PainRack wrote:Since we have to wait until December for Knights to be released, are WPs capable of taking on tankers like the Chosen or Da Black Orc? My attempt to test this by going on 1 v 1 against a Chosen, using judgement and etc repeatedly before closing into meelee after 1/3 of his life was gone was cut short when a fellow WP joined in.
I noticed WPs that are dealing out a fair share of damage in scenarios, and in battlefields, they're charging right into battle and acting as "tankers".....
WP is very solid 1v1. Not quite to the degree of a DoK (although you'll stalemate against an equal-level one most of the time), but decent DPS, armor, and lots of self-healing lets you take down most melee classes. Their snare sucks though, so trying to chase down ranged classes is difficult.
I am firm believer that you really have to be hardcore to play a WP properly. Not only does it take more skill than other healers (as you have to manage your defensive target, your AP, your RF, and your duration-based abilities such as Castigation and your HoT, in addition to trying to keep yourself alive in melee while still healing your group with both casted heals and your melee heals, all while finding a good offensive target to beat on), but you really need to get into the maelstrom of battle. There's nothing I hate more than a sissy WP who's afraid of getting into a fight. WP is one of the most survivable classes in the game, so there's really no excuse.
There's nothing wrong with standing back to cast-heal if the situation calls for it, mind. But WPs who run from a fight, especially one where the ten - fifteen seconds it takes to kill a WP could delay the enemy enough to accomplish a strategic objective, should really just reroll another class. Like White Lion.
Anyways, you shouldn't really think of WP as a tank
per se. That's not their role. Even with their armor prayer, they don't have the armor to take really nasty hits, nor do they have a shield (which is half of tanking - shields are VERY good in War). Their role is to be the crazy sonuvabitch who charges headlong into an entire enemy group all on his own (hopefully dragging more reluctant teammates along with!) and the backup healer for the AMs and RPs.