesses of his later life. Son of pilgrims, Samuel was a neighbor and friend of David and would be on the track to entering the seminary when he would travel with David to Jerusalem. In Jerusalem Samuel would find books of forbidden pleasure that would disgust and interest him. His obsession with these books lead to a great distrust from the other seminarians in the crusade. When David was banished, Samuel helped him raid Jerusalem for books of dark knowledge, and leave with David.

While banished, Samuel would get to enact the rituals the books whispered, and experience all the delights that could be offered from the profane texts. Like Lucas, Samuel was an enthusiastic patron of David's wishes to enhance humanity. Elegant and unearthly beautiful, Samuel is viciously intelligent and deceptively strong and tough. He is a very powerful user of magic and utilizes his physical superiority to maintain fear over the Praetor's below him.

When David fell, Samuel enacted many of the rites that kept him alive and healed him. He is regent of the kingdom, making nearly all political decisions of importance and ensuring the empire runs smoothly.

Unlike Lucas and David, Samuel does not believe he is evil. He believes that himself, Lucas and David are simply making the hard decisions humanity cannot make. A hedonist, he makes excuses for his own excesses. As such, he utilizes criminals and slaves for his pleasures, although he takes little care to truly vet them, simply picking anyone he feels looks like a slave, or utilizing his ability to pass any law by fiat to make those he desires a criminal to feed his voracious appetite. Despite their philosophical opposition, Lucas and Samuel are quite good friends, because of Lucas' loyalty and Samuel's respect for Lucas.

The Kingdom

Divinidavidia is a strange and nightmarish place. The heart of it is still the old city of Jerusalem. Now it is the Sepulcher of David, seat of his power, home of the elite units of his army and the inner council of Praetor's who command the army. Each province is protected by a Praetor, who's duty it is to defend the cities of David from any threat. They are charged with overseeing and making sure that the leaders of each town provides for the towns defense. Lucas and his selected Praetors brook no corruption, and those who cannot ensure defenses are ensured decades of torment. As such, much of the territory consists of fortified hamlets surrounded by farms. The economy is bent on fulfillment of David's dreams, nearly all material is used or reused in building infrastructure or support of the army. Since every citizen is considered part of the irregulars, each town's leader is tasked with the job of feeding it's populace and providing them with basic necessities, under threat of being punished as apostates (a fate worse than death). Some of the more self-aware Praetors would comment on the irony that a kingdom built on the back of a demigods misanthropy would take better care of its citizens than many other empires that claim virtue. Divinidavidia has suffered centuries of dark ages after the defeat of David and the necessity to pull back and rebuild the infrastructure that various empires had attempted to collapse. It has experienced about a hundred years of prosperity and is now pushing out beyond the boarders of its original expansion.


The current armies of David pale in comparison with the armies of old, but maintain the core of lethal and heavily enhanced warriors and vicious magic users that made it the terror of the ancient world. At the head of the army are the Praetor's, who's tattered appearances belie the fact that they are physically lethal and possess the greatest minds and magic's of the realm. Only the strongest and most skilled of Dusk Knights are even considered for the role as a Praetor, and only if the previous Praetor has fallen out of favor of Lucas or Samuel or been killed (often by Lucas himself). Underneath them are the court of Dusk Knights, the pseudo-nobility of David's land. Chosen by other Dusk Knights for showing promise, they are raised from squires into warriors of the finest martial skills and given access to powerful magical spells and abilities. Those that show enough promise are then given enhancements, skins like leather armour, plates of Stygian metal slid under the skin, muscles and organs enhanced making them stronger, faster and resilient to all but the most critical of injuries. The Dusk Knights serve as field commanders and advisers to the Praetors, as well as powerful shock troopers. Below them are the various troops of the kingdom.


Praetors- Cruel and vicious leaders of the Davidian people. They appear frail at first, tall and emaciatedly thin, wrapped in the ancient tatters of eldritch robes. Their eyes hollow and their skin crumpled leather with gray-black bones nearly protruding. Their hands are wizened claws, teeth worn to points. They look as if they can barely stay standing until they strike with all the controlled fury and hatred that humans are capable of. They are brutally strong, capable of dueling all but the greatest heroes with ease and can withstand blows that would turn lesser man to jelly without flinching. This is not their greatest ability though, just a gift David gave them for achieving such stature. Powerful mages, they command arcane abilities that allow them to slaughter troops by the hundreds. Whether lashing out with lightning, raising slabs of stone to crush knights underfoot, or burning away militiamen's minds only the greatest wards and most powerful counterspells can prevent the massacre that a Praetor brings to a battlefield. Serving powerful political functions only 10 of the 50 Praetor's actually travel with the advancing armies, the others defend their provinces and oversee the growth of David's kingdom.

Dusk Knights- The nobility of David's kingdom, they are the primary leaders of the battlefield and the heavy cavalry of the army. Each Dusk Knight is a heavily enhanced individual, standing taller than the average human, lean and heavily muscled. Their skin is leather, bones stronger than steel. Powerful magics suffuse their bodies, allowing them to function with injuries that would cripple or kill a normal man. They are armoured both by the plates of black Stygian Steel inserted on their extremities and chest, and by a further suit of full plate made from this metal and the leathery hides of fell beasts. This armour is proof against most cutting weapons and their twisted physiology allows them to survive being peppered by arrows or pounded upon by warhammers. They are armed with whatever weapon they are most comfortable with, some use lances and hooked hammers, others preferring large two-handed swords even others use crossbows, the draws of which are impossible for a normal man. Besides their martial prowress a Dusk Knight is a competent magician, no match for a Praetor but capable of engaging most mages on a one for one basis at least holding them to a standstill so the Dusk Knight can approach and slaughter them in close quarters.

Absolvers- The skirmishers and shock troopers of Divinidavidia, they are men who have been enhanced until they are little more than feral beasts. While still of human intelligence, this is all bent to their task of massacring the enemies of David. Each Absolver is a hulking figure, seven feet high and well-muscled, their hide-like skin is studded with metal. Fused over top of their skin is a suit of armour, an alloy of the Stygian metal used for the Praetor's and Dusk Knights. While not as well protected as a Dusk Knight, an Absolver can still withstand dozens of times the abuse of the average man-at-arms and their insane drive to continue on their mission allows them to push their body beyond all its limits. Absolvers have been known to be mortally wounded, continue to fight for hours and then fall dead right as the battle ends. They wield whatever weaponry they can get their hands onto, usually charging in with a light crossbow which is dropped for duel blades and a buckler. Hooked chains hang off their armoured bodies cutting those without armour and hooking weapons away from those who strike them. Even if disarmed their hands end in sharp claws and their strength allows them to tear a man in two without a thought.

The Lich-Born- The primary mages of the army, these twisted women are born from profane rituals designed to breed powerful immortal wizards. The dead body of a young virgin woman is defiled and within its womb a female fetus, cut from its mother, is placed to finish its gestation. When cut from its fleshy prison the infant girl is pale and cold, living off of magic, heart nearly unbeating. They are raised in the city of Jerusalem, under the tutelage of the Praetor of Magic and his many apprentices, squires, and the older Lich-Born. Each Lich-Born is naturally cruel, cold and unfeeling. They form few if any friendships and find relating to any normal human nearly impossible. They perform most of the various magical functions of the kingdom, creating the Palantir orbs that are used by the Praetor and Elite Dusk Knight to communicate, performing the rituals that help the warsmiths create the armour and arms of Stygian metal used, assisting in the enhancement of Absolvers, Dusk Knights, and the other creatures that keep the empire running. They also serve on the battlefield as primary magical troops although they prefer misdirection and trickery to outright combat. They so confusion in the ranks of soldiers, summoning up nightmarish visions to rout them, or perhaps luring soldiers into a trap with their strange beauty and enchanting spells. They also are powerful dispellers of magic, their presence leaching magical enchantments from the enemy troops and sucking the magic out of their spells, making them easy for the Lich-Born to counter them. When they have to fight, the Lich-Born lash out with bolts of energy or layer enchantments upon themselves and strike with blades of pure darkness.

Black Knight- The light cavalry of David's army, these are normal men and women who have entered the military as a profession. They are mostly self-trained, forming enclaves under the care of a local Dusk Knight. The Dusk Knight trains them, takes those he feels worthy as squires and is tasked with provision of arms and armour. Each Dark Knight is armoured in half-plate of Damascus Steel, armed with a bow, a shield, and a one handed weapon. They ride the massive Damascus steeds that have been breed over the last 600 years to hold the heavily armoured units of the Davidian Army. While the best steeds are taken up by the Dusk Knights, dozens of horses must be breed each generation to get those that have the strength and speed to carry a Dusk Knight to battle. Black Knights are highly competent warriors who in the past numbered a hundred-fold what they do today.

Militia- Every man and woman over 18 is expected to go to war for David if called. Mostly, these peasants live their quiet hamlet life, farming the preternaturally marshy lands that spread with the Kingdom of David. When called up they arm and armour themselves as best they can. While the Dusk Knights and Praetors of each province is expected to provide for each of them, most are armoured only with a thick leather shirt and armed with a scythe or sickle. Many have bows made by a local skilled in their manufacture and may have a buckler fashioned by the local blacksmith. The militia serves as a meat wall for the rest of the army, preventing the opponent from moving forward or retreating while the other units flank or blast away with magic.


The forces of David do not use a navy. If crossing water is necessary some form of magic is employed. Troops may find that they can now breathe underwater and simply walk across a river, or enemies may see a rolling mist come up from the see only to form into a thousand Absolvers ready to charge into melee. If absolutely necessary, unarmed small rowing craft are constructed. While limiting their mobility greatly, those who think they can escape David's army by hiding behind water will find themselves woefully exposed.

Siege Weaponry

Catapults- Primarily Mangonels these torsion powered devices fling projectiles at prodigious speeds and powers. Primarily they are loaded with a large lead vessel filled with a noxious, necrotic alchemical substance. It impacts with great force, spewing coated shrapnel everywhere. The heat of friction ignites the alchemical filling, spewing a blackish-purple flame in a large radius which begins to dissolve nearly anything is contacts. The effect on unprotected flesh is most spectacular, the flesh withering every nerve touched feeling as if it where on fire. The substance is also highly toxic and even a small bit entering the body can lead to a quick death if not treated. Those affected first lose their minds, becoming violent and crazed, often attempting to rape those around them, regardless of gender. After a few hours of this, they weaken and begin to bleed from every orifice, and then die soon afterwords.

Trebuchet- A large gravity powered Catapult, Trebuchet are used to fling large enchanted rocks extreme distances. The rocks are enchanted by Lich-Born to explode in massive bursts of elemental power. A navy might find a rock that closely misses electrocutes its oarsmen as the enchantment discharges or a group of knights may be frozen solid in a 100 foot block of ice.

Ballista- A large crossbow, they are wheeled around by massive ogre-like men enhanced to be able to carry the massive siege engine at a full march. They are positioned far from battle and used to fire either massive spikes designed to drop heavily armoured siege units or boats, or to fire bundles of flaming bolts to pelt lightly armoured troops and ignite buildings.


Lucas- Defender of the Faith, Lucas represents everything anyone in David's military could wish to be. Unvaryingly loyal, he was enhanced personally by David, and is the peak of physical and magical warfare. Nearly eight feet tall, he has a godlike stature. His musculature is as hard as braided steel and has strands of Stygian metal infused into it, making his muscles, tendons and ligaments nearly impossible to sever. His skin is sewn with tiny flecks of the metal, acting like scale mail. Every bone has been replaced with the black steel as well, and plates of the steel are woven over every vital area. Not only is his body armoured to this degree, but he can regenerate from most damage at a phenomenal pace, wounds inflicted sewing shut before his opponents eyes. On his back is his marking as David's chosen, a pair of constructed wings. Glistening black muscle and feathers made of Stygian Steel, these enchanting wings allow for him to fly at high speed if necessary, or can be used as addition weapons, the sharped tips and feathers slicing through flesh easily. Over this magnificent body Lucas wears a masterfully crafted suit of full-plate. In his right hand he wields a bastard sword designed for someone of his size, the blade rust colored, serrated on one edge and having a bladed hook 3/4 of the length on the back. On his right arm are a number of hooked, spiked chains, used to whip or disarm opponents. On his left arm is a massive buckler, a bladed spike pointing back past his elbow and two hooks on the back allowing him to backhand opponents with lethal results. In this hand he wields a massive warhammer, so big a grown man would have trouble wielding it in two hands, which he hefts like a light hand axe. Though he prefers to engage worthy opposition in melee combat, his magical powers are third only to Samuel and David and he can easily crush a small army with a single spell.

Samuel- As regent Samuel prefers not to engage his opponents in combat openly, although he is a formidable opponent, easily the match for any two Praetor in physical combat alone. Samuel is of normal stature compared to Lucas, only six foot one inch. His enhancement is similar to that of Dusk Knights, only of much higher quality, and more carefully hidden. He carries a similar mark of favor as Lucas, a pair of large demonic wings on his back. When called to battle, he wears a suit of extremely flexible and ornate full-plate and wields a pair of elegant longswords. Usually, he stays far from battle, using his powerful magical abilities to assist the armies in numerous ways. He knows a huge number of different spells and is quite adept at creating his own to suit the situation needed, and often assists even from Jerusalem with long ranged and flexible magical abilities.


The are a number of units which support the army which while serving no combat role are indispensable.

Reclaimers- Huge bloated beasts, these are the logistical unit of David's army. Made from criminals and captured enemies, these grotesquely obese monsters serve their handlers by stuffing any battlefield salvage down their swollen gullets. Within their stomachs are alchemical factories, breaking down all the material they devour, which they can then selectively vomit up. Given a few days a dozen reclaimers can turn a small skirmish into a hundred pounds of fresh steel and a hundred pounds of a nearly tasteless but nutritious gruel. Reclaimers allow the army to operate off of any land with biological material in plenitude, although having to eat the gruel is not the greatest for morale. They also ensure that an aggressive commander need not fear running out of food, water, or the raw materials needed to continue his campaign as long as he can constantly achieve victory.

Warsmiths- Selected from the most skilled of blacksmiths, they are given enhanced muscles to work the Stygian Iron needed to make the armour and arms of the elite, as well as given enhanced minds and senses to come up with greater weapons and make them with more precision. Warsmiths keep commanders supplied with functional weaponry and armour and are a necessary part of a campaign.

Siege-minders- The huge ogre-like men who are charged with moving the siege equipment of the army when necessary. Chosen for their ability to follow orders and to stand steady under heavy fire they are often just smart enough to competently operate the machines they are given, and are often watched over by a warsmith who handles the technical details of running the siege engine. They are expected to defend the siege engine if possible, but if overrun are given free reign to run, as the enhancement and education of an effective siege-minder is most often harder than that of the weapon they are operating.

Points Cost


Praetors (50 individuals) x 100 points a piece = 50 x 100 = 5000 points

Dusk Knights (500) x 800 points per hundred = 5 x 800 = 4000 points

Absolvers (5000) x 150 points per hundred = 50 x 150 = 7500 points

Lich-Born (100 individuals) x 10 points a piece = 100 x 10 = 1000 points

Black Knights (5000) x 75 points per hundred = 50 x 75 = 3750

Militia (inactive) x 10 points per hundred = [x] x 10 = 10[x] points [inactive]

Siege Weaponry

Catapults (5) x 50 points a piece = 5 x 50 = 250 points

Trebuchet (0) x 100 points a piece = 0 x 100 = 0 points

Ballista (25) x 20 points a piece = 25 x 20 = 500 points


Lucas - 1000 points

Samuel - 500 points

Casting Pool - 1500 points

Total cost: 22,000 point current mobilization

Upkeep 4400 points

Total points per turn 3600

Fortress: 1 Level 3 - Jerusalem

Jerusalem, Sepulcher of David: The dark and brooding city of Jerusalem is the seat of David's power and the home to the still crippled ruler. A massive and dismal fortress, it is designed to repel invasion by armies terrestrial or magical, and is home to the 10 military Praetor, Samuel, Lucas and the most powerful of the Dusk Knights.
Last edited by Dark Hellion on 2008-10-28 04:26pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Fingolfin_Noldor »

History of the Despotate

The disastrous crusade shook the Byzantine Empire to its foundations and led to its collapse in the midst of the sea of daemons that overwhelmed many cities. Over two hundred years of desperate fighting had reduced the empire to a few cities and severely depleted the population. When Constantinople's walls were about to be breached, a strategos, praying desperately at the city walls for the aid of Our Lady, patron saint of Constantinople, was suddenly granted a vision and then subsequently transformed. He became the first alchemist and psyker and had powers unrivaled. He rallied his men, and led them to victory, even slewing the daemon lord himself in single combat. The grateful citizens proclaimed him a living saint, a representative of God himself, and perhaps, going as far as calling him a God Emperor, one who was granted powers by God himself and to be a defender of humanity.

The name of this strategos, was Flavius Petrus Sabbatius Iustinianus. From the 15th century, he led a policy of rebuilding what was left of the Empire. Feeling that the Empire was a mere shadow of its former self, he renamed it the Despotate of Byzantium, with Constantinople remaining the capital. He instituted a policy of reform; ordering the gathering of alchemists and psykers, reforming the army and navy and creating an air force, increasing support in Science by reopening the University of Constantinople and other universities and encouraging the development of metallurgy technologies. He was the force behind the revival of the Despotate. He spent the next 50-100 years rebuilding the army, rebuilding the Despotate's cities and population and retaking the countryside. He rebuilt many forts, most notably the forts at the Hellespont, or otherwise known as the Dardanelles. He strengthened the Despotate's defences, and built a huge cannon foundry at Constantinople and another smaller one at Nikea. In the area of magic, he has championed the mixing of magic and science, leading to improvements in the Despotate's weapons. The Despot also formed daemon hunting teams, specialised in the art of killing and expelling daemons from the physical realm. The Despot had heard much of some of the technologies of the north, and desired to either develop technologies to match them, or to send spies to acquire them.

With the emergence of dwarves, elves and goblins in the world, the Despot regarded them warily but decided that they were relatively harmless, and if they were willing to swear fealty to the state and to sell their services to the Despotate, they would be welcomed. In general however, the human citizenry regarded them with some degree of suspicion at first, but when some of the dwarves and elves and goblins adopted Neo-Christianity as their religion, the suspicion waned. The dwarves and elves in particular established an excellent reputation for fine craft and warfare, and their human counterparts began to respect them and were eager to learn. The goblins however often proved to be rather suicidal and often charged into enemy ranks with bombs

In the 1700, he declared to his people that it was time to reclaim the lands of the Byzantine Empire, and to return the Empire to its days of glory. He declared that he was determined to expunge from the Earth all things daemonic and would regard any nation who worshiped daemons as heretical and would then lead a crusade against them. His people greeted his proposal with joy. By then he was regarded as a living embodiment of Christ himself; the God Emperor of Man.


NeoChristianity is the current state religion. When Iustinianus was proclaimed a living saint, the Patriarchy of Constantinople humbly submitted and named him the patron saint of Constantinople, and revere him with God-like reverence. Despite the Despot eschewing being called "God Emperor", many of the laity and clergy secret venerate him as a representative of God himself. Many of the churches have since been rebuilt and missionaries are regularly sent out to convert the flock and to rally them against the daemonic powers.

Cities of the Despotate

(Does not include towns and minor cities)


*: Newly founded

Among all the cities, Constantinople is the most well defended. The old Walls were restored and improved to allow the mounting of guns, and new walls were constructed, giving the city two rings of defences. The walls along the coast have also been enhanced just so that no enemy can mount a beach landing. Other cities aren't as well defended, but there are plans in the future to upgrade all the city defences.

Byzantine Government

The head of the Despotate of Byzantium, the Despot is the head of the government, followed by a council of hand picked advisers. The Despot is served by a capable civil service that aids the Despot in the implementation of government policy and ensures that taxes are collected to ensure that the state can function. The Despotate is divided into themes governed by governor who administers the provinces and recruits and organizes the thematic army to protect the theme.

