Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Noblity of the World, Quake in Fear.
The Red Tsardom
History-The Red Tsardom is a new nation. Once, during the time of the Rus, it was but a small town on the Moscow River under the rule of the Rurik Dynasty. However, with the massive changes brought about, the authority of the Rurik’s withered and the lands of the Rus fell apart and the lands of the Rus. Chaos ruled the lands as the land was divided into many quarreling city states. During this time, Moscow grew, but under the despotic rule of villainous Prince after villainous Prince.
However in 1625 a Party of travelers appeared, wandering across the land in search of those who would listen, keeping in their caravan a set of books. They searched tirelessly, trying to find an area where their ideology could flourish so they could bring justice and order to this chaotic world, while adding new members from those willing to embrace their cause, but always they found the wrong conditions. Until 1650 years ago, one of the Party’s Leaders, Vladimir the Strong found what they needed in Moscow and the Higher ups on the shore of the Moscow River.
They found in the Principality a cruel and brutish civilization, a land where a Tyrannical Prince ruled over a set of callous uncaring nobles constantly jockeying for power and beneath them a population of Serfs and Slaves which the Nobles had the power of Life and Death over. Meanwhile, the Nobles waged campaigns of Genocide against the Ursiods, a Race of intelligent bears and masters of metalwork which dwelled in the surrounding lands. Vladimir’s men worked their way into the peasant’s population, inspiring prominent townsmen into siding with them in a revolution, while his right hand man Lev Davidivich made contact with the Ursiod Chieftains. It took two months of work, but in late October the revolution began. A force of Ursiods made raids against military outposts, prompting the Prince of Moscow to dispatch his armies into the wilderness. At dawn the following morning, Vladimir launched his daring do or die assault. He lead a ragtag force of Party Members and serfs armed with the handful of Arquebus matchlocks the party managed to have made during their travels and a motley assortment of Tools and Second Hand weaponry. At dawn, seven hundred and thirty seven men stormed into Moscow as the gates were opened by agents, who had slit the thoughts of the Sentries and descended on the Prince’s Palace. The Prince was then captured and beaten to death by a frenzied mob, as was his family and a few of the Muscovite Nobles. With a rousing display of speeches (and a few handouts of Gold), Vladimir declared to Moscow that a New Day had dawned for the City and gained massive support.
Vladimir wasted no time in preparing to finish the Job, he sent out expeditions to back up peasant uprisings, in two days managing to size control of two thirds of Muscovite Lands. All Saltpeter, Charcoal and Sulfur in Moscow was converted into black powder while backsmiths were hastily taught how to manufacture firearms. When word reached the Noble Lead Armies of the coup, they turned towards the city itself, while the sons of disposed Nobles were killed to end bloodlines of potential rivals. It took a week before their armies could muster fully, but when they did, they quickly surrounded Moscow with some 4,500 men, outnumbering Vladimir’s Forces nearly three to one. For three days the Noble’s forces held the city under siege, until Lev returned with an army of 500 Party loyal Peasant Militia and some 750 Ursiods. In a swift and decisive battle, the Muscovite Nobility was exterminated. With this, Vladimir won the Loyalty of the Ursiods and the Local populace, negotiating a peace between them. With that, a new age began as Vladimir was crowned the first Red Tsar and the Birth of the Red Tsardom.
With that, he set about using the knowledge of the Party’s Library; he managed to rebuild the battered kingdom. He set up printing presses, gunpowder works and revolutionized textile manufacturing. Superior strains of wheat and barley and improved irrigation brought about bumper crops. Five years into his reign, the entire army worked based off Gunpowder, five years after that the first public schools opened, ten years afterwards the first Soviets were created. While he died 21 years into his reign, his successors continued his traditions as generation of Red Tsars continued, while slowly but surely, the Red Tsardom moved, adding new lands to its domain and disposing of Nobles. Today, the Red Tsardom stands a mighty nation in the Land of Russia, as its armies of men and bear continue to defeat the regressive lands surrounding while liberating their people from backwardness and the Clutches of Nobility.
Major Settlements
Moscow-The Core of the Red Tsardom, Moscow is an impressive capital, home to the Imperial Palace and a bastion of Learning and Industry. Smoke constantly rises from the cities factories and mills. A never-ending supply of raw materials goes through its gates while it produces highly valuable equipment, from firearms to agricultural implements which make the lands of Tsardom all the more fertile. It is also home to the Tsardom’s Academies, fine educational institutions that produce the best and brightest of the nation. It also serves as a hub for the growing network of Semaphores keeps the Tsardom well aware. Many cities in the Tsardom aspire to be like Moscow, but Moscow has never been succeeded in its grandeur.
Tver-The second largest city of the Tsar and Moscow's former rival, Tver was conquered 45 years ago and is in the process of conversion to more modern standards. Tver is growing quite rapidly due to development programs initated by the past three Tsars.
The Gulags-Gulags are state owned labor facilities populated by a variety of characters; a few are for more minor crimes, such as to work off stolen goods or fines, while others contain ranks of traitors, rioters, supporters of nobles and rebels against the Tsardom and it her people. From the Gulags comes an endless stream of products, from raw materials such as Coal, Iron and Lumber to products including bricks, components for agricultural equipment, powder and food from agricultural Gulags. Gulag inmates are divided into Gangs of five, which are further divided into details of thirty, with rewards and punishment applied both individually. Those who perform well get rewards of additional rations, hours off and rewards of Liquor, while their Gangmates also benefit (to a lesser degree) as do fellow members of their detail (to an even lesser degree). On the same note, those who perform poorly or are belligerent have rations cut and are given additional work, and their members also suffer for their shortcomings. Those which prove consistently problematic are sent to terminal camps to be overburdened until they simply expire. Those which are consistently beneficial get sent to non gender segregated camps where they are free to make whatever arrangements they may, although a Gulag is no place for a child, so the Tsars in their enlightened judgment and compassion for the innocent, has ordered that all children born in the Gulag be immediately transferred to crown run orphanages.
