Ummm mating strategy, right...The Duchess of Zeon wrote: Actually it's a mating strategy. Seriously.
Uhm, anyway, I'm not advocating communism as such, but a sort of technocratic syndicalism and planned economy based around the dirigisme.
Is that in anyway related to a narco-syndiclous commune? Are you being repressed?
So if I can't sell a house for 5 years because my price is insanely high does that justify the government coming in and siezing my property? Does the government get to make every decision on how I chooce to use my own property? Will they choose which laundry detergent I use as well? I hear detergent with bleach is much more effective than without. Seize the unproductive non-bleach detergent for it is not performing at peak efficiency!I am proposing changing the law to make it lawful on the grounds that it is unethical for businesses and people to allow property to be sit fallow. Note that if they were to, for instance, find a renter, they could preserve the property.
What if that car gives me peace of mind, what if it was my father's car and the peace of mind it provides me allows me to be more effective at my job which is a job with much more benefit to the national economy than some random day laborer? .You'd just lose title to it. Notice that I'm not proposing collectivization, just that the government have the right to confiscate things which are, 1., not being used productively, and 2. not gaining in value. So investments could not be confiscated, but a car sitting in the yard going from being worth 5k to 1k with nobody ever driving it would be. The judgement would probably be on whether or not the car is registered and insured; if it is, it's in use. If you don't want it confiscated and you don't want to pay for registration and insurance, then sell it, or take it apart for parts to use or whatever. For instance you'd happily own the home you live in.
What about a car that is not an investment? If I have a rusted out hulk in my garage that I have dreams of one day putting to use, do I suddenly lose title to it? Why? Because you say so? Just because you aren't materialistic in some way does not give you the right to demand that I mirror your preferences.
The difference is you are invading my decisions on how to use the property that I possess. What if I was planning on using it but never got around to it? Are you going to have random repo squads constantly badgering people about property that they deem to be not being used in the most efficient and effective manner?
So by that logic all the banks have to do is hire a maid or "caretaker" to take care of the property. What determines taking care of the property? Does the electricty have to be on? The water? Do they haev to haev a certain color of paint in a certain level of repair? Hey why don't you just take ownership of all the property and then you can tell everyone what to do with it, because obviously you know best how to use all the property and individuals should have no say in the way THEIR PROPERTY is used.And a wealthy person could even still have multiple homes, and just hire someone to take care of the homes they're not using. Since the homes are employing their caretakers by being in the possession of this rich person, they'd remain in use and productive. The key is that if something is not contributing to the economy then it should be seized and re-appropriated so that it will contribute to the national economy.
How many people per house? How many hours? Do they have to be a certified "caretaker"? What if they have 1 person for 50 houses and he just drives by every day and cuts the lawns once a month, is that an acceptable level of care? Why not less?
You are telling individuals how to utilize their property even though you know nothing of the reasons or benefits of the property because you personally have a lower material requirement than others. heaven forbid we allow others to have more stuff without you being able to tell them what they can and can't do with it.
Right and these laws that are currently in place are based on teh ethics agreed upon by the United States populace. How does a law making it illegal for someone to break and enter into someone elses property hurting the offending party more than the person being stolen. Please explain how the laws against squatting are harmful. Is it ethical for someone to be able to steal from someone else?So? I don't care about the law, I care about ethics. And that has been a consistent statement of Mike's for a long time, in fact, he's kicked my ass with it several times. Well now I'm on the same page. The law does not exist for the sake of the law, but for people. If the law hurts people in a quantifiable ethical way, change it.
And you are contriubting to global warming though any number of ways. Are you saying that McMansions are major contributors to global warming? It definitely can't be all those cars or coal plants or the deforestation of the rainforest or all the actual contributors to global warming, nope it's definitely McMansions, hell we should just burn those things to the ground and all live in teepees, but teepees are made of hide which would require mass farming of hide animals which would induce massive increase in methane emissions from the flatulence. DAMMIT, the world is complicated and simple idealistc solutions that have no though put into them don't work!Then they're killing people in Bangladesh by contributing to global warming when they crank up the heat in winter and the A/C in summer, so that they can have rooms twice as large as they need.

And which property rights would that be? Can I own stock? Can I use space for collecting pocket lint? It has no value but the value I gain from it, should I not be able to use property as I see fit?Overconsumption--the right of companies to maintain property that does nothing, the fact they built these houses in the first place--is a component of our modern society of over-consumption. I am actually in favour of certain property rights.
