Hearts of Iron 1.03 Patch out!

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Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
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Hearts of Iron 1.03 Patch out!

Post by MKSheppard »


5.1 megs......

---- Changes done to 1.03 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------

* Additions, Interface and Enhancements
- You can now lock sliders by clicking with the right button on the button.
- Added a huge unit names database.
- Added artwork for a German super heavy tank.
- Improved some interface refreshing for MP playing. (Technology, Forcepool screens.)

* Game play tweaks

- Losses on troops in supply are no longer purely lethal, about 50% of all losses are considered wounded and ends up in the manpower pool.
- Paratroopers can no longer be loaded onto transports from provinces without supply.
- The allies will now try to protect any democracy attacked unprovoked.
- It is no longer possible to see enemy war fleets at see unless they are detected. (Only with Fog of War on)
- Attacks on fleets will no longer start unless they get detected. (Only with Fog of War on)
- Naval bombing is now slightly more effective.
- Naval Antiaircraft is now slightly less effective.
- Critical hits only do strength damage on ships now.
- Ships can now also do critical hits.
- Naval combat should not deal as much org damage as strength damage now.
- Submarines are slightly more fragile in battle now.
- Ships in port are now sometimes be sunk or captured by the enemy when the province falls.
- When countries are annexed, their remaining fleets now go to an ally - if they have any.
- Retreating units and units in combat no longer regain organization.
- Improved air unit retreating algorithm.
- Should no longer intercept convoys while basing submarines in the port.
- Planes in the air will now move to the closest friendly territory if the base is taken.
- You can no longer merge expeditionary forces with other units.
- You can no longer reorganize a fleet which has troops loaded, to avoid several exploits.
- Military access and control given to other nations are now cancelled when a country becomes a puppet.
- Peacetime max organization for democracies is now at 50% instead of 25%.
- Demobilizing a division now returns its entire remaining manpower, including that from an attached brigade.
- Airplanes based on a carrier should now scramble to protect it when enemy airplanes approach.
- Rebalanced carriers and especially battleships to make them more cost effective.
- Units now regain organization and their dig-in value until they _actually_ start to move.
- Tweaked amphibious assault penalties to be a bit less than previous.
- Airplanes on fleets should now be destroyed when their carriers are sunk.
- Units sent off to other countries as expeditionary forces are now upgraded correctly by tech.
- Traits are now shown as tool tips on the leaders screen.
- Canceling a unit construction should now return its manpower to the pool.
- Should no longer be possible to deploy newly repaired ship anywhere else than original port.
- Economical map mode should be better color coded now, with your provinces green, and those with 1IC or more bright green.
- Acting capital is now always shown for a nation, to always see your home area to trace supply from (incase real capital is conquered).
- There is now a limit on how many units can be strategically redeployed at the same time.
- Transport Planes are now also counted (as bombers) in the foreign unit detection rollover.
- The unit rollover now includes _all_ units present in a province. Allied units are shown with full info.
- Convoys will no longer process if start or end provinces are controlled by enemies.
- Dissent effects now apply to any war started by a nation, even if already at war.
- Techs that are deactivated when a project is started are now reactivated if the project is cancelled.
- The speed cap for engineer brigades removed (or so greatly increased as to amount to the same thing) for the fast division types.
- New submarine divisions are now labeled "flotilla" instead of "division".
- Democratic non-Axis countries don't raise war-entry by staging coups anymore.
- Adjusted the four levels of tank sprites to correspond to light, medium, heavy and super-heavy tank models, in that order.
- Movement speeds on units no longer affect loading/unloading times.
- Puppeting a nation at war with other alliances should now make them fully leave all wars properly.
- You can no longer retreat "through" enemy lines, as you can now only retreat to previous province or a province adjacent both to current province and previous province.
- Rebalanced the combat values of the land troop types. Motorized is now actually better than regular inf (heh), and the "elite" types can now reach the same SA as regular Inf through the sub-machine gun and assault rifle techs.
- Rebalanced sub combat code and submarine visibility value to work with the new naval combat system.
- Fixed some problems with which provinces were considered as supply for allies territories.
- Ships are now slowly repaired while in port. Putting them on repair is much quicker though.
- Tweaked the detection rollover info for foreign troops - it now displays the present countries' forces separately.
- Militia now costs 5 manpower instead of 10 to simulate they are Volksturm.
- All land division models now have "speed cap" values for each brigade type. These replace the previous generic speed penalty.
- Destroyers made cheaper and faster to build. Now they are a little cheaper than subs
- You can no longer attach brigaded to paratroopers.
- There is no longer possible to exploit movement by merging units on the move.
- Tweaked the stats of the Super Heavy Tank models.
- Tweaked the ranges and speed of the V weapons.
- Declaring war on a puppet will automatically force you into a war with its master.
- Couped nations will now leave alliances and wars that are inappropriate to the new regime and the couping nation.
- States going communist and fascist should no longer get election events.
- Now the game will only end before 1948 if there is only ONE alliance around.
- To avoid MP exploits, only ONE retreat flag will be shown in each stack.
- Resource stockpiles of puppets should now be shown in the stockpiles listing.
- Soviet consumer goods needs have been tweaked down slightly.
- USA when communist will no longer be isolationistic.
- Military leaders no longer switch allegiance along with their units in civil wars - this ensures historicity.
- Unassigned convoy transports and escort vessels are now also split evenly in civil wars.
- If a minister is killed without a valid replacement, a random minister will now be created to fill the spot.
- Reduced the effects of computers a bit. Now the max possible research bonus is 30% instead of 55%.
- Nukes can no longer be loaded onto rockets without the correct technology for that.
- Movement penalty reduced 10 % for MOT/MECH/ARM for Arctic Warfare tech
- Soviets now start with the basic oil to rubber conversion technologies in 36.
- The "Corps Signal Command System" now gives increased detection as well as a surprise bonus.
- Tweaked some naval advances to give slight improved anti-sub values to other ship types too.
- Tweaked some submarine stealth techs to give lower visibility instead of better naval defense.
- Removed a duplicate command in the "Arctic Warfare Equipment" tech.