Occasionally during annexation, a populace will prove quite belligerent in pointless resistance to the prosperity the Tsardom offers or desires the restoration of the backwards savagery they lived in before hand and rebels. In this case, the Tsardom will be forced to arrest numerous people for insurrection against the Tsar and send significant portions of the adult population to the Gulags while send the children to orphanages while settling the area with Retired soldiers and their families.
Red Imperial Army
Streltsi (Shooters)-Streltsi are the standard infantry of the Red Imperial Army, Streltsi are armed with a Dmitrivich/Alexandrov Model-1689 Flintlock Rifle with bayonet. These 12.5mm weapons have an effective range of 300 meters. These forces are clad in mass produced uniforms, most iconic of which being their dull crimson greatcoats and are given a Mark-4 Infantryman’s helmet (Simple steel skullcap) with Gold Star insignia. Streltsi officers carry Revolvers and Sabers and have gorgets. Streltsi infantry are recruited primarily from patriotic/adventurous young men, military families, people raised in state orphanages as well as Conscripts. When in convoys, Streltsi are experts at making Wagon Forts to defend their position. Streltsi also make use of “Vodka Bombs”, which are simple incendiaries made of Bottle of Vodka (often with other agents) and burning wicks (generally rags) in the stopper to disrupt ranks and set buildings alight.
Crimson Guard-Elite Streltsi, those in the RIA that prove themselves to be above average (either in training or on the battlefield) get placed in Crimson Guard units. Crimson Guard soldiers are given upper torso plates, the new Dmitrivich/Alexandrov Model-1699 Percussion cap rifle and a Revolver.
Imperial Cavaliers-Despite having no Knights, the Tsardom never the less maintains proper cavalry support for it’s armies in the field. Recruited from Herdsmen and those recruits who take and pass a basic horsemanship test, Imperial Cavaliers have state provided horses from which to fight. Imperial Cavaliers are lightly armored, only having a helmet and breastplate, but are equipped with a lance for charges, a saber for hacking and a pair of Imperial Six Shot revolvers. Officers sometimes carry double barreled Flintlock shotguns in lieu of the more conventional revolver.
Ursiod Warriors-Mighty Intelligent Bears, Ursiod Citizens work in the Forests and in Cities, primarily as craftsmen (particularly in metalworking, carpentry and cooking in their specific styles), police, Gulag Guards and heavy laborers. Highly resistant to the effects of mind controlling magics (although the same can’t be said of the effects of hard drink), Ursiods are massive creatures weighing up to half a tonne and being of incredible durability. However, the Ursiod subjects of the Tsar also must stand and fight for the safety, security and prosperity of the Tsardom. As such, Ursiods fight alongside men in the ranks of the Tsar. In the field Ursiods are clad in heavy custom fit armor, increasing their already formidable durability and are armed with powerful high caliber rifles with oversized bayonets, as well as teeth, claws and Jaws as well as providing a distinct Psychological effect to the Soldiers of the Red Tsardom and the Tsardom’s enemies when they see that a force of armored bears armed with massive rifles descends upon them to rip them to bits. They are particularly loyal to the Tsar because a fair number of Nobles value the Pelts of Ursiods.
Sisters of Scarlet Mercy-A semi religious order, the Sisterhood of Scarlet Mercy is an all female order of Magic users that have dedicated themselves to mastering a set of supernatural healing arts. Red Tsardom has offered them access to resources and facillities in exchange for helping the Tsardom’s people, including saving lives on the field of battle. There spells and incantations have the ability to mend severed flesh, ease pain and stop infections. Many of the Tsar’s soldiers would not be alive today if it was not for the kind healing abilities of a Sister of Scarlet Mercy. In battle, they have been issued daggers and pistols (generally older models) should they need defend themselves, having sworn to only use magic to maintain life, never to take it.
Rune Priests-Rune Priests are a catagory of non military spellcasters that are trained in the creation of defensive Runestones, ranging from coin sized affairs to two meter tall monoliths. These Stones are useful in repelling beligerent spirits and other supernatural unpleasantness that comes up. Baring massively unusal circumstances runepriests never need to see combat, are small in number and the military has dempt that they don't warrent military spending money training or arming them for self defense, instead they simply travel about the Tsardom where need.
Warrior Alchemists-An all volunteer Force, Warrior Alchemists come from a special category of Alchemical individuals that have arisen. Making up a small part of the population with no preference to birth, status or lineage in the lands of the Rus are a category of Alchemy capable individuals. Rus Alchemists work in ways that more common Alchemists from across the world are able to manipulate matter using a combination of circular runes (known as transmutation circles) and a compound known as Alchemite (a product of a type of swamp-plant now cultivated, the process of it’s extraction being a tight state secret) as a Catalyst. This allows Alchemists to strengthen the steel of a Cannon or produce more durable cloth, but a few are trained for more specialized roles on the battlefield. Using a specialized set of Gloves and a backpack reservoir of Alchemite, they can make sinkholes appear in the ground in front of enemy soldiers, turn earth into shrap stalagmites beneath the Ranks of soldiers, fire Stalagmites, send forth waves of flame and waves of mud to solidify around the feet of oncoming soldiers. If forced into close quarters, they carry specialized high caliber revolvers which fire specially prepared Alchemite filled rounds with a simple rune which they charge while firing. The effect of this specialized transform organic matter (weather living or dead) into an unstable chemical compound which, if shook, explodes and leaves a foul smelling gas that spooks horses. Due to the scarcity of alchemically inclined individuals, the cost of producing Alchemite and various non military applications for their talents, Warrior Alchemists are fairly rare, but the skills of these men and woman can turn the tide of battle.