The themes are (with capitals in brackets):
Thracia (Byzantium)
Opsikion (Nicea)
Bukellarion (Ancrya)
Thrakesion (Philadelphia)
Samos (Smyrna)


Like the Byzantine Empire of old, the cities of the Despotate are trade hubs and manufacture a wide range of goods, including jewelry, glass, silk and metals. Agriculture is a major component of the economy, providing food for local consumption and export. The trade fleets of the Despotate engage in trade regularly across the Mediterranean and with the Crimean.

The magic of Byzantium

The magic of Byzantium is drawn on the basis of harnessing the powers of the Warp. There are two types of magi; alchemist and psykers. Alchemists draw energies from the other world beyond the "Gate" and to use the energy to transform the anything in nature. However, the more complex the alchemy, the more terrible the cost. Drawing too much of this energy can result in death. It is forbidden to transmutate elements into gold. Psykers on the other hand, are gifted with the use of powerful minds that allow them to inflict powerful energies on the world, and to control others. In general, both types of magic users are valued in the Empire, and the Empire actively seeks out young users early to train them. Rogue psykers and alchemists who are uncontrollable are put to death.

Occasionally, there are magi who are proficient in both types of magic. These are immediately inducted into the Despot's personal daemon hunter forces who seek to destroy all the daemon enemies of the Despotate. Though, alchemists and psykers are capable of hunting daemons, since the former can fashion wards and physically imprint them on the daemons or creating anti-daemon weapons while the latter's psychic powers can neutralise daemon powers.

Science in Byzantium is still highly valued and the Despotate's various universities are well attended. Science also aids alchemists in their understanding of the universe and allows them to find new uses for their alchemy.

Byzantine Military

The Byzantine Military consists of both the thematic armies guarding the themes, and the Imperial Tagmata. The Imperial Tagmata are under the direct command of the Despot, while the thematic troops are under the command of the governor the theme. Thematic troops can be drawn upon by the Despot to reinforce the Imperial Tagmata when required.

Army Organisation

Imperial Chiliarchy

900 Comitatenses
100 Veteran Comitatenses
Total: 1,000 men
Led by a Command Squad consisting of 20 men, including 4 Alchemists and Psykers, 4 doctors (and their medics), and 12 Commanders

Each Chiliarchy has a Battlebarge attached.

Siege Train

Onagers: in groups of 30
Ballistae: in groups of 40
Trebuchae: in groups of 20
Siege Magi: in groups of 40
Great Bombards/Basilisk: in groups of 20
Medium Cannon: in groups of 40
Medium Rockets: in groups of 30
Siege Rockets: in groups of 10
Anti-Air Guns: in groups of 20


Sea Dragons

Aerial Units

Chimera Light Dragons (x 100)
Chimera Medium Dragons (x 50)
Chimera Heavy Dragons (x 25)
Lancer class frigate
Ravager class Cruiser
Hagia Sophia class Battle Barge

Tagma Unit Description

The Byzantine Tagma a highly trained professional field army with a heavy emphasis on flexibility and mobility. Each heavy infantry/heavy cavalry is expected to perform a series of functions, be it forming a phalanx, macemen etc. Humans, elves and dwarves are all allowed to serve the army.

Some notes on armour: Plate in general is alchemically enhanced and can withstand musket fire. This applies to lammelar mail as well, although lammelar mail isn't as effective.


The Comitatenses are prized heavy infantry and are typically armoured in heavy alchemically enhanced lammelar mail, although they do train in alchemically enhanced plate armour when fighting in the far West. They are typically armed with rifle with bayonet, sword, mace and kite shield, plumbatarii, long bow and a short axe. They can also serve the role of Siphonatores. However, Byzantine training doctrine heavily emphasized flexibility, and as a result, Comitatenses are expected perform roles such as phalanx men, armed with a long larrissa made of steel. They can also be equipped with polearms to form shock troops when required as well. Comitatenses are drilled to form various infantry formations when required. They can also fight on foot and on horse, making them remarkably flexible troops. Well drilled, and well armed, tehy are formidable troops in any battle.

Emperor's Personal Guard

Grey Knights

Otherwise known as the Varangian Guards, they are Alpha class Alchemists and Psykers, these men are the best armed fighters in the Despotate. Trained specifically to fight daemons, they fight on foot and on chimera horse. They wield rifles, sword, mace, shield and longbow. The ultimate fighters, and their presence on the battlefield sends dread to their enemies. At least 10 of them will be assigned as the Emperor's Varangian Guards at any time.

Theme Troops

Raised from within the theme itself, these troops are given lands in exchange for fighting for the local governor and are directly loyal to Byzantium itself. They are mainly defenders of the border, though they can be called upon to fight along side the Comitatenses.


They are armoured in mail and shield and trained to fight with sword and spear and rifle. They are armoured with medium lamellar army or medium plate. More numerous but not as formidable as the Comitatenses.


The Limitanei of the current times, they are trained to fight on foot and on horse. Armed similarly to the Comitatenses, but like the Scoutati, their armour and training isn't as good. They are trained mostly to patrol the borders of the Despotate. They can be classified as medium fast cavalry.


These are similar to the Comitatenses and typically serve as the local governor's personal guard. They are armoured slightly better than the Scoutati but still inferior to the Comitatenses.


Trebuchets, ballistae and onagers are pretty standard weapons, using a wide array of projectiles, such as Greek Fire.These are largely constructed by Siege engineers/magi on the battlefield. The Despotate began accumulating gunpowder weapons, and replaced the Great Walls of Constantinople with a new Wall that could better withstand projectiles and could mount now only ballistae and onagers but also countless gunpowder batteries. Although the best metallurgy technologies are used to make the cannons of the Despotate, the Despotate's alchemists enhance the quality of the metals used after fabrication, allowing its cannons to achieve greater range and accuracy.


Amphibious Sea Dragons who can swim underwater, they will deal with ships and underwater enemies of the Despotate.

Air Units

To ensure the Despotate can fight off any attacks from its enemies, the Despotate maintains an arsenal of air units comprising of dragons and battlebarges.

Hagia Sophia class Battle Barges
How the battle barges are created remains a state secret. Believed to harness secret arcane and alchemical technologies, these floating warships are crafted of metal and Roman concrete. It houses hangers for dragons, habitation units for thousands of troops, and many large superguns and medium to light guns. Many a city defender would quail in terror at the side of a monstrous battle barge. Though aerial artillery and bombards can damage a battle barge, it would take many many hits before a battle barge is destroyed. As such however, these ships are used only sparingly. They are also excellent for destroying enemy capital ships.

16 Long range Super Bombard Gun
16 Long range Siege Guns
32 32 pounder guns
28 24 pounders guns
32 12 pounders
48 Anti-Air 88mm flak guns
12 Rocket Batteries (100mm diameter)

Ravager Cruisers

These ships can float or fly depending on mission requirements. They are not as well armed as the Hagia Sophia Battle Barges are designed specifically to destroy enemy ships. They can carry hundreds of troops as well)

4 Long range siege guns
24 32 pounder guns
16 24 pounders guns
28 12 pounders
32 Anti-Air 88mm flak guns
8 Rocket Batteries

Lancer Frigates

These ships can float or fly depending on mission requirements. They are largely fast scouting ships and meant to hunt down pirates.

2 Long range siege guns
12 32 pounder guns
8 24 pounders guns
16 12 pounders
24 Anti-Air 88mm flak guns
4 Rocket Batteries


Constantinople itself is a mighty fortress city, while on the Dardanelles, a fortress resides there as well to guard the passes through the Bosporus. Another fortress has entered low level construction and will likely be completed in the 3rd year.

Other Factions

These factions serve the Despot in many ways and provide for the Despot's armies.


The Inquisition consists of 60 or so psykers and alchemists who are tasked with the destruction of the Despotate's enemies. They are roving agents who will perform various duties, such as daemon hunting, and espionage. There are three Ordos; Ordo Hereticus, Ordo Malleus, and Ordo Xenos. The Psyker school is controlled by the Inquisition. There are plans to increase their numbers in the future. The Inquisition also conducts research into the nature of psychic powers and they are working on numerous projects.

Adeptus Mechanicus

Headed by the Fabricator Chief, the Adeptus Mechanicus provides for the ships, armaments and the weapons of the Despotate.The Adeptus Mechanicus is famed for its technomagic and its magos push the boundary of science and magic vigorously. They closely work together with the Adeptus Alchemi to produce the warships, and the weapons of the Despotate. Among their greatest inventions, is the Gellar Field Generator, which is the basis that powers the Despotate's great aerial navy, for which there is no comparison.

Adeptus Alchemi

Headed by the Chief Alchemist, the Adeptus Alchemi use alchemy to fashion many of the Despotate's advanced metals and gunpowder. They also produce chimeras, alchemically enhanced animals. The Comitatenses ride chimera horses which are stronger and faster than the average horse, as well as having hardened skin. The Adeptus Alchemi also produce the Despotate's chimera dragons.

Army Order of Battle[/size ... U3EQ&hl=en

Imperial Comitatenses
Imperial Fists
Luna Wolves

Imperial Guards
1st Constantinople
1st Nikea
1st Smyrna
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-12-20 11:01am, edited 31 times in total.
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Karmic Knight »

The Empire of the Seine (L’empire De La Seine)

The Flag, the Tricolore with the words 'Disciples de feu'(Followers of Fire) emblazoned across it

The Empire of the Seine is a mostly human totalitarian state run by an omnipresent Eternal King whom is worshipped as a god. ‘Magical’ species in the Empire are given the same treatment as any ‘normal’ human in the Empire, they must pray to the Eternal King or they will be destroyed.

The King

Following a massive sacrifice by the Eternal King, Partik La Fortunate, Follower of the Eternal King, His Majesty’s Voice, His Majesty’s Eyes, His Majesty’s Will, His Majesty’s Divine Messenger, Supreme Commander of His Majesty’s Forces in Combat and in Peacetime, was Declared King Patrik I.

Order of the Knights of the Eternal King:
The Knights of the Eternal King are the best troops the Empire has to offer. They normally act as elite troops or officers in lesser units. They field both heavy and light varieties, and the Imperial Order of Priests is usually close by any member of the Order. The Knights are professional troops, and do not generally own property in the Empire. The Knights are armed with Maces, Poleaxes, or crossbows, and normally ride horses. They contain a back-up ceremonial sword that is kept razor sharp at all times. The Knights have received moderate conditioning, nothing like that given to the Imperial Order of Priests or the King’s Corps, but a fair amount.

De Facto leader of the Knights of the Eternal King: Brother Jean-Paul De Paris, Protector of the Seine, Lord of Castle Rheims, High Priest of Rheims Cathedral

Imperial Order of Priests, Servants of God, and Followers of the Eternal King:
The Imperial Order of Priests control the population of the Empire by installing a healthy fear, reverence, and trust in the Eternal King, and God. The Order’s battlefield uses are few but important, as they bring the best out of even the most skeptical force by channeling divine will through their personage. Many see the Order as the official extension of the Blasphemers, a group that had risen along with the Eternal King and whose existence mere acknowledgment is enough to for an Order’s Priest to put the person to death. The Order also maintains the High Keep in Paris and are said to be the only people worthy of meeting the Eternal King in the flesh.

De Facto Leader of the Imperial Order of Priests, Servants of God, and Followers of the Eternal King: King Patrik I

Normal Forces of the Imperial Army of His Eternal Majesty
Operating a decently standard field of combat, the National Imperial Army (NIA) encompasses ever person in the Empire, as the Agricultural Corps, the Urban Home Corps, and the Mysticism Corps, hold many of the possible combatants away from the field. Forces operated by the NIA include spearmen; axmen; swordsmen; medical personal; mages of various schools; cavalry, both horse-drawn, and that which rest on magical abominations.

Leader of the National Imperial Army: General Paris de Paris, Duke of Belfast

The Eternal King’s Personal Guard (King’s Corps):
The King’s Corp is the personal guard of the Parisian High Keep, and the second closest group to the Eternal King. They receive more indoctrination than even the Imperial Order of Priests, making them hostile to anyone not in their ranks or a member of the Order of Priests.

The Imperial Navy:

Alongside normal transports and warships, the Sea Navy fields a beast known only as Nessiteras rhombopteryx, whom act as submarines for the navy. The beasts were liberated from the rule of some great tyrant by the Eternal King, and they are much more submissive to members of the Order of Priests than the average Imperial Citizen.

The Imperial Air Corps:

The Empire Fields large airship transports, laguz warriors, and special airships.

L’Armée Impériale

His Majesty’s Accounting Sheet

National Imperial Armies – 2810 Hommes
1 – Command and Communications Group – 100 men
4 – Militia (Saif) – 400 men
4 – Militia (Poleaxe) – 400 men
4 – Skirmishers – 400 men
3 - Archers – 300 men
3 – Slingers – 300 men
1 – Standing Army – Saif – 100 men
1 – Standing Army – Heavy Infantry – 100 men
1 – Standing Army – Light Cavalry – 100 men
2 – Standing Army – Heavy Cavalry – 200 men
3 – Magically Backed Cavalry – 300 men
1 – Armored Laguz Support Unit – 100 men
1 – Pilgrim Basic Healer – 10 men

Ire Armée
2eme Armée
3eme Armée
4eme Armée
5eme Armée
6eme Armée
7eme Armée
8eme Armée
9eme Armée
10eme Armée

Spécial Défensive Corps
400 Skinned Hounds
200 Scalon Marines
200 Elytras/Grummites/Gnarls
200 Dark Seducers
200 Golden Saints
10 Gatekeepers

1re Corps
2eme Corps
3eme Corps
4eme Corps
5eme Corps

National Défensive Milice – 10800 hommes
72 – Milice Gunmen
36 – Command et Control Unit

L’Armée Spécial
Knights of the Eternal King:
Northern (Rheims):
1 – Dismounted Poleaxe Squire
1 – Dismounted Poleaxe Knights
1 – Dismounted Spear Knights
2 – Dismounted Archers
2 – Heavy Knights
1 – Mounted Spear Knights
Western (La Havre):
1 – Dismounted Poleaxe Squire
1 – Dismounted Poleaxe Knights
1 – Dismounted Spear Knights
4 – Poleaxe Marine Knights
4 – Spear Marine Knights
2 – Heavy Knights
1 – Mounted Spear Knights
Eastern (Auxerre):
1 – Dismounted Poleaxe Squire
1 – Dismounted Poleaxe Knights
1 – Dismounted Spear Knights
2 – Dismounted Archers
2 – Heavy Knights
1 – Mounted Spear Knights
Parisian (Paris):
1 – Dismounted Poleaxe Squire
1 – Dismounted Poleaxe Knights
1 – Dismounted Spear Knights
2 –Heavy Knights
1 – Mounted Spear Knights
The Kings Corp – 300 men
2 – King’s Heavy Spear Throwers – 100 men
1 – King’s Heavy Melee Troops – 100 men
2 – Pilgrim Basic Healers

The Imperial Navy:
8 – Transports
The Seine Fleet
10 - Riverboats Mk I (Simple Raft)
9 – Riverboats Mk II (Oar Driven)
10 – Riverboat MkIII (Transport)
200 Kappas – River Attack Specialists
Blue Water Navy – Total:
15 - Blue Water Warships ‘Cruisers’
2 – Blue Water Command and Communications Ships
10 – Blue Water Suicide Ships (Fire ships)
4 – Loch Ness Monster ‘Submarines’
Task Force North Sea:
1 – Blue Water Command and Communications Ship
9 – Blue Water Cruisers
2 – Loch Ness Monsters
Task Force Channel:
1 – Blue Water Command and Communications Ship
6 – Blue Water Cruisers
2 – Loch Ness Monsters
100 Kappas
2 - Transports

The Great Keep of Paris – Level 3.
The Shrine of Rheims – Level 1
Le Havre, the Port – Level 1
The Shrine of Auxerre – Level 1

The Command and Communications units (Both Sea and Land) utilize creatures called Laguz, humans that transform into beast at their will. When not transformed, they retain vestigial versions of some of the characteristics of their beast they change into. For example, a Laguz that could change into a hawk would retain useless wings, and yellowish hardened skin around his/her mouth.
The Mages operate inside the fortresses, and would be called upon to be added to a preexisting army: For Example, A group of Sea Mages may be sent to join the 3eme Armee in an amphibious assault.
Last edited by Karmic Knight on 2008-11-30 05:12pm, edited 5 times in total.
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by SisterMiriamGodwinson »

Rhiathons believe Christ is who he says he was, Cthulhu just impersonated him at the same time he existed. Apparently, to the Rhiathons it has to be this way. Only those who believe in Rhiathamus have their special powers. Rogue magicians from other nations are allowed to settle in Rhiathon lands as long as they obey the 'No Cthuluism" rule of the land. Rhiathons believe Cthulhu is an equal demon to Pyrathon(Satan), and that the forces of evil have merely strengthened, not won the battle.

15,000 population (5,000 points)
300 Monk Knights(6,000 points)
1,200 Knights(6,000 points)
4,000 Citizen's Defense Force(8,000)

Rhiathon is a Theocracy. Refugees from around the Scandinavias are aloud to flock to it, however Rhiathon hopes to expand to Scandinavia, as it needs the land. Ireland also looks nice.
Last edited by SisterMiriamGodwinson on 2008-10-24 03:41am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Master_Baerne »

Would you please be so kind as to place me in Western France, i.e. Normandy and Brittany?

Sovereign Duchy of Baerne

In the past, the Baernish tribes were disorganized barbarians fighting over the ruins of earlier civilizations. Two hundred years ago, the son of the chief of one of the wealthier tribes was sent to be educated in Constantinople. There he learned mathematics, philosophy, dialectics, and science. More importantly, however, his teachers imparted the skills of modern engineering and warfare, as well as the fundamentals of magic.

This man was James, the first Duke of Baerne.

His father, Charles, had died during the last year of Jame's studies, and when he returned, he lead the tribe in a decade-long war of conquest that united the Baernish folk and forged the Sovereign Duchy as it now exists.


The flag of the Sovereign Duchy; the stars represent the seven Baernish tribes, the tree the unity provided by the Baernish state, and the crown the overarching authority of the Duke.

Army: 13,000 points
NOTE: Unless otherwise noted, all Baernish troops have mail armor and a helmet.

Cavalry - 5,000 points
Infantry/Artillery - 6,000 points
Elite/Magic - 2,000 points

2,000 Light Horse - 40 points / 100 - Mounted skirmishers, with crossbows, spears, swords, and standard armor.
2,000 Heavy Horse - 40 points / 100 - Knights, with lances, swords, plate mail armor, and a large shield.
1,000 Dragonets - 100 points / 100 - Smallish dragons; think an elephant-sized crocodile with wings. Riders have standard armor, a sword, and a crossbow. Used to achieve aerial superiority over an area. The dragonets wear as much armor as is possible while still remaining light enough to fly.
500 Dragons - 500 points / 100 - Good, old-fashioned fire breathing dragons. The riders are equipped identically to dragonet riders. Used to decimate unprotected ground units. The dragons wear as much armor as is possible while still remaining light enough to fly.

Infantry / Artillery:
6,000 Pikemen - 40 points / 100 - Standard armor, sword, 18-ft pike. Every other man in a pike formation has a 12-foot pike so that there are two lines of spiky death to get past.
3,000 Crossbowmen - 40 points / 100 - Standard armor, sword, crossbow. Generally placed at the center of pike phalanxes.
1,000 Wallbreakers - 40 points / 100 - Plate mail armor, heavy shield, sword, battleaxe. Effectively a walking tank intended to steamroll enemy shield walls.
500 Siege Weapons / Artillery Pieces, as Detailed Below - 400 points / 100:
300 Ballistas
150 Heavy Catapults
50 Trebuchets
NOTE: All artillery usually fires magically-enhanced ammunition; common types include ballista bolts that explode and and catapult shots that fill an area with movement-impairing stony spikes.
NOTE: These weapons are separate from those emplaced in fortresses, which are counted under the cost of that fortress.