* Generic Bug fixes

- Fixed several CTDs, as well as these specific ones.
- Fixed a CTD when Japan was annexed.
- Fixed a CTD when annexing nations involved in multiple wars.
- Fixed a CTD with paratroopers after load and save.
- Fixed the MP CTD with tactical bombing.
- Fixed a CTD when players received expeditionary forces from the AI.
- The CTD when trying to invite nations to alliances when the allies or the axis are completely eliminated has been fixed.
- Fixed a tool tip CTD.
- Found a CTD which would crash the game eventually with music on.
- Fixed an annexation crash bug.

- You can load expeditionary forces on your own ships now.
- Intercept orders should now work much better and the planes will now return to base after scrambling.
- Fixed a problem which caused reusing the same save game-name in MP to malfunction.
- Some bonuses gained from certain technologies (mainly in Electronics) that were not saved correctly now are.
- Ministers are now saved and loaded correctly. However, old saves will use the default (1936) minister setup.
- Head of States with only one accepted ideology will now accept replacement ministers too.
- Optimized the time of day calculations (Should speed up the game a little bit).
- Fog of War should now refresh properly for military controlled units from another nation.
- Should no longer be possible to use wildcard characters in save game names.
- Fixed a couple of memory leaks.
- The "gain_tech" event command should no longer freeze up the game if a country has already completed the tech tree.
- Can no longer declare war upon yourself if exploiting a loophole.
- Fixed a problem where puppeting a nation you were at war with that occupied your territory would cause you to lose provinces.
- All bombers with a mission to the same province now join the bombardment.
- Fixed an exploit where you could strategically redeploy units retreating.
- Located a problem which caused units to be twice in the same combat.
- Fixed a serious bug which caused the organization of fleets to deteriorate long before reaching maximum range.
- Fixed a bug with leader loading when new countries appear.
- There should no longer be 2500% combat modifiers when bad weather in bombardments.
- Fixed a problem which could corrupt savegames.
- Elections will no longer occur for non-democratic countries (bug occurred if they'd been couped.)
- The correct model number will now always be set for newly built divisions.
- Units should no longer be stuck in bombardments when they have left the province.

- Fixed bug in the actual divs/command max display in the battle window.
- Adjusted the day/night indication in the minimap. It is still inaccurate, but this is as good as it's going to get.
- Fixed the rollover text for the "steelpool" event command.
- "Back" button in the client lobby in MP is now working again.
- Sub attack and sub detection values are now shown on information and building screens.
- Fixed some selection problems with military controlled units.

- Fixed some problems with the scenario editor.

