And out of the four hundred billion stars and trackless wilderness of deep space, the SGC has explored every area?
Do you not read my whole statement, or do you cut it right in the middle on purpose? Are you ASSUMING I'm an idiot or just trying to make me look like one. I'll wait until you actually address my supportings tatements to address this one. When you cut it up like this it makes the posts REDICULOUSLY long.
And you're assuming they couldn't just set those ships to fall into the sun, to stop them falling into the wrong hands (the goa'uld) when they decided to mass-ascend.
Well they would only do that if they thought they would "never" use them again, ie: if they had to abandon a galaxy and had no way to bring the ships with them.
Aurora, Orion (tired of typing the name) Tria and the travelers ship. if it was so simple to move from galaxy to galaxy why did the ancients congregate on Atlantis under fire for decades before using the stargate to travel to earth, a spaceship and its supply of technological resources would have been preferable.
So now there are enough starships for the entire population to live on? That's news to me.
uh news to me too, what did aI say that suggested that?
What are you talking about? Do you mean where McKay says 'we'd be out of contact for years' - that's the only even remotely similar reference in Return Pt 1, and he's talking about something entirely different, specifically time dialation.
No i'm talking about where McKay states they are heading towards the midpoint between the galaxies, where he describes the ancient ship's speed as ".999cc" where Colonel Caldwell says "There haven't been ancients in over 10,000 years and where the Shephard and Weir are talking and state taht the Ancients set out for Earth but their hyperdrive failed along the way."
And everything the Ancients do is idiot proofed to the same degree as their space SUV and their 'transport network deliberately made usable to primatives'? Most of the controls on Atlantis (and an Aurora) are panels of bizzare unlabelled silvery crystals.
Dude the ship is controlled by a chair with no buttons! its right on the show! The ori did it too!
NOW they made the stargate deliberately usable by primitives? they have seperate technology trees in your mind?
At what point does Sheppard fly the Hippafaralcus in normal space? In all episodes its in, it jumps, raises shields, and releases the drones.
He flies the traveller's ship of the same class. I have the sneaking suspicion you will next claim that the ships are all different.
In the time allotted. Possibly even with the supplies they had (There is a war on, you know) Why would they want to stay behind to make a ship ready to go, when all they have to do is dial the stargate and step through?
What supplies did mcKay have that the Ancients didn't? if it is a superfast ship with intergalactic hyperdrive it can escape the wraith with ease, AND it has the drones which can pwn a wraith hive ship. its it is a heck of a strategic advantage. instead its a liability, its a ship that the wraith could hunt down and overwhelm with sheer numbers.
They had an entire city ship.
you are saying the expedition has access to materials and technology at Atlantis that the Ancients didn't? Who put it there?
And it took Rodney and his crew a month to get it up to 'drones, probably not' status. Why do you think Ancients are going to wait that long to repair a ship they don't even need?
Rodney and his crew are still figuring out how to use ancient technology, whereas your average ancient has used such technology for thousands of years. Why would it take an ancient that long to repair a ship? Especially if the technology that Rodney used was allegedly cobbled from the same city that the ancients had access to when it was fully occupied.
Ancient ships have a number of drives. As evidenced by the fact that they can fucking hover in place while visibly depending on big reaction engines at the back. Even if one set were online, that doesn't mean they're fully operational. What's more, the initial momentum to get moving in inferno was clearly stated to come from the eruption, not the engines. In the next two episodes, it just sits there like a pudding, and eventually gets shot to bits. At no point did its engines need to supply any thrust.
I know they used the eruption the first time I stated that in my post. They needed the motion to get through the hyperspace window and they needed the same motion to do it again, so unless there was a space volcanoe off screen, they used an engine, any engine to move them through the window, therefore the ship was functional enough to move them into hyperspace to the milky way galaxy IF the ship were capable of getting there. it wasn't thats why the ancients abandoned it when they left pegasus.
McKay was also able to improve on their Manhatten project. He is, quite frankly, a genius. They're the guys who lost a war against opponents whose cruisers could be mission killed by thier shuttles.
he made "Improvements" because they abandoned the project knowing itt wouldn't work. Then he blew it up. he's a genius but clearly he doesn't fully understand their technology. A "genius" caveman can figure outt how to turn a key to make a car start, and which pedals make it start and stop, he might never figure out that it needs gas, whereas a modern day gas sation attendant can both fuel and drive a car. You are comparing the ability to apply tactics to the ability to apply scientific undersanding. An ancient repairing a ship involves rationally applying a knowledge base to a static object, An ancient figuring out a tactic to use gainst the wraith involves anticipating an opponent anticipating situational variables, they are not the same thing at all. incidently a home made missile mission killed a puddle jumper, I am sure that both the Ancients and the wraith figured that out pretty quick and stopped using the technique once the wraith developed the obvious strategy of USING DARTS AS SCOUTS BEFORE SENDING IN CRUISERS?
Err. Atlantis was very much 'made lost' under the ocean. Now you're changing the meaning of words. There is hardly any way you could make it more obvious.