From Moscow’s mighty foundries comes an impressive display of firepower that makes even Elite Spell casters Cautious when the forces of the Imperial Red Army come marching into town. Imperial Artillerist are issued a pistol and dagger for Defense, often these weapons are second hand and you can still find a small number of old Double Barreled Flintlock pistols in use among them.
Cannon-The Red Tsardom makes heavy use of Cast Iron Dahlgren guns for field artillery, defense of cities and sieges. A few Bronze cannons remain for training purposes and last line defense.
Skycleaner Gun-Specially designed for dealing with airborne threats, Sky cleaners are specially made pivot mounted breach loading 15mm weapons each with six massive two meter long barrels which can be individually fired. These weapons fire high velocity rounds and are designed specifically to defeat enemy fliers such as Griffons and Dragons, and are brutal against infantry, although their size and recoil limits their positions to wagons, airships and and to fortresses.
Rocket Artillery-The Tsardom’s Rocket Artillery traces its origins back some fifteen years to a Bar Room bet for fifteen Rubles at the Imperial Academy of Engineering when a young Engineering student named Dmitri Golokov bet his professor some 15 rubles that he could. A Month latter, some thirty students and instructors (and one touring officer) watched as the master was overshadowed by the protégé, starting the annual rocketry contest among the student’s population as well as causing the military to take the design, earning Dmitri some 250 additional Rubles and a Hero of Labor award granted by the Tsar Himself. Now Racks of Rockets are carted into the field to rain Death on the Tsar’s Enemies. At first, these rocket simply were to spread chaos, but improvements in design has led in the last ten years to new forms of Rocketry, including separate explosive charges at the head of the rocket, shrapnel charges filled with led balls and incendiary payloads to set alight the structures and warriors of the Tsar’s foes and a few loaded with arsenic, although these are far less accurate than Cannons and not as effective against stone structures.
Red Air Force
A newer development based off study of lighter than air flight, the Tsardom now take to the Sky. Airforce crews are armed with revolvers.
Markov-class Airship
The Markov class airship was the first to fly the Crimson banner of the Red Tsardom. Powered by kerosene burning steam engines, the Markov class is light and fast, acting as a scout for the Tsar’s armies. A Markov Airship is capable of speeds of 60km/h. It is unarmed, but has gunports from which Streltsi can fire. For durability, it has alchemically treated fabric in its envelop. It has a crew of 5 and can carry up to 25 passengers.
Zhukov-class Airship
A much larger class of airship, at ninety meters long, Zukov-class airships are the main military airships. Zhukov-class Airships have eight Skycleaner guns (one front cabin, two side cabin, one cabin rear and four top) as well as having a specially designed ground saturation rocket launcher to provide air support to ground forces in the field and a singular forward mounted 100mm cannon should it need to fight other airships. Zhukov Airship are given addition protection with a triple layered hull. The Zukov a crew of 25 and a top speed of 45 km/h.
Kirov-class Airship
The Kirov-class is the Tsardom’s most feared aircraft, the Kirov is a massive airship 125 meters long, a pondering behemoth with a top speed of 30km/h. Named for famed Aeronaut Sergey Kirov who famously caused an army of 5,000 noble led savages to route using his Markov-class airship and a few kegs of Gunpowder. Well armored with specially made lightweight steel plate, the Kirov has three Skycleaner Guns (Front cabin, back cabin and top), but its main armament is bomb payload. Kirov airships carries ten tonnes of cast iron bombs which they simply drop on their enemy from on high. These heavy bombs contain both standard explosives as well as an occasionally used an incendiary compound to start raging infernos. Kirov airships have a crew of 35 and carry ten Streltsi in case of boarding.
Being entirely landlocked the Tsardom has no need for warships as of yet.
EDIT-Retconned the "Discriminated Sisterhood" bit.
EDIT-Retconned Railways, added runepreists
Edit-Added Tver
The Red Tsardom
History-The Red Tsardom is a new nation. Once, during the time of the Rus, it was but a small town on the Moscow River under the rule of the Rurik Dynasty. However, with the massive changes brought about, the authority of the Rurik’s withered and the lands of the Rus fell apart and the lands of the Rus. Chaos ruled the lands as the land was divided into many quarreling city states. During this time, Moscow grew, but under the despotic rule of villainous Prince after villainous Prince.
However in 1625 a Party of travelers appeared, wandering across the land in search of those who would listen, keeping in their caravan a set of books. They searched tirelessly, trying to find an area where their ideology could flourish so they could bring justice and order to this chaotic world, while adding new members from those willing to embrace their cause, but always they found the wrong conditions. Until 1650 years ago, one of the Party’s Leaders, Vladimir the Strong found what they needed in Moscow and the Higher ups on the shore of the Moscow River.
They found in the Principality a cruel and brutish civilization, a land where a Tyrannical Prince ruled over a set of callous uncaring nobles constantly jockeying for power and beneath them a population of Serfs and Slaves which the Nobles had the power of Life and Death over. Meanwhile, the Nobles waged campaigns of Genocide against the Ursiods, a Race of intelligent bears and masters of metalwork which dwelled in the surrounding lands. Vladimir’s men worked their way into the peasant’s population, inspiring prominent townsmen into siding with them in a revolution, while his right hand man Lev Davidivich made contact with the Ursiod Chieftains. It took two months of work, but in late October the revolution began. A force of Ursiods made raids against military outposts, prompting the Prince of Moscow to dispatch his armies into the wilderness. At dawn the following morning, Vladimir launched his daring do or die assault. He lead a ragtag force of Party Members and serfs armed with the handful of Arquebus matchlocks the party managed to have made during their travels and a motley assortment of Tools and Second Hand weaponry. At dawn, seven hundred and thirty seven men stormed into Moscow as the gates were opened by agents, who had slit the thoughts of the Sentries and descended on the Prince’s Palace. The Prince was then captured and beaten to death by a frenzied mob, as was his family and a few of the Muscovite Nobles. With a rousing display of speeches (and a few handouts of Gold), Vladimir declared to Moscow that a New Day had dawned for the City and gained massive support.