Magic-Using Troops
200 Ducal Guards - 400 points / 100 - Wallbreakers with magically-enhanced armor and weapons. Generally speaking, the armor is much lighter, much stronger, and allows the wearer to fly for short distances, and the weapons discharge a massive electrical shock when the cut into something.
200 Spellweavers - 650 points / 100 - Sorcerers who specialize in battle magic - lightning, fire, and large-scale necromancy are favorites of the Ducal Spellcorps.
1 Blood Warlord Prince - Saetan SaDiablo - 500 points / 1 - The Black Jewels have been experimenting for a very great deal of time with the powers of the Blood Gems granted them by Mother Night, and the recently-perfected Offering to the Darkness ritual allows select mages to ascend to almost insane levels of power using them. The solitary Warlord Prince yet created has not made the Offering yet, and as such is limited to a small portion of his potential strength.
1 Blood Queen - Jaenelle Angelline - 1000 points / 1 - The female equivalent of a Warlord Prince is a Queen, who commands the darkest, and therefore greatest power yet seen in this world - or will, after her Offering to the Darkness is complete.
Navy: 7000 points

River/Coastal Ships - 2000 points
Ocean-Going Ships - 5000 points

500 All-Purpose Galleys - 40 points / 1 - A small trireme with twenty oarsmen and twenty marines. Used by civilians (without the marines) to transport small-to-medium quantities of goods along the coast, and by the navy to deter pirates and police the territorial waters of the Sovereign Duchy.
20 Men o' War - 100 points / 1 - Effectively, an British sailing frigate with ballistas instead of cannon.
8 Tortoise Ships - 400 points / 1 - A large ship covered with spiky steel plates and filled with 20 ballistas.
2 Dragon Carriers - 400 points / 1 - A tortoise ship sans armor, and filled with five dragons and twenty dragonets. Also their riders, and sufficient stores to keep everyone fed for six months at sea.

Fortresses: No points expended
Fortress Baerne: Level 3 Fortress - The citadel at the heart of the Sovereign Duchy's capital is the only true fortress in the land. The Duchy relies on it's mobile forces to smash anyone who invades in the field.

Magic Pool: 5,000 points The Ducal Spellcorps maintains a reservoir of magical energy that can be expended to accomplish all manner of usually-impossible things.
Last edited by Master_Baerne on 2008-12-05 03:48pm, edited 7 times in total.
Conversion Table:

2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Akhlut »

The Glorious Republic of Crimea

The Republic of Crimea was founded shortly after the Fall. The Crimea, under the control of the Byzantines, was thankfully separated by the Black Sea, the Caucasus, and the Danube from Constantinople, and while the insanity finally came upon them, they were warned and had some time. Yes, they had fallen, but not as far. The monstrosities that came by land could be held, with some difficulty, at the isthmus of the Crimean peninsula. Whenever the beasts let up, the Crimeans, though desperate and miserable, built walls to at least slow the beasts and guide them toward bottlenecks.

By water, though, the Crimeans had other problems. Terrible fish men came from the Black Sea, raiding the coasts, eating humans and otherwise sowing discord. However, the people learned that just leaving livestock would placate them, if there was enough.

All the while, many Venetian merchants from Constantinople had fled here, and their talk about Republic, along with Cherson's practice from the old Hellenic Empire of electing Archons, made a distinct impression upon the populace. They had decided that if no Emperor could save them, then perhaps the leader should be elected whom they thought could save them. Thus, the Crimeans elected one of their number, an older commmander from Constantople, to save them. They elected Ioannes Komemnos as their first Basileus, and he directed the war effort. While it was easy enough to hold the isthmus, it was difficult to keep the coasts safe with the terrible fish creatures constantly raiding. He consulted a few of the mad men in the asylums about it, until one gave him a mostly coherent answer. The mad man, a Venetian who came in on a large merchant vessel that was abandoned, gave him a scrap of paper with strange chants inscribed on it, and told Ioannes to speak the chant thrice, and throw precious jewels into the sea to summon the lord of the fish men and make a pact with him.

Ioannes did this, and the lord did come. He was Dagon, the child of Mother Tiamat, and Ioannes managed to convince him, no one knows how, to make an eternal pact with the Republic, although, in return, the Deep Ones, as they were now known, were fully integrated into the Republic.

Further, the religion of the people had morphed, with Jesus being conflated with Mithra, and the reverence for the old gods returning. Some even started to believe that Jesus was not son of Jehovah, but of Zeus! This spread throughout the Republic, offering some hope, but not the salvation that they knew wasn't coming.

The Republic also gleefully added any new members to its Republic as it could. Descendents of vikings, the Iorikids, came down the rivers from Scandinavia, and began trading and living in the Republic, eventually becoming full-fledged members. In the nearby, new volcano Surt, fire giants lived and started trading, and they, too, became integrated with the Republic. Other, lesser peoples and races were also integrated in this manner, forming the modern Republic.

Crimean Christianity

Crimean Christianity is the result of Orthodox Christianity, Mithraism, and old Greek paganism blending together. The Crimean peninsula was always a bit behind the curve religion-wise from the rest of the Hellenic region, thus, it had harbored the older ways for far longer then elsewhere. After the Fall, a lot of the influential priests of Zeus started to fight with the Orthodox priests and lone bishop over what the Fall indicated. The Christians obviously thought this was the result of the Apocalypse, while the pagans thought it more to be the result of titans escaping back to earth. The laity, however, was unconcerned with the why, and merely wanted comfort. The Basileus, Giovanni di Marco (a descendent of the Venetian merchants), had a vision, though (or, at least, claimed to): that God almighty had spoken to him, and revealed himself as Zeus. Zeus claimed that Jesus was his favored son, and had appeared already as Mithra, before needing to return again as Jesus to spread his message to the Roman Empire. Giovanni said that as he was not a theologian, and that Zeus had only given him that message to comfort both flocks, that the priests on both sides would have to reconcile things.

Thus convened the decidedly non-ecumenical Council of Eupatoria. There met the single bishop of the diocese of Crimea, Sergius, along with 507 Orthodox priests, and 29 priests of Hellenic paganism. Because of the majority of Christians at the Council, even with Giovanni presiding, the new religion took a decidedly Christian bent. While Giovanni managed to convince Sergius and many key priests, the priests were still split 302-205 in recognizing Zeus as being God. Many techniques were used to convince members of the reality of Zeus's divinity, such as "Jove" and "Jehovah" being so similar, accounts of old Hebrew references to God being primarily a thunder deity, similarities between Dionysus and Jesus, and many other fairly circumstantial pieces of evidence to connect the two. Eventually, the Council agreed on Zeus being God, the sacredness of oaks, thunder, and lightning, as well as many of the lesser Greek gods actually being angels. However, many other theological points were kept firmly Christian, such as the trinity (with Zeus being the father, Jesus being the Son, and the Holy Spirit remaining as such), Jesus' virgin birth by Mary (discussions of Zeus taking an earthly form and seducing Mary were viciously yelled down as opposing both the divine and Mary's virtue), and the Eucharist. Thus, Crimean Christianity remained, primarily, Orthodox Christianity, but with some blending of old Hellenism, which had the effect of placating and incorporating those remaining pagans in Crimea.

The civil flag of the Republic. The double eagle, the purple, and the cross all represent the Republic's connection to the old Byzantine Empire and Roman Republic, while the blue wave represents the Republic's connection and reliance on the Black Sea.


Crimean Troops

Light Infantry: Archers
Atl-atl Javeliners

These troops are all armored identically, with simple leather vests and bucklers (for archers) or small shields (militia and javeliners). The archers are equipped with simple longbows and have hatchets in case they happen to get into melee. Militia are equipped mainly with maces or axes, depending on what they are provided with by the armory. The javeliners are equipped with a dozen javelins, an atl-atl, and hatchets. All these troops have some training, as training is mandated by the Republic for a period of 15 days every month during the winter, 10 days a month in the summer, and 5 days a month in spring and fall (so as to not interfere with planting and harvest). They are obviously not superiorly trained, but they can overcome most peasant levies.

Heavy Infantry: Crossbowmen

The heavy infantry are all part of the professional armies of the Republic. They are well-paid, well-trained, and have superior morale because of their good wages and, usually, devotion to the Republic and its ideals.

The crossbowmen are fairly well-armored, with leather vests and chainmail. They have a windlass system for drawing the bow and pavises for protection. The crossbowmen utilize a “1/3rd” concept wherein 1/3rd of the group is firing, the other third is ready to replace them once they fire, and the last third is reloading the windlass.

Spearmen are well armored, with brigandine armor over chainmail, and large shields. They are equipped with long spears (11 ft. long) and simple maces, should worst come to worst. They utilize as many ranks as can get their spears into the enemy, which is usually around 3-4.

Halberdiers are extremely well armored, with solid steel cuirasses and chainmail. They are equipped with halberds that are 9 feet long, with a heavy axe blade, a spear point, and a hook on the side opposite the axe blade. They are some of the most well-trained Crimean troops.

Legionaries are the evolution of the Roman legions of ages past. These swordsmen are equipped with broadswords, chainmail, leather vests, and large shields. They are well-trained, professional soldiers.


Super-Heavy Infantry: Launchers
Chieftain Guard
Fire Shamans
Fire Guard

Launchers are the 'lightest' of the Surtites. They tend to be adolescent fire giants who are learning the ropes of warfare and, as such, have some of the poorest melee equipment. Their armor is simply metal bands (often brass) riveted onto heavy burlap padding. However, given the size of the plates and padding, it is often comparable to moderate human armor. They also carry small shields that are 4 feet in diameter Their melee weapons tend to be 'short' swords (though, for them, this often exceeds three feet in length). However, the most defining feature, and that for which they are named, is their launcher: a wooden and metal device resembling a jai alai cesta. The launcher is used to propel leaden bullets that are approximately 6 inches in diameter or about 25 pounds in weight. Because of the launcher, this can be done with extreme velocity and decent accuracy. While they have training, they are somewhat wild troops because of their youth and predilection for vainglory.

Thanes are the original warriors of the Surtites. They are fire giants charged with defending the land and those living on it. The quality of their arms and armor varies some, but is relatively consistent. They often utilize scale armor and chainmail, and are usually equipped with large two-handed swords that are up to 10 feet in length. They are fairly well trained, and are essentially professional soldiers. As such, they have decent training and morale.

The Chieftain Guard and Fire Guard are essentially identical, with each representing the best thanes chosen from Surtite society. They have the best arms and armor available to the Surtites, and while it is the same type as the thanes, it is of superior construction and quality. The main difference is that the Fire Guard receive some magical assistance from the Fire Shamans in the way of buffs.

Fire Shamans are some of the highest members of Surtite society, being the religious and magical leaders. They have mystic control over fire and can imbue the weapons and armor of the Fire Guard with flame, as well as healing the injured and sending gouts of flame at the enemy. They themselves are no slouches in combat, wearing solid brass cuirasses shined to a mirror finish and blessed to resist evil spirits and magic and carrying magical scepter-maces imbued with the rare fire-rubies pulled from the lava of the volcano Surt.


Light Infantry: Boar Scouts

Boar Scouts are followers of the Boar totem and, while not being able to transform into boar-men, they are still able to go through forests quickly and relatively quietly, like the Boar they venerate. They are very lightly armored, in either leather, hide, or thick cloth, so as to maintain their speed and stealth. They are also fairly lightly armed, with simple bows, small battleaxes, knives, and other small edged weapons. They are well-trained and self-sufficient, so they are able to operate away from the main front in order to subdue small revolts through guerrilla warfare or to spy on troop movements.

Skirmishers are followers of either totem and are mainly harassment troops, used to sneak up on archers and sow chaos in their ranks, or interrupt supply trains, or the like. They are usually only armored with thick leather vests, some chainmail, and rigid metal helmets (usually steel). They are equipped with axes, medium shields, and swords. They are moderately well-trained and fanatically loyal.

Heavy Infantry: Raiders
Totem Shaman

Raiders are the mainstay of the Iorikids, comprising perhaps 50% of the adult male population of Iorikids living in the Republic. These men are primarily fishermen when not at war, but when war comes, they gird themselves admirably. Wearing a combination of chainmail and bronze cuirasses, they are often fairly adequately protected, while their large shields help defend them against most arrows and blows. They also wear steel helmets. Their preferred weapon is the battleaxe or a medium-length sword. They tend to be better trained then skirmishers, and hold lines better than they do, and in the Republican army, they act in conjunction with spearmen and halberdiers to fight off other melee troops.

Berserks are the shock troops of the Republican army, with their ability to transform into bear-man or boar-man hybrids. They often eschew armor, instead preferring mystical amulets that functionally provide similar protection as thick leather armor. They are equipped with large axes or maces, as well as their ferocious natural weapons. While unflinching in the face of any foe, they tend not to be all that organized on the field of battle, preferring to rush any troops they can and tearing them limb from limb, and moving onto their next victims. This often has an intense psychological effect on their enemies.

Totem Shamans worship the Norse gods and give their Iorikid fellows the powers of their animal totems. They give blessings of bear strength and boar ferocity, as well as some healing. They are otherwise equipped as the raiders they serve.

Deep Ones

Special Units: Deep One Predator
The Favored
Dagon, Son of Mother Tiamat

Deep One Predators are simply adult Deep Ones. They are supreme swimmers, able to keep pace with any boat not given magical assists (and even some with). Even though water negates gravity, the Deep Ones are still much stronger than humans because of the inherent resistance of moving in their watery homes. Because of their gas bladders, they are able to swim adequately, even when carrying metal tools like saws, hatchets, knives, and harpoons. The Deep Ones are vicious anti-ship troops, boarding at night and overpowering and slaughtering human passengers. Because they can breathe air as well as water, they also make forays inland, especially at night, to raid and kill the foes of the Republic whom they are bound to.

The Favored are the shamans of the Deep Ones, worshiping Mother Tiamat and spreading her blessings among the Deep Ones, and controlling the oceans in which they live They have some control over ocean animals, able to summon dolphins, squid, and other normal sized animals, as well as sea birds and marine arthropods. They can also control currents and waves, but only in localized areas. Otherwise, they are almost identical to the Deep Ones they lead.

The Kraken is a monstrous beast, as large as a ship. It mixes the worst features of fish, lobsters, and squid. It's head is like a giant, armored cephalapod, with great bulging eyes, enormous tentacles, and a vicious beak. Its body is covered in a great arthropod carapace, with large chelicerae able to crush boats. The beast terminates in a large, whipping eel tail. It mostly does what it wishes, but Dagon has control over the monster.

Dagon, Son of Mother Tiamat, is a Deep One of enormous size. Whereas his lesser brethren are the size of humans, Dagon is larger than even the largest Surtite. He, though, in reality, Dagon is sexless, is around 20 ft. tall, and covered in golden crowns, necklaces, and rings, studded with the precious stones he so jealously covets. He is the one the Republic made contact with and bound in a contract with, and he executes it with ruthless hate against any daring to oppose the Republic. He is a powerful sorceror, able to summon mighty oceanic storms at a moment's notice, and able to make whirlpools of immense size and speed. He can pound ships into driftwood with his fists and devour men in two bites. He is the wrath of the sea incarnate.

Crimean Cavalry, Siege Weapons, and Special Troops

Mounted Crossbowmen
Heavy Horsemen

The horse crossbowmen are simply the crossbowmen on horses, except without pavises. Their crossbows are also smaller, but they have the advantage of being able to move quickly across the battlefield.

Heave horsemen are the result of the combination of Byzantine Cataphracts and Venetian Knights. They are extremely well trained troops utilizing solid steel cuirasses and scale armor for limb mobility. Their horses are also well-armored. They have good morale, but are slow on the battlefield because of the weight their horses must bear. They are armed with large shields, swords, maces, and lances.

Trebuchets and Ballistae are just standard medieval siege weapons. Trebuchets are counterweight-powered catapults, and ballistae are oversized crossbows.

Priests follow all-mighty Zeus, and dispense his blessings and his wrath among the world. They provide healing to the troops of the Republic, while stabbing with spears of lightning at their enemies. They are equipped with spears and leather vests, and tend to stay at the back of the army, preferring to act as medics, and only using their magic offensively if needed. They are skilled in the arts of divination, at least according to their own words.

Griffons are beasts the size of a large lion, with a lion's hind limbs with the front of an eagle. They can fly, and are smart enough to be trained as attack animals. They can understand simple commands (“kill those people over there”), but nothing too specific. While they cannot be armored, their own skin is as hard as leather, and they are easily capable of picking up men and dropping them from great heights if their beak and claws can't penetrate.

Iorikid Cavalry


Marauders are mounted raiders, for all intents and purposes. They utilize horses to move quickly on the battlefield to exploit holes in fronts, weakening troops, or other opportunities.

Surtite Siege Weapons and Special Troops

Basalt Fire Golems
Fotia, the Fire Lord

The Doorknocker is a large, speciality battering ram designed to open the gates of fortresses. It is made of a column of basalt 50 ft. long and 10 ft. in diameter. It is mounted on a large wooden and metal frame, while the column is pulled back by an number of fire giants and the column then falls into the gate by pendulum motion. The column weighs approximately 736,600 pounds or 334,800 kilograms. The frame is covered on top by a sheet of bronze to prevent hot oil or arrows from hitting the operators.

Sappers are Surtite engineers, trained in the arts of excavation and sabotage. While explosives are unknown to them, they do know how to strategically pull support timbers from tunnels to collapse them, thus helping to bring down walls. They are armed with shovels, picks, and other such weapons used for excavation. Because they are sized for giants and wielded by giants, anything else in the tunnels can face large problems.

Basalt Fire Golems are magically animated constructs of basalt carved to resemble the Surtites. They are 15 feet tall and have magical fire-rubies implanted into them, which in conjunction with the sacred ceremonies of the fire shamans, imbues them with something like life. These basalt creations then catch on fire, burning without fuel. They are fearsome creations, able to crush and incinerate most lesser beasts in their stony grip.

Fotia, the Fire Lord is the most powerful of the fire shamans. He leads them in their worship of their inscrutable fire god whose name is known only among the Surtites. He wields a giant brass mace that is inscribed with holy runes and has within it the largest fire ruby yet found. He wears brass armor (cuirass, leg guards, arm guards, helmet), steel chainmail, and has a shield that is shined to perfect mirror finish. His tremendous physical strength is not his greatest asset, though. Instead, it is his divine connection to the primordial fire god. He can conjure fires hot enough to make iron boil and melt even tungsten. While lesser fire shamans can summon gouts of flame, the Fire Lord can make whirlwinds of flame and send them toward his foes.


Living in the same small mountain range as the Surtites, the dwarves were integrated into the Republic alongside the Surtites. They do not serve in much combat capacity, but mainly as smithies and engineers. They do field some troops in times of need, though.

Infantry: Dwarven Militia
Dwarven Engineers

The dwarven militia are well-equipped, moderately trained soldiers. They are equipped with fine scale mail, proportionately large shields (covering most of their body), and hammers.

Dwarven engineers are well-versed in matters of architecture and wartime sabotage. They tunnel, set charges, and otherwise work to open up fortresses for the Republic.

Special Troops: Rocket Artillery

Rocket artillery was recently developed by the dwarves, who have been plying the secrets of gunpowder for the past 80 years. By attaching a small reserve of gunpowder with a small nozzle on a javelin, then putting that javelin with 99 others on a small cart, the dwarves have made a surprisingly fearsome weapon.


Light Dromon
Heavy Dromon

The transports are exactly that. They are large ships explicitly designed to move as much cargo as possible. They have a minimal crew, but can carry 200 troops.

Light dromons are small warships, with 100 rowers, 20 sailors, and 30 marines. This dromon's marines carry windlass crossbows.

Heavy dromons are larger warships, with 160 rowers, 40 sailors, and 80 marines. This dromon is equipped with ballistae, as well as windlass equipped marines.