So Atlantis is "unlost" when itts sitting on TOP of the ocean? Why it must stand right out on Wraith sensors, as soon as it surfaced they probably... kept doing what they were doing light years away because they didn't see it unless they were in orbit looking for it.
And you're assuming it had fuel, and that they would want to take it; the Ancients obviously weren't aware of the goa'uld, or they wouldn't have headed for Ra's back yard. As far as they knew at the time, the dominant power in the Milky Way was the Nox, a race of pacifists allied to them. Why would they need to bring every warship they had?
Thanks for replacing my argument that they would have brought "a" warship with the argument that they now must bring EVERY warship. I also noticed you threw a bunch of variables taht we have no information on as well. What "Fuels" an aurora?" We know that ancient power sources we have seen so far have been designed with long term use in mind, with all of the damage to the orion, are you suggesting that it was stopping for gas? WHATEVER it used to power itself could have been repaired or replaced. because it was. By Rodney.
The truth is we don't have evidence of them bringing "ANY" warships. they left them in Pegasus and used the Stargate to travel to Earth where they regressed. Again my argument is they would have if they could have, they couldn't because their ships didn't have intergalactic hyperdrive.
When were the Nox stated to be "dominant"?
This would be why they left it in a secure facility ready for further work should they need to come back.
What's more, this is Stargate, in which Cletus the Slack Jawed Yokel can build space-battleships when adequately directed (the Ori ships) 'hard to build' doesn't really cover it, especially for a long-lived race
They left the valuable spaceships in a "secure" facility (Which you allege was out in the open with a bilboard on it?) so that they could later on build ANOTHER spaceship to retrieve the now old and dusty first one. if ships were easy to build they would have destroyed the damaged old one before they left.
When you have several planets full of Cletuseseeseseseseses being "Adequately directed" to mine, smelt and assemble materials, sure you can build a new spaceship, especially when you have rediculously advanced staves taht can ignote a massive power cell in the middle off them, levitate ehavy objects and for all we know turn water into wine. Are the spaceships worthless or valuable, I am not sure where yous tand on this.
I'm saying, numbnuts, that they didn't need to take one, half-ready ship with them.
And clearly they did. Observe how they didn't (even without knowing the Tau'ri would come) take every gateship from Atlantis with them to Earth.
A gateship is a little different from an aurora class ship, but I think there is strong evidence that they DID bring one, unless janus built one from scratch to the specifications of the ones at Atlantis?
If the "half ready" ship had the capability, they could have fixed it and brought it back with them. They didn't even have to take "that" one, but if what you were saying about them having intergalactic hyperspace is true, they would have taken a ship of "that" design.
Why should they? It's one stargate dialling to the Nox homeworld. Which as far as we know, is freaking invincible.
Why are you bringing the nox up? They were an example of a spacefaring race, not an example of a threat, the point is teh ancients left stargates on thosuands if not millions of worlds that could dial their way to earth. do you take refuge in a bunker with a thousand doorways leading to a thousand places?
Actually, they didn't. They'd bombed the Asurans back to the stromatalite age, remember? The Asurans got organised and attacked the Wraith after the evacuation.
fair enough they didn't know the asurans were still around.
I just facepalmed so hard it feels like I've been slapped.
I have as much sympathy for you as I do for a five year old who soils himself. you're too old for it.
You're the idiot saying that they ditched perfectly good ships in Pegasus. I'm the one pointing out that we know of at least one ship they tried to take to Earth.
I'm saying they were FORCED to leave perfectly good ships because they couldn't take them to where they were going, your the one saying they could have and left the ships voluntarily.
What the hell do you mean, allegedly? Their ships had intergalactic hyperdrives capable of reaching Earth. This is a fact.
it is a fact that the ancients have intergalactic hyperdrives "capable" of reaching Earth to the same extent that the goa'uld have ships "Capable" of reaching pegasus.
They built an ENTIRE city with hyperdrive for a reason. it takes a long time to get from one galaxy to another and they are a civilization that wanted to bring an infrastructure with them. They can travel from galaxy to galaxy when they don't have an enemy hounding them. the only other ships we saw with hyperdrive capability designed by the ancients were the Aurora class, none of successfully completed a trip from one galaxy to the other.
What's to stop the Wraith finding ships 'ditched in Pegasus' as per your assertion, and taking them to Earth - they have intergalactic drives, this is a fact.
The wraith can't use ancient tech and the ancient tech don't have intergalactic hyperdrives.
And one would assume (as they didn't know about the goa'uld) that the Ancients expected to arrive at a fairly well equipped outpost in Antarctica when they got to Earth, as opposed to 'going back to farming mud.' And by this point they knew how to Ascend anyway, which is in fact what many of them did do.
Apparently you would assume that they evacuated an entire city through a stargate without bothering to send someone through first to check it out and realize there's no well equipped outpost. They didn't even use a comm system did they? they just piled outt the other side and said "Fuck!!"
At the point where they crossed the stargate they didn't "Know" how to ascend, SOME of them did it later others died.