Little Games

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Little Games

Post by Kitsune »

I am curious if anyone has any suggestions for relatively low powered "Break" type games, preferably ones I can get cheap through amazon. It is nice when you are working on something and want to stop for a while.

I presently have Hoyle Board Games and of course the standard stuff with windows.....suggestions for others
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Re: Little Games

Post by Lagmonster »

You can find some fun Risk clones out there if you look - the unofficial ones like Turborisk have AI that doesn't suck, but you have to do some googling to get a hold of them.

Soldat is a good cheap multiplayer action game that some people really, really hate and others really, really love. But you can jump into quick deathmatch, bang out a round in two minutes, and go back to work, and it runs on just about anything made by man.

You can try Crimsonland, N or Hell Fighter if you hate your fingers, but I personally have some fond memories of all three.
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Re: Little Games

Post by eyexist »

Dice Wars. It's fun, and it's free. Of course if you feel like dropping coin I'll echo Stark and recommend World of Goo as well.
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Re: Little Games

Post by wautd »

Strange Adventures in Infinite Space & Weird Worlds (its successor) from digital-eel
Fun little space exploration game. Random events and some interesing mods gives it a good replay value.
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Re: Little Games

Post by defanatic »

Soldat. Easy to play, easy to mod, really badly coded too.
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Re: Little Games

Post by K. A. Pital »

Soldat and Defcon of course. :D
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Re: Little Games

Post by Drooling Iguana »

Tee Worlds is another nice little sidescrolling deathmatch game. Sort of a combination of Kirby, Quake and Bionic Commando.
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Re: Little Games

Post by Ford Prefect »

Depending on how easily you get frustrated, I would suggest N. Even I can only handle dying the first ten or so times on a level before close it in disgust. I generally start half an hour later.
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Re: Little Games

Post by Zixinus »

Chat with me on Skype if you want to talk about writing, ideas or if you want a test-reader! PM for address.
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Re: Little Games

Post by JointStrikeFighter »

Multiwinia is supposedly quite good. IIRC Stark has dropped the monies for it so maybe he can confirm.
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Re: Little Games

Post by Uraniun235 »

Ford Prefect wrote:Depending on how easily you get frustrated, I would suggest N. Even I can only handle dying the first ten or so times on a level before close it in disgust. I generally start half an hour later.
So many memories of just slamming my fist on my desk because of that FUCKING game.

I almost finished it. But I won't go back, no.
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Re: Little Games

Post by Ford Prefect »

Uraniun235 wrote:So many memories of just slamming my fist on my desk because of that FUCKING game.

I almost finished it. But I won't go back, no.
It's hilarious. I almost tear my hair out in frustration and blood pressure jumps up, but for whatever reason I can't stop myself. The feeling of finishing of THOSE levels is practically orgasmic. :lol:
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