The Glorious Republic of Crimea

Militia - 25 Points
Archers - 25 Points
Atl-Atl Javeliners - 30 Points
Crossbowmen - 45 Points
Spearmen - 45 Points
Halberdiers - 50 Points
Legionaries - 45 Points
Launchers - 85 Points
Thanes - 90 Points
Chieftain/Fire Guard - 100 Points
Fire Shamans - 15 Points/Shaman
Boar Scouts - 30 Points
Skirmishers - 35 Points
Raiders - 45 Points
Berserks - 60 Points
Totem Shaman - 1 Points/Shaman
Deep One Predator - 60 Points
The Favored - 1.2 Points/Favored
The Kraken - 1200 Points
Dagon - 2000 Points
Mounted Crossbowmen - 50 Points
Heavy Horsemen - 70 Points
Trebuchet - 15 Points/Trebuchet
Ballistae - 5 Points/Ballista
Priests - 7 Points/Priest
Griffons - 5 Points/Griffon
Marauders - 50 Points
Doorknocker - 100 Points
Sappers - 85 Points
Basalt Fire Golems - 150 Points
Fotia - 1,500 Points
Dwarven Militia - 40 Points
Engineers - 40 Points
Rocket Artillery - 10 Points/Piece
Transport - 100 Points
Light Dromon - 150 Points
Heavy Dromon - 280 Points

Army of the Republic
Infantry: 23,326
Cavalry: 2,000
Hmm, I seem to be leaning heavily in one direction...

Militia x 10 = 250 Points
Archers x 5 = 125 Points
Atl-Atl Javeliners x 5 = 150 Points
Crossbowmen x 15 = 675 Points
Spearmen x 10 = 450 Points
Halberdiers x 10 = 500 Points
Legionaries x 15 = 675 Points
Launchers x 5 = 425 Points
Thanes x 5 = 450 Points
Chieftain Guard x 1 = 100 Points
Fire Guard x 2 = 200 Points
Fire Shaman x 5 = 75 Points
Boar Scouts x 5 = 150 Points
Skirmishers x 4 = 140 Points
Raiders x 10 = 450 Points
Berserks x 5 = 300 Points
Totem Shamans x 25 = 25 Points
Mounted Crossbowmen x 10 = 500 Points
Heavy Horsemen x 5 = 350 Points
Trebuchet x 12 = 180 Points
Ballistae x 12 = 60 Points
Priests x 10 = 70 Points
Griffons x 10 = 50 Points
Marauders x 5 = 250 Points
Doorknocker x 1 = 100 Points
Sappers x 1 = 85 Points
Basalt Fire Golems x 3 = 450 Points
Fotia x 1 = 1,500 Points

Total = 9,470

Navy of the Republic
Transport x 10 = 1000 Points
Light Dromon x 5 = 750 Points
Heavy Dromon x 5 = 1400 Points
Dagon x 1 = 2000
The Kraken x 1 = 1200
The Favored x 50 = 60 Points
Deep One Predators x 5 = 300 Points

Total = 6,710

Grand Total = 16,180

Free Fortress

Level 3 Fortress on Crimean Isthmus

Added Fortresses

Level 1 Fortress in Southern Crimea (2,500)
Level 1 Fortress in Northern Crimea (2,500)

Grand Total = 21,180
3,820 of EPIC MAGIC

Armies of the Republic

The First Army of Taurica, Guardians of the Gate to Taurica

200 Legionaries
100 Spearmen
300 Halberdiers
300 Crossbowmen
200 Militia
100 Archers
200 Raiders
5 Griffons
4 Trebuchet
4 Ballistae
100 Basalt Fire Golems
5 Priests

Total: 1,400 Infantry, 100 Goelms, 8 War Engines, 10 Special

The Second Army of Taurica

200 Legionaries
200 Spearmen
300 Crossbowmen
100 Militia
100 Archers
100 Skirmishers
100 Raiders
100 Mounted Crossbowmen
Total: 1,100 Infantry, 100 Cavalry

The Third Army of Taurica

200 Legionaries
200 Spearmen
200 Crossbowmen
200 Militia
100 Atl-atl Javeliners
200 Raiders
2 Ballistae

Total: 1,100 Infantry, 2 War Engines

First Army of Leukopolis

400 Legionaries
100 Spearmen
100 Halberdiers
100 Archers
100 Crossbowmen
100 Militia
100 Raiders
2 Trebuchet

Total: 1,000 Infantry, 2 War Engines

Second Army of Leukopolis

200 Legionaries
100 Spearmen
200 Halberdiers
100 Atl-Atl Javeliners
100 Crossbowmen
100 Marauders
100 Boar Scouts

Total: 800 Infantry, 100 Cavalry

Army of the East, 1st Division

200 Legionaries
100 Spearmen
100 Halberdiers
200 Atl-atl Javeliners
200 Militia
200 Crossbowmen
100 Raiders
400 Mounted Crossbowmen
100 Marauders
100 Boar Scouts
100 Skirmishers
2 Trebuchet
2 Ballistae

Total: 1,300 Infantry, 500 Cavalry, 4 War Engines

Army of the East, 2nd Division

200 Legionaries
200 Spearmen
200 Halberdiers
100 Atl-atl Javeliners
200 Militia
100 Crossbowmen
200 Archers
200 Raiders
100 Skirmishers
100 Boar Scouts
200 Marauders
200 Heavy Horsemen
200 Mounted Crossbowmen
2 Trebuchet
2 Ballistae
10 Totem Shamans
100 Thanes
100 Launchers

Total: 1,600 Infantry, 200 Giant Infantry, 600 Cavalry, 10 Special, 4 War Engines
Last edited by Akhlut on 2008-11-08 08:01pm, edited 7 times in total.
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by PeZook »

Pogorian Kingdom

The folk of Central Europe always led a harsh life, bereft from the benefits of civilization. The unforgiving climate and dense forests made their lands difficult to tame.

Because of that, the Slavic tribes inhabitating those lands are hardy folk, accustomed to hardship and difficulty in everyday life. With hard work and dedication, they managed to forge a country which, a mere century after its inception, managed to succesfully stand against much more powerful and militant countries of the West.

The Polans, as they called themselves before the Fall, also had vivid imaginations, creating a plethora of legends and stories about the spirits and creatures which were said to live in the forests, representing the many dangers that children and grown men alike could fall prety to if they didn't stay careful.

A good prey for the Fallen and their foul powers.

When the first Fallen Knight appeared in Krakow, then a capital of the nascent Polish Kingdom, nobody was overly worried. Stories from the southern lands were dismissed as gossip, too incredible to actually be true. The Knight was thrown in prison for heresy, and as far as the late Polish king was concerned, that was that.

The very next day, when the morning watch came to the prison tower to take over, they found everyone inside was dead.

The Poles found out quickly the stories they've heard were anything but false. The Knight emerged from his dungeon, announcing his message of the End Times to anyone who would listen. Some listened, and some fled. Those who stayed grew insane hearing his foul words, and soon the city bathed in lights of the massive fires set to it by those lost souls, just like so many others before it.

The proud Kingdom fell soon thereafter, as its armies were nothing compared to the horrors unleashed by the Fallen. Silence fell upon the woods, and once more the Slavic lands were inhabitated only by scattered tribes, desperately trying to survive.

It was but a hundred years ago that, finally, a champion arose with ambition to rebuild the old kingdom. His name was was Mir, and he bore no family name, though he'd later assume one.

Mir The Restorer came from one of the mountain tribes which managed to fare relatively well against the dark horrors unleashed during the Fall. He was ambitious, intelligent, charismatic and knew how to deal with the new world of magic. Just the kind of person needed to restore civilization.

Through more than thirty years, Mir forged alliances, engaged in sly diplomacy and conquest. This, eventually, resulted in formation of the Pogorian Kingdom - named to signify the rise from ashes of a new era. His heirs would continue his work, with the eventual goal of restoring the great Polan nation.

Today, Pogoria is still very much a land of mystery, held together by a network of internal alliances and ancient agreements between various internal factions. The capital resides in Krakow, rebuilt from ruin merely fifty years ago. Very little knowledge of the old times remains in Pogorian hands: they know enough, however, to still have a strong sense of national identity, bolstered by fuzzy legends about the "glorious ancient past".

Current politics

Pogoria is still a fragile nation, held together by ancient fealties and alliances of convenience. Even during its heyday before the Fall, the Kingdom was a very young nation. Thus, many people living in Pogoria are tied not with national bonds, but by personal oaths they swore to the King.

Thus, a delicate system of internal alliances exists.

Factions inside the Kingdom include the druids and woodsmen who follow them, the Forest Witches, the nobility and cityfolk. The druids swore their loyalty to the King long ago, during times of Mir The Restorer: according to these accords, they support the Kingdom and provide bodyguards for the King, while he protects the woodsmen with his armies and makes sure the woods themselves and creatures within them are not overly exploited.

The Forest Witches are a most mysterious group, who serve the Royal Court for no apparent reason. They are malevolent, gnarled old women with no usual interest in politics. Some are half-insane from the magic they practice, and yet more than three hundred of them serve the King.

The cityfolk and nobility constantly fight each other for power and priviledged, dissatisfied with the fact that the Royal Court depends so much on magic-wielding advisors. The antgaonism is very serious, and more than once assassination and blackmail was used in this fight.

The Pogorian Army

The Kingdom maintains a large standing army, well paid and organized, deployed in forts throughout the realm. It is composed almost exclusively of humans, classically armed and supported by druid healers.

Some people, however, whisper the Kingdom's armed forces contain more than mere warriors and healers. There are rumors of children purposefully converted into raging Strigas, of Nymphs and Nightmares summoned by the myserious Witches Of The Court, of talking animals and reclusive druid mages concotting terrible rituals to aid the Kingdom in its quest for glory.

Currently, the army which can be quickly called upon includes:

Druzyna (bodyguard retinue): 150 men (240 gold per unit)
Pancerni (pogorian lancers): 3000 men (100 gold per unit)
Pogorian woodsmen: 6000 men (80 gold per unit)
Tarczownicy (spearmen): 8000 men (40 gold per unit)
Strzelcy (light crossbow and axe cavalry): 4000 men (60 gold per unit)
Zbrojni (armored noble swordsmen): 3000 men (40 gold per unit)
Lesnicy (archer woodsmen): 7000 men (30 gold per unit)
Militia: 13000 men used for policing (20 gold per unit)

The Pogorian Army also employs more exotic beings, however:

Wybrancy (druid bodyguards): 50 men (800 gold per unit)
Forest Witches of The Court: 500 serve the King (500 gold per unit)
Strigas (women cursed into flesh-eating monsters): 200 beasts (100 gold per unit)
Forest nymphs: 300 spirits (150 gold per unit)
Battle druids (armored healers and shock troops): 400 men (300 gold per unit)
Zmory (evil spirits): 100 creatures (500 gold per units)

Wybrancy (The Chosen):

Since the Fall, druid covens living deep inside the vast primordial forests of what was once Poland have gained tremendous political power. While most of those ancient, powerful wizards have gone insane from centuries of dwelling in the forests, interacting daily with their many wonders and mysteries, many still remain sane.

Wybrancy are an elite group chosen from amongst the druids, who swear to defend the King with their lives, as dictated by an ancient agreement. Wearing magical armor, wielding fine weapons and even more powerful magic, they make for fine bodyguards indeed.

Type: Elite bodyguard spellcasters.
Price/unit: 800 gold

Druzyna (Royal Retinue):

Drawn from the Pogorian nobility, those excellent fighting men are lavishly equipped with arms and armor, and skilled in all forms of combat.

Type: Royal bodyguards of the more standard type
Price: 240 gold

Forest Witches Of The Court:

The Forest Witches are gnarled, fragile old women who sustain themselves with magical spells. They live deep inside the densest Pogorian woods, and it is said that even the druids never venture near their homes without good reason.

These women are ill-tempered and wicked, enjoying playing with people's fates and destinies. Becoming a witch is a long and ardorous process, involving many foul rituals and stripping of one's old personality.

Some say that the woods themselves corrupt these young women. Others say it is the powerful dark magic they dabble in which leave them blind and withered, yet of iron will.

Either way, their magic is as powerful as it is mysterious. They hear and see everything which happens in the forests. They commune with animals,magical beasts and spirits and force them to do their bidding. They even breed powerful Strigas for protection, cursing young women to give birth to the foul monsters. They can cast curses and twist the very strings of destiny.

For reasons not entirely known even to the King himself, some forest witches chose to serve the Royal Court as advisors and powerful spellcasters. Perhaps this choice is related to their unclear relationship with the druids, who are rumored to ritually breed with forest witches during the winter solstice?

Type: Powerful spellcasters of dubious motives
Price: 500 gold

Zmory (Nightmares):

Few know of this fact, but the Pogorian court communes regularly with eldricht monsters from the beyond. Strigas, born as corrupted children. Forest nymphs, who tear men's souls from their bodies.

And Nightmares.

These spirits are embodiments of humanity's most primordial fears. They signified death in one's sleep, impossible to predict and horrifying beyond belief. And after the Fall, they came into existence.

They move through the world of dreams, searching for minds to feed on. Then they enter a suspectible mind and corrupt it, feeding on its fear. Nightmares are horrible creatures, impossible to physically fight, though only preying on the sleeping. Should they attack, their victim is at their mercy, and many have been found dead in their beds, their faces contorted with fear.

Forest Witches call upon these beasts to do their bidding, and the Royal Court ruthlessly uses them. Despite the fact they are barely controllable (and incoherent), they do the King's bidding as assassins and saboteurs, sowing fear and death amogst his enemies.

One day, though, they may turn on the Royal Court itself.

Type: Evil spirits working as spies and assassins
Price: 500 gold


Created by cursing a young woman or baby, and then killing them, the Strigas are horrible monsters whose only instinct is to hunt and feast upon the raw flesh of their prey. Malformed, with bulging muscles and horribly sharp claws and teeth, these creatures can move through the forest with frightening speed, and even well armed and armored warriors are not guaranteed to defeat them.

A striga only wakes at night, spending the day sleeping in a dark place. It then goes out to hunt.

The Pogorian Royal court does not admit this, but it snagged nearly two hundred young women from their families. The Forest Witches who serve the King cursed thesem, and all captives were then ritually murdered. By powerful spells, the Witches made the horrible monsters take their original human shape - they are anchored in this state by specially crafted amber amulets. Of course, a human-shaped stirga is still a monster inside, and thus is unable to speak, and acts more like a frightened animal than a human. When needed, however, they are brought to the battlefield or gifted to an enemy and turn into monsters soon, doing the bidding of their masters.

For the time being.

Type: Huge, brutal flesh-eating monsters
Price: 100 gold

Forest nymphs

In the ancient forests dwell many creatures which men fear, but few speak to specifically male fears as much as the forest nymphs.

These mischevious spirits take the form of stunningly beautiful young women, and using magic, entice soldiers, explorers and woodsmen alike to follow them deep inside the forests. Once these men are dragged deep enough inside, a nymph feeds on his very soul, tearing it asunder from the man's body. He then becomes a hollow shell, little more than a wild animal...if he manages to survive in the primordial forest.

When a pack of these creatures forms, which sometimes happens, they can even attack small settlements outright. Moving swiftly as the wind between the forest trees, they strike against the males of the town, leaving them drooling wrecks by the hundreds.

Type: (Sexy) evil spirits
Price: 150 gold

Battle druids:

Unlike Wybrancy, Battle Druids are common rank-and-file spellcasters, who support Pogorian armies with their healing and mind-influencing powers. They are a precious resource, especially since their affinity with the woods make it possible for them to use the very forest itself to the advantage of Pogorian armies. They also wear excellent runic armor and wield fine-quality weapons, making them good shock troops in case the situation gets desperate.

Type: Battle spellcasters
Price: 300 gold

Pogorian woodsmen:

The woodsmen of Pogoria are tough and hardy, spending their lives doing very dangeorus work in a very dangerous environment. Levied from their villages, given excellent arms and weapons, they form the core of Pogorian heavy infantry.

Each woodsman wears excellent plate and is armed with a huge battleaxe and a reflex bow. Trained and fight in formation, these are very dangerous units indeed. Even if their formation is broken up, their knowledge of the forest, skill with an axe and sheer strenght still makes them a force to be reckoned with.

Type: Heavy infantry
Price: 80 gold


Decent spear-and-shield armed infantry, tarczownicy are drawn as city and peasant levies, given mail armor and training, and then sent around Pogoria as needed. Their spears are far shorter than pikes used by some other kingdoms, but in the broken and forested terrain of Pogoria, maintaining a coherent pike formation is exceedingly difficult.

Type: Line infantry, spearmen
Price: 40 gold
Last edited by PeZook on 2008-10-27 03:59pm, edited 4 times in total.
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It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by DarthShady »

The Empire of Shadows

When darkness fell upon the world and all the worlds horrors became a reality, the gateways between dimensions opened and a terrible evil came through them. This evil was a powerful Demon known only as the Lord of Shadows( the nameless one, Lord of Darkness, the Shadow Lord). He manifested himself in the centre of the Barbarian city of Sarajevo, stepping through the portal his first words were, „Tremble and Despair Mortals for Doom has come to your world.“

Twelve Heroes, The Bravest and strongest warriors of the Barbarian tribes gathered to fight him, but they were no match for his power. They fought with courage but were quickly defeated and their dead bodies were transformed into the first of the Vampires. Bound by their blood to serve him forever. Soon the Shadow Lord unleashed his terrible power transforming day into night and creating eternal darkness. Within days most of the Barbarians were turned into vampires and became the first and favoured servants of the Dark Lord. The terrible power of the Shadow Lord opened portals to other dimensions and through them he summoned a multitude of evil creatures to serve him. Now his dark shadow has begun to spread itself through Eastern Europe, his armies slaughtering all those that oppose him, while his evil influence continues to seduce many to become his servants, with promises of power and eternal life.

Creatures of the Shadow Lord:


The Dominant race in the Empire are Vampires, favoured creatures of the Lord of Shadows. They form the top hierarchy of the Empire and are the most numerous of all his servants. They serve as soldiers, commanders and administrators of the Empire. Although stronger than most humans they have a few weaknesses, such as extreme allergy to sunlight and certain holy objects. Their vulnerability to sunlight is counteracted by the fact that the demonic magic of the Shadow Lord creates eternal night upon his territories and when his armies are on the offensive they carry a powerful demonic crystal which causes the same effect, no matter where they go.


Goblins are a very clever and innovative race. While vaguely mystical, they generally prefer the world of nuts and bolts, and are famous for the fantastic mechanical wonders they produce. Commonly selfish and obsessive, they have been known to destroy large forests and meadows in order to build factories where they produce their strange machines. Enslaved by the Lord of Shadows they now have only one purpose, to create powerful war machines for his armies.

Shadow Dragons

Many, many layers of oil-black evil coat this vilest of the living dragons. So baby-seal taunting evil is the shadow dragon that prancing do-gooders simply detonate in a shower of law-abiding fragments within 30 feet of this foul wyrm. If you thought your shiny sword and bulls-eye lantern would protect you from the monsters in the dark, think again. It's not the monsters in the dark you need to fear, it's the darkness itself.

Spider Demons(Bebilith)

Only the scratch of hard chitin on rock signals the approach of one of the most feared servants of the Shadow Lord. A set of glistening spikes and glittering mandibles continually click and scrape as this giant predator stalks its favoured prey- humans. These twisted and misshapen hunters are the size of an adult dragon and have been known to hunt in packs. A swarm of the mammoth Bebiliths cannot be stopped by anything known in this world…or any other.

Demilich(Wizards in the form of a flying skull)

I think we can all agree that no matter how powerful you are, how many magic items you have that can shoot death rays at your enemies, how many sheets of magically enhanced steel you wear, and how huge your holy sword is, when you see a floating skull with gems in its eyes, you know you're going to have to collect your spleen in tiny evidence bags at the end of the battle.

Human Slaves

Those that survive the onslaught of the Shadow Lords evil armies are soon taken as slaves. They are used as basic labour and to feed the Vampires. Sometimes they are seen fighting for him, but are lightly armed and mostly used as cannon fodder. Those that survive and prove their loyalty to the Lord of Darkness are turned into Vampires.


Doombringers are huge flying orbs made of stone, that resemble a dark moon. They are capable of firing an immensely powerful magical blast capable of destroying entire cities and armies. They are filled with great caverns which are capable of transporting thousands of soldiers. It is said that when one sees them on the battlefield, it is the last thing he sees.


