Ba'al's Thunderbolt wrote:
1. To suggest that homosexuality is something you're 'born with' full stop is highly misleading. The consensus seems to be that at least some and possibly most (but certainly not all) male homosexual behavior has a biological component. However, even this consensus is typically expressed in terms of a predisposition toward homosexual orientation, rather than of mechanical determinism. So, at best, some gay men seem to be born with a heightened potential for homosexuality, rather than being "born gay." And there's really very little evidence that female homosexuality has much in the way of a biological component.
Fuck off, you little shitbag. The scientific evidence is
overwhelming, as Aly has just addressed, and extends to both males and females. And if you're too stupid to understand his technical arguments, then let's just consider the fact that hundreds of animal species have demonstrated homosexuality in the wild, showing that there is no conscious decision required on the part of the brain to be homosexual, since animals are not capable of conscious decision-making.
2. Biological component or not, homosexuality is a behavior: skin color, not so much...
And you think that slavery wasn't justified on grounds of biology? Blacks were considered to be lazy and stupid by inheiritance, and thus incapable of anything except manual labour, and therefore slave-masters were doing them a good service by putting their abilities to effective use while at the same time taking care of them. Biology, not skin colour, was the justification for slavery, even though it was false, in the same way that the claim that there is no biology in homosexuality is justification for the brutal oppression of homosexuals, even though that is
also false.
3. There isn't even the remotest comparison between the levels of discrimination and suffering faced by blacks and gays. There just isn't. Gays were never systematically denied the right to vote,
They were placed in mental hospitals, and thus automatically denied the right to vote with the loss of all civil rights,
to adequate education,
They were kicked out of universities when uncovered, shitstain,
to basic employment,
Fucking liar. Even in fucking Canada, the national police developed elaborate mechanisms in an effort to hunt down gays in the government so they could fired, ostracized, and possibly even arrested or committed to mental institutions.
One of the more bizarre aspects of the RCMP's National Security Campaign was the notorious "FRUIT MACHINE". In 1980, Doubleday published John Sawatski's fascinating account of the Fruit Machine, Men in the Shadows, which included an account of the RCMP's investigative approach. According to Sawatski, one approach was a technique known as pupilary response: the examination of the human eye to measure how the pupil changed in size in response to visual stimulation. It was thought that if a person saw something that provoked his interest, his pupils widened. The technique was in vogue in academic circles at the time, although for purposes other than to measure sexual tendencies. The RCMP adapted the technique with the assumption that a picture of a nude male would have the same effect on a male homosexual.
Unfortunately the information available to us under the Freedom of Information Act does not allow us to access the actual images which the RCMP used in their pupilary response test for homosexuality. However, I surmised that they probably used the images most widely available at the time. While homosexuality was illegal in Canada, and elsewhere, and the topic highly repressed in mainstream media… nonetheless there was a popular photographic genre of the male nude that flourished in the 1950's called the "Beefcake". The beefcake publications in of the 50's and 60's, some of which had a circulation of 40,000 in the United States, were in constant battles with government censors.
The full extent of the National Security investigations of homosexuals has never really been a matter of public knowledge. As well, exceptions to the Freedom of Information Act also make any full public scrutiny of this history difficult. But while the RCMP investigations were secret, there were widespread rumors within the subculture of the gay community. Following the decriminalization of homosexuality in Canada, one of the early demands of the emergent gay liberation movement (see section2, OUT OF THE CLOSET) was to know if the RCMP was conducting investigations into homosexuals working in the public sector.
That was frankly even more systematic then the bugging and surveillance MLK got from the FBI, bitchface.
to access to public facilities etc.
Was in fact systematically denied.
And, of course, all of that was just a sad coda to hundreds of years of enslavement in which blacks were denied even the most basic elements of personhood.
During the same period, Gays were being EXECUTED, you fuckwad. I dunno, but I'd rather be a slave than BURNED ALIVE, dumbass. Maybe we should first enslave you, and then burn you alive, and then ask you which one
you prefer. Oh, wait, you wouldn't be saying much after the second part of the comparison, would you?
Gays have never faced the kind of systematic, government sponsored terrorism that blacks faced for a century and more in this country. They just haven't faced the same challenges, and it is intellectually insulting to suggest otherwise. Marriage is, at best, a peripheral "right," and not comparable to the franchise or any of the other fundamental rights long denied to blacks.
Fuck you right to hell. You have just painted over the systematic history of horrible abuse, discrimination, and outright mass murder against homosexuals that has been the case throughout the past 1,500 years of Christian civilization--a thousand years longer than the period of black slavery and oppression!