True story

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True story

Post by Setzer »

My Dad's english professor at J.U. (named C.P. Lee) was a Rhodes scholar. When he was at Oxford, he took a course in Beowulf. He started the class with a translation, but his teacher said he had to use the Old English version. The Tutor C.P.Lee learned Old English from was named:

J.R.R. Tolkien
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

It's that 6 degrees of seperation at work. Spiffy.
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Post by SyntaxVorlon »

So now we're all technically 4 degrees away from Tolkien.
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Post by DPDarkPrimus »

I feel my ego inflating.
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Post by 2000AD »

So if i get this striaght:

I'm connected to Setzer because we both post on the same message board.

Setzer is connected to his dad

His dad is connected to his english professor

His english professor is connected to JRR Tolkein.

Thats just four degrees of seperation. I am four degrees away from one of the greatest genius of all time! KICK ASS!
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Post by kojikun »

its already been shown that everyone on earth is at most 7 degrees of seperation from any given person alive today or in the recent past
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Post by kojikun »

btw, i have a few degrees of seperation i think are cool;

my great grandmother (who only recently died) was baby nurse for the ruling family of Poppenheim in Germany. She knew them, and they knew the Kaiser. I'm 3 degrees from the Emperor of germany during WWI (and my great grandmother lived there during WWI too)

Another one is that I know the Earl of Sandringham in Brittain (and his boyfriend :p) and he knows the queen and a large portion of Parliament. His fathers also duke of nottingham (where robin hood took place! :D)
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Post by Stormbringer »

Okay, this is going to off topic.
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Post by InnerBrat »

My friend and old flatmate went to some posh school near Brum.

As did J.R.R.Tolkein.

That's 2
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

My best friends' grandma was in Al Capone's sister's wedding as a bridesmaid.

My mom worked in a hospital once and Mark Hamil's brother was a doctor there.
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Post by XaLEv »

My cousin knows Richard Linklater who directed Dazed and Confused, which starred Milla Jovovich.

Beat that. :P
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Post by Dalton »

Abe Vigoda spoke at my school.

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Post by Lord Pounder »

I live in the same area as CS Lewis, Lewis was Tolkiens best friend.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Dalton wrote:Abe Vigoda spoke at my school.

He is still alive? Isnt he like two hundred and five by now?
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Post by Dalton »

TrailerParkJawa wrote:
Dalton wrote:Abe Vigoda spoke at my school.

He is still alive? Isnt he like two hundred and five by now?
Quite old, still kickin' :D

He plugged our college TV show. Well, it was during said show he plugged it and only the campus saw the plug...but it was still cool getting plugged by Abe Vigoda!

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Post by ArmorPierce »

I've met Wagina(sp?) Williams
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Post by Alex Moon »

Dalton wrote:Abe Vigoda spoke at my school.

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Post by InnerBrat »

My sister's friend's colleague's flatmate is Orlando Bloom.

My flatmate's drama teacher also taught Orlando Bloom.

My friend (who's actually my boyfriend's best friend's girlfriend, but she counts as one) went to the same school as Orlando Bloom

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Post by Alex Moon »

innerbrat wrote:My sister's friend's colleague's flatmate is Orlando Bloom.

My flatmate's drama teacher also taught Orlando Bloom.

My friend (who's actually my boyfriend's best friend's girlfriend, but she counts as one) went to the same school as Orlando Bloom

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But Orlando Bloom sucks :P
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Post by Dalton »

Alex Moon wrote:
Dalton wrote:Abe Vigoda spoke at my school.

As I recall he was in the Godfather.
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Post by TrailerParkJawa »

Dalton wrote:
Alex Moon wrote:
Dalton wrote:Abe Vigoda spoke at my school.

As I recall he was in the Godfather.
Wasn't he in All in the Family ? I also think he was in a old police show. I cant remember the name anymore. There was a black guy, an asian guy ( who passed away during the show ) , a polish guy, and a police capt.
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Post by Ted »

I'm a direct decendant of Edward I Longshanks.
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Post by Nathan F »

COOL! Your dad's teachers tutor was Tolkien. Kick-arse!

I know a dude in the NBA...
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Post by XPViking »


I believe you mean the show "Barney Miller".

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Post by Asst. Asst. Lt. Cmdr. Smi »

If I recall correctly, my graet-great-great-great-great grandfather was personal secretary to George Washington. That's two degrees of seperatiion between me and one of the founding fathers! Or, if I didn't say that correcly, or my dad's a liar, then there's zero degrees of seperation between me and a liar.

I might ask people in my family if they know someone who knew someone who knew some famous someday.
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