Jesus Tittyfucking Christ but you are one dumb twat. Being gay can be 1% biological and 99% non-biological and it wouldn't matter. Everyone has a minority sexual preference. My preference is for redheaded girls, preferably with big tits and round, shapely asses. Others prefer skinny blonds. Or athletic brunettes. And there are some guys who love the cock. Human beings don't "decide" what arouses them. Calling something as spontaneous as sexual arousal conscious behavior is both stupid and dishonest. Depriving someone of a fundamental right based of what they are thinking when they pop a boner is one part bigotry and one part lunacy.Ba'al's Thunderbolt wrote:1. To suggest that homosexuality is something you're 'born with' full stop is highly misleading. The consensus seems to be that at least some and possibly most (but certainly not all) male homosexual behavior has a biological component. However, even this consensus is typically expressed in terms of a predisposition toward homosexual orientation, rather than of mechanical determinism. So, at best, some gay men seem to be born with a heightened potential for homosexuality, rather than being "born gay." And there's really very little evidence that female homosexuality has much in the way of a biological component.
2. Biological component or not, homosexuality is a behavior: skin color, not so much...
3. There isn't even the remotest comparison between the levels of discrimination and suffering faced by blacks and gays. There just isn't. Gays were never systematically denied the right to vote, to adequate education, to basic employment, to access to public facilities etc. And, of course, all of that was just a sad coda to hundreds of years of enslavement in which blacks were denied even the most basic elements of personhood. Gays have never faced the kind of systematic, government sponsored terrorism that blacks faced for a century and more in this country. They just haven't faced the same challenges, and it is intellectually insulting to suggest otherwise.
You can always find a group of people who are treated worse. Pro-slavery and pro-segregation advocates pointed out that blacks in Africa have it worse than blacks in America. It's a red herring, seasoned with cubed tu quoque. It's like claiming that at least battered wives in America aren't subject to Suttee.
Marriage is very much a fundamental right, and you can tell just how vile a group is when it uses the power of the state to dissolve others' marriages against their will, or intervenes to stop two consenting adults from marrying. The Nazis, Slaveocrats, Segregationists and other creeps come to mind.Marriage is, at best, a peripheral "right," and not comparable to the franchise or any of the other fundamental rights long denied to blacks.