* AI Fixes

- Garrison AI should now always move divisions away from attrition provinces.
- Removed a thingy in the Garrison AI that stopped the USSR from moving units if the distance was too great.
- China should now guard its border with Japan
- If an AI is getting hard pressed at home, it will now attempt to recall any overseas units.
- The Garrison AI should no longer hog more than 20% of all divisions in an area with a front in it.
- Overseas peace-time garrisons no longer have an upper cap of 8 divisions.
- Japan will now attempt to shift about 35 divisions to the mainland even at peace.
- The UK should now garrison Africa, Gibraltar and India better.
- Germany should now try to build up troops in Eastern Prussia prior to the invasion of Poland.
- Tweaked the garrison AI priority calculations to increase efficiency.
- AI is now more likely to use exp. forces as garrison troops.
- Removed an unintentional cheat from the garrison AI (Will perhaps lessen its ability to separate troop types a bit).

- AI Units will now attack even if there are retreating enemy units present in the attacking province.
- Fronts should now "refresh" at times, in order to split fronts that share the same owner area, but are not connected.
- Tweaked the urgent requests fronts make for fresh divisions again.
- Front AI is now allowed to be more reckless in attacks against encircling enemy provinces.
- Fixed a bug with fronts going to sleep near attrition provinces.
- Sinkiang and Communist China are now fully aggressive (Front AI is no longer pacifist).
- Another fix to prevent mega-reinforcements. Now each side should be reluctant to reinforce if there are already 30 or more friendly divisions present.
- Front AI will now also withdraw units if their average organization is below 10 (attacking) or 5 (defending).
- Fronts should now tend to get mechanized inf and armored units - the Garrison AI should tend to get other unit types.
- Tweaked Front AI reserve handling. Reserve rotation should now work better.
- Front AI performance slightly improved (spearhead detection).
- AI Attrition checks added when AI wants to move troops between fronts (Should decrease "Saharan Death March Syndrome").
- Decreased AI respect for militia a bit more.
- Tweaked front behavior slightly regarding "corridors" and "spearheads".
- AI will now be a bit more intelligent about retreats, avoiding high attrition provinces and out-of-supply areas. (But it will still always prefer the province it came from.)
- Tweaked the accursed "urgent requests" that fronts make for more troops yet again. (ping-pong effect problems)
- Germany should now be smarter about when to start Barbarossa.

- AI will now actively hunt down enemy fleets more often now.
- AI is now better at retreating fleets back to port at need.
- AI is now smarter about the size of its attack fleets.
- AI learned to take distances into account much more when using its fleets.
- AI slightly smarter about when to scramble fleets with low organization.
- AI will now try to blockade beachheads.

- Fixed a bug with the AI never deploying air units.
- German AI will no longer build AA and coastal forts before it is at war; it needs the IC for a fast troop build-up.
- Countries may now disband militia units for manpower even if at war - as long as they don't have a front in the area.
- Further lessened the proportional number of provinces the Armaments AI will build new IC in at the same time.
- Shifted UK AI build preferences a bit from air to land.
- AI research allotment of IC tweaked - no longer cares about player priorities.
- If countries are desperate enough to build militia, they will now prioritize it in the build queue.
- AI should no longer be able deploy units in provinces it doesn't control (bug seen typically in occupied capitals).
- AI should no longer deploy divisions from the pool to an expeditionary force from another country.
- AI will now upgrade outdated divisions unless they are at the front.
- If an AI country runs out of manpower it will no longer waste IC on production but concentrate on research instead.
- About one AI land division in four built will now have a brigade attached.
- If Germany has defeated both France and the USSR it will now switch to a more naval production scheme.
- Corrected some problems with the AI choice of where to build land forts.

- AI is now slightly smarter about influencing nations.
- Soviet attack on Germany is no longer almost guaranteed to the winter of 1942.
- The USSR will now begin counter-attacking Germany after 120 days instead of 240.
- The code for AI countries sharing techs corrected. Also, allied countries are now more likely to share theoretical research.
- Japan will no longer declare war on the USA if Japan happens to be part of the Allies.
- The Allies should no longer automatically intervene in civil wars if the rebels are democrats
- Soviet AI minors may now send expeditionary forces to the SU.
- Puppet state AI may now send expeditionary forces to its master (exception: Vichy).
- The minor Commonwealth nations will now always share research with each other and the UK.

- Revised and implemented events and ai files for Trip's and Celedhring's AI work.
- The AI will no longer use the world market if it has good enough conversion rates.
- The AI should be slightly smarter on the world market now, and no longer setup stupid trades.
- Improved AI for creating convoys. The AI should now be a fair bit better about transporting resources home.
- Countries that get independence during the game should now get their correct AI file (if they have a unique one.)
- Countries that change tag will now use the correct AI file (as specified in revolt.txt)
- Improved AI usage of expeditionary forces sent to it (they should now be correctly given to Front AI or Garrison AI).
- AI should no longer split, merge or disband expeditionary forces.