Vladimir wasted no time in preparing to finish the Job, he sent out expeditions to back up peasant uprisings, in two days managing to size control of two thirds of Muscovite Lands. All Saltpeter, Charcoal and Sulfur in Moscow was converted into black powder while backsmiths were hastily taught how to manufacture firearms. When word reached the Noble Lead Armies of the coup, they turned towards the city itself, while the sons of disposed Nobles were killed to end bloodlines of potential rivals. It took a week before their armies could muster fully, but when they did, they quickly surrounded Moscow with some 4,500 men, outnumbering Vladimir’s Forces nearly three to one. For three days the Noble’s forces held the city under siege, until Lev returned with an army of 500 Party loyal Peasant Militia and some 750 Ursiods. In a swift and decisive battle, the Muscovite Nobility was exterminated. With this, Vladimir won the Loyalty of the Ursiods and the Local populace, negotiating a peace between them. With that, a new age began as Vladimir was crowned the first Red Tsar and the Birth of the Red Tsardom.
With that, he set about using the knowledge of the Party’s Library; he managed to rebuild the battered kingdom. He set up printing presses, gunpowder works and revolutionized textile manufacturing. Superior strains of wheat and barley and improved irrigation brought about bumper crops. Five years into his reign, the entire army worked based off Gunpowder, five years after that the first public schools opened, ten years afterwards the first Soviets were created. While he died 21 years into his reign, his successors continued his traditions as generation of Red Tsars continued, while slowly but surely, the Red Tsardom moved, adding new lands to its domain and disposing of Nobles. Today, the Red Tsardom stands a mighty nation in the Land of Russia, as its armies of men and bear continue to defeat the regressive lands surrounding while liberating their people from backwardness and the Clutches of Nobility.
Major Settlements
Moscow-The Core of the Red Tsardom, Moscow is an impressive capital, home to the Imperial Palace and a bastion of Learning and Industry. Smoke constantly rises from the cities factories and mills. A never-ending supply of raw materials goes through its gates while it produces highly valuable equipment, from firearms to agricultural implements which make the lands of Tsardom all the more fertile. It is also home to the Tsardom’s Academies, fine educational institutions that produce the best and brightest of the nation. It also serves as a hub for the growing network of Semaphores keeps the Tsardom well aware. Many cities in the Tsardom aspire to be like Moscow, but Moscow has never been succeeded in its grandeur.
Tver-The second largest city of the Tsar and Moscow's former rival, Tver was conquered 45 years ago and is in the process of conversion to more modern standards. Tver is growing quite rapidly due to development programs initated by the past three Tsars.
The Gulags-Gulags are state owned labor facilities populated by a variety of characters; a few are for more minor crimes, such as to work off stolen goods or fines, while others contain ranks of traitors, rioters, supporters of nobles and rebels against the Tsardom and it her people. From the Gulags comes an endless stream of products, from raw materials such as Coal, Iron and Lumber to products including bricks, components for agricultural equipment, powder and food from agricultural Gulags. Gulag inmates are divided into Gangs of five, which are further divided into details of thirty, with rewards and punishment applied both individually. Those who perform well get rewards of additional rations, hours off and rewards of Liquor, while their Gangmates also benefit (to a lesser degree) as do fellow members of their detail (to an even lesser degree). On the same note, those who perform poorly or are belligerent have rations cut and are given additional work, and their members also suffer for their shortcomings. Those which prove consistently problematic are sent to terminal camps to be overburdened until they simply expire. Those which are consistently beneficial get sent to non gender segregated camps where they are free to make whatever arrangements they may, although a Gulag is no place for a child, so the Tsars in their enlightened judgment and compassion for the innocent, has ordered that all children born in the Gulag be immediately transferred to crown run orphanages.
Occasionally during annexation, a populace will prove quite belligerent in pointless resistance to the prosperity the Tsardom offers or desires the restoration of the backwards savagery they lived in before hand and rebels. In this case, the Tsardom will be forced to arrest numerous people for insurrection against the Tsar and send significant portions of the adult population to the Gulags while send the children to orphanages while settling the area with Retired soldiers and their families.
Red Imperial Army
Streltsi (Shooters)-Streltsi are the standard infantry of the Red Imperial Army, Streltsi are armed with a Dmitrivich/Alexandrov Model-1689 Flintlock Rifle with bayonet. These 12.5mm weapons have an effective range of 300 meters. These forces are clad in mass produced uniforms, most iconic of which being their dull crimson greatcoats and are given a Mark-4 Infantryman’s helmet (Simple steel skullcap) with Gold Star insignia. Streltsi officers carry Revolvers and Sabers and have gorgets. Streltsi infantry are recruited primarily from patriotic/adventurous young men, military families, people raised in state orphanages as well as Conscripts. When in convoys, Streltsi are experts at making Wagon Forts to defend their position. Streltsi also make use of “Vodka Bombs”, which are simple incendiaries made of Bottle of Vodka (often with other agents) and burning wicks (generally rags) in the stopper to disrupt ranks and set buildings alight.
Crimson Guard-Elite Streltsi, those in the RIA that prove themselves to be above average (either in training or on the battlefield) get placed in Crimson Guard units. Crimson Guard soldiers are given upper torso plates, the new Dmitrivich/Alexandrov Model-1699 Percussion cap rifle and a Revolver.
Imperial Cavaliers-Despite having no Knights, the Tsardom never the less maintains proper cavalry support for it’s armies in the field. Recruited from Herdsmen and those recruits who take and pass a basic horsemanship test, Imperial Cavaliers have state provided horses from which to fight. Imperial Cavaliers are lightly armored, only having a helmet and breastplate, but are equipped with a lance for charges, a saber for hacking and a pair of Imperial Six Shot revolvers. Officers sometimes carry double barreled Flintlock shotguns in lieu of the more conventional revolver.