How does that in any way relate to the fact that squatters are stealing homes and people supporting them as if it was right and just to steal because the banks fucked up?Hell no. The government just needs to put as many checks as possible on the ability of people harm others. In this case it's just as simple as making zoning laws which limit the size of single-family dwellings, an extremely minor change to the existing law code. What's the big deal with that?
What about a collection of new cars? What if I have a bunch of new cars just sitting in a garage some where? They are definitely depreciating in value, hell they lost thousands just by driving them off the lot, so should the government be able to steal them because I like to have alot of property that is losing money?If the cars are appreciating in value rather than depreciating, and are therefore an investment, you can register them under a special collectible car license which will exempt them from regular registration and insurance requirements, for instance. There, a solution that would be no more complex than what we already have, since for instance in Washington we already have special Collectible and Classic Car registrations for such vehicles.
Because I think you are detached from reality, which I know was already true from your posting history, and incredibly idealistic in your opinions. I don't think you are applying your personal opinions to any but your own personal viewpoint and are incapable of looking at the problem in any other way but your own.This is a ludicrous overexagerration of what's being proposed, you're really not thinking about how the whole regulatory apparatus would work, you're just taking the worst possible interpretation of what I'm saying and running with it.
Well, I believe that to be a seperate issue. As stated in my reply to Stas Bush I believe that the nationalization of the banks may in fact be a necessary step for the correct attitude to be re-applied in the banking industry. I do hope that if the banks are nationalized, they will someday be again privatized as the government is inefficient when running a business.Well, I don't think we should be helping out the banks with bailouts, I think we should be nationalizing them for their failures, so I'm not sure if the rest of this is really relevant in context.
I'm honestly just trying to see how much of a kook you really are with respect to property rights. The government is not some nameless faceless entity, it is still just a bunch of people that are doing stuff. They are just as prone to corruption and greed as a corporation, after all it's still human beings at the helm.There would obviously be regulatory limits to this, and the government would be the one doing the confiscation. I just supported this effort because it will force a change in the law (like the Recovered Factories did in Argentina, where enabling acts were passed to recognize the seizures), not because I think it's part of the ideal long-term functioning of a society.
No, the correct statement is that alot of these houses have not been auctioned off YET. You either have no grasp that moving property and foreclsures take time to reslove or simply have no patience whatsoever and want things done NOW NOW NOW OMG PEOPLE ARE HOMELESS STEAL STEAL STEAL!And yet many of these houses are not being auctioned off. There are simply too many houses on the market--some should be seized by the government to, if nothing else, increase housing prices again for everyone else. And we've certainly simply handed the banks enough money to make this viable. Also, we should consider that, for instance, if an act produces jobs and livelihoods, it has a higher right to exist. So, for instance, if a company wanted to sell an old factory for a million dollars to someone who would knock it down and put up condos, I would seize the factory from the company and give it to the group of former workers who had an idea for restoring the factory to regular industrial use. But in the case of homes, it would be harder to seize them.
As per your hypothetical what if there are a glut of closed factories and the business plan for the condos is sound? Is anyone building housing assumed to be the devil and are the jobs created in the construction suddenly worthless? Do we want to emulate Russia and Eastern Europe where people were definitely working, but were making FUCKING USELESS PILES OF SHIT compared to the stuff being made for profit in teh west. The factories went out of business for a reason after all, [eople making a profit don't normally just quit on a whim.
Argentina is not what would classify as a first world nation, economy or government. Just because you want to hold on to the idea that if it works in one place it will work on the massive scale that is the US economy, doesn't make it true.You may hope. I fear to the contrary. And Argentina is a reasonably developed country, anyway, not some African shitcan.
No, wrong, lie. You believe that if a resource or property is not being used to an extent that you personally believe to be efficient it should be stolen and put to a use that you deem to be better because you said so.I am proposing government seizure of assets, with the current theft modality being just a form of protest and activism toward that aim.
Do you not believe that these people to be in violation of the law and should in fact be immune from prosecution? Does protesting a law that you deem to be unethical allow you to be immune to it?
[/quote][/quote]The belief in individual property is the bad thing, not harming the belief in it... It is better to work for accolades and fame than for wealth.
Says you. You already stated that you believe in individual property, logically inconsistent much?