* Modding Support

- The game now supports an extra text.csv file called "modtext.csv", to support mods.
- All model names are now in a separate file from text.csv, so that mods and name changes can easily be done without affecting translations.
- Added flag-handling to event files for even more flexible

** AI
- Added an event trigger "ai = [yes/no]"
- New event command "type = ai which = [file name]". Switches the ai file of a country.
- Using the name "AI_EVENT" on an event will cause it to not show up in the log. This can be used for pure ai events.
- The AI preferences are now saved in the save game file.
- Exported lots of variables from front and garrison AI to preferences.
- Exported lots of AI evaluation factors from the bomber AI.
- Exported AI preferences for province improvements to the AI files.
- Implemented the "relative_build_scheme = no" AI option. Use it to force a nation to slavishly churn out units in the proportions specified, not caring what it has deployed already.
- Exported two variables from the diplomatic AI to guide which countries to combat and/or influence.
- Exported AI variables for the invasion targeting AI.

** New Event Triggers
- New event triggers "headofstate" and "headofgovernment"
- New trigger "technology = X". True if a certain tech is known.
- Added a 'manpower' trigger to the event system.

** New Event Commands
- The "regime_falls" event command no longer always causes a fascist regime
- The "civil_war" event command can now take a "which" parameter to specify which tag should revolt. Use with care.
- The "alliance" event command now also works for the leader of an alliance - used for example in the Molotov-Ribbentrop outcome where the USSR joins the Axis (so that works now).
- The "war" event command no longer cares about if diplomats can be sent or not.
- "coup_nation" and "make_puppet" event commands now work as intended.
- The "gain_tech" event command now cancels any ongoing research project for the same technology.
- Added a parameter to the "independence" event command. If value is set to 1, troops in the provinces will not switch allegiance.
- New event commands:
"delete_unit", "start_research", "prio_research", "add_division", "end_access", "leave_alliance", "end_puppet", "end_mastery", "build_division", "construct"

* Scenario Setup & Events

- Corrected the character set errors in the minister files for CZE, SLO, SPR, SPA and TUR.
- A large overhaul of leaders and ministers were done, tweaking traits and skills, and adding missing pictures.
- Added several Turkish leaders.
- Made some fixes to Albania, Belgian and US ministers.
- Added some Albanian military leaders.
- Belgian Minister Spaak's picture should now be shown correctly.
- Franco, Mola and Miaja are now of the highest rank. (Nice to see some Spanish HQs.)
- Added Sanjurjo as a leader for Nationalist Spain. After all, he only died in an "accident" on July 20th, 1936.
- A Finnish leader changed form landleader to navalleader.
- Irish Leaders should now be in the game correctly.
- Removed some "non-existing" leader references from a couple of units in the 1939 scenario.
- Finnish Red Shadow Cabinet now has got more ministers and personalities.
- Piatra Neamt is no longer a Hungarian National Province.
- A new minister file for Free Russia was added.
- Gave Finland a couple of more techs and boosted leader skills. Might help them out a bit.
- Promoted a Turkish and Swedish leader so they will have one HQ each.
- Errors with the Croatian Minister-file fixed.
- Bug fixed in minister file for Vichy.
- Spanish Ministers list have been revised.
- Added Wilhelm Keitel as a German Chief of Staff.

- Had to remove technology 7802 ("Nuclear Modified Flying Rockets".) 7801 goes for all missile types.
- Changed some brigade upgrades in the Artillery tech group to affect regular unit types instead.
- Advanced Cruisers and Battleships now also require the naval guns required by the Improved and Nuclear models.
- Changed the text for tech "Nuclear Power Plants". The tech does not reduce coal usage - it increases total IC.
- Tech 14002 (Rangefinder Radar) no longer prereq for Field Artillery.