Tanar'ri (Demons) appear as 12' tall humanoids with bat wings, bull horns, clawed hands and a mane, with their dark red skin being bathed in flame. They wield a vorpal sword in one hand and a flaming whip in the other. They are capable of flight but mostly prefer to fight on the ground. They are the Elite Bodyguards of the Lord of Shadows.


Nightshades are large undead creatures from the Plane of Shadow. They are a horrifying mixture of death and darkness, made more frightening by their alien intelligence and spellcasting powers. All nightshades are surrounded by an aura of desecration that can draw life from the living. Their powers are considerably enhanced in darkness, but they are also greatly weakened by natural sunlight. Nightshades communicate telepathically.


Golems are an amalgam of several types of magically created constructs. They are tough, fearsome combatants with incredible defences. Although they move like living creatures, they are merely animated objects, giving them several advantages and disadvantages in battle. As constructs, golems are innately immune to a number of attacks; among these are mind-altering, poison, sleep, paralysis, stunning, disease and death effects as well as most spells. They never tire, get confused or distracted and possess both low-light and darkvision. Because they are mindless, golems lack much in the way of creativity and initiative.


Creatures made of darkness, invisible to mortal eyes. They are capable of possessing any mortal be he human or not. They are most often used as assassins and spies. They are capable of instant teleportation over great distances and cannot be killed when outside of a host body. However if the possessed creature is killed with a horror still inside it, the horror will be destroyed. Note: The host creature must be killed instantly if the horror is to be destroyed, otherwise it may escape.

More to come...

OOB Points Distribution:


10000 Barbarian Warriors(20 points per hundred)=2000 Points

10000 Vampire Swordsmen(40 points per hundred)=4000 Points

5000 Vampire Archers(30 points per hundred)=1500 Points

3000 Elder Vampire Warriors(60 points per hundred)=1800 Points

2000 Tanar'ri(Demons) (100 Points per hundred)=2000 Points

Mechanical Constructs and Siege Equipment:

200 Golems(800 points per hundred)=1600 Points

10 Goblin Trebuchets(groups)(50 points per group)=500 Points

20 Goblin Balliistas(groups)(25 points per group)=375 Points

Wizards and assassins

200 Demilich(10 points per unit)=2000 Points

100 Nightshades(5 points per unit)=500 Points

100 Horrors(5 points per unit)=500 points

Aerial Units:

10 Shadow Dragons(120 points per unit)=1200 Points

6 Doombringers(500 points per unit)=3000 points

Special Units

20 Spider Demons(Bebilith)[100 points per unit]=2000 Points


1 Dark Lord of the Shadows(Demon/Daemon)=2000 Points

Total Points Spent:24975

Maintenance fee per year(One fifth the cost of the army):4995 Points(Pounds of Gold)
Last edited by DarthShady on 2008-11-10 07:04pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by The Romulan Republic »

The Kingdom of Southern Italia: (crappy name I know)

History: founded by a local lord named Lorenzo Rafael, a minor noble who kept his head during the dark times of chaos and, largely by playing his neighbors against each other, established a powerful realm controlling all of southern Italy. His biggest reforms were the development of a military vaugely modled after ancient rome, with some changes to acomadate new technology, and the integration of non-dark magic into society. He acomplished this by requiring each youth who showed potential to be handed over to the state and trained, after which they were free to go about their lives as usual and practice their gift within the King's laws. However, they could be called up to fight at any time.

His successor was enamored of ancient Rome, and sought to base his new society upon it. While the effort largely failed, he did succeed in establishing a sort of Senate of the wealthy and respected of the Kingdom, giving the Kingdom slightly more democratic influences than some. However, he was assassinated in the eighth year of his reign. Since then, the Crown's main objectives have been the erosion of the nobility's power, the protection of Mediteranian trade routes, and the idealistic effort to expand civilization into barbarian lands. Against other "civilized" realms, they are generally not expansionist, except in economic terms.

Politics: Most local areas are administered by a noble, though some towns are run by elected councils. The wealthy and respected men of the Kingdom hold seats in the Senate, one of whom is elected by the Senate to the possission of the King's Steward. The Senate has great control of domestic policy, thought the Crown has maintained almost exclusive control over the military and foreign policy, and restricted the nobility's ability to raise private armies through law and punative taxation. Also, the Crown has been adept at playing the nobility against each other, shifting the typical feudal balance of power clearly in the Crown's favor.

Economy: Main imports are timber, spices (very, very rare), and some metals. Exports are chiefly olives, fish, and wine. Currency is composed of gold, silver, and copper coins.

Religion: multiple religions are tolerated, however, dark cults are strictly banned, and their members are imprisoned and killed by law.

Military: The military is composed of legions, though not entirely based off Roman legions. Their are four companies to a legion: 2 infantry, 1 logistical support, and 1 cavalry. Their are five legions to a division and five divisions in the Kingdom, plus the navy, local militias, personal guards, the Inquisition, and the Crown Guard.

Legions (100 men to a company):


Legionaries (64 per company) are the rank and file grunts. Wearing leather armor, and steel caps, they fight with short, stabbing swords and broad shields, relying on discipline to overcome more numerous foes. Pikes are used when engaging cavalry. Cost: 60 (per hundred) x 32=1920 points

Crossbows (16 per company) are lighter infantry wearing with leather vests, buckles, and leather caps. In addition to their bows, they each carry a short blade half way between a dagger and a sword, or else an small ax. Cost: 40 x 8=320 points

Reloaders (16 per company) are assistants to the crossbowmen. They wear light leather armor and carry short daggers or axes. Cost: 30 x 8=240 points

Standard bearers (one per company): Carry the flag and improve moral. Equipped like legionaries, but minus the shields and pikes. Cost: 60 x .6= 36 points

Commander (1 per company). Wears steel plate and carries a smaller shield. Helmet has a face guard. Otherwise armed like a legionary. Cost: 100 x .5 = 50 points

Total on infantry: 2566 points


King's Lancers (Average of 50 per legion) are heavy cavalry armed with broad swords and lances. They wear mail with partial plate, and ride into battle on heavy war horses. Cost: 100 x 25 = 2500 points.

Mounted archers (Average of 25 per legion) are just that: horse men who are trained to fight with bows. They also carry short swords and small round shields, and wear light mail and steel helms. Cost: 80 x 6.25 = 500 points

Scouts (24 per legion) are light cavalry used for patrols and raiding, as well as couriers. Lightly armed, multi-purpose cavalry. They wear leather and partial chain armor and steel caps, and fight with swords and spears. Cost: 60 x 10 = 600 points

Bannermen: (1 per legion) are the mounted equivalent of standard bearers. They wear partial plate, sabers, and mail with steel helms. Cost: 80 x .6 = 48 points

Total points on cavalry: 3648

I'll post the rest later. I have to go, and I don't want to start over. :)
Last edited by The Romulan Republic on 2008-11-10 04:32am, edited 1 time in total.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Siege »

This'll be expanded later, but the basic gist of it is here I think:

Egypt, Kingdom of the Shifting Sands


It was during the first days of the Fall, when all of Europe descended into madness, that a vast sandstorm with suddenness swept up from the southern Sahara, covering all of Egypt in a cloud of dust and grime for forty days and forty nights. So all-encompassing was that storm that sun and moon and stars were blacked out from the sky, and no-one could tell whether 't was day or night. So deprived of their ability to see were they, that all the frightened masses of Egypt could do was listen. And so listen they did, and then they heard: Slowly but inorexably, they came to hear the murmuring voice beyond the holwing winds and the shifting sands, a voice almost imperceptible but distinctly there once one had taken notice of it.

Thus it was that the people of Egypt came to hear Toth, the Herald of the Gods, by whose voice Ra's will is translated into speech. For it was he who had brought the cleansing sands upon them, and as they listened their perceptions changed. Their fears of the great storm died, as did many of their old ideas and beliefs, to be replaced by older ideas and beliefs of a more pure time long forgotten.

And when the storm finally died down, Egypt was transformed. Great cities, pyramids and temples had risen up from the shifting sands, as if they had always been there, waiting for silent ages under the deserts until their time had come again.

This was the time of the coming of Atum-Ra, the great god-king of Egypt, who emerged from the palace that had risen in Memphis and called all his faithful to him. And the people of Egypt rallied under the golden banner of Ra, and he marched north and made mighty war upon the unholy terrors that had taken the cities there, and he vanquished them, and threw their bodies in the sea. Far and wide marched his armies, bringing the light of the sun god to the four corners of Egypt, until all the Nile was his. He restored the peace, he rebuilt the Walls-of-the-Ruler, he returned the Ancient Gods to their rightful houses in Thebes and in Heliopolis, in Hamunaptra and in Edfu. And then he sat down on his golden throne, and spoke with a thundering voice that was heard all through the land:

"King of Kings am I, Atum-Ra. Look on the wonders of my hand, ye Mighty, and despair!"

Heroes (1,800p)

Pharaoh Atum-Ra, God-King of Egypt (1,000p)
"I am Pharaoh Atum-Ra, the king of the world, the great king, the mighty king, king of Memphis and Thebes, king of the four ends of the world. Son of the great goddess Neit, honoured by the gods of the city of Sais, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, khrjep-prophet, renep-prophet, attendant of the gods who lie in Khet-Bjet, keeper of the Eye of Horus. At the call of Anubis and Asar I came up from the eternal sands and took my rightful place among the beings of the earth. The peoples of Dendara and of Abydos, of Qau and Amarna bow to me. I drove out the false gods from Tanis and Bubastis. I took Memphis and slew the false priests of Saqqara and Medyum. I returned the gods to their house in the great temples of Luxor and Karnak. I rebuilt the Walls-of-the-Ruler, so that all may know my name and worship me."

High Priest Imhotep (800p)
Imhotep is the chancellor to the pharaoh and high priest of the Egyptian cult. He is the first engineer, architect and physician, administrator of the Great Palace, High Priest of Ra, honored by the gods, vizier of Heliopolis, inspector of the scribes of the dedet-court, the first among the great scribes of Karnak and Luxor, the speaker in dreams, the director of the palace, keeper of the castles. After the Pharaoh he is the most powerful sorceror of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Elite Troops (8,150p)

Khepri (100p) (50)
Khepri are the priests of the sun-god Atum-Ra, a race of humanoid scarab beetles, possessing bodies very similar to those of humans, except that their skin is crimson in colour and they possess large scarab beetles in place of heads. They communicate with each other via movements of their "headlegs" and squirts of chemicals. As they are mute, some khepri communicate with humans via sign-language, although most simply use writing.

Khepri are not born, but created from mummified dead matter, which is animated by the priests of Anubis. As priests of the sun-god and closest confidantes of the Pharaoh the Khepri wield some of the most powerful magicks in Egypt. Their sorcery normally is employed to benefit the land, but in times of war they can unleash fearsome spells of ruin and destruction.

Sons of Anubis (500p per 100) (300)
From the great temple at Hamunaptra come the Sons of Anubis. These disciples of the jackal-headed god are the keepers of the Book of the Dead, experts of mummification and some of the greatest elementalists and necromancers in the world. The Sons are the most important priests of the Egyptian cult: they are summoners and enchanters, masters of alchemy and all the Arts of the Dead, with knowledge of many magicks and gatekeepers of the Veil of Death.

The Sons of Anubis are mortal men of great wisdom, and often also of great age. Although they often enhance themselves with their arts, prolonging their life unnaturally, they are scholars and priests, not warriors, and will not ever directly engage in combat. The Sons are lead by Imhotep, high priest of the Egyptian cult, himself.

Renenuteti (150p per 100) (300)
Renenuteti are snake-demigoddesses worshipped over the whole of Egypt. They are goddesses of sucklings, who give all babies their secret name-soul along with their mother's milk, as well as goddesses of water and fortune. Renenuteti can know a person's True Name merely by looking at them. They manipulate the fortunes, making them formidable opponents, and their gaze slaughters enemies by tearing their very souls from their bodies with mystical force. Their venom is used for alchemical purposes.

In the Pharaoh's fleet Renenuteti serve as shipmistresses, ensuring that the waters and the fates are calm. They appear as giant cobras, easily reaching up to six or seven meters in length. They can command all the creatures of the Nile, and speak in hissing tongues. Renenuteti spend much of their time in their temples in quiet contemplation, slowly swaying to the rythm of some strange, unheard music.

Guardian Sphinx (200p) (6)
Dream stealers, riddle masters, guardians of the god-king, children of Ra, demons of destruction and bad luck - the Sphinxes of Egypt certainly have a fearsome reputation to live up to. Like Sageti, Sphinxes are composite beings, with the body of a giant lion and the head of a human being.

Sphinxes are guardians of the Pharaoh's mysteries, the great sentinels of the temples. Creatures of awesome divine magick themselves, they can not just unleash ancient spells of ruin upon the enemies of the Pharaoh; they can also negate almost all enemy magick, and so serve to protect the armies of the God-King from hostile spellcasters.

Sunlight Elemental (400p) 4
Hugely impressive and very hard to look at, the immense and imposing sunlight elementals are summoned by the Priests of Ra, the masters of light. Vaguely humanoid beings made of purest sunlight they blind anyone foolish enough to look at them directly, and can project immensely powerful beams of sunlight that slice through even the thickest armour. They are among the most deadly magical creatures in the Pharaoh's armies.

Egyptian Army (8,320p)

Kushites (30p per 100) (7,000)
The Kushites are tribesmen from the Black Kingdoms of the deep African jungles. They are fearless warriors, having overcome many of the horrors that lurk in the tropical forests. Kushites are masters at the use of the bow and the throwing spear, and are used as scouts and shock troops by the armies of the Pharaoh.

Medjay (40p per 100) (5,500)
Medjay are an ancient people of Nubia living in a region in northern Sudan. They have been drafted into the Egyptian army as archers and light skirmishers. Unlike the Kushites, the warlike Medjay wear mail and fashion their own steel weapons. The Medjay frequently make use of rhinoceros cavalry.

Oryx (80p per 100) (7,400)
Oryx are highly motivated professional full-time soldiers. These warriors of the Pharaoh wear white cloaks over cuirasses fashioned of of the magical element electrum and are equipped with short swords, large shields, pikes and blasting staves, the so-called 'staff weapons'. The Oryx form the bulk of Egypt's armies, garrisoning the Walls-of-the-Ruler and the border forts.

War Chariots (100p per 100) (800)
One of the greatest honours that can be bestowed upon an Egyptian warrior is to be inducted in the Pharaoh's Chariot Corps. The War Chariot is a fearsome enemy, very quick and manned by three men: a charioteer driver, a bowman who fires flaming arrows, and a javelin thrower. The Pharaoh's war chariots are pulled by silikarioi, sand elementals, resembling miniature sand storms of continuously changing shapes. To be struck by a charging silikarion is to be sand-blasted, and can reduce a grown man to nothing but dust in seconds.

Rhinoceros Cavalry (250 per 100) (1000)
The fierce and warlike Medjay of the south have managed to tame the great white rhinoceros of the savannah, and use them in their warmaking to great effect. The Pharaoh makes use of these awesome beasts as shocktroops that batter their way through enemy lines, striking fear into the heart of Egypt's nemeses, and disrupting their formation so the follow-up strike can destroy them whole. War Rhinoceros are beasts of many tons, and armoured with light steel plate so to resist attempts to injure them at range.

Jackal Packs (20p per 100) (600)
Primitive animals from the great deserts, Anubis has called upon these savage creatures to fight for the Pharaoh. Now imbued with strange intelligence, they march with the armies of Egypt and fall upon its enemies in an animalistic tidal wave of fur and fangs. One jackal may not be much of a threat to the average warrior, but they attack in packs, and whilst the opponent is busy fending off the attack dogs of the Pharaoh his other warriors will close in for the kill.

Elementals (50p per 100) [cast on battlefield]
An elemental is a being drawn together from dead material, animated and brought to life with magick. Egypt's great sorcerors focus mostly on the summoning of sand elementals (Silikarioi), air elementals (Aelomae), lightning and electricity (Fulmen), fire (Yags) and moonlight (Fegkarioi). Still, if a Son of Horus puts his mind to it he can turn pretty much anything into an elemental: flesh, earth, even such abstract things like love or time. All elementals are transitionary though, falling apart as soon as the energy with which they were imbued runs out.

Egyptian Navy (1,950p)

Sun-Barge (200p) (2)
The Sun-Barge is the great vessel of the Pharaoh himself, an immense ship the size of a football field. The Barge has nine masts, twelve sails, four decks, can carry up to 1,200 tons of cargo and accomodate more than 500 passengers. On its biggest sails are depicted the Eye of Horus and the Ankh.

These royal vessels carry navigators, explorers, sailors, doctors, workers and soldiers aboard and is completely sea-worthy. There may or may not be more than one of these gigantic ships, but there certainly can't be many of them, considering the sheer cost involved in building them.

Dais of Osiris (75p) (10)
The principal ships of the line of the Egyptian navy, the Dais of Osiris is a five-masted ship some fifty-two meters in length. It is propelled by sails and banks of rowers, and features high bulwarks that protect sailors and soldiers from enemy projectiles. The bows of these ships are armored for ramming actions, and are decorated with a lion's head.

The Dais typically carries at least one ballista and a multitude of archers and marines, who will attempt to either board an enemy ship or set it on fire with flaming projectiles or alchemical concoctions.

War Dhow (25p) (30)
The Dhow is the traditional Egyptian sailing vessel, primarily used on the waters of the river Nile and around the coasts of the Mediterranean and the Red Sea. Dhows come in several variants: Some are seaworthy, but not all of them are. Unlike the Dais or the Sun-Barge, the Dhow uses the lateen sail. Dhows are usually used for trade, but in times of war the largest ones can carry troops or supplies, as well as carry out small raiding operations on enemy coastlines.

Pharaoh's Air Corps (5,650p)

Sky Chariots (150p per 100) (600)
The elite of the Pharaoh's war chariots are pulled by Aelomae rather than Silikarioi. These air elementals resemble humanoid beings shaped from wind, and allow the charioteer to take to the skies to rain death and destruction upon the enemies of the Pharaoh from above. Apart from the lethal weapons carried by the warriors aboard the chariot the elemental itself is to be feared as well: Like the Silikarion, the Aelomae forms part of the chariot's offensive capability, surrounding the vehicle with deadly stormwinds.

Sageti (75p) (100)
Sageti are the animals that pull the chariot of Shed, the young savior god. They are winged griffins with a stout feline body and the head of a falcon on a short neck. They can develop formidable speeds in the air, and with their powerful claws and beak they can rend humans limb from limb with ease. For precisely that reason their Egyptian name translates to "one who tears to pieces".

Sageti are very intelligent creatures, easily matching humans in wit, which only makes them more dangerous opponents. In battle they wear scaled cuirasses and razor-sharp iron talon-gauntlets. Some of them even serve as generals in the Pharaoh's army.

Ha'Tak (800p) (5)
The formidable Ha'Tak pyramid ships form the core of the Pharaoh's aerial armadas. These wondrous constructs are kept aloft by invoking the power of the great Isis, goddess of magickal power. Ha'Tak are, as the name implies, flying pyramids, many thousands of tons of stone suspended in the air by the will of the gods. Ha'Tak are manned by priest-sorcerors who can rain fiery death upon the enemy, but they can also (more conventionally) be used to drop great stones on enemy troops, and are often loaded with archers and other ranged projectile-throwers. Some Ha'Tak are used as aerial carriers for Sky Chariots.


Memphis (Level 2 Fortress)
Located at the heart of the Nile delta, the ancient city of Memphis is the capital of Upper Egypt. It is also known as "the city of the white walls" for the formidable fortifications that surround the entire city. Memphis holds the Pharaoh's residence and is the political and administrative center of Upper- and Middle-Egypt. The Temple of Ra is located in the center of the city, and it is said that the sun never sets over that part of Memphis.