Ursiod Warriors-Mighty Intelligent Bears, Ursiod Citizens work in the Forests and in Cities, primarily as craftsmen (particularly in metalworking, carpentry and cooking in their specific styles), police, Gulag Guards and heavy laborers. Highly resistant to the effects of mind controlling magics (although the same can’t be said of the effects of hard drink), Ursiods are massive creatures weighing up to half a tonne and being of incredible durability. However, the Ursiod subjects of the Tsar also must stand and fight for the safety, security and prosperity of the Tsardom. As such, Ursiods fight alongside men in the ranks of the Tsar. In the field Ursiods are clad in heavy custom fit armor, increasing their already formidable durability and are armed with powerful high caliber rifles with oversized bayonets, as well as teeth, claws and Jaws as well as providing a distinct Psychological effect to the Soldiers of the Red Tsardom and the Tsardom’s enemies when they see that a force of armored bears armed with massive rifles descends upon them to rip them to bits. They are particularly loyal to the Tsar because a fair number of Nobles value the Pelts of Ursiods.
Sisters of Scarlet Mercy-A semi religious order, the Sisterhood of Scarlet Mercy is an all female order of Magic users that have dedicated themselves to mastering a set of supernatural healing arts. Red Tsardom has offered them access to resources and facillities in exchange for helping the Tsardom’s people, including saving lives on the field of battle. There spells and incantations have the ability to mend severed flesh, ease pain and stop infections. Many of the Tsar’s soldiers would not be alive today if it was not for the kind healing abilities of a Sister of Scarlet Mercy. In battle, they have been issued daggers and pistols (generally older models) should they need defend themselves, having sworn to only use magic to maintain life, never to take it.
Rune Priests-Rune Priests are a catagory of non military spellcasters that are trained in the creation of defensive Runestones, ranging from coin sized affairs to two meter tall monoliths. These Stones are useful in repelling beligerent spirits and other supernatural unpleasantness that comes up. Baring massively unusal circumstances runepriests never need to see combat, are small in number and the military has dempt that they don't warrent military spending money training or arming them for self defense, instead they simply travel about the Tsardom where need.
Warrior Alchemists-An all volunteer Force, Warrior Alchemists come from a special category of Alchemical individuals that have arisen. Making up a small part of the population with no preference to birth, status or lineage in the lands of the Rus are a category of Alchemy capable individuals. Rus Alchemists work in ways that more common Alchemists from across the world are able to manipulate matter using a combination of circular runes (known as transmutation circles) and a compound known as Alchemite (a product of a type of swamp-plant now cultivated, the process of it’s extraction being a tight state secret) as a Catalyst. This allows Alchemists to strengthen the steel of a Cannon or produce more durable cloth, but a few are trained for more specialized roles on the battlefield. Using a specialized set of Gloves and a backpack reservoir of Alchemite, they can make sinkholes appear in the ground in front of enemy soldiers, turn earth into shrap stalagmites beneath the Ranks of soldiers, fire Stalagmites, send forth waves of flame and waves of mud to solidify around the feet of oncoming soldiers. If forced into close quarters, they carry specialized high caliber revolvers which fire specially prepared Alchemite filled rounds with a simple rune which they charge while firing. The effect of this specialized transform organic matter (weather living or dead) into an unstable chemical compound which, if shook, explodes and leaves a foul smelling gas that spooks horses. Due to the scarcity of alchemically inclined individuals, the cost of producing Alchemite and various non military applications for their talents, Warrior Alchemists are fairly rare, but the skills of these men and woman can turn the tide of battle.
From Moscow’s mighty foundries comes an impressive display of firepower that makes even Elite Spell casters Cautious when the forces of the Imperial Red Army come marching into town. Imperial Artillerist are issued a pistol and dagger for Defense, often these weapons are second hand and you can still find a small number of old Double Barreled Flintlock pistols in use among them.
Cannon-The Red Tsardom makes heavy use of Cast Iron Dahlgren guns for field artillery, defense of cities and sieges. A few Bronze cannons remain for training purposes and last line defense.
Skycleaner Gun-Specially designed for dealing with airborne threats, Sky cleaners are specially made pivot mounted breach loading 15mm weapons each with six massive two meter long barrels which can be individually fired. These weapons fire high velocity rounds and are designed specifically to defeat enemy fliers such as Griffons and Dragons, and are brutal against infantry, although their size and recoil limits their positions to wagons, airships and and to fortresses.
Rocket Artillery-The Tsardom’s Rocket Artillery traces its origins back some fifteen years to a Bar Room bet for fifteen Rubles at the Imperial Academy of Engineering when a young Engineering student named Dmitri Golokov bet his professor some 15 rubles that he could. A Month latter, some thirty students and instructors (and one touring officer) watched as the master was overshadowed by the protégé, starting the annual rocketry contest among the student’s population as well as causing the military to take the design, earning Dmitri some 250 additional Rubles and a Hero of Labor award granted by the Tsar Himself. Now Racks of Rockets are carted into the field to rain Death on the Tsar’s Enemies. At first, these rocket simply were to spread chaos, but improvements in design has led in the last ten years to new forms of Rocketry, including separate explosive charges at the head of the rocket, shrapnel charges filled with led balls and incendiary payloads to set alight the structures and warriors of the Tsar’s foes and a few loaded with arsenic, although these are far less accurate than Cannons and not as effective against stone structures.
Red Air Force
A newer development based off study of lighter than air flight, the Tsardom now take to the Sky. Airforce crews are armed with revolvers.