- Germany now has Elsass-Lothringen and Luxemburg as national provinces (claims).
- Gave Germany more coal and less steel and gave Sweden more steel in order to get more realistic trade reliances.
- Tweaked the national provinces of Hungary and Slovakia.
- Finnish Coastal Defense is now present in all scenarios.
- Ulan Bator now has manpower of 2 to make it possible for Mongolia to do something.
- Tannu Tuva is now a member of the Comintern in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Japan in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Australia slightly in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for France and Vichy in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for UK in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Italy in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Turkey in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Canada in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for South Africa in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for the USA in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for the USSR in all scenarios.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Greece
- Corrected Naval OOB for Yugoslavia
- Corrected Spanish Naval OOB's
- A huge overhaul of the various climates of provinces were done.
- Modifications made to German air unit names.
- Finnish Navy is now present in all scenarios.
- Revolt.txt got a major overhaul.
- Most colonies and occupied territories in the scenarios are no longer considered "national" provinces. The notable exception is India for the UK. The affected countries have been compensated with corresponding IC raises in home provinces.
- Chinese manpower increased again.
- Added a scenario description for Vichy France (thanx Chris).
- Streamlined names of units to fit with the historical unitnames.
- There is now a beach at Kota Baharu.
- Added tech 13004 to Portugal in all scenarios.
- Added techs to Portugal in the 1941 scenario (they didn't have any).
- The enormous resource stockpiles of the various puppet nations have been reduced to around 200.

** 1936
- Resource stockpile setup changed for all countries in 36 and 39 scenarios.
- Germany now have Basic BB Hull tech in 1936.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Germany '36 and '39.
- Corrected Naval OOB for New Zealand '36.
- Revised the Soviet OOB's in 1936 and 1939 to split the merged divisions.
- Removed a few land doctrine techs from Germany in the 1936 scenario (one of which lacked its prerequisite).
- Provinces 1624 and 1562 are now Japanese controlled instead of Chinese in 1936, as is historical.
- Fixed a scenario script error for Lithuania.
- Removed some techs for the Italians.
- Added tech 14002 to Germany in 1936. It doesn't do anything, but is req. by other techs they have.
- Deleted the Latvian air force.
- Added correct tech prerequisites to all nations in the 1936 scenario.

** 1939
- Resource stockpile setup changed for all countries in 36 and 39 scenarios.
- USSR now has 10 more divisions and 20 more IC in 1939.
- Corrected Naval OOB for Germany '36 and '39.
- Set correct start dates for WW2 in the 1939 and 1941 scenario files - the date is needed by certain AI code.
- Revised the Soviet OOB's in 1936 and 1939 to split the merged divisions.
- Removed some French air marshals from their command of armies in the 1939 scenario.
- Communist and Nationalist China no longer at war in 1939.
- Adjusted some tech inconsistencies between Germany in 1939 and 1941.
- Added tech 1202 to Germany in 1939.
- Deleted the Latvian air force.
- The major powers should now have all correct prerequisite technology in the 1939 scenario.

** 1941
- Mannerheim is now Chief of Staff and Army in 1941 scenario.
- Set correct start dates for WW2 in the 1939 and 1941 scenario files - the date is needed by certain AI code.
- Reunion is now Vichy and not Free French in 1941 scenario and part of Vichy revolter.
- Adjusted some tech inconsistencies between Germany in 1939 and 1941.
- Germany in 1941 should now use the correct AI file.
- Fixed setup of French units in 1941.
- Vichy and France now have a decent set of technology in 1941.
- German occupied Russia in 1941 is no longer considered "owned" by Germany.
- Ownership of province 300 (Iquitos) corrected in the 1941 scenario.
- Persia is now occupied by the USSR in the 1941 scenario.
- Gave Japan the prereq techs 1302 and 1303 in the 1941 scenario.
- Added a couple of missing cruisers to the 1941 Vichy naval OOB.

