Anguirus wrote:Ghetto edit: anyone else understand the title?
It is Cromartie's first line in the show, when he acts as a substitute teacher.
Darth Lucifer wrote:Despite Sarah having smashed Cromartie's chip into tiny pieces, I have a feeling that they'll find a way to bring him back. Isn't there another chip floating around out there? I'm thinking of the one from the Ellison Terminator that Cromartie killed protecting the real Ellison. Unless I'm mistaken, that T-888's chip wasn't destroyed and for all we know, Cromartie could have backed himself up on its CPU. I'm hoping so, because we already know T-888's can still control their bodies with their heads detached. This coupled with the fact that Sarah didn't give Cromartie the thermite treatment. Then again, it would be easier for Cromartie to just use the Ellison terminator endoskeleton than to use his old one. I'm just taking wild guesses here.
Why would Cromartie feel the need to back himself up? Besides, I would doubt that the frequency of the body control extends as far back as mexico.
Solauren wrote:You'll note it was Cameron's weapon that did all the damage to the T-888.
And we've seen that there are armor-piercing style rounds that damage Terminators quite handily.
Rounds that were not being used in the Terminator movies.
Also, note that she always hit the same spot, whereas Derek and Sarah were just blasting at him. Couple that with AP rounds and you get the idea.
charlemagne wrote:I liked the episode. The cuts were a bit forced at times, yeah, because there weren't really any "revelations" going on, e.g. why and how Derek & Cameron came to Mexico so fast. It didn't cut back and forth between different time frames all the time, so it's not really Pulp Fiction style, but it was ok overall.
Agreed. That was quite the plot hole. I hope they address it in the podcast.
John's and Cameron's talk was a bit creepy... I almost expected her to say something like "I can alleviate your teenage hormone stress a bit, if you like, I'm doing it for future John all the time"

Also she purposely showed off her boobs, that's a new infiltration technique there.
Not really. Remember Vick's chip? She has always brushed up against him or given him a good view of her when she wanted him something to do.
Also, I'm glad Sarah finally lost it, too. She'd been bottling up so much, that cannot have been healthy. Flipping out on Cromartie's chip was a good way to have her lose it. Also hopefully John will lose the stupid now, since he finally actually managed to get Riley shot at.
Don't count on it.
McC wrote:I'm hoping they bring Riley into the fold. One of the things that most annoys me about shows where there's a supernormal element is that everyone always goes to great lengths to hide it from people who are obviously trustworthy (c.f. Smallville). Riley, particularly now, can pretty certainly be trusted with the full knowledge of what's going on, and may even be able to help. I'm not sure how...but all the same.
Well, so far she does not know anything about machines. And there really is no reason for them to bring her into the fold - what can she do that the others cannot? Plus, Sarah and Cameron do not like her at all and of course, there is still the matter of John doing stupid things because of Riley...Finally, Sarah might veto the idea because she does not want to place civillians at risk.
As for me, the episode fell short. It could have achieved greatness if Cromartie hadn't died that quickly, although this was more realistic than Cameron destroying him in hand-to-hand combat.