Markov-class Airship
The Markov class airship was the first to fly the Crimson banner of the Red Tsardom. Powered by kerosene burning steam engines, the Markov class is light and fast, acting as a scout for the Tsar’s armies. A Markov Airship is capable of speeds of 60km/h. It is unarmed, but has gunports from which Streltsi can fire. For durability, it has alchemically treated fabric in its envelop. It has a crew of 5 and can carry up to 25 passengers.
Zhukov-class Airship
A much larger class of airship, at ninety meters long, Zukov-class airships are the main military airships. Zhukov-class Airships have eight Skycleaner guns (one front cabin, two side cabin, one cabin rear and four top) as well as having a specially designed ground saturation rocket launcher to provide air support to ground forces in the field and a singular forward mounted 100mm cannon should it need to fight other airships. Zhukov Airship are given addition protection with a triple layered hull. The Zukov a crew of 25 and a top speed of 45 km/h.
Kirov-class Airship
The Kirov-class is the Tsardom’s most feared aircraft, the Kirov is a massive airship 125 meters long, a pondering behemoth with a top speed of 30km/h. Named for famed Aeronaut Sergey Kirov who famously caused an army of 5,000 noble led savages to route using his Markov-class airship and a few kegs of Gunpowder. Well armored with specially made lightweight steel plate, the Kirov has three Skycleaner Guns (Front cabin, back cabin and top), but its main armament is bomb payload. Kirov airships carries ten tonnes of cast iron bombs which they simply drop on their enemy from on high. These heavy bombs contain both standard explosives as well as an occasionally used an incendiary compound to start raging infernos. Kirov airships have a crew of 35 and carry ten Streltsi in case of boarding.
Being entirely landlocked the Tsardom has no need for warships as of yet.
EDIT-Retconned the "Discriminated Sisterhood" bit.
EDIT-Retconned Railways, added runepreists
Edit-Added Tver
Last edited by Zor on 2008-10-27 11:31pm, edited 6 times in total.
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
Terran Sphere
The Art of Zor
Heros of Cybertron-HAB-Keeper of the Vicious pit of Allosauruses-King Leighton-I, United Kingdom of Zoria: World/Tsar Mikhail-I of the Red Tsardom: Kingdoms
Terran Sphere
The Art of Zor
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Er Zor, you do realise that in the context of the Medieval world, it's an impossibility to build cannons you speak of that have the range to hit the sky?
Rocket artillery is fine, but don't expect it to do much, especially when the best China or Korea had wasn't particularly powerful compared to bombards.
Side note: Are we to assume all city walls are paid for or do we spend money on them?
Rocket artillery is fine, but don't expect it to do much, especially when the best China or Korea had wasn't particularly powerful compared to bombards.
Side note: Are we to assume all city walls are paid for or do we spend money on them?
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Well, they could use magically enchanted bullets or something. I find the fact that the Red Tsardom is industrializing more implausible, to be honest
However, well...see my game post for the natural consequence of agressive rhethoric aimed against pretty much everybody...
However, well...see my game post for the natural consequence of agressive rhethoric aimed against pretty much everybody...
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
If that's the case, then I will be having alchemically enhanced long range cannons with armour/concrete piecing missiles, and area effect weapons, and then I'll mount them on my battle barges.PeZook wrote:Well, they could use magically enchanted bullets or something. I find the fact that the Red Tsardom is industrializing more implausible, to be honest
However, well...see my game post for the natural consequence of agressive rhethoric aimed against pretty much everybody...
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Yeah. Which reminds me, I need to start up an air force of my own...
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
I know this sounds a bit odd coming from the guy who introduced flying Pyramids, but I doth think we ought to limit just how advanced our armies can be. As I see it, everyone is fielding ancient/medieval armies, but Zor here is basically going on a Napoleonic binge, with rockets thrown in to top it off. Early arquebuses I could live with, but flintlock rifles? That's a gigantic leap ahead from the rest of the playing field - gunpowder armies with proper rifles will utterly massacre those who don't have that tech, and it will take a whole lot of doubletakes and throwing around of the word 'enchanted' to undo that massive tsarist advantage right there.
Moreover, if we accept gunpowder as having found widespread application, you just know that someone will have enchanted Gatling guns before the year is through.
Moreover, if we accept gunpowder as having found widespread application, you just know that someone will have enchanted Gatling guns before the year is through.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Napoleonic? The Tsardom has a railway network, apparently.SiegeTank wrote:I know this sounds a bit odd coming from the guy who introduced flying Pyramids, but I doth think we ought to limit just how advanced our armies can be. As I see it, everyone is fielding ancient/medieval armies, but Zor here is basically going on a Napoleonic binge, with rockets thrown in to top it off. Early arquebuses I could live with, but flintlock rifles? That's a gigantic leap ahead from the rest of the playing field - gunpowder armies with proper rifles will utterly massacre those who don't have that tech, and it will take a whole lot of doubletakes and throwing around of the word 'enchanted' to undo that massive tsarist advantage right there.
Moreover, if we accept gunpowder as having found widespread application, you just know that someone will have enchanted Gatling guns before the year is through.
It would seem Zor is one of these guys who go "Hah! I don't need yer stinking magic! I WILL BEAT YER UP WIF TECH". There's always one...
Of course, we could just unleash our dark magicks on the tsardom and make their gunpowder mills explode en masse
EDIT: BTW, I like it how Zor declared that his healers are "persecuted and feared" outside the tsardom, even though EVERYONE fields healing mages of some sort.
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Which is preposterous. The Metallurgy of that era could not support the use of such technology. Zor will either have to do away with rails and stick to how the real-life Russian Empire was like at that time.PeZook wrote:Napoleonic? The Tsardom has a railway network, apparently.
It would seem Zor is one of these guys who go "Hah! I don't need yer stinking magic! I WILL BEAT YER UP WIF TECH". There's always one...