Thebes (Level 1 Fortress)
Hundred-gated Thebes far in the south of the Kingdom is the capital of Lower Egypt, and the primary temple-city of the Kingdom of the Shifting Sands. It contains the massive temple-complexes of both Luxor and Karnak, as well as protecting the entrance to the Valley of the Kings, the primary necropolis. If Memphis is where beats the heart of government, the magickal center of Egypt is in Thebes.

Total point cost: 24,020
Casting pool: 980

Upkeep (reg.troops/5): 3,174
Last edited by Siege on 2008-12-11 06:05am, edited 20 times in total.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by The Romulan Republic »

Military (continued).

Logistics/ siege support:

Balistae (Average of 6 per legion) are the most common siege engines in the Kingdom. They fire crossbow bolts of massive size, often enhanced magically to explode or penetrate magical defenses. They are as often used in defense as in the field. Cost: 400 points (per 100) x 3 = 1200 points

Trebutchets (Average of two per legion) are the biggest siege engines in the Kingdom. Can smash fortress walls and kill a dozen men per shot. Cost: 20 points per trebutchet x 75 = 1500 points

Engineers (50 per legion) are specialists who construct and operate siege engines. Cost: 80 points per hundred x 10 = 800

Guards (40 per legion) are light infantry who protect the siege engines. They wear leather armor and caps with partial mail, and carry short swords or axes, bucklers, and shields. Cost: 30 x 10 = 300 points

Healers (Average of 6 per legion) are mages trained in the healing arts. They can cure most diseases and non-vital wounds in hours or days. Can also detect poison. Cost: 2 points each x 300 = 600 points.

Battle Mages (Average of two per legion) are able to scry other locations, communicate telepathically, and bolts of lethal energy in battle, as well as enchant various objects to increase their lethality. They wear partial plate and carry crystal tipped staffs that act as conduits, as well as hand to hand weapons (magically strengthened). Cost: 6 points each x 150 = 900 points.

Heralds: (two per legion) are lightly armed and armored messengers. Cost: 40 points per hundred x 1 = 40 points

Total cost in points for auxillery support: 5040 points


Caravels are long range, sturdy ships capable of carrying light cannon. Cost: 150 points each x 4 = 600 points

Dromuns are large ships powered by oars. They do not carry cannon. Cost: 300 points each x 8 = 2400 points

Galleys are fast, smaller rowed warships. Carry no cannons. Cost: 50 points each x 12 = 600 points

Transports are slow, clumsy ship that can carry 100 troops apiece. Cost: 100 points each x 10 = 1000 points

Barges are smaller transports better suited to costal waters. Cost: 25 points each x 80 = 2000 points

Marines are troops placed aboard ships to repel boarders. They wear light leather armor and helms, and fight with axes, grappling hooks, short swords, and crossbows. Cost: 50 points per hundred x 18 = 900 points.

Seamen crew the ships. Unarmored. Armed like marines, but lighter. Cost: 30 points per hundred x 40 = 1200 points

Officers are skilled seamen who wear partial plate and fight with pistols and sabers against borders. Cost: 100 points per hundred x 1.5 = 150 points.

Total on navy: 8850 points

Castles: Just the three free ones.


Inquisitors are charged with hunting down dark cultists. Known for taking their authority too far, and assuming guilt until innocence is proven. Cost: 1 point each x 500 = 500 points.

Agents are the Kingdom's spies and assassins. Cost: 1 point each x 500 = 500 points.

Militia are local peasants who fight for their homes during time of war. They wear leather and scraps of metal, or no armor at all. Forbidden from using proper weapons, they fight with slings, knives, staffs, axes, and crude spears. Some also have bows. They have little discipline and are generally weak. Cost: 20 per 100 x 80 = 1600 points

Royal Guards are the best legionaries and heavy cavalry, hand-picked to defend the Royal Family and the Palace. They carry large shields and broadswords, fight in partial or full plate, and are the best hand to hand fighters in the Kingdom. Also use lances or crossbows depending on circumstances. Cost: 200 points per 100 men x 600 = 1200 points.

Total: 3800 points


General Alonzo: the most capable tactician in the Kingdom, and a lethal dualist. Some rumor he has a dark past. Cost: 10 points

High Mage Altarus: the most powerful battle mage in the land. Can generate magical Force fields, ice storms, and fireballs, and see the past and future. Knows the power of levitation, and has cast powerful protective wards around the Royal Family and his friends and kin. Cost: 40 points (is that reasonable?)

Lady Celona: the most knowledgeable scholar and healer in the land. Knows a special spell for mass killing undead. Can turn invisible. Cost: 30 points

Captain Marcus Verda. A skilled seaman who pushes the boundaries of the known world. An adventure, navigator, and fighter. As cunning as he is ruthless. Cost: 10 points.

Inquisitor Vichi. The most powerful officer of the Inquisition. To call him a sadist would be putting it mildly. A zelot, but cunning none the less. Rumored to have some dark power. Cost: 30 points

The council of mages: 6 powerful mages under Altarus and Celona. Cost: 20 apiece.

Total: 240 points.

Grand total: Correcting my mistakes with the cavalry numbers, 24144, presuming I've caught all the errors. :wink:
Last edited by The Romulan Republic on 2008-11-10 05:11am, edited 2 times in total.
"I know its easy to be defeatist here because nothing has seemingly reigned Trump in so far. But I will say this: every asshole succeeds until finally, they don't. Again, 18 months before he resigned, Nixon had a sky-high approval rating of 67%. Harvey Weinstein was winning Oscars until one day, he definitely wasn't."-John Oliver

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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Setzer »

I'll be able to write up a more formal blurb later, but this should give you all an idea of what I'm packing.

Mysidian Electorate

The Mysidian Electorate was formed some 500 years ago, out of the ashes of the Fatimid Caliphate. When the Tomb of Christ was opened, many brave men lost their lives fighting against them. Normal soldiers were massacred by the arising monsters. However, new powers came about, powers of magic, that gave people the power to fight against them. The strongest and wisest of these sorcerors fled west, planning to build a new nation that would be able to protect its citizens against the horrors that arose. When the refugees reached North Africa, they stopped and settled there. For a time, they tried living under Fatimid rule, but were persecuted for their practice of magic. Eventually, the sorcerors united and conquered their oppressors. Renaming their lands the Mysidian Electorate, they rebuilt the old city of Carthage as their capital. Each Mysidian family traces its history to one of the refugee families that took over the Caliphate. They elect a ruler every ten years.

ARMY: 6260 points

The Mysidian government usually hires mercenaries. Still, there is a small and capable professional army.
It is largely centered around supporting mercenary units with specialist functions that put their magical skill to good use.

Sogami- 100 (500 points)
Wizards- 4 (960 points)
Clerics- 4 (960 points)
Geomancers- 4 (960 points)
Time Mages- 4 (960 points)
Shadowbinders- 4 (960 points)
Summoners- 4 (960 points)

Sogami are large golems. They wear extremely heavy plate armor, too heavy for even the strongest of men. The heat does not effect them, so they will not tire even in the desert. Their strength and durability make them capable bodyguards for the human soldiers of the army. Sogami march into battle with no fear of death or maiming

All Mysidian magic users have custom fitted suits of armor designed to enhance their magical powers.
It also gives them significant protection against more mundane weapons.

Wizards are the specialists in offensive magic. They utilize magic based on the four elements, earth, wind, fire, and water.

Clerics are the healers in the military. They heal injured troops, cure diseases and poisons, and have other beneficial spells.

Geomancers use the magical power inherent in the earth itself. They can control plantlife, cause rock or mudslides, and essentially turn the planet into a weapon for their side. They also make capable engineers because of their earthmoving talents.

Time Mages are able to make minor tweaks to time, speeding up or shortening the flow of time in a given area. They can cast spells on food to lengthen the amount of time before it spoils, or cast spells on wounded men so infection doesn't set in as quickly, or in rare cases, can cast spells on whole armies to make them move faster.

Summoners control a number of magical creatures in battle. They can also utilize teleportational magics, and portal spells.

Shadowbinders are magic users with the ability to manipulate shadows. This makes them exceptional in night raiding and similar activities.

Sorcerors have mastered all the magical disciplines practiced by Mysidia. They are the most powerful of their kind, but rarely take the field.

NAVY- 5000 points

Liburnian- 50


The Liburnian is the smallest warship in the Mysidian navy. They do not carry marines.
Instead, the 100 rowers are split into a top and a bottom rank, with the top rank rowing or fighting as needed.
Because of its small size, it is more maneuverable then larger ships.


The Quinquereme is named after the 5 banks of oars used to propel it. It has one elevated fighting tower and two ballistas. The crew is 230 men. 170 are rowers, 20 are sailors, and 40 are marines


The Deceres is the heaviest Mysidian warship. It carries 570 rowers, 30 sailors, and 250 marines. Its ram is hardened bronze, and it boasts 2 fighting towers and 6 ballistas. The ballistas can fire ordinary darts, or harpago grapnels that can spear and reel in enemy ships for boarding. The Deceres measures 40 meters in length, with a 2 meter draught and is 6 meters wide. The oar outriggers extend this to 8.5 meters

AIR FORCE- 9500 points

3 Draco Targaryensis
20 Yearling Dragons

Yearling Dragons

These are smaller Draco Targaryensis, large enough to eat men alive. However, they are smaller and weaker then when fully grown, and are vulnerable to blades and arrows.

Draco Targaryensis

These are monstrous beasts, bred for war by the Mysidians. Though they are only the size of small dogs when hatched, they grow to massive size in less then a decade's time. They require human sacrifices to quicken the eggs, and they can grow large enough to swallow oxen whole. Their hide is thick enough to stop arrows and thrown spears, and their firey breath can reduce an armored knight to ash in seconds.

The Sky Warren is a large lying dragons nest. It provides a mobile nest for fully grown dragons, and can devastate a nation all by itself.

Sogami- 500 points per hundred
Wizards- 240 points each
Clerics- 240 points each
Geomancers- 240 points each
Time Mages- 240 points each
Shadowbinders- 240 points each
Summoners- 240 points each
Sorcerors- 1000 each
Liburnian- 100 pts
Quinquereme- 230 pts
Deceres- 850 pts
Yearling Dragons- 100 pts
Draco Targaryensis- 2500 points
Sky Warren- 25000 points

TOTAL: 20,760 points

The rest is for mercenaries and spellcasting.
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Zor »

The Red Tsardom

History-The Red Tsardom is a new nation. Once, during the time of the Rus, it was but a small town on the Moscow River under the rule of the Rurik Dynasty. However, with the massive changes brought about, the authority of the Rurik’s withered and the lands of the Rus fell apart and the lands of the Rus. Chaos ruled the lands as the land was divided into many quarreling city states. During this time, Moscow grew, but under the despotic rule of villainous Prince after villainous Prince.

However in 1525 a Party of travelers appeared, wandering across the land in search of those who would listen, keeping in their caravan a set of books. They searched tirelessly, trying to find an area where their ideology could flourish so they could bring justice and order to this chaotic world, while adding new members from those willing to embrace their cause, but always they found the wrong conditions. That was the case until 1550, when one of the Party’s Leaders, Vladimir the Strong found what they needed in Moscow and the Higher ups on the shore of the Moscow River.

They found in the Principality a cruel and brutish civilization, a land where a Tyrannical Prince ruled over a set of callous uncaring nobles constantly jockeying for power and beneath them a population of Serfs and Slaves which the Nobles had the power of Life and Death over. Meanwhile, the Nobles waged campaigns of Genocide against the Ursiods, a Race of intelligent bears and masters of metalwork which dwelled in the surrounding lands. Vladimir’s men worked their way into the peasant’s population, inspiring prominent townsmen into siding with them in a revolution, while his right hand man Lev Davidivich made contact with the Ursiod Chieftains. It took two months of work, but in late October the revolution began. A force of Ursiods made raids against military outposts, prompting the Prince of Moscow to dispatch his armies into the wilderness. At dawn the following morning, Vladimir launched his daring do or die assault. He lead a ragtag force of Party Members and serfs armed with the handful of Arquebus matchlocks the party managed to have made during their travels and a motley assortment of Tools and Second Hand weaponry. At dawn, seven hundred and thirty seven men stormed into Moscow as the gates were opened by agents, who had slit the thoughts of the Sentries and descended on the Prince’s Palace. The Prince was then captured and beaten to death by a frenzied mob, as was his family and a few of the Muscovite Nobles. With a rousing display of speeches (and a few handouts of Gold), Vladimir declared to Moscow that a New Day had dawned for the City and gained massive support.

Vladimir wasted no time in preparing to finish the Job, he sent out expeditions to back up peasant uprisings, in two days managing to size control of two thirds of Muscovite Lands. All Saltpeter, Charcoal and Sulfur in Moscow was converted into black powder while blacksmiths were hastily taught how to manufacture firearms. When word reached the Noble Lead Armies of the coup, they turned towards the city itself, while the sons of disposed Nobles were killed to end bloodlines of potential rivals. It took a week before their armies could muster fully, but when they did, they quickly surrounded Moscow with some 4,500 men, outnumbering Vladimir’s Forces nearly three to one. For three days the Noble’s forces held the city under siege, until Lev returned with an army of 500 Party loyal Peasant Militia and some 750 Ursiods. In a swift and decisive battle, the Muscovite Nobility was exterminated. With this, Vladimir won the Loyalty of the Ursiods and the Local populace, negotiating a peace between them. With that, a new age began as Vladimir was crowned the first Red Tsar and the Birth of the Red Tsardom.

With that, he set about using the knowledge of the Party’s Library; he managed to rebuild the battered kingdom. He set up printing presses, gunpowder works and revolutionized textile manufacturing. Superior strains of wheat and barley and improved irrigation brought about bumper crops. Five years into his reign, the entire army worked based off Gunpowder, five years after that the first public schools opened, ten years afterwards the first Soviets were created. While he died 21 years into his reign, his successors continued his traditions as generation of Red Tsars continued, while slowly but surely, the Red Tsardom moved, adding new lands to its domain and disposing of Nobles. Today, the Red Tsardom stands a mighty nation in the Land of Russia, as its armies of men and bear continue to defeat the regressive lands surrounding while liberating their people from backwardness and the Clutches of Nobility.

Major Settlements

Moscow[-The Core of the Red Tsardom, Moscow is an impressive capital, home to the Imperial Palace and a bastion of Learning and Industry. Smoke constantly rises from the cities factories and mills. A never-ending supply of raw materials goes through its gates while it produces highly valuable equipment, from firearms to agricultural implements which make the lands of Tsardom all the more fertile. It is also home to the Tsardom’s Academies, fine educational institutions that produce the best and brightest of the nation. It also serves as a hub for the growing network of Semaphores keeps the Tsardom well aware. Many cities in the Tsardom aspire to be like Moscow, but Moscow has never been succeeded in its grandeur.

Tver-The second largest city of the Tsar and Moscow's former rival, Tver was conquered 45 years ago and is in the process of conversion to more modern standards. Tver is growing quite rapidly due to development programs initiated by the past three Tsars.

The Gulags
-Gulags are state owned labor facilities populated by a variety of characters; a few are for more minor crimes, such as to work off stolen goods or fines, while others contain ranks of traitors, rioters, supporters of nobles and rebels against the Tsardom and it her people. From the Gulags comes an endless stream of products, from raw materials such as Coal, Iron and Lumber to products including bricks, components for agricultural equipment, powder and food from agricultural Gulags. Gulag inmates are divided into Gangs of five, which are further divided into details of thirty, with rewards and punishment applied both individually. Those who perform well get rewards of additional rations, hours off and rewards of Liquor, while their Gang mates also benefit (to a lesser degree) as do fellow members of their detail (to an even lesser degree). On the same note, those who perform poorly or are belligerent have rations cut and are given additional work, and their fellow Gang and detail mates also suffer for their shortcomings. Those which prove consistently problematic are sent to terminal camps to be overburdened until they simply expire. Those which are consistently beneficial get sent to non gender segregated camps where they are free to make whatever arrangements they may, although a Gulag is no place for a child, so the Tsars in their enlightened judgment and compassion for the innocent, has ordered that all children born in the Gulag be immediately transferred to crown run orphanages.

Occasionally during annexation, a populace will prove quite belligerent in pointless resistance to the prosperity the Tsardom offers or desires the restoration of the backwards savagery they lived in before hand and rebels. In this case, the Tsardom will be forced to arrest numerous people for insurrection against the Tsar and send significant portions of the adult population to the Gulags while send the children to orphanages while settling the area with Retired soldiers and their families.


The Tsardom is quite a diverse place in terms of faiths, with established populations of Jews, Muslims, Norse Pagans, Ursiod Ancestor Worship, several sects of Christianity and several combinations there-of. The Tsardom has instituted laws to prevent inter-faith conflicts, inflicting heavy sentences of forced labor on people who commit faith crimes as well as arresting rabble rousing clerics, creating mandatory organizations of priests on all legal faiths and banning those which prove to be problematic as underground cults. Education is declared a faith neutral institution. Some have argued that a form of informal state worship exists among the population of the Tsardom due to its nationalist tenancies, although not the Tsardom’s government

The largest Religious group in the Tsardom by far is the Russian Orthodox Church, run by the Patriarchy of Moscow with some 65% of the Tsardom’s Population subscribing. The Russian Orthodox Church is a direct descendant of the pre-fall Byzantine Orthodox Church, which developed on its own as a loose organization of priests in the General Moscow area. They maintained many Byzantine traditions while developing on their own separate path from that of the rest of Christendom. One of the Critical Moves of Tsar Vladimir-I after the birth of the Tsardom was the unification and consolidation of various orthodox communities into the centralized Patriarchy, thus insuring their loyalty to the Tsardom. The Patriarchy of Moscow has a complex relationship involving Byzantium, although they still hold the city of Byzantium to be a holy place and the proper home to many sacred relics and sights, the development of the Despot as a central holy figure and living saint has caused most orthodox communities to denounce them Patriarchy of Byzantium, a policy that the Patriarchy of Moscow continued after its foundation. Never the less, the Patriarchy makes heavy use of Byzantine Iconography and symboligy with its official seal having a double headed Byzantine Eagle.


The Red Tsardom employs a myriad of institutions that many other nations of the world simply do not provide for their populations. The result of which improves national stability and improves the safety and quality of life of the Tsardom’s population.

Among the more notable institutions is the Imperial Education system. All education is state provided and mandatory between ages 6 and 12 without exception (not sending your children to school is punishable by a 5 year trip to the Gulag), all textbooks and tests are state produced and designed to not only teach science, history, mathematics and literacy, but also instill strong patriotic sentiment into the students. Higher education is provided by a system of apprenticeship as well as in universities. Entrance to these universities is based on exams, those who have high grade averages can get into university. The same entry rules apply to all citizens of the Tsardom.

Certain trades are placed under administration and employment of the Tsardom’s government. Midwifes, for example, must be trained and licensed to apply their trade and must work for the state. Midwifes must understand and apply basic sanitation during childbirth. Said regulations have had a massive positive effect on the Tsardom, with proper regulation of the trade of Midwifery having reduced infant mortality to a third of what it was beforehand.

Agriculture in the Tsardom is handled in several ways. Much of the Tsardom’s ranching, sheep farming and horse breeding is done on large pastoral zones staffed by tenant herdsmen. These are owned by the descendants of Heroes of the Tsardom, who are only allowed to own one such estate and no other land based property while owning said estate. Grain production is handled mostly by co-op farms, in which several small farm owners pool resources to minimize failures and collectively own equipment such as plows, carts and reapers. The State also operates prison farms which produce gain, although their contribution is in general negligible.