- USSR "purge" events now more severe.
- When Austria is annexed by Germany, its manpower pool and units should now go to Germany.
- When France annexes Vichy France, its manpower pool and resources go to France.
- When Vichy France is created, there is now a 50% for each French naval unit that it becomes Vichy.
- Free France no longer gets to retain all of its units when Vichy is created (they are all destroyed).
- Vichy France now becomes a German puppet state in the "Return of Provinces" event, but it has a purely defensive Front AI.
- The "End of the Finnish Winter War" is now also triggered if the Soviets hold Helsinki.
- Civil War events now nullify dissent (should help Republican Spain _a lot_).
- When one side wins in a civil war, it now gets all convoys and unassigned convoy vessels of the losing side.
- Slovakia now gets its correct leaders, ministers and national provinces when it appears. (Fixed the "country" event command.)
- If SPR is couped by a fascist Italy or Germany, it now becomes SPA. (A special case.)
- Event 5010 should now happen from 1946 not 1956.
- Now Memel event make Memel a Germany national province.
- The US Oil Embargo of Japan event now subtracts 10000 oil from Japan.
- Bilbao now stays Republican in the Spanish Civil War (unless a unit there defects.)
- UK should now guarantee independence to Poland even if the Czechs fought against the Germans.
- The correct follow-up event is now triggered for the USSR when Germany accepts an alliance.
- Nationalist Spain now changes tag to Republican Spain if couped by non-fascists.
- Communist China now changes tag to China if couped by non-communists.
- Nationalist China now changes tag to Communist China if couped by communists.
- CZE now loses five units when it becomes SLO.
- Increased the supplies that may be given by the various intervening nations in "The Spanish Civil War".
- The MR pact event is now also triggered if Germany declares war on Poland prior to Aug 23, 1939.
- If the Germans choose not to deal with the Soviets in the MR Pact, the Soviets now get an event with a chance to declare war.
- The Soviet Union can now become Russia if couped and vice versa.
- The non-existent Vichy event 4003 was triggered by a French event. If this id was used for a new Vichy event, it would hence not work.
- France will no longer get Paris back if she is a German ally or Puppet.
- The FDR dies event should only trigger if FDR is the Head of State.
- Elect Left or Right in Siamese elections should now be corrected.
- Boosted the effects of the lend lease events. Will also give UK new IC in home provinces.
- Fixed some bad event command statements for Austria and the Czech Rep.
- Changed the effects of the "Outlaw the X parties" random events a bit.
- Corrected the Spanish Republican election of 1936.
- Tweaked the trigger for event 2027
- Upgraded the "peace" event command. Value = 1 now means separate peace. Otherwise it will be a full alliance-wide peace.
- Tweaked the trigger for the "Oil Embargo" event. Shouldn't happen if Japan is an Allied power.
- Tweaked the trigger for the "Independence of India".
- Added an alternative "Bitter Peace" event triggering if Japan is Axis. Gives them a bigger share.
- Tweaked "Eastern Poland to USSR" event so it won't happen if Germany is already at war with the USSR.
- Trigger fix to UK "Guarantee Independence to Poland"
- Removed the "Return of Occupied Provinces to Vichy" event for Spain and Italy - this is done automatically anyway.
- Added an extra event for "Japan Demands French Indochine", in case Japan is fully Axis.
- The Finnish Winter War will no longer happen if Poland is still around. (ie No Molotov-Ribbentrop splitting of Europe)
- Belgium now has one VP less in Europe and should no longer be easily puppetable.
- The Spanish Civil War and Finnish Winter War events adjusted to make use of the "add_division" event command.
- Corrected the third option in the MR Pact events for Germany.
- Vichy's armed forces will now cease to exist if Vichy is annexed by France (as in the "Liberation of France" event).

And lots more...
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
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Post by Spoonist »

Is the AI still a pushover?

Germany shouldn't really be able to execute operation sealion in '37 without getting a spanking.
Posts: 3522
Joined: 2002-09-04 12:42pm

Post by Ted »

Spoonist wrote:->Shep
Is the AI still a pushover?

Germany shouldn't really be able to execute operation sealion in '37 without getting a spanking.
Aye, and the Allies better not declare war on me in '37.
Go, tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.
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Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
Ruthless Genocidal Warmonger
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Post by MKSheppard »

Ted wrote: Aye, and the Allies better not declare war on me in '37.
Well, Bolt's mod is now part of the default 1.03 install....and I made
a special scenario with my l33t haxoring skillz called "Super Canada"
that gives Canada 400 ICs......
"If scientists and inventors who develop disease cures and useful technologies don't get lifetime royalties, I'd like to know what fucking rationale you have for some guy getting lifetime royalties for writing an episode of Full House." - Mike Wong

"The present air situation in the Pacific is entirely the result of fighting a fifth rate air power." - U.S. Navy Memo - 24 July 1944
Posts: 3522
Joined: 2002-09-04 12:42pm

Post by Ted »

MKSheppard wrote:
Ted wrote: Aye, and the Allies better not declare war on me in '37.
Well, Bolt's mod is now part of the default 1.03 install....and I made
a special scenario with my l33t haxoring skillz called "Super Canada"
that gives Canada 400 ICs......
All Shall Bow Before Uber Kanada, made with the REVISED EDITOR!!!

Feel the 1200 IC's!!!!!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Go, tell the Spartans, stranger passing by,
That here, obedient to their laws, we lie.
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