Another ridiculous claim.Of course, we could just unleash our dark magicks on the tsardom and make their gunpowder mills explode en masse
EDIT: BTW, I like it how Zor declared that his healers are "persecuted and feared" outside the tsardom, even though EVERYONE fields healing mages of some sort.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Now to be fair, if the tsars had that mindset and were experimenting with early arquebuses and cannons only slightly less dangerous to the people firing them than they are to the people they're pointed at, that would be awesome. If they were trying to build up an enchanted industry because a lot of border wars killed boatloads of the young men fit for military service (or hard work), that would work too. If they had a general dislike of magic because of their Dark Neighbours and compensated some other way, sure, that's fine. But as it stands right now it'll be Alexander and Charlemagne versus Wellington and Sherman. I mean, come on.PeZook wrote:It would seem Zor is one of these guys who go "Hah! I don't need yer stinking magic! I WILL BEAT YER UP WIF TECH". There's always one...
Maybe your talking bears ate them and he thought they were all there was in Poland .EDIT: BTW, I like it how Zor declared that his healers are "persecuted and feared" outside the tsardom, even though EVERYONE fields healing mages of some sort.
SDN World 2: The North Frequesuan Trust
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes
SDN World 3: The Sultanate of Egypt
SDN World 4: The United Solarian Sovereignty
SDN World 5: San Dorado
There'll be a bodycount, we're gonna watch it rise
The folks at CNN, they won't believe their eyes
- Darkevilme
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Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
I covered this a while back. If Zor wants his army to be hyper advanced and effective the point system will keep him balanced, his army'll just have the same effectiveness as a much larger less advanced army cause everything in it costs a great amount in comparison. We'd have the same effect if someone decided to field entirely knights in enchanted armour with flaming swords and lightning shields after all.SiegeTank wrote:I know this sounds a bit odd coming from the guy who introduced flying Pyramids, but I doth think we ought to limit just how advanced our armies can be. As I see it, everyone is fielding ancient/medieval armies, but Zor here is basically going on a Napoleonic binge, with rockets thrown in to top it off. Early arquebuses I could live with, but flintlock rifles? That's a gigantic leap ahead from the rest of the playing field - gunpowder armies with proper rifles will utterly massacre those who don't have that tech, and it will take a whole lot of doubletakes and throwing around of the word 'enchanted' to undo that massive tsarist advantage right there.
Moreover, if we accept gunpowder as having found widespread application, you just know that someone will have enchanted Gatling guns before the year is through.
STGOD SDNW4 player. Chamarran Hierarchy Catgirls in space!
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Not least, if he intends to use rail, he will have to bankrupt his economy to make the rail. Not only does the metallurgy of that era cannot support rail, he will have to waste lots and lots of money just to maintain broken rails.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Thing is, it seems as if the Tsardom simply has no problems at all with magical creatures. How can they get away with an (almost) purely technological setup when Russian folklore is full of mystical creatures you need to defend against? Not using magic is one thing, but dismissing it wholesale? You'd need defences and wards against assassin-spirits, at least. I bought 500 Witches Of The Court precisely because there's a whole lot of admnistrative officials, army officers and important industries to protect. It's all fine and dandy to dislike magic, but you can't just ignore it when the world is awash with it.SiegeTank wrote: Now to be fair, if the tsars had that mindset and were experimenting with early arquebuses and cannons only slightly less dangerous to the people firing them than they are to the people they're pointed at, that would be awesome. If they were trying to build up an enchanted industry because a lot of border wars killed boatloads of the young men fit for military service (or hard work), that would work too.
But the bears are so cool! I mean, you can totally chill and have a philosophical conversation with them (before they get hungry)!Maybe your talking bears ate them and he thought they were all there was in Poland .
JULY 20TH 1969 - The day the entire world was looking up
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
It suddenly struck me that that tiny pea, pretty and blue, was the Earth. I put up my thumb and shut one eye, and my thumb blotted out the planet Earth. I didn't feel like a giant. I felt very, very small.
Signature dedicated to the greatest achievement of mankind.
MILDLY DERANGED PHYSICIST does not mind BREAKING the SOUND BARRIER, because it is INSURED. - Simon_Jester considering the problems of hypersonic flight for Team L.A.M.E.
- DarthShady
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Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Zor Mang, the Pogorians are forging an alliance against you. Perhaps you would be interested in an alliance of convenience?
- Master_Baerne
- Jedi Council Member
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Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
You, sir, are absurd.DarthShady wrote:Zor Mang, the Pogorians are forging an alliance against you. Perhaps you would be interested in an alliance of convenience?
For such an eldritchly-minded nation, you seem to be rather eager to ally with His Imperial Majesty Zor-1, Tsar of All the Russians, Enemy of the Mages, Proponent of Industry, etc., etc.
Conversion Table:
2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
2000 Mockingbirds = 2 Kilomockingbirds
Basic Unit of Laryngitis = 1 Hoarsepower
453.6 Graham Crackers = 1 Pound Cake
1 Kilogram of Falling Figs - 1 Fig Newton
Time Between Slipping on a Banana Peel and Smacking the Pavement = 1 Bananosecond
Half of a Large Intestine = 1 Semicolon
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
No matter. I will unleash a torrent of fire from the skies, along with heavy cannon fire from my battlebarges.Master_Baerne wrote:You, sir, are absurd.DarthShady wrote:Zor Mang, the Pogorians are forging an alliance against you. Perhaps you would be interested in an alliance of convenience?
For such an eldritchly-minded nation, you seem to be rather eager to ally with His Imperial Majesty Zor-1, Tsar of All the Russians, Enemy of the Mages, Proponent of Industry, etc., etc.
It's not as if none of us using mages aren't industrialised to an extent. I do maintain a huge cannon foundry in my capital, along with some smaller ones else where.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
- DarthShady
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- Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Just because I'm evil doesn't mean I'm stupid. I will need allies to crush you puny mortals, after you have been crushed...well I'm a Demon after all.Master_Baerne wrote:You, sir, are absurd.DarthShady wrote:Zor Mang, the Pogorians are forging an alliance against you. Perhaps you would be interested in an alliance of convenience?