The Tsardom’s greatest asset is its manufacturing capacity, enhanced by extensive mechanization, standardized components and factory based centralization the Tsardom can produce Iron, Cloth and Metal goods in large quantities. The process began with the beginning of the Tsardom, with basic wind and water driven enhancements in textile production and grain processing such as windmills and spinning and today is quite visible with steam driven industry which can make bulk use of unskilled labor to produce metal goods and products in vast amounts. Some foreign dignitaries (many of which being Nobles) which have toured the Capital of Moscow has complained of “crude soulless workmanship” of the products of the Tsardom’s factories, ignoring the fact that the Tsardom can produce many consumer goods much cheaper than other nations can as well as things which massively lift the burden off the Tsardom’s people, from glass oil lamps to Disc plows and Reapers. To fuel the Tsardom’s production, the Tsardom’s resource demands are immense, a fact which further raises support among the people for the expansion of the Tsardom’s borders. Most industry in the Tsardom is in Moscow, but you will be able to find other smaller scale operations outside its city limits. The Gulags produces a fair amount of material, but this is general of low quality and non critical products.

To address needs, workers in specific professions are required to join specific associations to voice issues on pay, hours and safety conditions. The system is largely successful, although they (and management) do have to address to the Tsardom’s commissars as mediators.

Many industries in the Tsardom are state owned monopolies, most notably iron and steel production, production of firearms and cannons and all mines, as well as all newspapers, bars and Vodka distilleries. However, many other industries, from carriage making to production of agricultural implements are done by private industry, generally consumer goods such as ceramics, lamps, carpets, books and cutlery.


The Red Tsardom’s government is a very well established and fairly Autocratic Monarchy, headed by the Red Tsar. The Red Tsar is the highest Legal figure in the Tsardom, his judgments on any case is final and can act with a bare minimum of constraints. The General outlook is that the Tsar is the Ultimate civil servant to the People of the Tsardom, although he/she can not arbitrarily have someone arrested or punished. The Red Tsar has somewhat of a cult of personality, propagated by propaganda campaigns, the education system and the economic success of the Tsardom brought about by its industrialization. Censorship is imposed, although it is generally quite light for most people. There is no nobility in the Tsardom; in fact the People of the Tsardom despise Nobles with a passion.

Beneath the Tsar are his ministries, the Soviets and the Commissariat. Ministries handle the Administration of the various affairs of the government, from Education to Vodka Production. Ministries are run by Ministers, which are the highest rank of civil servant beneath Tsar, all of which start as simple Clerks. The Elite of Civil Servants (including ministers) are entitled to large salaries, tax exemption and land grants.

The Soviets are local councils of elected officials; all citizens in stabilized districts of the Tsardom have the right to vote at age 18 and appoint officials. Soviets have a fair deal of say in local politics. Each year, they elect an individual to be sent to the Supreme Soviet in Moscow, which does make some laws (generally related to regulation and fund allocation) but all things they pass must be approved by the Tsar, who reserves a complete right of Veto and the authority to call for replacement.

The Commissariat appoints Commissars, which acts as governor generals to the soviets and as oversight of the affairs of ministries and the Judiciary, as well as serving as judges in non stabilized districts of the Tsardom.

Red Imperial Army

The Red Imperial Army is a standing army, with it's recruits either being volunteers or conscripts. Imperial Soldiers have their food, clothing, equipment and weapons provided by the state, as well as receiving a modest salary for entertainment, a Vodka Ration and are often given land to settle after their term is over (generally 5 years).

Streltsi (Shooters)-Streltsi are the standard infantry of the Red Imperial Army, Streltsi are armed with a Dmitrivich/Alexandrov Model-1689 Flintlock Rifle with bayonet. These 12.5mm weapons have an effective range of 300 meters. These forces are clad in mass produced uniforms, most iconic of which being their dull crimson greatcoats and are given a Mark-4 Infantryman’s helmet (Simple steel skullcap) with Gold Star insignia. Streltsi officers carry Revolvers and Sabers and have gorgets. Streltsi infantry are recruited primarily from patriotic/adventurous young men, military families, people raised in state orphanages as well as Conscripts. When in convoys, Streltsi are experts at making Wagon Forts to defend their position. Streltsi also make use of “Vodka Bombs”, which are simple incendiaries made of Bottle of Vodka (often with other agents) and burning wicks (generally rags) in the stopper to disrupt ranks and set buildings alight.

Crimson Guard
-Elite Streltsi, those in the RIA that prove themselves to be above average (either in training or on the battlefield) get placed in Crimson Guard units. Crimson Guard soldiers are given alchemically strenghtened upper torso plates inscribed with defensive runes to offer some protection against the supernatural, the new Dmitrivich/Alexandrov Model-1699 Percussion cap rifle and a Revolver. In times of war, Crimson Guard forces are issued alchemically enhanced black powder for ammunition, which makes them all the more deadly.

Imperial Cavaliers-Despite having no Knights, the Tsardom never the less maintains proper cavalry support for it’s armies in the field. Recruited from Herdsmen and those recruits who take and pass a basic horsemanship test, Imperial Cavaliers have state provided horses from which to fight. Imperial Cavaliers are lightly armored, only having a helmet and breastplate, but are equipped with a lance for charges, a saber for hacking and an Imperial Six Shot revolvers. Officers sometimes carry double barreled Flintlock shotguns in lieu of the more conventional revolver. They are trained to avoid enemy cavalry while using their revolvers and charge broken enemy infantry the enemy during battle.

Crimson Guard Cavaliers
-Very rare, Crimson Guard Cavaliers represent the best human cavalrymen the Tsardom has to offer. Crimson Guard cavaliers are all recruited from the most capable cavalrymen, as recommended by their peers and officers. Crimson Guard Cavalry wear superior alchemically enhanced armor, including grieves and lower arm guards (Although they are still not as well covered as many knights) with a few defensive runes for afford additional protection against the supernatural. There armament includes a saber and lance, as well as two revolvers and a standard issued flintlock shotgun. In times of war, Crimson Guard forces are issued alchemically enhanced black powder for ammunition, which makes them all the more deadly.

Ursiod Warriors-Mighty Intelligent Bears, Ursiod Citizens work in the Forests and in Cities, primarily as craftsmen (particularly in metalworking, carpentry and cooking in their specific styles), police, Gulag Guards and heavy laborers. Highly resistant to the effects of mind controlling magics (although the same can’t be said of the effects of hard drink), Ursiods are massive creatures weighing up to half a tonne and being of incredible durability. However, the Ursiod subjects of the Tsar also must when requested stand and fight for the safety, security and prosperity of the Tsardom. As such, Ursiods fight alongside men in the ranks of the Tsar. In the field Ursiods are clad in heavy custom fit armor, increasing their already formidable durability and are armed with powerful high caliber rifles with oversized bayonets, as well as teeth, claws and Jaws as well as providing a distinct Psychological effect to the Soldiers of the Red Tsardom and the Tsardom’s enemies when they see that a force of armored bears armed with massive rifles descends upon them to rip them to bits. They are particularly loyal to the Tsar because a fair number of Nobles value the Pelts of Ursiods.

Sisters of Scarlet Mercy-A semi religious order, the Sisterhood of Scarlet Mercy is an all female order of Magic users that have dedicated themselves to mastering a set of supernatural healing arts. Red Tsardom has offered them access to resources and facilities in exchange for helping the Tsardom’s people, including saving lives on the field of battle. There spells and incantations have the ability to mend severed flesh, ease pain and stop infections. Many of the Tsar’s soldiers would not be alive today if it was not for the kind healing abilities of a Sister of Scarlet Mercy. In battle, they have been issued daggers and pistols (generally older models) should they need defend themselves, having sworn to only use magic to maintain life, never to take it.

Rune Priests-Rune Priests are a category of non military spellcasters that are trained in the creation and maintenance of defensive Runestones and inscribing runes onto metal objects, ranging from coin sized affairs to two meter tall monoliths. These Stones are useful in repelling belligerent spirits and other supernatural unpleasantness that comes up. Baring massively unusual circumstances rune priests never need to see combat, are small in number and the military has deemed that they don't warrant military spending money training or arming them for self defense, instead they simply travel about the Tsardom where needed, occasionally receiving a body guard in less safe areas.

Warrior Alchemists-An all volunteer force drawing its ranks from the alchemically inclined, Warrior Alchemists represent a specialized form of solider that is immensely useful to the Tsardom’s military. Warrior Alchemists are trained at a specialized branch of the Imperial Academy of Alchemy dedicated to military applications of alchemy. Like most alchemists, they enhance there are using a substance known as Alchemite, which is extracted from certain swamp plants native to Russia and makes for a powerful catalyst in the field. Imperial Alchemists are issued specialized sets of rune inscribed gauntlets with specially designed Alchemite passages for easy use to manipulate the environment around them and backpack reservoirs of the material. They can affect water, causing it to suddenly freeze or melt, crushing boats on rivers, providing instant bridges for soldiers to cross, making smokescreens of steam or entombing men and horses running across snow covered fields in blocks of solid ice. They can manipulate air, sending forth waves of fire or converting toxic gasses into solid objects to protect the Tsar’s men from harm. They can manipulate the earth, shaping trenches and sinkholes, causing fields of glass spikes to spring from sand for the enemy to impale their feet on and fire off sharp cones of stone at the enemy at speeds that while not comparable to those of cannons or guns, can do horrible and lethal things. While far from the best fighters in close quarters, they carry their own custom made alchemically enhanced sabers which have been inscribed with special runes that corrodes armor that it cuts. Warrior Alchemists are never the less few in number due to the scarcity of individuals who qualify, the high cost of their equipment, training and alchemite and the fact that there are a large number of non combat related application of Alchemical talents.

Police-One of the Tsardom’s most unique institutions is that of the Police. Each local soviet maintains a police force of these professional lawkeepers to keep the peace, as well as serving as enforcers in the Gulags to make sure that things move along well. Policemen are equipped with a Truncheon, short sword, set of handcuffs and a Helmet and sometimes carry lightweight shields made of Canvas or Leather on a wooden frame for dealing with rioters. Policemen are allowed to carry pistols on the beat, but only a fairly small percentage do as they must buy the weapon and the ammunition, they lack any training with them and the second hand single shot pistols that they can generally afford are of little use when going up against multiple foes. Police can defend cities in emergencies although their abilities in repelling armed soldiers is highly limited.


From Moscow’s mighty foundries comes an impressive display of firepower that makes even Elite Spell casters Cautious when the forces of the Imperial Red Army come marching into town. Imperial Artillerist are issued a pistol and dagger for Defense, often these weapons are second hand and you can still find a small number of old Double Barreled Flintlock pistols in use among them.

Cannon-The Red Tsardom makes heavy use of Cast Iron Dahlgren guns for field artillery, defense of cities and sieges. Two types are in use, the Field Gun, a lower caliber and faster firing model designed to support the Tsar’s armies on the field, and the siege gun, designed to level fortresses, although both can be used at each other’s function if the need arises. The Tsardom’s engineers has also designed special carriages to allow them to be fire upwards, hearing reports of strange flying fortresses

Skycleaner Gun-Specially designed for dealing with airborne threats, Sky cleaners are specially made pivot mounted breach loading 15mm weapons each with six massive two meter long barrels which can be individually fired. These weapons fire high velocity rounds and are designed specifically to defeat enemy fliers such as Griffons and Dragons, and are brutal against infantry, although their size and recoil limits their positions to wagons, airships and to fortresses.

Rocket Artillery
-The Tsardom’s Rocket Artillery traces its origins back some fifteen years to a Bar Room bet for fifteen Rubles at the Imperial Academy of Engineering when a young Engineering student named Dmitri Golokov bet his professor some 15 rubles that he could. A Month latter, some thirty students and instructors (and one touring officer) watched as the master was overshadowed by the protégé, starting the annual rocketry contest among the student’s population as well as causing the military to take the design, earning Dmitri some 250 additional Rubles and a Hero of Labor award granted by the Tsar Himself. Now Racks of Rockets are carted into the field to rain Death on the Tsar’s Enemies. At first, these rocket simply were to spread chaos, but improvements in design has led in the last ten years to new forms of Rocketry, including separate explosive charges at the head of the rocket, shrapnel charges filled with led balls and incendiary payloads to set alight the structures and warriors of the Tsar’s foes and a few loaded with arsenic, although these are far less accurate than Cannons and not as effective against stone structures.

Red Air Force

A newer development based off study of lighter than air flight, the Tsardom now take to the Sky. Airforce crews are armed with revolvers.

Markov-class Airship

The Markov class airship was the first to fly the Crimson banner of the Red Tsardom. Powered by kerosene burning steam engines, the Markov class is light and fast, acting as a scout for the Tsar’s armies and as a light raider. A Markov Airship is capable of speeds of 60km/h. It is unarmed, but has gunports from which Streltsi can fire. For durability, it has alchemically treated fabric in its envelop. It has a crew of 5 and can carry up to 25 passengers.

Zhukov-class Airship

A much larger class of airship, at ninety meters long, Zhukov-class airships are the main military airships. Zhukov-class Airships have eight Skycleaner guns (one front cabin, two side cabin, one cabin rear and four top), several gunports as well as having a specially designed ground saturation rocket launcher to provide air support to ground forces in the field and a singular forward mounted 100mm cannon should it need to fight other airships. Zhukov Airship are given addition protection with a triple layered hull. The Zhukov a crew of 25 and a top speed of 45 km/h.

Kirov-class Airship

The Kirov-class is the Tsardom’s most feared aircraft, the Kirov is a massive airship 125 meters long, a pondering behemoth with a top speed of 30km/h. Named for famed Aeronaut Sergey Kirov who famously caused an army of 5,000 noble led savages to route using his Markov-class airship and a few kegs of Gunpowder. Well armored with specially made lightweight steel plate, the Kirov has three Skycleaner Guns (Front cabin, back cabin and top), but its main armament is bomb payloadl. Kirov airships carries ten tonnes of cast iron bombs which they simply drop on their enemy from on high. These heavy bombs contain both standard explosives as well as an occasionally used an incendiary compound to start raging infernos. Kirov airships have a crew of 35 and carry ten Streltsi in case of boarding.

Red Imperial Navy

The Red Imperial Navy is a new addition to the Red Tsardom's military

Naval Infantry-Naval Infantry (also known as Marines) are the Red Tsardom's marines, serving as shipboard security, landing forces and fighters in boardings. Naval Infantry come as Human Marines, armed with cutlass, revolver and precussion cap rifle and given a helmet and upper torso armor and Ursiod Marines, armed with a pair of Ursiod scale revolvers and a rifle while being given a lighter, if still durable suit of armor.

Aurora-Class Ironclad-The Aurora-class is a revolutionary warship design and a testiment to the Tsardom's engineering prowess. These warships given iron plating on it's hull to offer protection. The Aurora is armed with fourteen 150mm Dahlgren cannons (Twelve Broadside, one forward, one rear), as well as having equipment for boarding, seven skycleaner guns to repell airborne attacks and a stock of specialized grenades to be tossed over the side to deal with underwater threats as well as a defensive runestone onboard for protection against the supernatura. The Aurora has a set of sails on it's three masts, although it also has a steam driven pair of corkscrew propellers allowing it to sail against the wind. Aurora-class ships have a crew of 250 men and carry a complement of some 120 marines (100 Human, 20 Ursiod)

Special Characters.

Tsar Mikhail-I, Tsar of Muscovy and of all the Civilized Russias and Champion of the Crimson Enlightenment
-Tsar Mikhail-I is the latest in the ruling dynasty of the Red Tsardom, a tall and imposing man in his twenties, the Tsar is in general popular with the population. The Tsar has a definite interest in the mechanical and Alchemical, having poured over numerous books from the libraries and having mastered a few basic alchemical abilities. The Tsar is a fair shot with a Revolver or rifle (having full access to alchemically enhanced ammunition) and for close combat has a specially crafted alchemically enhanced sword, complete with Runes and Alchemite Store. He can activate this blade to cause an alchemical reaction, causing steel it touches to rust and blood to boil. For protection, he carries a Rune Inscribed pocket watch at all times, a very effective tool in repelling negative spells.

Marshall Georgy Zhukov
-One of the Tsardom’s greatest Generals, Marshall Zhukov is the leader of the Tsar’s Army, a battle hardened commander which has seen armies through over sixty campaigns and having delivered victory after victory to the Tsardom. Zhukov is 60 years old, but never the less is a capable fighter equipped with runic armor and weapons on the off chance that he has to enter combat himself and remains to this day a calm, flexible and rational strategist.

The Angels of Death (Yulia Korolyov and Lena Savitskaya)-These are the codenames of the Tsardom’s two Elite Assassins, these two young woman (one with black hair, one with Scarlet) were raised at an orphanage after the death of their parents (both their fathers dying in service of Tsar and country), these elite sharpshooters became notable for their stealth abilities and marksmanship. As such, they were used in various ways before the Tsardom decided to use them as elite assassins.

The Angles of Death both carry custom made breech loading rifles with telescopic scopes and are exclusively issued alchemically enhanced powder. They are masters of evasion, stealth and planning, capable of setting themselves up where needed to place a bullet in the head of their marks. For close combat, they each carry a pair of revolvers and a finely made set of daggers of alchemically enhanced steel, as well as carrying runic pocket watches for defense against the supernatural.

Sergei Gagarin
-Sergei Gagarin (generally referred to as the World Shaper) is notable for being the Tsardom’s greatest warrior alchemist, although not the first he is without a doubt the most powerful warrior alchemist ever to live. He can perform feats that no other Warrior Alchemist can, from being able to launch a lance of ignited oxygen at his enemies, moving tidal waves of water out of rivers to envelop and freeze entire companies of soldiers to causing intense localized windstorms to brush away an oncoming salvo of arrows and causing the very ground around his foes. Sergei can quickly set up a set of defensive lines of field fortifications such as trenches, as well as being able to set up tunnels supported with compressed earth walls and buttresses for structural which the Tsar’s soldiers can use to bypass fortifications safely. What makes him even more is said to be able what a normal warrior alchemist does without alchemite. In close quarters, his armament is a special runeblade known as the Desolator, which can not only corrode through iron and steel, but also can rework flesh into a foul smelling organic sludge.

Ivan the Fearless
-Ivan the Fearless is the leader of the Tsardom’s Ursiod forces, a seasoned veteran who has lead his fellow Ursiods to victory for some 30 years. He is an impressive creature, massive, strong and experienced. His armor and firearm are both alchemically enhanced. It is dignified and proud, but always cautious in his actions. His presence also inspires those about him, especially Ursiods.


The Red Kremlin-Located outside Moscow, the Red Kremlin represents the Tsar's autocratic authority, with its red brick walls (backed with a less visiable but massive backing of rammed earth) standing strong and scarlet banners fluttering in the wind. It defended by a set of cannon and plenty of places for streltsi to fire from. This suplements the ring of trences and stockades which surrounds the outside of the city for defense, as well as having facillities for the Tsardom's top brass.

Tver Kremlin-After it's conquest, the Tver Kremlin was rebuilt to modern standards as an impressive fortress. Although not as impressive as the Red Kremlin, it is still a decent foritification and imposing symbol of the Tsar's authority
Point Cost


Streltsi (Riflemen)-75 points per hundred/ 7,500 points 10,000 Streltsi
Crimson Guard (Elite Riflemen)-150 points per hundred/ 1,500 points, 1,000 Crimson Guard
Imperial Cavaliers (Cavalry)-100 points per hundred/ 2,000 points, 2,000 Imperial Cavaliers
Crimson Guard Cavaliers (Elite Cavalry)-200 points per hundred/ 400 points, 200 Crimson Guard Cavaliers
Ursiod Warriors (Armored sapient bears with guns)-200 Points per hundred/ 3,000 points, 1,500 Ursiods
Sisters of Scarlet Mercy (Lightly armed Healers)-30 points per hundred/500 points, 1,500 Sisters
Rune Priests (Defensive Runekeepers)-50 points per hundred/100 points, 200 Rune Priests
Warrior Alchemists (Alchemical Infantry)-500 points per hundred/250 Points, 50 Warrior Alchemists
Police (Lightly armed Law enforcement, Semaphore operators and Gulag guards)-20 Points per hundred/1,500 Points, 7,500 Policemen
16,750 points soldiers


Field Gun (150mm Dahlgren Cannon)-50 points/1,800 points, 40 field guns
Siege Gun (350mm Dahlgren Heavy Cannon)-100 points/500 points, 5 Siege Guns
Rocket Artillery Cart-10 Points/500 points 50 Rocket Carts
Skycleaner Gun Cart-20 Points/800 points, 40 Gun carts
3,600 points of Artillery
Air Force

Air Force

Markov-class Scout Airship-50 Points/1,000 points, 20 Airships
Zhukov-class Air Superiority Airship-200 Points/2,000 points, 10 airships
Kirov-class Airship Bomber-300 Points/1,500 Points, 5 Airships
300 Points

Special Charecters

The Red Tsar-25 Points
Marshall Georgy Zhukov-15 Points
The Angels of Death-25 Points Each
Sergei Gagarin-100 Points
Ivan the Fearless-25 Points
Last edited by Zor on 2008-12-15 02:58am, edited 8 times in total.
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Shinn Langley Soryu
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Shinn Langley Soryu »

Combat Units of the Holy Empire of Gurren-Britannia (Complete)



Men trained to fight on foot or on horseback, these highly versatile soldiers have replaced traditional swordsmen as standard line infantry and form the core of Gurren-Britannia's fighting strength. Clad in the standard Gurren-Britannian armor kit (steel breastplate, helmet, gauntlets, and greaves), armed with sabers and hatchets, and given the best training possible, they can reply to most threats that come their way.

