Durandal did have faith at one time. His personal story is honest and sincere, and I see no reason to blast it because it violates some local Thought Police rule. Perhaps the thread starter should have said "nothing that might possibly annoy any religious person" as a ground rule, just to prevent this sort of horrid intrusion - Darth Wong
Don't play this "thought police" game with me, Darth Wong. You know exactly what I mean when I said "genuine line of inquiry" as opposed to "Peanut gallery". Durandal's story fits the bill since he is basically sharing his experience. Wicked Pilot's comments (his first one in this thread) is just to inflame, causing religious people to be on the defensive and less willing to share. Let's review the comments here:
I've never understood having faith. so, I'm asking every religious person I can: Why do you have faith, in order to better understand. So far, most have either said they don't know or that it gives them hope.
And to non-religious (atheists, agonstics, etc.): Don't answer. You'll just parrot what I would think, anyway. I want the viewpoint of the faithful, here. - FireNexus
Seems like a genuine line of inquiry to me. Seems like the thrust of his post was to invite people who have faith to share the experiences as to why they do.
When I was Christian, I had faith mainly because of fear. Up until the fourth grade, I'd simply gone to Sunday School, but from fifth grade on, I was in Catholic school, so I was reminded every day that I was a horrible person by default who needed saving. It got to the point where I literally burst out in tears during class because the teacher told me that I couldn't go to confession because I hadn't taken a special class, so I had to live with all of my sins even longer. Not to mention that I was the only Catholic kid in class who couldn't confess, so I felt alienated as well.
Basically, I only had faith just in case there really was a God, so I wouldn't go to Hell. - Durandal
Although Durandal doesn't have faith now, his story does answer the main point of FireNexus' post. Nothing wrong with that.
At least if you were brainwashed, you have an excuse as to why you believe in such childish things. I see you have none such. - Wicked Pilot (responding to Arthur Dent)
Wicked Pilot didn't share any kind of story but yet commented on Arthur Dent. No story from Wicked Pilot but an attack. Wonder why religious people are on the defensive.
Now this thread has degenerated.
If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might if they screamed all the time for no good reason.