For such an eldritchly-minded nation, you seem to be rather eager to ally with His Imperial Majesty Zor-1, Tsar of All the Russians, Enemy of the Mages, Proponent of Industry, etc., etc.
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
I'm still thinking of whether or not to go Warhammer 40K style, or go with Christianity, albeit modified, but it would be like this:DarthShady wrote:Just because I'm evil doesn't mean I'm stupid. I will need allies to crush you puny mortals, after you have been crushed...well I'm a Demon after all.
"In the name of the Holy God Emperor, I declare thee Diabolus and deliver thy sentence." *proceeds to stab using an anti-daemon weapon*
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
- DarthShady
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- Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
*the Demon Lord proceeds to laugh diabolically and then devours your soul*Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:I'm still thinking of whether or not to go Warhammer 40K style, or go with Christianity, albeit modified, but it would be like this:DarthShady wrote:Just because I'm evil doesn't mean I'm stupid. I will need allies to crush you puny mortals, after you have been crushed...well I'm a Demon after all.
"In the name of the Holy God Emperor, I declare thee Diabolus and deliver thy sentence." *proceeds to stab using an anti-daemon weapon*
Go with the God Emperor thing, I think it would be awesome.
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
My body is fully grafted with anti-daemonic wards, powerful enough to fend off even a demon lord such as yourself.DarthShady wrote:*the Demon Lord proceeds to laugh diabolically and then devours your soul*
Go with the God Emperor thing, I think it would be awesome.
*makes notes to field a daemon hunter unit*
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
- DarthShady
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- Posts: 1872
- Joined: 2007-09-15 10:46am
- Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Today the fate of the human race will be decided, in an epic battle of good versus evil...Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:My body is fully grafted with anti-daemonic wards, powerful enough to fend off even a demon lord such as yourself.DarthShady wrote:*the Demon Lord proceeds to laugh diabolically and then devours your soul*
Go with the God Emperor thing, I think it would be awesome.
*makes notes to field a daemon hunter unit*
God Emperor Heraclius VS Demon Lord Shady
I have a feeling this would be an awesome battle.
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
You know.. this is actually kinda cute and fun.DarthShady wrote:Today the fate of the human race will be decided, in an epic battle of good versus evil...
God Emperor Heraclius VS Demon Lord Shady
I have a feeling this would be an awesome battle.
Last edited by Fingolfin_Noldor on 2008-10-27 12:34pm, edited 1 time in total.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
- Darkevilme
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- Posts: 1514
- Joined: 2007-06-12 02:27pm
- Location: London, england
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Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
And while you two are doing that the Children will finish enacting their enigmatic and potentially sinister longterm plans.
STGOD SDNW4 player. Chamarran Hierarchy Catgirls in space!
- Fingolfin_Noldor
- Emperor's Hand
- Posts: 11834
- Joined: 2006-05-15 10:36am
- Location: At the Helm of the HAB Star Dreadnaught Star Fist
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Perhaps it's time to embark on another Great Crusade. *leads the forces of Mankind to purge all xenos and foul heretics*Darkevilme wrote:And while you two are doing that the Children will finish enacting their enigmatic and potentially sinister longterm plans.
STGOD: Byzantine Empire
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Your spirit, diseased as it is, refuses to allow you to give up, no matter what threats you face... and whatever wreckage you leave behind you.
Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
Could just be propaganda the Tsar's trying to spread, of course. I think the Tsar's just trying to keep his magical people in line by making them think they won't be accepted in other nations, despite the fact that some nations are cool with beetle-headed dudes, talking bears, elves, fish-men, and the like.Fingolfin_Noldor wrote:Another ridiculous claim.PeZook wrote:EDIT: BTW, I like it how Zor declared that his healers are "persecuted and feared" outside the tsardom, even though EVERYONE fields healing mages of some sort.
Woah now, is my theology heretical or not? Plus, the giants, dwarves, and fish-men are cool; they're totally on our side. Well, the giants and dwarves are definitely on our side, and the fish-men are bound to us by magical contract law and bribery by horses and precious stones.Perhaps it's time to embark on another Great Crusade. *leads the forces of Mankind to purge all xenos and foul heretics*
SDNet: Unbelievable levels of pedantry that you can't find anywhere else on the Internet!
- DarthShady
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- Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
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Re: Strategic Fantasy Crossover RPG
The math gave me a headache but I have distributed my points.
If you guys see any mistakes please tell me.
If you guys see any mistakes please tell me.
OOB Points Distribution:
10000 Barbarian Warriors(20 points per hundred)=2000 Points
10000 Vampire Swordsmen(40 points per hundred)=4000 Points
5000 Vampire Archers(30 points per hundred)=1500 Points
3000 Elder Vampire Warriors(60 points per hundred)=1800 Points
2000 Tanar'ri(Demons) (100 Points per hundred)=2000 Points
Mechanical Constructs and Siege Equipment:
200 Golems(800 points per hundred)=1600 Points
10 Goblin Trebuchets(groups)(50 points per group)=500 Points
20 Goblin Balliistas(groups)(25 points per group)=375 Points
Wizards and assassins
200 Demilich(10 points per unit)=2000 Points
100 Nightshades(5 points per unit)=500 Points
100 Horrors(5 points per unit)=500 points
Aerial Units:
10 Shadow Dragons(120 points per unit)=1200 Points
6 Doombringers(500 points per unit)=3000 points
Special Units
20 Spider Demons(Bebilith)[100 points per unit]=2000 Points
1 Dark Lord of the Shadows(Demon/Daemon)=2000 Points
Total Points Spent:24975
Maintenance fee per year(One fifth the cost of the army):4995 Points(Pounds of Gold)