Unit Type: Medium infantry
Unit Price: 50 gold / 100 soldiers

Heavy Cavalry

These dedicated horsemen use their superior speed and mobility to gain the advantage over their enemies. Wearing a modified version of the standard armor kit (brigandine instead of the standard breastplate) and armed with lances, axes, short composite bows, and primitive single-action percussion-cap revolvers, they make heavy use of hit-and-run assaults and flanking maneuvers, only using mass charges when the situation is favorable.

Unit Type: Heavy infantry
Unit Price: 100 gold / 100 soldiers


Gurren-Britannia prides itself on its long tradition of archery and still makes heavy use of archers within its armed forces despite the advent of the firearm. In addition to the standard armor kit, the typical Gurren-Britannian archer carries a longbow and a short sword; a group of archers can accurately and devastatingly rain down arrows on enemy positions from great distances, making them invaluable for indirect fire support.

Unit Type: Medium infantry
Unit Price: 37.5 gold / 100 soldiers


Gurren-Britannia has been quick to embrace firearms and is starting to equip its line soldiers with these devastating weapons. Equipped with the same armor as the rest of Gurren-Britannia's infantry and carrying rifled flintlock muskets, bayonets, and sabers, they can devastate entire formations with a single volley of their guns before charging in close with sabers and mounted bayonets to finish off the enemy.

Unit Type: Heavy infantry
Unit Price: 75 gold / 100 soldiers

Gurren Knights

The de facto ruler of London before Empress Arturia retook the city was a mercenary warlord who called himself Kamina; after being bested by the upstart Empress on the battlefield, he was also the first person to swear fealty to her. He and the men under his command proved themselves to be among the bravest and most capable (some would say most reckless) of Arturia's servants, constantly throwing themselves onto the battlefield and prevailing against all odds. Those who survived to see the consolidation of the Holy Empire of Gurren-Britannia were honored by having their mercenary company's name included in the full name of the country, such was their role in forming it. Now led by Kamina's hand-picked successor, Lord Simon, these Gurren Knights form the elite of the Gurren-Britannian armed forces. Afforded the absolute best in training and equipment, their greatest asset is their tremendous courage; they display a willingness to fight in situations that would make even a Knight of Brunestud or a Tactical Sorcerist consider retreat or surrender, and they may very well have the willpower to succeed in such an effort. Their rifles, revolvers, bayonets, and sabers help, too.

Unit Type: Super-heavy infantry
Unit Price: 600 gold / 100 soldiers

Knights of the Order of Brunestud

Dame Altrouge Brunestud was one of the warriors who originally accompanied Ulrich of Hamburg to the Dead Sea; while she fell mad like all the other members of Ulrich's retinue, she still retained enough of her sanity to oppose the other Fallen Knights. Having witnessed firsthand the horrors that had been unleashed in the former Holy Land, she fought defiantly against the Fallen wherever they appeared, but she was just one woman versus an endless horde of undead and monsters. While most people refused to cooperate with her due to her association with the Fallen, a few joined her crusade and assisted her efforts; even then, Dame Altrouge's efforts on the European mainland were for naught, and she and her servants eventually made their way to England, which was now under attack by the Fallen as well. The Fallen were eventually defeated and driven to Scotland and Ireland, but at great cost; feeling that she had failed once more, Dame Altrouge went into self-imposed exile, but not before she bore a daughter.

The descendants of the original Knights of Brunestud, led by Dame Altrouge's daughter Lady Arcueid, have sworn their loyalty to Empress Arturia and continue their crusade against the remaining forces of the Fallen to this day. While adept with some magical techniques, their primary focus is on unarmed and armed combat and tracking techniques. Only a few other elite units of the Gurren-Britannian armed forces, such as the Tactical Sorcerists and the Gurren Knights, can meet or beat their martial skills.

Unit Type: Super-heavy infantry
Unit Price: 800 gold / 100 soldiers



The typical combat mage of Gurren-Britannia has a general knowledge of the four classical elements (fire, air, water, or earth) and can use them individually or in combination to achieve various effects. Highly versatile, they can do anything from healing entire armies to demolishing enemy positions with equal ease.

Unit Type: Offensive/defensive magician
Unit Price: 400 gold / 100 soldiers

Null Magi / Zeroes

While most Gurren-Britannian combat magi specialize in the four classical elements, there are a few capable of wielding the supposedly unattainable fifth element: Void. These Null Magi, or "Zeroes" as they are popularly called, are significantly more powerful than their more orthodox kin, as they can use void energies either to augment traditional elemental magic or to access various esoteric abilities beyond the four-element paradigm.

Unit Type: Offensive/defensive magician
Unit Price: 1000 gold / 100 soldiers

Tactical Sorcerists ("Straitjackets")

During Empress Arturia's campaign to reforge the British kingdom, she was quick to notice the rather high casualty rate of wizards thrust onto the front lines of battle. In order to increase survivability, she had many of her surviving wizards train with armor and weapons. These first attempts at creating a viable combat mage eventually led to the development of the Tactical Sorcerist, a magically augmented soldier capable of using his/her spells to utterly destroy any and all opposition on the battlefield.

Tactical Sorcerists sacrifice much of their magical development in order to focus on raw destructive power. Encased in enchanted plate armor (the source of the "Straitjacket" moniker), their primary weapon is a percussion-cap rifle that doubles as a wand for further enhancing their magic. Even without their magic, they are still formidable armed combatants, be it with their rifles or with other, more traditional weapons such as swords and bows.

Unit Type: Ultra-heavy infantry/offensive magician
Unit Price: 800 gold / 100 soldiers


Towed Cannons

Gurren-Britannia has made a few advances in the area of gunpowder weapons, particularly in the area of siege weaponry. The typical artillery piece used by the Gurren-Britannian military is a muzzle-loaded 6-inch rifled gun that bears a very suspicious resemblance to similar weapons used by the distant Red Tsardom. These cannons are capable of firing either solid shot against fortifications or grapeshot against enemy armies.

Unit Type: Cannon
Unit Price: 50 gold / cannon

Crimson Faces

The Fallen made heavy use of constructs during their assault on the British Isles long ago. The most common of these was an airborne monstrosity of bronze, wood, and stone called a "Faceless"; immune to most normal weapons and capable of annihilating entire armies with their energy blasts, they also had the rather nasty tendency to self-destruct in the rare event that one could be brought down. To counter these Faceless, the British created constructs of their own, iron behemoths they called "Crimson Faces"; capable of withstanding a Faceless' energy attacks and self-destruct mechanism, armed with massive drills that could pierce the Faceless' armor, and capable of sustained flight through magic, they also proved to be very useful against the Fallen's more conventional forces. A few Crimson Faces still survive to this day, where they are now utilized by the Gurren-Britannian armed forces as super-heavy shock troops; their drills also come in handy during sieges.

Unit Price: 300 gold / golem


Assault Transports

These small sailing ships are primarily tasked with ferrying troops from place to place, but in a pinch they can be used for light combat. They are equipped with a small number of cannons and ballistae for self-defense should they ever be engaged.

Unit Type: Light warship
Unit Price: 150 gold / ship


The mainstay of the ever-growing Gurren-Britannian navy, these sailing ships are capable of dealing with any threats they encounter on the open seas. Primarily armed with cannons, they also carry ballistae and marines for boarding actions against disabled enemy vessels.

Unit Type: Medium warship
Unit Price: 300 gold / ship

Ships of the Line

The ultimate in fighting ships, these colossal vessels rule the seas. Bristling with cannons and ballistae and packed with marines, with proper support they can lay waste to entire fleets.

Unit Type: Heavy warship
Unit Price: 900 gold / ship


Avalon class skyship

The first skyship to be commissioned in the Gurren-Britannian armed forces, the Avalon is a triumph of the fusion of magic and technology. Kept aloft by magic and primitive coal-fired engines, bristling with all sorts of weapons, capable of dropping soldiers directly to the battlefield via teleporters, and rendered nigh-indestructible by protective magic, it is the very definition of "death from above."

Unit Type: Super-heavy skyship
Unit Cost: 1000 gold / ship


Arturia Pendragon, Eternal Empress of Gurren-Britannia

Unit Type: Empress of Gurren-Britannia, expert swordswoman, all-around badass
Unit Price: 1000 gold

Lady Arcueid Brunestud

Unit Type: Leader of the Knights of Brunestud, vampire, all-around badass
Unit Price: 1000 gold

Lord Simon

Unit Type: Leader of the Gurren Knights, expert cavalryman, even more of a badass than Arcueid and Arturia combined
Unit Price: 500 gold

Lady Louise Françoise le Blanc de la Vallière

Unit Type: Leader of the Null Magi, expert wizard, sadistic pink-haired borderline-loli bitch
Unit Price: 750 gold


Tower of London

The crown jewel of the rebuilt city of London, the Tower of London is where Empress Arturia and her court conduct their business. Any opponent who wishes to assault London to claim the tower will not find it easy.

Unit Type: Level 2 fortress
Unit Price: Free

Windsor Castle

Located near the city of London, this ancient stone edifice is the headquarters of the Knights of Brunestud and the resting place of the knightly order's founder, the redeemed Fallen Knight Dame Altrouge. The Knights of Brunestud will stop at nothing to ensure that the castle will never fall to any opponent.

Unit Type: Level 1 fortress
Unit Price: Free


8000 dragoons (4000 gold total)
2000 heavy cavalry (2000 gold total)
4000 archers (1500 gold total)
2000 riflemen (1500 gold total)
200 Gurren Knights (1200 gold total)
100 Knights of Brunestud (800 gold total)
400 elementalists (1600 gold total)
100 Null Magi (1000 gold total)
100 Tactical Sorcerists (800 gold total)
16 towed cannons (800 gold total)
4 Crimson Faces (1200 gold total)
8 assault transports (1200 gold total)
4 frigates (1200 gold total)
2 ships of the line (1800 gold total)
1 Avalon class skyship (1000 gold)
Empress Arturia (1000 gold)
Lady Arcueid (1000 gold)
Lord Simon (500 gold)
Lady Louise (750 gold)

TOTAL COST: 24850 GOLD [counting named characters]
TOTAL MAINTENANCE COST: 4320 GOLD / YEAR [maintenance fees do not count named characters]
Last edited by Shinn Langley Soryu on 2008-11-30 01:27pm, edited 2 times in total.
I ship Eino Ilmari Juutilainen x Lydia V. Litvyak.

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Stofsk: What are you, his mother?
The Yosemite Bear: Obviously, which means that he's grounded, and that she needs to go back to sucking Mr. Coffee's cock.

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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Oseng »

The Kingdom of Dolgan

A black background, with the edges trimmed in white. A silver gryphon stands rampant on the left clutching one side of a crown, while a silver dragon stands rampant on the right side where it clutches the other side of the crown.


Near every race and culture in the world has some form of legend or myth regarding dragons. And in western Europe many, though not all, of those legends come from the Brood. The Brood are an ancient race of Dragons who can walk in the forms of men, indistinguishable save for purple or blue hair and a mark like a dragon's claw on their forehead.

In the dim ages of the past long before the Fall, the Brood ruled over a great and prosperous empire. But discord arose and the Brood fell into a massive and bloody civil war. On one side stood the Light Dragons, and their long allies the Wyndians (wing humans that can turn into great birds such as gryphons, thunderbirds, etc), and on the other stood the Black Dragons.

The reasons for the monstrous civil war have long been lost to the river of time, but what is known is that the Light Dragons and their allies won. But they were weakened and the humans fell upon them, slaughtering many in their fear and anger.

The surviving Brood and Wyndians fled north to Scandinavia where they hid themselves in the highest mountains and deep underground till the Fall occurred.

When the fall occurred the Brood and the Wyndians, their numbers having recovered, decided it was time for them to show themselves to the world once more. They easily took control of the humans living around their ancient hiding places, and are now slowly rebuilding their once great empire.

The Kingdom:

The kingdom is ruled by the twin thrones in the capital of Scande. Currently King Ryudra of the Brood and his wife Queen Nina of the Wyndians sit upon these thrones.

While they have quite a bit of power in their own right, they are advised by the Council of Elders and the Court of Nobles. The Court consists of the kingdom's nobles of all three races, and has some power in it's own right.

The Council of Elders directly advises the King, and consists of an elected elder from each province. The Elders can be of any race and they have a great deal of power, even able to remove the king from the throne or overturn a royal decree. However this requires a unanimous vote, which does not often happen.

Each province of the Kingdom of Dolgan is ruled by a noble Governor, usually of the noble rank of Jarl.

The Wyndians and Brood are long lived species with low birthrates, so a significant amount of the kingdom's populace is made up of the Norse humans.

Dolgan's Noble ranks: (From greatest to least)
The Monarchs [King and Queen]
Ridder (knight, carries no land or other income with the title)

The subjects of the Kingdom of Dolgan follow a trio of deities, who each represent different things. While each deity is a patron of one of three races that live within the Kingdom of Dolgan, but those lines have blurred, and they are all worshiped by the three races.

Landon, the Dragon Lord, is the head deity of the trio. He is regarded as the deity of the sun, honor, courage, loyalty, warfare, and justice. He is considered as the patron deity of the Brood.

Myria, the Winged One, is regarded as the deity of death and life, the moon and the night, fertility, romance, the sky, and related things. She is the patron deity of the Wyndians .

Deis, the Snake-legged and the Keeper of Secrets, is considered to be the deity of knowledge (both magic, and science), hidden things, the earth, metal smithing, construction, the arts, writing, and other related things. She is regarded as the patron deity of Humans.

Both the Wyndian and the Brood magics rest upon the powers of what are called runes. Each rune is said to contain the essence of what it names and by drawing the rune, speaking the rune's name, or otherwise using the rune a mage can call upon the essence contained within that rune.

These runic spells are most often used for protection, manipulating the elements (often used in combat), healing, and divination.

Magicians who use this system of magic are called Runecarvers, and masters of runic magic are called Runemasters.


Drogan level : 2,500
Drogan is the ancient hidden city of the Brood, where they hid themselves after the fall of their empire.

Scande level 2: 5,000
Scande is the recently founded capital of the Kingdom, founded by the Wyndians and Brood when they emerged from their hidden cities.

Wyndia level 1: 2,500
An ancient city of the Wyndians, Wyndia was the only city of theirs to survive the civil war. Located high up on a mountain side it is also where they hid themselves.


Magical runes are engraved into the soldier's weapons and armor to enchant them and make them more effective.

Ground Forces:

Human Militia: 20 points
Every male in the land is bound by law and custom to rise up at the call of the Twin Thrones. Peasants, farmers, and similar folk they are usually without armor or lightly armored at the most, and generally armed with spear and shield. Some also carry hunting bows.

Norse Warriors: 40 points
lamellar armor, spear, shield, javelin, seax (knife) or waraxe and no shield or javelin
Both the Wyndians and the Brood are longlived and powerful species, but they have a low birthrate. And so most of the kingdom's populace is human, and it is from these humans that the Kingdom's soldiers are drawn.

Beyond the addition of enchantments, more organization such as standing army, and more discipline, not much has changed for these warriors of the Norse. These northern warriors are usually equipped with lamellar armor, a spear and shield, two or three javelins, and a seax. However some of them wield a two handed waraxe instead of a spear, and carry no shields or javelins.

Norse Archers: 40 points
Some northern warriors are skilled with the bow, and it is from these forces that the Archers are drawn. They are generally equipped with leather armor, bow and arrows, short sword, and seax.

Runemasters: 70 points
Runemasters are master mages who have chosen to use the powers their knowledge of magical runes grant them in service to the Kingdom. They are usually accompanied by a pair of Runecarvers and several apprentices. They use their runes to unleash the fury of the elements on enemies, while healing and protecting the Kingdom's troops. They generally carry maces or short swords and and wear leather armor. Runemasters may be human, Wyndian, or Brood, but if non-human then they are usually ill trained in transforming, if they are capable of transforming at all.

Brood Warriors: 90 points
The Brood are few in number but they are great and powerful warriors. They take the field in half-plate armor and wielding a bastard sword with human strength and reflexes. More then that they can transform into their true forms as western style dragons. They are also not unfamiliar with the use of magic.

Wyndian Soldiers: 80 points
chainmail, flying, bow, spear/shield, sword
Like the Brood the Wyndians are few in number but also like the Brood they are powerful and highly skilled warriors. They wear chain mail in battle and fight with spear, shield, and sword. Or with longbow and

Air Forces:

Dragons: 90 points
A Brood transformed into his or her dragon form along with a rider. Their scales are natural armor, they have strong teeth and claws and a fiery breath weapon, and their riders are armed with enchanted bow and arrows.

Great Birds: 80 points
A Wyndian transformed into his or her Great Bird shape, along with a rider or two. Their feathers are as tough as strong leather armor or hide, and they have fearsome talons and beaks. Not to mention they always bear one or two riders with enchanted bow and arrows.

Naval Forces:

Longship: 100 points
A traditional Viking ship, the Viking Longship is still used for many of the same purposes it was used for before the Brood and Wyndians took control over what is now the Kingdom of Dolgan.

Knarr: 150 points
A Knarr is a traditional Norse ship, larger then a Longship and often used for trading and cargo. The Kingdom of Dolgan has taken the design and enlarged it to allow for a ballista in the ship's bow and marines armed with sword, shields, and bows.
Last edited by Oseng on 2008-12-07 11:09pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by PeZook »

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JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up

It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.

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Re: SDN Kingdoms

Post by Oseng »

I added one unit, though I can't edit my OOB.

Outriders: 60 points
The Outriders are the descendants of a mercenary company that found itself in Scandinavia after the the Fall. When the Brood and Wyndians rose up and established the Kingdom of Dolgany these mercs from eastern lands were caught up and absorbed into the Kingdom's military. They wear leather and fur armor and ride fast and war trained horses while wielding horse bows, a saber and round shield, and sometimes light spears or lances. They are not a good match for the heavy cavalry of other countries, but they are skilled scouts and skirmishers.

512 casting points

Troops of the Kingdom of Dolgan

10,000 Norse Warriors (100 warriors per 40 points, 100 units) [4,000 points]
10,000 Norse Archers (100 archers per 40 points, 100 units) [4,000 points]
1,650 Outriders (50 Outriders per 60 points, 33 units) [1980 points]
28 Runemasters (1 Runemaster and entourage for 70 points, 28 units) [1,960 points]
750 Brood Warriors (25 warriors per 90 points, 30 units) [2,700 points]
750 Wyndian Soldiers (30 soldiers per 80 points, 25 units) [2,000 points]
20x Kasier (1 Kaiser for 150 points) [3,000 points]

200 Dragons (10 dragons per 90 points, 20 units) [1,800 points]
200 Great Birds (10 Great Birds per 80 points, 20 units) [1,600 points]

60 Longships (4 longships per 100 points, 15 units) [1,500 points]
12 Knarr (2 longships per 150 points, 6 units) [900 points]

Upkeep as of Turn 2: 5,178
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